Mayibuye, Vol. 2, No. 23 Use of the Aluka digital library is subject to Aluka’s Terms and Conditions, available at http://www.aluka.org/page/about/termsConditions.jsp. By using Aluka, you agree that you have read and will abide by the Terms and Conditions. Among other things, the Terms and Conditions provide that the content in the Aluka digital library is only for personal, non-commercial use by authorized users of Aluka in connection with research, scholarship, and education. The content in the Aluka digital library is subject to copyright, with the exception of certain governmental works and very old materials that may be in the public domain under applicable law. Permission must be sought from Aluka and/or the applicable copyright holder in connection with any duplication or distribution of these materials where required by applicable law. Aluka is a not-for-profit initiative dedicated to creating and preserving a digital archive of materials about and from the developing world. For more information about Aluka, please see http://www.aluka.org/. Page 1 of 19 Alternative title Mayibuye Author/Creator African National Congress (Lusaka, Zambia) Publisher African National Congress (Lusaka, Zambia) Date 1968-06 Resource type Journals (Periodicals) Language English Subject Coverage (spatial) South Africa Coverage (temporal) 1968 Source Digital Imaging South Africa (DISA) Rights By kind permission of the African National Congress (ANC). Format extent 17 page(s) (length/size) Page 2 of 19 ~rnayibUtje; 1 SQk& -,quo'sM~ t/ Page 3 of 19 `VOLUME '2, NUMBER 23. - 10TH JUNE, 1968.`. E.D..I T:. O R I .4 L . .Ons,I?i'e Bruine Merise: We The Brown PeopleS.9. Idulungushi, Mulungushi And Gaberones . .FY'aY1Ce And Africa . .The Armed,-.Struggle36811 Page 4 of 19 SOME, JUNE 26 HIGHLIGHTSHave you started implementing your resolution to ensure theobservance of June 26"Week becomes an international campaign-against apartheid? If you haven't then we hope.you will drawinspiration from 'and-even be spurred- on byhear-ing.of someof the dynamic plans to staunch fighters against apartheid.Anti-Apartheid MovementJune 23 (Sunday). A 'big march to the Portuguese Embassy toprotest Portuguese colonialism.A huge Rally at,Trafalgar Square to be addressed by promi-nent personalities.A Xarch from Trafalgar Square (after the Rally)-to- RhodesiaHouse to confront Smith!International Defence & AidA Concert,. on the theme "Come Back Africa" will take placeat The Royal Albert Hall, Wednesday 26 June, 7-30 p. m. Thelist o f artists who will perform is an imposing one. Theseare top rankers .in the field of art - observing June 26.The list of names comprise outstanding personalities suchas: Producer Ted Kotcheff, Max lon Brando, Dick Gregory,John Dank.orth, Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger & The Trinity,Julie Felix, Captain Fish and his Limbo Troupe, The AlfGarnett Family, Warren Mitchell, Dandy NicholsjUna Stubbs?Anthony Booth, John Hendricks,Cleo Laine, Jonathan Miller,Marion Mon,,tgomery, Annie Ross, The Scaffold, Fou Tslong9John Williams. 'The Alf Garnett Family' sketch is by JohmySpeight. ., also., Igor Distrakh.TICKETS: Z5- 5. 0, Z3. 3.'0, Z2. 2. 0, Z1. 1- 0, 15/-, 10/-7/6.Apply to, the BOX OFFICE: The Royal Albert Hall,KensingtonGore, London SW7-U.N. Special Committee an ApartheidCoinciding with JUNE 26 WEEK,the U.N. Special-Committee onapartheid will hold a special session in London from June21 its efforts to promote an inter-national campaign against apartheid" according t6_dn-offi-cial Press Release issued by the U.N. Page 5 of 19 A DECAYING SOCIETYOn Weri-day the 5th of June a --b-.a end men a h.dd- a hos-d across the world. Robert Kennedy lay at deaths door on that day and was77to-go through it on the next. This Kennedy, like his brother John F., former`President of the United States, was felled by an assassin's bullet..There was of course much sadness and anger amongst Kennedy hangers-on, supporters and admirers. But the horror was generalised - horror not atthe specific news that Robert Kennedy had been assassinated but at the sickness that now grips the United States. The murder of Malcolm X, of theKennedys, of Martin Luther King and of numerous Civil Rights workers; theattempted assissinations; the rioting which is now almost scientifically pre-dictable; the attitude of the police towards civilians - these are a clearmanifestation of the violence that is now a way of life in the United States.This is now generally recognised but the solutions suggested reflectthe superficial thinking on the subject. Calls have been made to restrictthe sale of arms in the United States as if the violence originates in theeasy accessibility of guns. Some have condemned violence from a pacifistangle as if those violated against must not take up arms to break the handswhich bind them. Predictably President Johnson has set up a Commission ofInquiry to go into the whole question of violence. This is the usual escaperoute of the reactionary, of the Es,tablishment. Commissions of Inquiry inthe Unites States have sat year after year looking into the "Negro problem"but have come up with.no-real answers.And there can be no answers from Commissions whose whole outlook iscircumscribed by their attachment to the Establishment. For the answers areto be found in the very fibre and structure of U.S. society - a structurewhich has become thoroughly decayed and ripe-rotten, ready for change.Violence in America is only an over-flow from the violence by which success-ive U.S. Governments have sought to solve problems internal and internation-al.The U.S. has used its marines and gunboat diplomacy for. so long thatit has become almost a joke except, of course, to those at the receiving endof the guns. Since the Second World War the United States has taken on themantle of gendarme of the so-called "free world" and in this role has perpe-trated violence on countless millions. Latin America has been for a longtime the stamping 'ground of U.S. jackboots - Guatemala., the Dominican Repub-lic, Panama are but recer* examples. The Bay of Pigs debacle (for the U.S.)was masterminded by the American Central Intelligence Agency. In 1962,during the Cuban missile crisis, the United States under John Kennedy almostplunged the world into a nuclear holocaust. The United States' Sixth Fleetis always threatening and ever ready to take violent action in the "interests"'of the United States.And, of course, the horrors of Vietnam - Vietnam, that land of Agony,that sad, proud, blood-soaked, unhappy land; the tragedy of Vietnam must belaid squarely at the door of the United States' billions of Dollars, millionsof bullets... Page 6 of 19 gas ,of bullets, hundreds. of thousands. of soldiers 9 . thousands of pl2.ne,s,, napalm,gas, bombs,- all come from the-.United States .to.prevent ..a:`people.from obcidi,for themselves how they wish to,:.live. It - is said that hundreds' of._. thoasahd ._dollars go towards the killing of a single National Liberation Front. Mankih.is r6voltbd, horrified by the violent crimes..of:the United States in VietnamYet.-the war goes on, Vietnam shudders in.the agony of suffering; becausethe United States wants it so.And within the country the-vi.olence.against the Afro-American people,against poor people is the violence of the State Machine... It would indeed be surprising. if State.: violence on this immense scaledid not seep into th-very pores of American society. The violence and insanekilling practised on the international and wholesale level permeates everyfacet of America. Violence is now endemic in the United States. There canbe no end to the rioting, the shooting.and the killing without a radicaltransformation of United States society, physically and psychologically.Tlie answers are not -'to be.-fo:und in a condemnation of 'violence, inrestricting the' sale of arms,: in. Commissions of Inquiry. ""hat the UnitedStates needs is a ReVoluti on.NEWS ITEM:INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE AND AID FUNDWorld Campaign For The Release Of'South African Political Prisoners'Th6 Hoc Working Group of Experts to invest:igate.prison conditions-~in South: Africa appointed by the. Human Rights Commission, of. the United Nationswill shortly 'be -hearing further evidence.The "dorking Group is likely to be in Britain for a short period duringAugust of this year to receive evidence.The World Campaign for the Release of South African Political Prisonershas been asked to co-operate.once again in making arrangements And in con-tacting witnesses' who will. be prepared to testify. The ;:corking Group wishesto hear evidence from for mer.'pol i.tic`al prisoners and has enlarged its termsof reference to include, apart fr6m South Africa, Southern Hhodesia (Zimba-bwe), Angola, Mozambique and Portuguese Guinea (Bissao).Names and addresses of any persons who could be asked to testify beforethe Group should be sent in for. further particulars pl..- writ.. to:Mr; Dennis Brutus,2 Imen Court, London, E.C.4.Telephone: 01-606 6123. Page 7 of 19 -3-ONS, DIE BRUINS MENSE: WE THE. BROWN PEOPLE-- By H. Ziervogel-Readers will find in the current issue of Mayibuye copies of a leaf-distributed by the South Africa Coloured People's Congress among theColoured in South Africa under the hard and dangerous conditions of~politicalillegality. The keynote of the message is that we, the Brown people, cannothope to free: ourselves from the tyranny of the White minority regime exceptby and through common struggle with the African.Whatever the physical and cultural differences between Brown andBlack, they have the same basic interests in opposition to a social systemthat makes skin colour the test 'of citizenship, that gives Whites a monopolyof power and privilege, and that exposes. the darker man to an intolerableburden of humiliations, poverty, disease, and social degradation.This is not a new idea.
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