NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR TEACHERS’ ASSOCIATION Vol. 56/No. 7 June 2013 NLTA Executive Members 2013-15 Front row (l-r): Derek Drover, Past President Lily B. Cole, President James Dinn, Vice-President Dean Ingram, Jeanne Williams Back Row (l-r): Bill Chaisson, Sherri Rose, Trent Langdon, Gabriel Ryan, Sandra Quigley, Jean Murphy, Craig Hicks, Sean Weir FROM THE EDITOR Up Front from the President s I compose board. It will be interesting if this govern- negative effects on a system already crying Amy last Up ment can show true leadership and rescind out for more resources to meet the needs Front from the decisions made to save money and without of our diverse classrooms. The Minister has President I am a proper consultation, and without any dia- said that teachers will make it work as they myriad of emo- logue with those individuals who are ulti- always do. I beg to differ. I think this is the tions. This was the mately charged with educating students. tipping point in our education history. But same feeling that I I have a huge knot in my stomach as I the tipping point is that the plate is finally had when I sat and make the decision to retire from this fabu- so full that items are starting to slide off composed my first lous profession. I have spent many sleepless the plate onto the floor. Teachers are giving one in September nights trying to make up my mind. There 150% now and we cannot do any more. It is 2009. There have have been many major milestones in my as simple as that. been many Up Fronts composed since then life that were made by design, and also fac- I would like to thank you for your many and I have shared some of my triumphs and tors that were out of my control that sent years of support that have enabled me to be tribulations on a personal level so those my life on a different path than I may have President of this illustrious Association. It who did not know me previously would chosen. This decision to retire is mine alone has been an honour and privilege to serve have a little better sense of who I was. I also and I am truly the master of my destiny this you. As is often said, “it is the journey, not wanted to convey to the teachers of this time, full stop. As I type that statement and the destination, that is most important.” province what an enormous responsibility as I read it, it makes me gasp. I am scared to How true that is! However, I do see the you have in educating the next generation death. I still have many questions: Where destination ahead and I also see a fabulous of engaged citizens. But more importantly, will I live? Will I move out of this province? and talented President, Jim Dinn, and Vice- I wanted to help the teachers of this prov- What will I do? Many more questions and President, Dean Ingram, getting ready to ince realize what a fantastic and dedicated uncertainties are ahead of me but I have start their journey. profession you belong to and to be proud made the decision and that is my new I want to express my deepest appre- of what you do. What an awesome privilege beginning. ciation and heartfelt thanks to all the execu- it is to be able to instill the love of learning As I get one final chance to engage teach- tives I have worked with during my years and life’s lessons to the students you teach ers by this venue I need to stress to all with the NLTA, but especially the last four each and every day. Even though there are teachers in the province of Newfoundland years. Your unwavering support has been often obstacles placed in your way by those and Labrador that now more than any tremendous and your dedication to this in power, you always maintain the integrity time in the history of education we need organization outstanding. of the education system. Some of these peo- to stand together and ensure that we estab- I would like to acknowledge and sincere- ple in power have forgotten the true value lish parameters around our work life bal- ly thank all of our staff at the NLTA office. of education. Many decisions for education ance. This government has refused in the It has been my privilege to have been given are made by those who have never been in last four budgets to hear our cry for more the honour to work with all of you. Our a classroom, have either forgotten how chal- resources to provide a quality education for staff work tirelessly for the teachers of this lenging it can be without the necessary sup- all the students in our inclusive classrooms, province. I want to thank each and every ports, or have not been in a classroom for no matter the challenges or geographic one of them for the support they have given many years and have lost their voices. location. In Budget 2013 the government me during my terms of office. I am sad that I will no longer be rep- made the decision to cut 142 teaching posi- I would like to wish Ed Hancock the resenting and working on behalf of the tions. Even though compelling arguments very best in his retirement and for his devo- teachers in Newfoundland and Labrador. It were made by the NLTA and other inter- tion to the NLTA for many, many years. He will be much to my chagrin that I will not ested stakeholders to reinstate the teaching will truly be missed. have a first-hand account of the trends that units, it was to no avail. The Minister of Bon voyage everyone, it has been my the government of the day will be bringing Education keeps trying to tell the public pleasure and thank you from the bottom of down on the education system. However, that these reductions will not make any my heart. I will be watching with bated breath in difference to the classrooms of this prov- September as the school system commences ince. I respectfully and unequivocally say with 160 fewer teachers and a new mega the opposite. These cuts will have drastic the bulletin 2 june 2013 CONTENTS Features 18 Convention 2013 Awards for Personal and Professional 10 Hats Off! Excellence: Teachers Honored at BGM Lesley-Ann Browne Canadian Parents for French NL Editor Teacher of the Year 24 Resolutions and NLTA By-Law Changes from BGM 2013 Michelle Lamarche 12 Reflections Editorial Assistant Journey of a Lifetime 28 Professional Development by Edward Hancock EDGE 2013: Peace and Justice Linda Babstock, John Bishop, Elliott Green, Louise King 14 Benefits & Economic Services 30 Canadian Teachers’ Federation Design • Printing • Distribution Filling Vacant Teaching Positions: I’m “Just” a Teacher An Overview of the Collective by Paul Taillefer Linda Farrell Online Services Agreement Process by Stefanie Tuff The Bulletin is published eight times a year during the school year by the 16 Living Well Nfld. and Labrador Teachers’ Assn., What Will You Do This Summer? Departments 3 Kenmount Road, St. John’s, by Gail Carroll Newfoundland, Canada, A1B 1W1. Up Front from the President 2 Tel: 709-726-3223; 1-800-563-3599 17 Viewpoint On Location News 4 Fax: 709-726-4302; 1-877-711-6582 All I Really Need to Know Calendar back cover [email protected] I Learned in Kindergarten www.nlta.nl.ca by Beverley Park Unless otherwise indicated, materi- als used in The Bulletin may be repro- duced or broadcast without permission. Advertisements and/or notices of resources carried in this publication do not imply recommendation by the Association of the service or product. Advertising inquiries should be directed to: School Representative Seminars Michelle Lamarche, Ext. 227 [email protected] Coming in Fall 2013 Subscription Rate: $18 per year. series of School Representative Seminars will take place as a continuation of the For subscriptions and address changes ongoing triennial program in October 2013. Nine groupings of branches have contact Printing Services, Ext. 249. A been arranged and three seminars are offered each fall on a rotating basis. Schools Deadlines for material are: will have the opportunity for representatives to attend every three years. School Sept/Oct Issue: September 3 Representatives will receive specific information directly from the NLTA office. Group 1 – Goose Bay ISSN-1189-9662 October 4-5, 2013 – Hotel North 2, Goose Bay Branches Attending: Churchill Falls, Coastal Labrador South, Labrador West, Lake Melville, Nutak Labradorimi Group 2 – St. John’s Avalon October 18-19, 2013 – Comfort Inn, St. John’s Branches Attending: Baccalieu, Bay Roberts, Carbonear, Marconi, Placentia, Upper Trinity South Member of the Canadian Educational Press Association, International Association of Group 3 – Gander Business Communicators, and the Canadian October 25-26, 2013 – Sinbad’s Hotel, Gander Association of Communicators in Education. Branches Attending: Fogo Island, Ganova, Hamilton Sound, Notre Dame, Trinity-Deadman’s Bay Printed on Recycled Paper the bulletin 3 june 2013 ON LOCATION P ROV I N C I A L /N AT I O NA L /I NTERNATIONAL NEWS LABRADOR CITY lots of healthy snacks, a hearty lunch, t-shirts with the word ‘empowerment’ defined on the back and Menihek High sponsors the universal symbol for female on the front, and presentations and activities geared to help foster a Girls Retreat Day positive self-image in a time when the media exerts such power and influence in their lives.
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