li,I943 ~ . ~ Ration Calendar :e~ls Cool SUGAR e •• pon .. expl ... oot.• 1 ; MEAT Ilamp. T. V. V .. nd W expire A.~. 31; PROOESSED 110008 coupon. expire Sap'. 2: 1; t'.nu" OIL per. G e.a,•• , . caUered showers &Dd ,,,.'f8, ."pl •• a.pl. lit; SUGAR Ilam,. ,15 aD' 18, ho.... THE DAI , L~' IOWAN CI •••ln" e:.:,lr. Oat. II f 8801£.8 damp I ••• plrel Oet. thunderstorms ~I' II; 'UEL OIL p'r. I ODU ..... 'fS·'U, exp.r. ".D... liidlteon. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper a concert = Ir O'ClOck: FIVE CENTS TB& A8S0ClATEP ••111 IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1943 ..a. AIiOCIATIlP pall I VOLUME XLIDNUMBER 279 OJ Old ram, COn. ',will ~ · 0" leleranol Bettin Cks, Burns Un er lice, was R9 lrector 01 ...., - :.,., ,., -', ,,"''"' '' -'-'--~ '" '' " '''' .... -r;··,-- ", RAF Attac~sMountbatt.en Discusses avy ban~ J; • In World lDnd Will {SUI and haillrolll , Plans- U.S. leaders Id repre. With Soviets Beat Down Enemy CounleraHacks, New -Eastern Asia Commander Gain Over Three Miles on Retreating Nazis I To Meel With China's Chiang LONDON, Friday (AP)- The raine plains, the daily communi­ of Iowa Soviet st ppe army pursuing Ger­ :8 houses que said, as the Russsians under WA. mNGTON (AP)-Tbe staff conferences which Lord man troops retreating toward the Gen. Ivan S. Konev broke inlo 10 PO lice. Dnieper river west of Kharknv Loui!; lfOllntbatten Ix'gan ye terday with hi!!,h -ranking American mplained g:lined three and one-hal( miles villages and reduced them in bit­ military I aders will be followed in the nenr future by similar in one of yesterday, wiping out 800 enemy te'!' street fighting. Fifteen tanks discl1 ion, in hungking with enerali iroo hiang Kai- hek IS sighted rearguards, routing two bnttal­ were smashed or burned in one before If ca mpaign ill begnn aDains! the Japanese in Burma. ions, and capturing several vil­ 'rhis was I Ilrned la t night after lonntbatten, appointed 24 stalions engagement. :Iy, since lages, MOjicOW announced early The bulletin gave no indication hoUt ago aR allied . IIpl-elUe command I' in southeast Asia, flr­ today. rived by plane from anaela to talk with army and navy officials. TU!$lIay how far the Russians had ad­ Numerous Counterattacks At the . Ilme time, tll('8e II p ct of plans air ady made and II station va nced west of Kharkov, but the Ilion and Numerous enemy counterat­ otllcl'S .ret to be formulated w l' l' ported: t:leks were beaten down in the re­ first big goal apparently is Pol­ (1) ')'he mil in objecliw' of Mountbatt n' operations will be lentless chase across the hot Uk- tava, 75 miles to the southwest to increase th pl'rsrnt t1'ickl of upplies to China to a flOQd, - ---------- - --, 011 the railroad le:lding to the indirllting a gct)(,l'nl I nrma campaign, although attacks also may Dneiper, another 75 miles beyond, One Russian column already bl' madr in ~lnluyo. sumner Welles' Fate had by-passed Poltava on the (2) )Iollnfbatt,'n's storr i not yet cho. en in it. entirety, but north In a direct plunge toward 1(' will llav /I Briti h chief ot Is Up to President the major goal ot Kiev, Ukraine laff, an Am l'icnu- alr ady \ capital 170 mlles beyond Zenkov, J ct d but not identjfied pub­ I w h i c h the Soviets c:lptured Dane, Swedish licly- as deputy chief of staff, Hull Rift Developed WedneSday, This Red army group nnd probably an American dep­ Over Fight to Control was within 45 miles of the Kiev­ uly commander in ellieC. Poltava railway and other lines (3) Some ot these appoint­ T RROR OF AERIAL WAlt really bas been brought home to Berlin, city in one of the RAF's heaviest raids several days a,o. Heart of U. S. Foreign Policy Wrath Rising criss-crossi ng the central Ukraint!. ments, possibly the direction of which Relcbsmarshal Hermann Goering once boasted would nevllr Berlin is pictured above. In the center is Unter den Linden, princl. 2,000 Naais Slain be bombed, as the RAF continues its massed "insomnia" raids on that pal thoroughfare of the city, with the Brandenburg cate In the fore· By RICHARD G. MASSOCK In the Donets basin, the Rus- the cllmpolgn itself, depend to a ellr. Between 1,500 and 2,000 tons of bombs, including four-ton ground. WASHINGTON, (A P ) - The sia ns said, Red troops killed 2,000 Against Nazis large extent on the outcome of bl~k-busters and thousands of incendiaries, were poured upon the • enigma of Undersecretary of SllIte Germans and d stroyed 48 tanks his discussions with the general­ Sumner Welles' future lay in the yesterday in fighting south ' of issimo in Chungking. ~ * fzyum and southwest of Voro­ STOCKHOLM (AP) -Neutral * * White ,H,ouse Jast night, with a (4) There is no optimistic feel­ shilovgrad. Whale trainloads of Sweden last night had a new solution of tlie war-widened rilt ammunition and other booty were issue to take up with Germany­ ing in the aWed high command between him and Sec~etary c.:or~ captured in lunges which wel'e the reported North sea sinking of thot any Burma campaign can be =:: DeGaulle.-Girdud ,Unit PanicS'!ickenBerlin dell HulJ expected next wcek. , - I • • ' • encountering and absorbing Ire­ two Swedish fishing boats by cleaned up quickly. On the con­ Population Reported COfiJ'malion or Welles' reported quellt axil! counterattacks, said three German destroyers. resignation (rom the No.2, post trory, the cons nsus is that it wlll the communique, recordcd by the The Swedish foreign office said in American diplomacy awaited Soviet monitor. be long and dilficult, and while President Roosevelt's return from naval authorities had started a Konev, whose roops captured swllt investigation : ot the story operations probably will begin Canada and his further consider­ Kharkov Monday and rushed on late this laU, the objective may Pa rtia Recognized FI~~~~n:~~~:~R~:~~ ation of the case. told by flshermcn or thrc other II¥- through the city after the with­ Rcslgoation? boats which, they said, managed not be achieved within a year r,r drawing Germans, was I'llised Force Nazi Government Whether this would mean the to elude the Nazi attack that sent longer. from colonel general to g neral De Gaulle and ' and Giraud ofii-l To Scatter' Its Offices end of II distinguished career of two down in flames ot! Denmark, FI II F' • yesterday, a Moscow broadcast Mountbatten will leave Wash­ dall: brOug~t their combined for- a en oggll. 28 years in the Diplomacy for the wiU\ a possible loss of 12 lives. disclo ed. Markian M. Popov, If corectly informed, the for­ ington late today or Satur 111. final Decision rees mto eXistence as one move- .• . LONDON (AP)-Bombed and tall ¥uave, icily correct expqnen~ , ment. Arter much wrangling the . burned Berlin, harassed for the of goo q neighborlin ss in. the whose troop~ seized Orel and ilre eiin office id the governm nt probaQly to I' turn to London be­ now fighting 2.5 miles east of Dry­ would consider ihe case "ex­ two :factions sough,i througb unlty thiro night !l row bJ RAF Mo- Americas and POSt-Wllf collabor­ fore proceedlnll to Chungking, In 'Flalrh' R Id in ansk, likewise was made a lull to gain authority and s~ee.d Iheir I 1.1 al squito bombers, was last night re- ation in the world at large re­ tremely serioUS," nnd the worst lie beglln with Admlral Ernest ,Up 'JO fr~nte, com m 0 n effort- llberatlOn 0 f . ported being deserted by its panic mained to be seen. general. of a series of such incidents in­ . France. stricken populal.ion with 500,000 There are some who want volving th Nazis since 33 lives J. King the staff discussions here . Mr. Roosevelt said that while U. S. Aircraft Smash fugitives already in Poland, Welles to go to Moscow as the Petrillo to Discuss were, lost in the. sinking of the The famed commnndo chief ar­ the United States was recognizing As Mosquitoes kept up their "in. personal representative of his Close i SwedIsh submurme Ulven, last rived her e in mid-alternoon, Allies Declare lhe committE¥! "as functionlnl( Airdromes, Rail Lines somnia" tactics on the German friend, President Roosevelt, to Symp honic Record Ban April 16. stepped into a staft car at the within specific limitations during In Southern Italy- capital, the British broadcasting coordinate, jf possible the Soviet National airport lind was whislced the' war," he specified: "This . system said the Nazi government STOCKHOLM (AP)-As the policies with those of the United NEW YORK (AP) L- .fumes C. to the nnvy department building WASHINGTON, ( A P )- Amer- statement does not constitute rec- . was arranging to scatter itsel1 to States and Great Britian. Petrillo, president of the Amcrican Donish revolt against Nazi occu­ iC3 and Great Britain gave limited ognition of a government of France ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN occupied territory to th e east and pation reached new heights in where he was ushered Immedi­ It has been suggested, however, Federation of Musicians, said yes­ alely into King's ofiice, recognition last night to the right or of the French empire by the NORTH A;f'RICA (AP)-Waves of southeast, that Welles, if virtually dismiss d terday he would invite a group of spread ing public dlsordcrs, spccu­ Thus, Lcss than 24 hours after of the French Committee of Nat- government of the United States. Lightning fighters, shooting their New Destruction from his post, may prefer to Icave symphrony orchestra heads to dis­ lation arose hCI'e Illst night that iorial Liberation to administer the for his policy of reciprocal trade way across Italy at treetop height, .Late yesterday afternoon U.
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