Vol. LVI,. No. 9 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Friday, November 3,1972 <G.U. Moves Closer ·Toward Acquisition Of Local Campus - by Andy Lang The University will take a step toward acquisition of the property and buildings owned by Dunbarton College Monday. A report that will include a recommendation to look into means to acquire the property will be delivered Monday to University President the Rev. R. J. Henle, S.J. The report will be compiled from statements made by several University administrators and student representatives who inspected the Dunbarton facilities two weeks ago. Fr. Ryan said he could not -------------- my opinion, if the University de­ reveal the contents of the report cides to buy the property, we until it is presented to Fr. Henle. would need some kind of regular Information about the report's rec- University-sponsored transportation ommendation was obtained· from other sources. to the campus," he said. Johnson said the classrooms at Dunbarton dormitories and buildings may be acquired by the University after the girls' school closes next The Dunbarton campus includes Dunbarton "were small in size, spring. (Photo by Chris Arndt) . 365 dormitory beds. Academic fa- comparable to those in Walsh. cilities and a new three-floor library There are no large lecture halls, but Rueckel Hails Forsyth Record also are on the campus. the classrooms are highly conducive Dunbarton, a college for girls, to small classes and seminar discus­ will close at the end of this aca- sion groups. Pressure Leads to Resignation demic year because of financial "Th'e condition of the dorms is difficulties. from good to excellent," Johnson by Mark Von Hagen 1970-71 school year and was ap­ met with 307 students last year to Fr. Ryan said that the University said, "but only one dorm wing is Discouragement with unsolvable pointed Director in June of 1971, discuss housing problems. representatives "seemed to be im- air-condiditoned." problems, harsh criticisms and se­ when the housing shortage was be­ Miss Forsyth sees< no end to pressed by the condition of the The campus is 23 acres and there vere financial restraints prompted ginning to materialize. Georgetown housing problems, at buildings and by the location." is room for additional building, he Suzanne Forsyth, Director of Hous­ The Task Force on the Quality least not in the near future_ "Even However, the visitors "were some- said. There are "excellent fine arts ing, to announce her resignation. of Student Life commended her last with the University Village com­ what concerned about the distance facilities" but the "science building Dr. Patricia Rueckel, Vice-Presi­ April for her accomplishments in pleted, rising enrollments will wipe from the University," Fr. Ryan is poor." dent for Student Development, is renovating campus residence halls out the effect of the increased said. "There is a beautiful Rathskel- "saddened by her departure and and devising the lottery system. residential space," she said. The Dunbarton campus is about ler," he added, "and it's far super- not hopeful of attracting anyone "1 have made an enormous ef­ Although she has made no defi­ 15 minutes from Georgetown by ior to Marty's." comparable. She has brought a fort to make student housing bet­ nite commitments, Miss Forsyth car, according to Keith Johnson Johnson emphasized that the highly creative, innovative and very ter," Miss Forsyth said. "The hous­ hopes to return to her original field, (Coll.'74), a housing office represen- main building "is not a cold, insti­ organized approach to the housing ing office's problems are coping personnel counseling. tative who visited the campus. "In tutional structure" and that "it's in office," Dr. Rueckel said. with the economic fact of life-the ---------------------________ beautiful condition." Miss Forsyth served as Assistant crunch in on-campus and The Dunbarton administration Director of Housing during the off-campus housing." announced in early October that Her staff has improved the build­ Gaston, Student Center the school would close at the end ings with extensive repainting, car­ of this academic year. A financial HOYA Survey peting, new lounges, increased sec­ crisis caused by drastically de­ urity and replacement of furniture Slated for Renovations creasing enrollments was cited as in rooms. The Board of Directors has ap­ plans to sandblast the walls, remove the reason for the decision. Gives Campus "1 have also expanded the off­ proved a $630,000 project to reno­ the present panelling and install a The Dunbarton admissions di­ campus housing office which now vate Gaston Hall, the StUdent Cen­ new fire exit. Air conditioning, new rector said at the time of the To McGovern offers many more services than ter coffee house and the fine arts furniture and floor covering, new announcement that "there just isn't Sen. George McGovern will carry before," Miss Forsyth said. department, it was announced this doors and the construction of a as big a market for single sex, the Georgetown undergraduate stu­ University housing shortages due week. kitchenette in the present ticket Catholic school." The "general lib­ dent vote by landslide proportions to increasing enrollments and the The project is "Phase II" of the booth also are included in the plan. eralization of the Church" after according to a HOYA poll taken rising expenses of off-campus living Healy Renovation Project. The plan The present plan is not final, Vatican II reduced the demand for the week of Oct. 29. were met with the lottery system will be financed by grants, loans Miller said. girls' schools, she said. The poll, which used a sample and plans for future construction. and gifts. survey of 2.5 percent of the Univer­ Dr. Rueckel said Miss Forsyth Vice President for Planning and sity stUdent body, indicated a played an important role in plan­ Physical Plant William A. Miller said McGovern sweep of 56 percent over ning the University Village project, that $300,000 of the total finances President Nixon's 32 percent. which will add 400 dormitory beds. will be used for the Gaston Hall The survey also showed that 77 "Suzanne· Forsyth was the most renovations. "Air conditioning will percent of the under graduate stu­ instrumental individual in develop­ be installed," he said. "There will dent body planned to vote in the ing the University Village concept," be new and better light fixtures and presidential election. According to Dr. Rueckel said. "She helped bring the ·fire escape will be improved to the poll Georgetown is split down about the positive change which meet district code standards." the middle between registered Dem­ made the <administration define a The Office of Physical Plant also ocrats and Independents, with only policy of future expansion." plans to. repair and repaint the six percent of the students regis­ The housing director came under deteriorating walls behind the stage, tered as RepUblicans. sharp criticism earlier this year be­ Miller said. The paintings that dec­ Patrick Early, HOYA contri­ cause of an enrollment mixup that orate the walls will be preserved, buting editor and coordinator of displaced freshmen residents. The but Miller said that much of the the poll, said the reason for the 70 students were assigned tem­ project may have to wait for an McGovern landslide is obvious. porary accommodations, but have additional $300,000 he is expecting "The Democrats are voting Dem­ since been moved to permanent in the future. ocratic, the Republicans are voting rooms. A total of $250,000 has been Republican and the independents The housing office claimed it reserved for the fine arts depart­ are splitting down the middle. was not at fault for the confusion ment in the old Riggs Library in "With the high proportion of and said the admissions office had Healy Building. The plan calls for Democrats it's easy to see why miscalculated the number of incom­ the installation of air conditioning, McGovern could carry this campus ing freshmen. new lighting, architectural and floor so easily," Early said. Miss Forsyth feels she has made repair and a new fire exit. See complete results and analysis considerable improvement in stu­ The Student Center coffee house Of poll on ·page one of the special dent relations. She and Steve Mal­ will be allotted $80,000 for exten­ Gaston Hall is to be repainted under Phast! II of the Healy renovation HQ Y A election supplement. lott, Assistant Housing Director, sive improvements. Miller said he project. Air conditioning and better lighting also will be installed. Page Two THE HOrA Friday, November 3, 1972 K~lly Reveals Wolf City, WyoIning New Budget stoned soul! H. J. Nora Program Cuts ~--------------------------------------------~Now has come the time of year when all a stoned soul Budget cuts announced by the wants is to escape. After sixteen years he is convinced that University last week include post~ the best method to escape autumn melancholy is to watch ponement of a $60,000 allocation to improve the medical and dental a good western. Too many western movies, however, and libraries, the cancellation of several you begin to limit your repertoire. maintenance projects and a major First you must decide which decade of the "twentieth reduction in the physical" plant bud­ century is the old West. Cowboys from the 1930's grease get. their hair; in the 1940's they all had military haircuts and The cuts were announced last Friday by Vice President for Ad­ in the 1960's they started to look like Indians. And ministrative Affairs James F. Kelly. since 1952 when Gary Cooper shot Frank Miller dead at The reductions were made to offset High Noon there hasn't been a decent showdown. the loss of $1 million caused by a Three weeks ago I was down to enjoying only Cat budget error over the summer.
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