In English Space to live and to grow in the Helsinki region Welcome to Nurmijärvi Hämeenlinna 40 min Choose the kind of environment that you prefer to live in: an urban area close Tampere 1 h 20 min to services, or a rural environment close to nature. Hanko 2 h 10 min Kehä III Nurmijärvi centre Enjoy the recreational facilities on offer: there are cultural and other events – (Outer ring road) 12 min also for tourists, and there are possibilities to exercise and enjoy nature almost Hyvinkää 20 min outside your own front door. Services from the Helsinki Metropolitan Area add to Helsinki 30 min the offering. Estimated times from the E12 junction near the centre of Nurmijärvi Benefit from a wide range of services that take into account your life situation: from early childhood to basic education and further training, and later on, elderly General facts Main population people are offered a high standard of care. • Surface area: 367 km2 centres • Inhabitants: over 40 000 • Klaukkala: 40 % Your business will be ideally located, making logistics easy to arrange: a short • Under 15-yearsElinvoimaa old: 25 % ja• Nurmijärvielämisen centre: 20 % distance from the ports and airport, you’ll benefit from good road communications tilaa Helsingin• Rajamäki: seudulla 18 % in both east-west and north-south directions, while being away from the rush. Choose your workplace and your journey to work: apart from your own munici- HYVINKÄÄ pality, the Helsinki Metropolitan Area and the municipalities to the north are near Lahteen neighbours. Tampereelle MÄNTSÄLÄ 25 POR- Klaukkala Rajamäki NAI- Nurmijärvi offers all this – a large enough municipality to be able to provide the nec- JÄRVENPÄÄ NEN essary services and infrastructure for modern life, as well as to grow and develop E 12 Kirkonkylä continuously, but still small enough to provide a living space at a competitive cost. TUUSULA NURMIJÄRVI KERAVA It is the municipality that is located ”at the centre”. Hankoon2 Klaukkala 3 4 Nurmijärvi – the name means “Lawn Lake” in Finnish – was drained to provide ar- VIHTI SIPOO VANTAA able land partly in the 1920s, and the work was completed in the early 1950s. As a Turkuun Kehä III municipality, Nurmijärvi arose from the parish that was founded in 1775. Before ESPOO E 18 that Nurmijärvi was already an independent congregation as long ago as in 1605. 1 Kehä I Hyvinkää separated off to become an independent municipality in 1917. KIRKKO- HELSINKI NUMMI KAUNIAINEN 2 Rajamäki 3 www.nurmijarvi.fi kasetin sisään 20 cm tyhjää A safe environment, with space to live In Nurmijärvi you can live in an urban area close to services, or in the countryside, close to nature. Three-quarters of the population of Nur- Organic growth and new arrivals A central location in Uusimaa mijärvi live in urban areas. A general pic- ture of the municipality is of a peaceful Nurmijärvi has grown due to inward mi- From Nurmijärvi it is a short journey in any di- and close-to-nature community with dis- gration for several decades. The prices of rection. It takes just over half an hour to drive tinctive village-like population centres. both ready accommodation and building to Helsinki or, in the other direction, to Hämeen- The population centres are separated by plots are lower than those in the heart of linna. Almost all of Uusimaa is within a radius kilometres of open landscape, with the metropolitan area, and the pace of of about 50 km. When you live in Nurmijärvi, meadows, meandering streams, and for- life is calmer. For these reasons a good a change of workplace does not mean that you ests on their solid bedrock. Studies have many families with small children have immediately have to think about moving. shown that residents appreciate the se- chosen to live at Nurmijärvi. About a cure life that Nurmijärvi offers. quarter of the inhabitants are under 15 Public transport is a good alternative years of age. A significant proportion of the population growth is also due to the With a Nurmijärvi-ticket, you can save on your birth rate. journeys to and from work. The ticket entitles the holder to reduced regional ticket prices throughout the Helsinki metropolitan area. Nur- mijärvi’s own “Kivenkyyti” bus service provides transportation within the municipality. 4 5 Close proximity and available services Nurmijarvi offers a wide range of services for residents of all ages. For the youngest Nurmijärvi residents, municipality’s upper secondary schools, Self-education and ante- and postnatal care is provided at Rajamäki, Nurmijärvi centre or Klauk- learning as a hobby through maternal and child health clinics. kala. In addition, the school at Klaukkala The services needed during early offers adults the opportunity to study at Whether you want to know more, or just tem- childhood include day-care centres, pre- upper secondary school level. porarily disconnect from a knowledge-intensive school and family day-care, as well as working life, there are good opportunities close open services to help the child’s devel- Opportunities for further study to home. The municipality’s own schools of mu- opment. Families that opt for private sic, dance and visual arts, as well as the folk high day care, as well as those that wish to Options for vocational studies include school, organize courses in many different fields. look after their children at home, are en- Nurmijärvi Vocational College, part of Learning can be a hobby in itself. titled to benefits from the municipality. the Keuda consortium, which provides vocational training throughout Central Health care and support The road to school Uusimaa. Alternatively, the Humanities University of Applied Sciences (HUMAK) Nurmijärvi people enjoy a high standard of health Across the breadth of Nurmijärvi there are training unit operates at the Kiljava In- care. The municipality’s health centre provides pri- a lot of schools. The number of families stitute with its rich traditions. mary health care services in the main population with children is growing, and new schools Adult education, including profes- centres (Nurmijärvi centre, Klaukkala and Ra- and day-care centres are being built to sional training and courses for young jamäki). The round-the-clock care of elderly pa- keep pace. School transportation is ar- people, is offered at the TTS research, tients is concentrated at Nurmijärvi centre. ranged to cover the whole municipality. development and training institute at For elderly people requiring some level of Rajamäki. There is an extensive range of support both assisted living facilities and pri- From primary school courses leading to basic, professional or vate nursing homes are available. For those who to matriculation specialist qualifications. continue to live in their own home, support is available during the daytime in the form of After completing basic education pupils short-term care and stimulating activities in a can continue their studies at one of the home-like environment. 6 7 Work and business Nurmijärvi pleases both the employer and the employee. Visualizations: Arkkitehdit LSV Oy Local companies are active in many fields development and training institute). and this is reflected in the diversity of job Trade and construction are also im- options available. The companies benefit portant sources of employment. from a good operating environment, es- pecially suitable for those with opera- A good place for the tions that require a lot of space. entrepreneur Successful businesses At Nurmijärvi there is a growing devel- opment of workplaces, a business-friend- The municipality has about 3 000 com- ly atmosphere, and good services to help panies and jobs for more than 11 000. businesses establish themselves and The services sector absorbs the greater maintain their operations. Skilful staff ILVESVUORI Logo part of the workforce. The biggest em- can be found within the municipality and ployer is the municipality with about in the close vicinity. There are several 2 500 professionals working in different business parks, and they are located next Ilvesvuori fields. to major routes. The most significant of Yritysalue Kehien keskellä The biggest employer apart from these is the Ilvesvuori Business Park, the municipality is Altia’s Rajamäki fac- beside the Helsinki-Tampere motorway. tory, producing and packaging alcoholic After its extension is complete it will beverages. Altia’s association with Nur- cover approximately 150 hectares. company gate there is delay-free access Markets nearby mijärvi started more than a hundred As with housing, the price levels for to an excellent road system. Vuosaari har- years ago, when the village of Rajamäki running a business in Nurmijärvi are lo- bour (Port of Helsinki) is about half an The entire population of Uusimaa – one started to grow out around the factory. wer than those in the heart of the met- hour away from the Ilvesvuori Business and a half million people – are easily ac- Rajamäki is also the home of the Teknos ropolitan area. Park, and Helsinki Vantaa Airport can be cessible from Nurmijärvi, and within a powder coating factory, which is the lar- reached in less than half an hour. The roughly 100 km radius circle there are gest of its kind in the Nordic countries. Logistically, the ideal location flow of goods in both inwards and out- many other areas with strong purchasing The majority of the services jobs wards directions is fast and smooth, and power. The broad population base within within private companies are in the Due to its central location Nurmijärvi is the short distances involved make Nur- the municipality provides excellent op- fields of transport (Kiitosimeon and close to the market and an ideal place re- mijärvi a most environmentally friendly portunities for a broad range of services. Korsisaari) or training (TTS research, garding transportation. Right from the business location.
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