MARCH 21-27, 2014 | PoRtlAnd’s news + ARts + enteRtAinMent AutHoRity | FRee this just in Meet AFelix NEW INTERNET Yz PROTAGONIST _by Deirdre Fulton p 4 portland vs. her people Fighting over the possible futures of Maine’s largest city _by Jeff Inglis | p 8 going to extremes contradictions food Über-localism at Vinland | p 26 !Warm up with KGFREEZE | p 18 PoRTLANd.THEPHoENIX.CoM | THE PoRTLANd PHoENIX | MARCH 21, 2014 3 MAR. 19 - MAR. 22 WORKSHOPS and LONG TERM PROGRAMS IN FILMMAKING, “Gimme 1 PHOTOGRAPHY, MULTIMEDIA, and DESIGN. 181 STATE STREET, PORTLAND | ALL AGES WED 3/19: TRIVIA 7PM good reason WWW.ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE.COM FouSINCENd 1966Ed IN 1999 Thurs 3.20 Portland Jazz Orchestra THURS 3/20: ANNIE IN THE WATER Fri 3.21 The Grand Slambovians why I should March 21, 2014 | Vol XVI, No 12 Sat 3.22 Portland Greendrinks Presents: Live & Local at OLS featuring ShaShaSha, FRI 3/21: SPYGLASS ON THE COVER F illustration by steve weigl, tji image by Cyrus bunker sign up for THIS PAGE F art photo by john kennard forget, forget, Theodore Treehouse and MCs Holly Nunan and Sean Wilkinson! SAT 3/22: SHUTDOWN BROWN Health Mon 3.24 Luisa Maita ~ Brazil’s Best new artist! © CHRISTIAN TYLER RANDOLPH © CHRISTIAN Insurance!” FULL SCHEDULE ONLINE p 26 Sat. and Sun. Brunch 10:30am-3pm Live Music • New Menu • Deck & Patio UPCOMING EVENTS Thursday, March 20th LOS LONELY BOYS p 18 p 16 WITH SONS OF BILL - ON SALE NOW / 18+ PHOTO © CHRISTIAN RANDOLPH Thursday, March 27th INTENSE. CREATIVE. INSPIRING WEEKEND PROGRAMS 04 THIS JuST IN TEDDY GEIGER 06 PoLITICS + oTHER MISTAKES WITH JUSTIN LEVINSON AND DEAN FORD _BY AL DIAMON ON SALE NOW / ALL AGES 2-DAY ADOBE INDESIGN 2-DAY INTRO TO eBOOKS Peter Koons WITH INDESIGN 06 HooPLEVILLE _BY DAVID KISH Friday, April 4th Peter Koons This hands-on weekend workshop 06 oNE CENT’S WoRTH _BY ZACK ANCHORS THE HOLD STEADY teaches students to create This class explores eBook creation WITH WORRIED WELL 08 PoRTLANd VS. HER PEoPLE ON SALE NOW / 18+ dynamic, professional layouts of with Adobe InDesign which is vying _BY JEFF INGLIS Okay, how about ?! text and imagery for print and 4 to become “the” hub toolset for Friday, April 11th 14 8 dAYS A WEEK BY_ALINA CORBETT digital publishing. composing all forms of eBooks. SIDECAR RADIO, 6GIG APR 24 - APR 25 | $375 16 ART _BY MARIAH BERGERON APR 26 - APR 27 | $375 _BY DEIRDRE FULTON & HEADSTART 17 THEATER ON SALE NOW / 21+ 18 LoCAL MuSIC _BY SAM PFEIFLE Friday, April 18th 4. Two words: Face plant! 19 LISTINGS 2-DAY INTRODUCTION TO 2-DAY INTRODUCTION TO HALL & OATS TRIBUTE $100 PHOTOSHOP DIGITAL PRINTING 26 dINNER + MoVIE _BY BRIAN DUFF ON SALE NOW / 18+ Matt Smolinsky Jim Nickelson WED, MARCH 19 26 SHoRT TAKES Saturday, April 19th VAN MORRISOn 3. You could win $100 Bring your creative ideas to life with Learn techniques essential for CLASH Adobe Photoshop, the professional generating high quality digital 30 TooN TIME + MooN SIGNS BLUE OYSTER CULT vs RAY LAMONTAGNE digital imaging standard, used by prints by exploring the relationship + JoNESIN’ WITH MURCIELAGO - ON SALE NOW / 18+ photographers and designers who between Adobe Lightroom and THU, MARCH 20 want to perfect their digital images. your printer. Friday, April 25th 2. It’s cheaper than you think –and you’ll LOCAL H APR 26 - APR 27 | $375 APR 26 - APR 27 | $425 ON SALE NOW / 18+ THE TOUGHCATS probably get financial help. Saturday, April 26th 1-DAY CAMERA BASICS 2-DAY BLACKMAGIC CAMERA FRI, MARCH 21 Kari Wehrs FRANKIE BALLARD Join us for an in-depth look into the PRoVIdENCE | PoRTLANd ON SALE NOW / 18+ When Particles Collide This introductory workshop is for new mindset of shooting with the 1. Do it for Mom! STEPHEN M. MINdICH beginners who would like to learn BLACKMAGIC CINEMA CAMERAS Publisher + Chairman Sunday, April 27th w/ Worried Well, ALOUD the basics of their digital camera in and grading footage using DaVinci EVERETT FINKELSTEIN Chief oPerating offiCer SEBASTIAN BACH a beautiful location. Resolve. WITH LEAVING EDEN - ON SALE NOW / 18+ SAT, MARCH 22 PoRTLANd Share your story about signing up, and APR 26 | $175 APR 26 - APR 27 | $495 Friday, May 9th general manager JoHN MARSHALL SEVENDUST ACOUSTIC you‘ll be entered for a chance to win $100. managing eDitor dEIRdRE FuLToN ON SALE NOW / 18+ graPhiC Designers ANdREW CALIPA, JENNIFER SoARES But hurry: enrollment this staff Writer NICHoLAS SCHRoEdER listings CoorDinator ALINA CoRBETT Saturday, May 24th ASK ABOUT OUR CAREER AND PORTFOLIO Contributing Writers zACK ANCHoRS, MARIAH BERGERoN, AL dIAMoN, BRIAN duFF, dANA FAdEL, ANTHoNY GIAMPETRuzzI, CHRISToPHER GRAY, KEN GREENLEAF, year ends March 31! WEEKEND MAY 2ND AND 3RD | 877.577.7700 MEGAN GRuMBLING, JEFF INGLIS, dAVId KISH, BRITTA KoNAu, KATE MCCARTY, SAM PFEIFLE, PARMALEE LINdSAY STERLING, SHAY STEWART-BouLEY, LANCE TAPLEY ON SALE NOW / 18+ THIS IS A WEEKEND TO EXPLORE YOUR FUTURE. WE LOOK AT YOUR aCCount eXeCutives NICoLE ELWELL, EMMA HoLLANdER, ERIC KENNEY, KARINA NAPIER, JoHN PAuL PRESENTED BY PERSONAL ARTWORK, INTERVIEW YOU IN-DEPTH, AND GIVE YOU aDvertising oPerations manager AdAM oPPENHEIMER senior aCCountant KATHRYN SIMoES CirCulations DireCtor KEVIN doRGAN Friday, May 16th IDEAS TO HELP YOU DISCOVER YOUR CAREER OPTIONS, CREATIVE UPCOMING: oFFICES STEEL PANTHER 3/26 ZZ TOP VS QUEEN 4/19 NORTH OF NASHVILLE OUTLETS, AND EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES. W/ FUTURE VILLAINS - ON SALE NOW / 18+ 3/27 FACIAL HAIR FEST 4/24 ALAN EVANS PLAYONBROTHER PortlanD 65 WEST CoMMERCIAL ST., SuITE 207, PoRTLANd, ME 04101, 207-773-8900, FAX 207-773-8905 | ProviDenCe 150 CHESTNuT ST., PRoVIdENCE, RI 02903, 401-437-6698, FAX 401-273-0920 | NATIoNAL SALES oFFICE 3/28 THE PENTHOUSE 4/26 THE OTHER BONES 150 CHESTNuT ST., PRoVIdENCE, RI 02903, 401-273-6397 X232, FAX 401-272-8712 | Web site WWW.THEPHoENIX.CoM 4/2 KORN VS CREED 4/27 PATRICK PARK 2 Your Maine Connection to the Health Insurance Marketplace letters to the eDitor GERMANE To AN ARTICLE THAT HAS APPEAREd IN ouR PAPER SHouLd BE SENT To 4/4 BALLROOM THIEVES 5/2 FORGET & TAN VAMPIRES 65 WEST CoMMERCIAL ST., SuITE 207, PoRTLANd, ME, 04101 | EMAIL To [email protected]. PLEASE BUY TICKETS ONLINE: 4/11 GORILLA FINGER DUB 5/9 GIANT PANDA G.D. SQ. INCLudE A dAYTIME TELEPHoNE NuMBER FoR VERIFICATIoN. subsCriPtions $90/6 MoNTHS, $150/1 YEAR | SENd REGISTER FOR A WORKSHOP THIS SPRING AT: NAME ANd AddRESS WITH CHECK oR MoNEY oRdER To: SuBSCRIPTIoN dEPARTMENT, PoRTLANd PHoENIX, 65 WEST 4/12 AWAAS 5/10 WAYLON SPEED For help by phone, call Consumers for Affordable Health Care CoMMERCIAL ST., SuITE 207, PoRTLANd, ME, 04101 CoPyright © 2014 BY THE PoRTLANd PHoENIX, LLC, ALL RIGHTS PORTLANDASYLUM.COM 4/16 NATIONAL VS WALKMEN 6/5 SIMONE FELICE RESERVEd. REPRoduCTIoN WITHouT PERMISSIoN, BY ANY METHod WHATSoEVER, IS PRoHIBITEd. 121 Center Street, Portland, ME 575 CONGrESS STrEET at 1-800-965-7476 • (TTY: 1-877-362-9370) the PhoeniX meDia/CommuniCations grouP WWW.MAINEMEDIA.EDU POrTLAND MAINE Chairman STEPHEN M. MINdICH Chief oPerating offiCer EVERETT FINKELSTEIN THE PHoENIX NEWSPAPERS | PHoENIX MEdIA VENTuRES | MASS WEB PRINTING (207) 772-8274 BUY TICKETS: POrTLANDEMPIrE.COM 4 March 21, 2014 | the portland phoenix | portland.t hephoenix.coM Some of Maine’s small colleges (and their students) are leaders in the global movement to divest from fossil fuels. HAPPY HOUR: Mon-Fri. 4-7pm this Just in $2.50 Domestics • $3.50 Micros • $5 Nachos Wed. $7 Domestic Pitchers • 2 Cheeseburgers & Fries $6.99 Thur. 50¢ Wings • $7 Bud Light Pitchers $5 Burritos • $4 Cuervo Margaritas Serial Fiction at the Summit Fri. Thursday Night is Hockey Night...and Beer! Where are the leaders BRUINS V. BLACKHAWKS @ 7PM Enter the world of Feliz YZ on climate change? Our hi-def screens, full bar & killer Set your alarms: this Monday, with the fears and hopes of a young has been posted online will contain f menu will make you feel like March 24, at 5:31 pm, Felix Yz boy than with gender issues; over additional art and content. Maine’s leaders “just don’t believe scientifically what’s you're at all your favorite games. the course of the month, readers f will make his grand debut. “One of the things I’ve always happening to us” in terms of climate change, said Laurie Voted #1 Wings in Portland! The brainchild of local author will follow as Felix falls in love, hated about writing is that it’s so Lachance — a radical statement for the president of Water- CATCH ALL OF and WMPG program director Lisa grapples with family dynamics, solitary,” Bunker confesses. “This ville’s conservative, business-oriented Thomas College. Bunker, Felix is the 15-year-old copes with a bully at school, and is delightfully multimedia. It’s not Speaking at the Climate Solutions Expo and Summit at BLACK & protagonist of a new interactive invents a new life philosophy. just me and my story anymore.” the Augusta Civic Center on March 12 — sponsored by a dozen THE online serial, The ZeroDay Countdown “I find Felix effortless to write,” organizations from 350 Maine to the Penobscot Nation — La- of Felix Yz, which will appear in blog Bunker says, adding that she _Deirdre Fulton chance came across as one Maine leader who understands YELLOW ACTION installments over the course of 31 hopes “some lonely and confused what needs to happen. days at felixyz.com. Illustrated by kid somewhere will love and draw It’s only practical for the state’s business leaders, she said, AND ENJOY OUR Bunker’s 21-year-old child, Cyrus, strength” from Felix’s adventures. to pay attention to “sustainability” if they “want to attract the story unfolds in the month Felix and a few of his friends (as young folks” to their companies.
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