THE CROWNING OF THE KING s««p, S'. 4 7 t y n c e n t s a c o p y T h e New York o n e dollarayear see Page 175 I NEW YORK ________ VOI.5 N9 5 ^ ACE OF LITERATURE PSYCHOLOGY FOR MOTHERS (Continued) se%p2age 14 6 The New York MeLgekzine of Mysteries Family Savings How We Help the Sick The N ew Y ork Any of our readers that are suffer­ Magazine of Mysteries I)r. C halmers was a great, man and said ing from sickness of any kind are many wise things, lull be presented an requested to write a personal letter « North W illiam S treet, New York Cm’ epitome of economii' wisdom in his injunc­ to our Mystic Adept Spiritual tion. now become proverbial. "Take care of Healer. Tell liim candidly the na­ CHARLES E. ELLIS. Proprietor the pence and the pounds will take care or PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY ture of your disease, and he will im. themselves." Not less true is n (hat inde­ mediately give you SPECIAL THOMPSON <£. CO., Publishers pendence is Consequent, not upon the TREATMENT, surrounding you with amount of income, but on what is saved out SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.00 PER YEAR MYSTIC HEALING VIBRATIONS of it over and above expenditures. I hese also giving you TRUTHS that will To all parts of the United States. Canada and Mex­ things lie at the foundation of all wealth ico. Subscribers In the City of New York and hor- UNFOLD THE KNOWLEDGE OF eign Countries please atld 30 cents for extra postage. and should receive the profound considera­ LIFE’S LAWS, revealing the secret tion of every family- , , SINGLE COPIES. 10 CENTS of PERFECT HEALTH AND LONG I assume that every member of the house­ LIFE. Subucrlbera* names are entered In our books as hold is concerned in the prosperity of the There is absolutely no excuse for soon as received, and papers prompt ly forwarded. family and interested in securing a compe­ Subscript ions always commence wit h tho current tence' for future exigencies. Especially is anyone to be sick or suffering if they Issue understood God’s Laws of Perfect the wife concerned in this matter, and in Health. WHEN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES the achievement of independence much de­ It Is of the utmost importance that it should be pends upon her judicious and economical This is truly a spiritnal work and renewed early in order that there may be uO expenditure of the family funds for the cannot he estimated by dollars and delay In receiving the next issue of THE NK\v family living. There should be the most cents. IF YOU ARE SICK YOU YORK M.uia z i n k of Mystkiues. as we are gen­ WANT OUR HELP. AND WE ARE erally unable to furnish back numbers. perfect harmony in the aims of the family and accord in carrying out. their plans. EQUALLY ANXIOUS TO HELP Address all letters to Every family should determine to lay aside YOU, UNTRAMMELED BY THE THK NEW YORK MAGAZINE OK MYSTERIES a certain definite percentage of their income, DOLLAR MARK. to be sacredly kept as a reserve fund to­ We want every one of our readers ARE YOF TRYING TO GET FOR IIS ward future indeiiendenee or to meet future to he HEALTHY, STRONG AND ONE NEW READER OR SUBSCRIB­ exigencies. Sickness,and old age should he VIGOROUS. If you are sick or suf­ ER? provided for. even at the cost of the severest fering, let. our MYSTIC ADEPT self-denial. When the income is small, it is SPIRITUAL HEALER RESTORE hard to carry out the purpose of laying YOUR HEALTH. We make no def­ The New Religion aside a definite amount, and often the only inite charge for this service; but you Hi/ Charles H. Mender way it can be accomplished seems to be in know, dear friend, everything in­ volves an expenditure of money, and R e lig io n ’s not dying. It's just at its birth. husbanding small savings. But those who Its light shafts the dawn of the new- will give careful attention to the matter no matter how good our intentions coming day; will be surprised to find how much can be are, we must have money to pay the From its swaddling clothes freed, if inherits laid up by saving the small sums which are necessary expenses of our Spiritual the earth. so easily spent, under the mistaken idea Healer, and we ask every one to con­ But the creeds of our fathers are passing that they do not amount to much. 'Hie tribute whatever snm they can af­ away. condition of poverty or affluence of a family ford toward paying the expenses of may lie just here. Small savings, carefully this grand work. Understand, Dear And why should you cling to them, child of treasured, will in time, and not a long time, Brother or Sister, we leave that en­ the light? amount to a large sum. tirely in your hands. Why hold the bruised reed that’s forsaken Any family who will set resolutely about In writing enclose a two-cent of sound? it can lay aside a margin between receipts stamp for reply. Address Mystic Why nurse the spent candle that served for and expenditures, which forms the basis of Adept No. 12. a night? wealth and independence. Readers of this Why cherish the shell when the pearl has article, who find it so easy to live up to the been found? limit of income that it seems impossible to Work, Life arid Love cut down expenses, will say that it is easy L et me hut do my work from day to day. As the light of God’s sunshine shall scatter to write such a statement, but impracti­ In field or forest, at the desk or loom! the clouds. cable to carry it out. Barring what seem In roaring market-place or tranquil The spirit of man shall arise and shall to us untoward dispensations of Providence, cast room ; it is by no means so difficult a matter as it Let me hut find it in my heart to say, From its shoulders the burden of long appears. worn-out shrouds, When vagrant wishes beckon me astray— While these suggestions are worthy the “This is my work : my blessing, not my The prayer in the street and the mean­ consideration of families of limited and ingless fast. doom; small incomes, they are especially applica­ Of all who live, I am the one by whom As the old leaves must tall from the tree to ble to a great middle class of our American This work can best be done, in the right people who think it incumbent to keep up a way.” make room liberal style of living, even to the expendi­ For the lovelier garment the springtime ture of their entire income, not infrequently Then shall I see it not too great, nor small. lias wove, in advance of its receipt, to the inconven­ To suit my spirit and to prove my pow­ So dogma must fall from the mind ere it ience of tradesmen who supply their wants. ers ; come It is a matter of astonishment how many Then shall I cheerful greet the laboring To partake of the rapture of infinite love. families there are who make no attempt to hours. regularly lay aside a reserve fund for future And cheerful turn, when the long shadows So delve not in tombs that your fathers exigencies. There cannot he the genuine fall have made, happiness in such a condition that there is At eventide, to play and love and rest. But walk with the mighty who mountain Because 1 know for me my work is best. tops trod: in the feeling of independence and security And the kingdom within you, though long which true economy brings. Let me hut live my life from year to year time delayed. There is real joy and satisfaction in feel, With forward face and unreluetant soul, Shall show you your birthright, your ing that the future is secure, come what Nor hastening to. nor turning from the oneness with God. will. The husband and wife who. by a goal: modest style of living and scrupulous care Not mourning for the things that disappear in laying aside savings, are enabled to own In tlie dim past, nor holding back in fear God’s Mysteries the house they live in. carry a policy of life From what the future veils: but witli a insurance which is at all times a security whole . W e cannot comprehend the plan against want in case the bread winner is Of God’s redeeming love to man. taken away, and who have a fund upon And happy heart, that pays its toll We would not know it if we could. which to draw in case of sickness, to edu­ To Youth and Age, and travels on with For we ate Bod's and God is good. cate the children as they grow up, and to cheer. We do not know how it is done, take care of themselves when they are old. So let the way wind up the hill or down. How food is changed to flesh and hone; are in a position to enjoy unalloyed happi­ Through rough or smooth, the journey The process is too high for us. ness. To secure such blessings, humble, will he joy; For God is The Mysterious! but comfortable, surroundings will he en­ Still seeking what I sought when hut a joyed with satisfaction, and the care of the hoy.
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