OCA CATCN NIEWJ Serving Boca Raton and Dawfield B*ach VOL. 2 NO. 29 Boca Raton, Florida, Friday, June 14, 1957 Phone 9005 Pries 10 Cents Property Owners Requested CAA Representatives Promise By Council To Clear Lots Cooperation On University Site Property owners are requested The grant was qualified to in- Plans for a four-year Univer- tatives, George Borsari of Wash- to arrange for the clearing of clude Legion clearance with the sity at Boca Raton took another ington, D.C., George E. Garanflo release will be determined when any vacant lots that create a haz- Air Force and "if the Town still important step towards becoming of Ft.' Worth and David Kelley the University Committee pre- ard. If it is not done voluntarily, owns the base,." a reality. A meeting, held of Miami were very cooperative sents the proposal to the State town officials plan to have the A letter was read from Moose Monday, at Boca Raton, at- in giving full cognizance to satis- Board of Control at their next projected completed on an as- Lodge, Deerfield announcing a tended by • top officials of the factorily working out a solution meeting. sessment basis. festive Labor Day parade, invit- Civil Aeronautics Administra- to the release of the proposed The Florida Board of Control Rudolph Malth, of the Civil ing Boca to enter floats, bands, tion from Miami, Fort Worth and University site. They stated that and the cabinet Board of Edu- Service Board recommended that etc. Deadline for entries is Aug- Washington, D. C. Senators Spes- the C.A.A. is now in a position cation agreed early this year to the $12 a month uniform clean- ust 15. Their request to borrow sard L. Holland, George A. to release the property compris- give approval to the City of Bo- ing allowed fire and police per- "Old Betsy", the town's white Smathers and Congressman Paul ing the Boca Raton Municipal ca Raton for a proposed site for sonnel be discontinued as such fire engine was granted. Rogers were represented by. Airport for a four-year State a four-year state university. The and added to their regular sala- Council received official notice Senator Smathers Administra- University, however, there is to city officials at Boca Raton se- ries and a corresponding adjust- from Representative Emmelt tive Assistant Scott Peek. The be retained or established ade- lected the airport property How- ment be made for water plant Roberts that the new town char- Town of Boca Raton University quate facilities for general avia- ever, this property when deeded operators, in all grades. He ter became law May 26. Subject Committee was represented by tion use. The committee under- to the city by. the U.S. Air Force stated that the water plant op- to a referendum of the majority Thomas F. Fleming, Jr., Chair- stood that any releases granted had a revision reverting it to erators protect public health and of those voting, the date will man; Robert Sussiecks and Otto by the CAA will be subject to federal ownership if it was not well being and their salaries soon be set for the decision of Yark. military needs of the airport. The used for airport purposes. should be in line with the other Boca residents. It must take At this meeting the Civil Aero- actual legal procedure and me* Senator George Smathers branches. Council agreed unani- place before Oct. 1, 1957. If the nautics Administration represen- chanics of working out such a wired James Pyle, Civil Aero- mously, referendum is approved, Boca nautics Administration that the A request, from John Hager will become a city and have a creation of a four-year Univer- of the summer recreational pro- city • manager • commission type sity at this important lower-east gram for $225 was granted and of .government. co*)0*. city is in keeping with the is to be handled through the All budget items and requests growth of the area and the Public Works Department under must be made soon, Boca Raton state, an din stride with the high- the direction of William Fender Council announced at its meeting er educational demands of Flor- gast. Tuesday night. The annual ud- ida. Discussion continued regard- get will be set up, beginning the The Town of Boca Raton and ing the air-conditioning of the first July meeting. the University Site Committee . town hall but no definite decis- Council heard a report on the want to publicly express their ions ' were reached. Council progress made by the University appreciation of thanks to Sena- agreed to ask for bids on both Committee given by Robert Sus- tors Smathers and Holland and individual units and over-all sieck regarding various commun- Congressman Rogers, as well as control ications, Washington representa- the officials of the CAA for the Town Clerk William Lamb re- tion, U. S. -Airforce and the Air- time and effort given to satis- ported that four persons bought port release request. Sussieck factorily work establishments of the certificates of $429,94 in un- stated that the one air strip re- a University. collected taxes as of Monday. tained by the £. A. A. is the- In a recent comment, Senator This brings the total tax paid in SW-NE one which tends to car- Smathers said, "the creation of a Boca to 100 per cent. ry air traffic away from the four year university at this im- In other action, council" grant- town, thus reducing noise. portant lower East Coast city is ed the American .Legion use of "We've taken a big step for- in keeping with the growth of the park and pavi! 1 I for their ward toward getting the univer- the area and the state, and in planned July 4th celebration and sity here and we've had wonder- stride with the higher education- also agreed to their request for ful cooperation all the way. The Looking over the map of the proposed Boca Univer- al demands of Florida." the use of the airfield for their next step is to meet with th-,e sity are left to right, Charjes E. Hanst, C.A.A., Fort Senator Smathers and Con- Legion sponsored 1958 Sports- State Board of Control and we Worth; Dave Kelley, C.A.A., Miami, Fla.; George Gar- gressman Rogers said, "the pri- car race sometime in March. hope to get their approval,' he anflo, G.A.A., Washington, D.C.; Thomas Fleming Jr,; mary concern of the CAA is to said. Scott Peek, Adrriinistrational Assistant to Senator be certain an adequate airport Smathers, Washington, D.C.; George Borsai, C.A.A., facility continues to exist in Bo- ca Raton." Washington, D.C.; and William Lamb, Town Clerk, In s letter toJames Pyle, CAA Suit Filed By Library Boco News Photo AffTfli.iistrator, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C, A PROCLAMATION Governor LeRoy Collins stated On Ownership of Land that Florida is faced with a ser- ..1 -HI 11 ious problem in providing ade- \ suit was filed in circuit pareel of land had been set aside JUNE 5, 1957 for use of a library and art, or quate educational facilities or its .uurt last Thursday by the Boca BY THE MAYOR OF THE TOWN OP BOCA RATON rapidly growing population and Raton Library Association a- cultural, center by the J. Meyer Schines and when Schine sold WHEREAS, Channel 5 in an all out effort to eulogize surveys have indicated that thie gainst the Art Guild Associa- State must establish several ad- tion. his Boca Raton interests to Ar- the Cities of Palm Beach. County, that we thur Vining Davis and his orga- each may know the other better, has con- ditional four year course State Seeking a ruling on who owns Universityies within the nexlt ten a specified plot -of land and cus- nization, the Boca Raton- Prop- sented to go on the air one (1) full day for erties, Inc., the contract report- years if the educational Stand- tody of certain mohey reportedly Boca Raton; and ards to which the people of Flor- collected by the Art Guild, the edly included the deeding of the WHEREAS, this is to tlie interest of all citizens of Boca land to the Associations. ida are entitled are to be main- Library Association states in its Raton, tune in Channel 5, the time to be tained. bill of complaint ,that a co-de- "When the deed was presented it included restrictions and cov- listed in your local newspapers; and The Governor added, "It has dendant in the suit, Boca Raton WHEREAS, this is to. explain the merits of the City of been determined that the lower Properties Inc., deeded the lot enants stipulated by Boca Raton Properties, Inc., that were not Boca Raton to all Palm Beach Municipali- east coast of Florida is one of jointly t othe Art Guild and the the areas that must have a new Library Association last year. agreeable to the donors, Mr. and ties as to our civic clubs, municipal govern- Mrs. J. Meyer Schine and to the ment, health and recreational facilities, and State University and the former The complaint further states Boca Raton Army Air Field was that on Jan. 7, 1957, the Art Art Guild," Mrs. Mann said. ' the real and beautiful assets of the wonder- "In its' present form, the deed selected as the ideal location by Guild denied accepting half own- ful City of Boca Raton, the State Board of- Control and ership of the property, A ruling has not been accepted by the NOW, THEB EFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in Art Guild because of the res- unanimously approved by the is requested on whether the Art me as Mayor of the City of Boca Raton, State Board of Education last Guild is half-owner and also asks trictions imposed," she said.
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