FFA Alumni Association !I'JJ1WJJEJ1JJJJJ1!ll WINTER -- 19 77 V e.aJt FF A Alumni: "FFA Alumni . Suppo!Lting Voc.a..tiona.1 Ag!r..ic.uLtWLe. 11 -l6 oWL 7977 mo:t:to. In oWL ac.c.e.ptanc.e. hpe.e.c.h aJ.i yoWL Na:Uonaf ChaA.Junan, we. ou:t.U_ne.d .two JteMMtic. and a;t;taJ,nable. go~ ,[n 1 9 77 . F-<Mt, to ,{,ncJte.aJ.ie. active. me.mbvwhlp by M6ty peA­ c.e.nt aJ.i the. FFA c.e.fe.bJta,t,u thw 5 Oth AnniveJWMy. OWL c.uJUte.nt active. me.mbvwhlp -l6 app1toxJ.mate.fy 12,000. TheAe.601te., Nove.mbeA 1, 1977, we. hhoufd have. 18, 000 active. FFA Alumni me.mbvw. Se.c.ond, to have. 1,000 Alumni me.mbvw ,[n atte.ndanc.e. at the. 1977 Annual FFA Alumni Conve.nt,{,on. ( POJ!.tiupa..tio n and ,[nvolv e.me.nt -l6 the. name. o 6 the. game.. M1t. H. N. HuM,[c.fzeA, National FFA Adv-l601t, ,[nd,{,c.at e.d ,[n h-l6 Jte.ma!!. lu. to th-l6 y e.aJt ' h Na..tio naf Conve.ilion that the. FFA Alumni -l6 heAe. to htay M David C. Thomas was a v,[able. ~uppo!Ltive. body 06 the. FFA and voc.at,[ona.£ elected the 1976-77 agJr..ic.u.l;tu,ti_e.. We. ne.e.d uniQ,[e.d ,[nvolveme.nt 06 ,[nd,{,­ National FFA Alumni v,[du~ who a1te. want,{,ng to huppoltt the. FFA th!tough Chairman during the foe.al FFA Alumni A6 6,[Uatu. Fifth Annual Meeting in Kansas City. Mr. A te.am e.66o!tt ,W ne.e.de.d ,[n heAv,[ng oWL nat,{,on' h Thomas is Vice Presi­ gJte.a.,tu;t you;th oJtganiza:Uon . ;the. FFA . (l)e. dent of Member Rela­ we.fc.ome. 1te.c.omme.nda..tio M, hugg utio M, and ,[nput tions of the Midconti­ 61tom you ,[nto yoWL 01tganizat,(,on. nent Farmers Associa­ tion (MFA) located in We. a1te. loo/Ung 60Jt.Wa1td to wo1t!Ung wdh you du!r..ing Columbia, Missouri. the. c.om,[ng monthh ,[n huppo!Lting voc.at,[onal ag!r..ic.uf­ He is a former State tWLe., he.c.onda!!.y and poht he.c.onda.Jty. FFA Officer, American Farmer, and teacher of Vocational Agricul­ ture. Vav,[d C. ThomM Nat,{,ona.£ Cha.hunan FFA Alumn,.{, Ahhoua..tion NEW COUNCIL MEMBERS ELECTED Mr. Terry Horn, Tennessee, representing the Southern Region and Mr. Odell Miller, Ohio, re~h resenting the Eastern Region were elected 1(. .. three-year terms on the National Council. Mr.­ Horn is the owner and president of the Terry Horn Seed Company, and Mr. Miller is the coor­ dinator of internship programs for the Agricul­ ture Education Department at Ohio State Univer­ sity. Mr. Al Timmerman, Jr. of Texas has been appointed the representative of the National Vo­ cational Agriculture Teacher Organization for a William Paul Gray Donald N. McDowell two-year term. Dr. H. Robert Terry of Oklahoma State University was appointed as the represen­ tative of the National Agriculture Teacher Edu­ HIGHEST AWARDS PRESENTED cators Association for a three-year term. The Council also welc omes Dr. Ted Ward of Nebraska Mr. William Paul Gray and Mr. Donald N. as the FFA Executive Secretary Representative. McDowell were named the 1976 "FFA Alumni Out­ standing Achievement Award" winners. The pre­ FFA ALUMNI . SUPPORTING sentation came as part of the National FFA VOCATIONAL AGRICULTURE Alumni Association Meeting he ld in Kansas City, Missouri in November. This year's FFA Alumni slogan is "FFA Alumni ... Supporting Vocational Agriculture." Mr. William Paul Gray recently retired as The importance of community, state, and national the National Executive Secretary of the Future support of the vocational agriculture program is Farmers of America and as Program Specialist for becoming increasingly important. The emphasis Health, Education, and Welfare. He retired of the FFA Alumni will be placed on unifying after serving 19 yea rs as Executive Secretary. persons through Alumni membership and developing He previously served as Assistant Professor of strong and viable programs of support. Agriculture Education at Colorado State Univer­ sity, Executive Secretary of the Colora do FFA NEW MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL PROCEDURE c Association, Assistant State Supervisor of The National FFA Alumni has converted to a Colorado Agriculture Education, and a Teacher of computer roster system. All states have Agriculture at Hillside, Wyoming; Saguache, rece ived copies of the ir local affiliate member­ Colorado; and Eaton, Colorado. He has planne d ship rosters and state membership roster. and coordinated the National FFA Convention States and local affiliates are asked to renew which is attended by over 20,000 FFA members, their members and return one copy of the roster pare nts, and guests annually. He has distin­ to the National Off ice. The FFA Alumni member­ guished himself as both an outstanding educator ship year will coincide with the calendar year and agriculturist. of 1977. Mr. Donald N. Mc Dowe ll is currently the 1976 FFA ALUMNI OUTSTANDING AFFILIATES Executive Director of the National FFA Founda­ tion. As the first full - time director, Mr. The Evansville, Wisconsin FFA Alumni Affil­ McDowe ll ha s developed a dynamic success story. iate was selected as the 1976 Outstanding Af f il­ During the past seven years under the direction iate of the National FFA Alumni Association. of Mr. McDowell, the FFA Foundation's sponsors The presentation came as part of the National have increased their support of the FFA and Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri. Vocational Agriculture tremendously. The FFA Foundation has collected over $828,000 during This prestigious award recognized the FFA 1976. Mr. McDowell previously served as Secre­ Alumni for their outstanding accomplishments in tary of Agriculture in Wiscons in for 19 yea rs supporting and s erving the FFA and vocational and Teacher of Agriculture for nine years. He agriculture. The Evansville Affilia te with 47 is a former member of the FFA and received the Life members and 31 other active members accom­ FFA's highest degree, Americ an Farmer. He is plished 31 a c tivities in support of the FFA and the pa st pres ident of the National Associati on v ocationa l agriculture. of State Departments of Agriculture and an active member of the National Vocational Educa­ Other Affiliates recognized and awarded f c tion Advisory Committee . their outstanding service we re: Silver Emblem( Davies Vo-Tech, Rhode Island, and West Greene, The achievements of these distinguished men Tennessee; Gold Emblem - Marysville, Ohio, Sun exemplifies the idea ls, reflects honor upon the Valley, North Carolina, Hoven, South Dakota , and FFA, a nd provides inspirati on to currentmemb ers . Roanoke-Bens on, I llino is. ACTIVE LEADERS HONORED New York, cont'd" Tennessee Robert C. Watson Ann Charles One of the highlights of the National FFA North Carolina Jimmy Joyner Alumni Convention was the presentation of the Walter C. Jones Harold Lineberry ( ' "Legion of Merit Citations." One hundred and Oliver O. Manning Joe Neisler ninety-seven individuals from 33 states were Bruce L. Miller * Russell Watson presented this active leadership award. The William H. Teague *** Texas "Legion of Merit Citation" recognizes the per­ Charles Williamson, Jr. Ray Carson sonal efforts and initiative of those actively North Dakota Russ Lakey involved in building the FFA Alumni Associa­ Greg Mack Utah tion. Special recognition is given for persons Ohio James Whicker repeating this award. Ed Bailey Virginia Sue Clarke Martin Auvill e To earn the "Legion of Merit Citation," Tim Cotterman Mark Byerly one must enroll 10 or more new FFA Alumni mem­ John P. Hamill James P. Clouse * bers. Join this group of persons showing their Douglas Jelley Jane J. Light interest in the FFA Alumni. Applications and Charlie Laird Harry R. Lloyd information are available from the Alumni Charles Shirk Jesse W. Morgan office. Frank Tomaino Jay S. Poole Oklahoma Jack L. Schinstock The 1976 "Legion of Merit Citation" recip­ Don E. Abernathy David D. See ients are: Richard Couffer Washington Howard Datin Harry T. Argetes California Louisiana Ricky Davis David W. Kunze Robert Ma iland Elvis J. Cavalier Scott Dean Julie Smiley Florida Maryland Floyd Dias West Virginia Kathy Albritton Ronald L. Houser Bill Doyle Stephan Cronin Barbara Alford Michigan Sidney H. Farquhar Wisconsin Charles Back Richard Coston Debbie Gordon Richard Aide Rick Bezanilla Clifford Fether Teddy Graham Steven Anderson Archie L. Matthews Lloyd Fether Ronald L. Graves Walter Chris toff Ronnie Sauls, Jr. (2) Harry J. Moore Donnie Harp Mark Cieslewicz Marty Ward Lee Nofziger Bill R. Henry Donald M. Condon c Amy Lee Williams Richard Wortman Troy D. Henry Wallace Erickson Georgia Minnesota Jim Holland Gary J. Evans Gary W. Black Patricia Brugman Kevin Kellogg Clifford Fisher * H. A. Fleming Rodney Hebrink Earl Krumsiek Wayne Ganser Thomas W. G.raves Greg Holte Charles R. Lawson Danny George David Hawks John McCracken Terry L. Martin Randy Guzman Glenn Smith · Ronald G. Nelsen Rick McDaniel Ronald Heeg John T. Swindle Randy Olson Kent Metcalf Kenneth Janes Ed Tolbert Rod Osvold Gail Millikan Clem Kafka Illinois Marlin W. Wacholz Joe Navrath Robert F. Keen Kent Armstrong Mississippi Charles Nichols Kenneth Kolar Terry Baker Cindy Chapman Arnold Rambo Don C. Leibelt Everett Biggar Missouri James Rankin James Levey Greg Bogner Steve Baird Elmer L. Rogers Gary Luchterhand Torrey Conard Scott Bilyeu Russell Rogers Mi ke McCarthy Kenny Elsasser Patti Brookshire Keith Schroder Allen Meyer Larry Firkins ** Renee Cox Kenny L. Schroeder Randy Meyer Everett W. Moeller Duane Deffenderfer Noble Sokolosky Brett Miller David Ratliff Dwight Deffenderfer Jim Steward Oliver Miller Don Smith Donald A.
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