Appendix A Legal Description Left blank for two-sided copying. Whitewater Unit MDP Project Area Legal Description Federal Lands Ute Meridian, Mesa County, Colorado T. 1 S., R. 1 E., Sec. 25, S½SE¼ Sec. 35, E½ T. 1 S., R. 2 E., Sec. 10, S½, S½NW¼, SW¼NE¼ Sec. 11, S½S½, NW¼SW¼ Sec. 13, SW¼, S½SE¼ Sec. 14 & 15 Sec. 16, S½, S½N½ Sec. 17, SE¼, S½NE¼ Sec. 19, SE¼ Sec. 20, NE¼, SW¼SW¼ Sec. 21, SW¼NW¼, W½SW¼, E½ Sec. 22, NW¼, W½SW¼, NE¼SW¼ Sec. 23, NW¼NW¼, E½NW¼, NE¼, E½SE¼, SW¼SW¼ Sec. 24 & 25 Sec. 26, E½, N½NW¼, SE¼SW¼ Sec. 27, S½SW¼, SW¼SE¼ Sec. 28, NW¼NW¼, SE¼NW¼ Sec. 29, All except the SE¼NE¼ Sec. 30, E½, SE¼NW¼, E½SW¼, SW¼SW¼ Sec. 31, All except the NE¼NE¼ Sec. 32, SW¼NW¼, N½NE¼, SW¼, W½SE¼ Sec. 33, All except the N½NE¼ Sec. 34, W½NW¼, SW¼SW¼ Sec. 35, W½SW¼, SE¼SW¼, SW¼SE¼ Sec. 36, N½NW¼, SE¼NW¼, NE¼, N½SE¼ T. 2 S., R. 1 E., Sec. 1, E½, NW¼ Sec. 2, NE¼ T. 2 S., R. 2 E., Sec. 1, NE¼NW¼, N½NE¼ Sec. 2, N½NW¼, SE¼NW¼, NE¼, NW¼SE¼, E½SW¼, SW¼SW¼ Sec. 3, NW¼, W½NE¼, NE¼NE¼, N½SW¼, NW¼SE¼ 1 Sec. 4, All except the NW¼NW¼, NE¼NE¼NW¼, SE¼SW¼, S½SE¼ Sec. 5, All except the NE¼NE¼ Sec. 6 Sec. 8, NW¼, NW¼NE¼, E½E½, SE¼SW¼, SW¼SE¼ Sec. 9, NW¼NW¼, SE¼NE¼, S½S½ Sec. 10, SW¼NW¼, N½NE¼, SE¼SW¼ Sec. 11, N½NW¼ Sec. 12, S½ Sec. 13, N½, N½S½ Sec. 14 Sec. 15, All except the W½NW¼ Sec. 16 Sec. 17, E½NE¼, SE¼ Sec. 21, NW¼, NE¼SW¼, E½ Sec. 22, W½, NE¼, NW¼SE¼ Sec. 23, NW¼NW¼ Sec. 26, W½NW¼ Sec. 27, NW¼, E½NE¼, N½SW¼, SW¼SW¼ Sec. 28, N½, N½S½, SE¼SE¼ Sec. 33, SW¼NE¼, E½NE¼, N½SE¼ Sec. 34, W½NW¼, NW¼SW¼ T. 3 S., R. 2 E., Sec. 1, NE¼NE¼, SW¼NW¼, SW¼SW½, S½SE¼ Sec. 2, SE¼NE¼, E½SE¼, SW¼SE¼, SW¼SW¼ City of Grand Junction Lands Ute Meridian, Mesa County, Colorado T. 1 S., R. 2 E., Sec. 20, N½SW¼, SE¼SW¼, SE¼ Sec. 21, NW¼NW¼, E½W½ Sec. 22, SE¼SW¼, S½NE¼, SE¼ Sec. 23, SW¼NW¼, NW¼SW¼, E½SW¼, W½SE¼ Sec. 26, S½NW¼, N½SW¼, SW¼SW¼ Sec. 27, NW¼, W½NE¼, SE¼NE¼, N½S½, SE¼SE¼ Sec. 28, SW¼NW¼, W½NE¼NW¼, NE¼NE¼, S½NE¼, S½ 2 Sec. 29, SE¼NE¼ Sec. 33, N½NE¼ Sec. 34, All Except the W½NW¼, NE¼SW¼NE¼, SW¼SW¼ Sec. 35, W½NW¼, SE¼NW¼, NE¼SW¼, S½NE¼, N½SE¼, SE¼SE¼ Sec. 36, SW¼NW¼, SW¼ T. 2 S., R. 2 E., Sec. 1, S½, SW¼NE¼, S½NW¼, NW¼NW¼ Sec. 2, E½SE¼, SW¼SE¼ Sec. 8, SW¼NE¼, NW¼SE¼ Sec. 9, NE¼SE¼ Sec. 10, SE¼NW¼, N½SW¼, S½NE¼, NE¼SE¼ Sec. 11, SW¼NW¼, NW¼SW¼, NE¼, N½SE¼ Sec. 12, N½ Sec. 13, S½S½ Sec. 23, NE¼NE¼ Sec. 24, N½, N½S½ Sec. 25, Portions of the NE¼, SW¼, and NW¼SE¼ Private Lands Ute Meridian, Mesa County, Colorado T. 1 S., R. 1 E., Sec. 25, N½SE¼ Sec. 36 T. 1 S., R. 2 E., Sec. 28, E½NE¼NW¼, NW¼NE¼ Sec. 32, N½NW¼, SE¼NW¼, S½NE¼, E½SE¼ Sec. 34, NE¼SW¼NE¼ Sec. 35, NE¼NW¼, N½NE¼ Sec. 36, S½SE¼ T. 2 S., R. 2 E., Sec. 1, SE¼NE¼ Sec. 2, SW¼NW¼, NW¼SW¼ Sec. 3, SE¼NE¼, NE¼SE¼, SW¼SE¼, S½SW¼ Sec. 4, NW¼NW¼, NE¼NE¼NW¼, SE¼SW¼, S½SE¼ Sec. 5, NE¼NE¼ Sec. 8, NE¼SW¼ Sec. 9, S½NW¼, NE¼NW¼, N½NE¼, SW¼NE¼, N½SW¼, NW¼SE¼ 3 Sec. 10, N½NW¼, SW¼SW¼, NW¼SE¼, S½SE¼ Sec. 11, S½S½, NE¼SW¼, SW¼NW¼ Sec. 15, W½NW¼ Sec. 17, W½NE¼ Sec. 21, W½SW¼, SE¼SW¼ Sec. 22, SW¼SE¼, E½SE¼ Sec. 23, All except the NW¼NW¼ and the NE¼NE¼ Sec. 24, S½S½ Sec. 25, All except Portions of the NE¼, SW¼, and NW¼SE¼ Sec. 26, All except the W½NW¼ Sec. 27, SE¼SW¼, W½NE¼, SE¼ Sec. 34, All except the W½NW¼ and the NW¼SW¼ Sec. 35 & 36 T. 3 S., R. 2 E., Sec. 1, All except the NE¼NE¼, SW¼NW¼, SW¼SW½, S½SE¼ Sec. 2, All except the SE¼NE¼, E½SE¼, SW¼SE¼, SW¼SW¼ Sec. 3 Federal Lands 6th Principal Meridian, Mesa County, Colorado T. 11 S., R. 98 W., Sec. 25, W½ Sec. 26, N½NE¼, S½SE¼ Sec. 35 & 36 T. 12 S., R. 98 W., Sec. 1, 2 & 11 Sec. 12, All except the SW¼SW¼ Sec. 13, All except the NW¼NW¼ Sec. 14, S½S½ Sec. 23, N½, N½S½ Sec. 24, N½, N½SW¼, NW¼SE¼ Sec. 25, S½NE¼ T. 12 S., R. 97 W., Sec. 6, 7, 18, & 19 Sec. 20 & 29 (USFS) Sec. 30, All except NW¼NW¼, SW¼SE½ Sec. 32, NE¼NW¼, N½NE¼ Sec. 33, N½N½, E½SE¼, SW¼SE¼ 4 T. 13 S., R. 98 W., Sec. 1, SE¼SE¼ Sec. 11, S½S½ Sec. 12, SE¼NW¼, NE¼ T. 13 S., R. 97 W., Sec. 4 Sec. 5, All except the N½NW¼, NW¼NE¼ Sec. 6, S½NE¼, SE¼, E½SW¼, SW¼SW¼ Sec. 7, All except the NW¼SW¼ Sec. 8 & 9 City of Grand Junction Lands 6th Principal Meridian, Mesa County, Colorado T. 12 S., R. 98 W., Sec. 14, S½N½, N½S½ Sec. 25, SW¼NW¼, NW¼SW¼, A portion of the NE¼SW¼ A portion of the SE¼SW¼, A portion of the NW¼SE¼ SW¼SE¼, NE¼SE¼ Sec. 35, N½, S½S½ Sec. 36, NE¼NW¼, E½ T. 12 S., R. 97 W., Sec. 31, N½NW¼, SW¼ Sec. 32, SW¼NE¼, A portion of the SW¼SE¼ Private Lands 6th Principal Meridian, Mesa County, Colorado T. 11 S., R. 98 W., Sec. 26, W½, S½NE¼, N½SE¼ T. 12 S., R. 98 W., Sec. T. 12 S., R. 98 W., Sec. 12, SW¼SW¼ Sec. 13, NW¼NW¼ Sec. 14, N½N½ Sec. 23, S½S½ Sec. 24, S½S½, NE¼SE¼ Sec. 25, N½N½, SE¼NW¼, SW¼SW¼, A portion of the NE¼SW¼ A portion of the SE¼SW¼, A portion of the NW¼SE¼, SE¼SE¼ Sec. 26, N½ Sec. 35, N½S½ 5 Sec. 36, W½NW¼, SE¼NW¼, SW¼ T. 12 S., R. 97 W., Sec. 30, NW¼NW¼, SW¼SE½ Sec. 31, S½NW¼, E½ Sec. 32, W½NW¼, SE¼NW¼, SW¼, SE¼NE¼, E½SE¼, A portion of the SW¼SE¼ Sec. 33, S½N½, SW¼, NW¼SE¼ T. 13 S., R. 98 W., Sec. 1, All except the SE¼SE¼ Sec. 11, N½, N½S½ Sec. 12, N½NW¼, SW¼NW¼, S½ T. 13 S., R. 97 W., Sec 7, NW¼SW¼ 6 Appendix B Responses to Public Comments Left blank for two-sided copying. Table 1 Fram WMDP Public Comment Summaries and BLM Responses – Excluding Air-Related Issues (Tables 2 and 3) Comment Commenter Resource Comment Response Number OMID #2 canal at the north line of SW4, Sec. 25, T1S, R1E, Ute As addressed in a general response in the EA, the BLM would Meridian - proposed access road Bureau of not approve any activity that would pose a risk to the OMID #2 appears to come close to the #2 1. Reclamation Transportation canal, except as recommended for approval by the Orchard canal; may be within canal row; (Alan Schroeder) Mesa Irrigation District following discussions with Fram and Fram needs to coordinate w/OMID the Bureau of Reclamation. and Reclamation to ensure no impact to canal and its O&M The No Surface Occupancy (NSO) As discussed in EA the section on water resources (3.2.4), this requirement for Well Pad 12-97-30- proposed pad is not within the City’s municipal watershed, but 1 should be required as there has is within the external buffer distance of the City's Public Water City of Grand been no formal agreement with System (Map 3.2-3 in the EA), which places it under the 2. Junction Proposed Action Fram for monitoring and mitigation regulatory framework of COGCC Rule 317B. The BLM would (Greg Caton) measures at that pad. Only after defer to the COGCC regarding whether their required such an agreement is finalized, mitigation measures, outlined in EA Section and would the City consider waiver of including monitoring of surface water, are sufficient for that the NSO by the BLM. agency to approve the location. Additional detail should be provided by Fram describing how The BLM's petroleum engineer would specifically address this City of Grand the HF program will be designed in type of concern through the cementing requirements as part of 3. Junction Proposed Action the shallow Dakota Sandstone to the process for reviewing Applications for Permit to Drill (Greg Caton) mitigate fracture propagation to (APDs).
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