. ’’c..'- ^ .’........ ' I . 'w v y w . m ^ valleyxdiii ■' / s t n = ^ 3 0 o s .... • ■ ' " ='- P ^ s o ''" ''‘? S L L ■ ■ T i ^ ’ ’ 0 3 . ■ j M .ies Twin Falls, Idim.daK6/97.th year, No.0 . - 6 _______ ; :.....- Sund M2 R d - iday, January^ 0? ..... : , -iM $1.50 I J G o o d MOR)RNING : W e a t h e r ■ V l l -J Groi)up I ■ ToJai[lay;Cloudy .,A I withth 1a ehance iaE>oiit of aflafew flu r* . 7 pres5 ■ rieso^orsprin- .ra •• kies.:is. H igh 40, ' ■' . I T -fer n P ag eA 2 1 MA g i c 'Va lLEY l i I appr<roacH j Toxic-waste; The BUiLMiswait' I - ing for money and rexe£ s e a rc h --------------------. 1 ____ C o m m i t ttee e e develops ___ i_ hazards at the old MuMurtaugh ^ la n HftH i t s o w n C] A A F O p l a n ~ By Sandy Millerr ■ ' I TImes-Nflws writerIter________________ ^ ; TWIN FALLS-5 - People on both sides of the dairyairy issue agree on one thing. ^ ___ 2 ordinances onn animalai feeding " operations the TwinTw Falls County commissioners havehav on tiie table. ! Building a better militIlitary; / I And some concemcemed dtizens in Officials hope the reo] Bulil and Filer agrcagree with them, e o p e n ed I A group of loca:local people would A r^ Reserve centere r n e a r I like county commi:nmissioners to take IWin Falls will becom(im e a ' ■ a serious look at tiieird “matrix” - strong Reserve unit. a rough draft off an ordinance they P a g e B l B came up with duringdur a series of ' mRfttingS-QVP-r-2T_the_past—two 1 ______ months. M o n e y The g ro u pI includesii Ken Edmunds, a Tyrinijrin Falls business- Going up; TWin Falls’s’ rresiden- man and consultanItant and past pres- ident of the' lial sector more thann comc pen- . UUClMmSf/7k«Ttow«m Twin F alls ____ sated last year for a dedecline in__________ rw _ AreauChambec. con5neraaiimIffin§r sesdlimirplsroOlonSay; On(One of th e m o st pressing Issues88 facingfi lawmakerais the budgdfiet, of Comftierce; 1 P a g e D l . Bill Chisholm,- I a local envi- M ronmental. « activist and. ' ------ meml>er-of-tiie----- Who's next? The Univ. Idiiaho^iegiib k te r ^feee-termaboutt-sessioi■I A Idaho R u ra l' - n o rid a looks for anoth Council; Lewis I By Julio Pernsnce = : coach tio replace Steve tures before2 ,tthe entire body - Eilers, execu- Ej ™ Tlmes^lews'/9 writer______________ Spurrier. M ert the lawm akers - Afi They saicaid those rainy-day session will tive director of ■ . Bill, Brockman accounts are stistrictly defined by the Idaho PageI C l BOISE- t - Firs: comes the party, University bailout - BB2 statute to be usedus only for one- ■VQ D airym en’s Asso(ssociation; local then the honlangQver. timecxpenditurixu-es. est friendship: attorney Rich1 CarlsonCc of the ^ • The giantmt headache hanging 7— -------TT ■. Rep. ; W endndy J a q u e t, D- ByMyMatk^Warbls Idaho Rural Councluncil; local attor- , ■ F a m il y l i f e^ . ____ , over ihe_202002 Legislatvre;.tha t ..;.. makersm: are saying,' is wheth ther*2.5 -Ketchum,-couountered.'-saying ' AssoBsoclated Press'Writer •• ' ney Kent Taylor;r; dairymand: Alvin jqday.is.iiQ.w to JiandJa , • percentpfi budget, “holdback;:ks” f o r _ Statutes canin b e changed. '— ^ —_ Smumy; Brent Olmstead,Oln execu- * Jast year'ss 15300 million surplus publicpu schools really hold. tive -director o \ However, sfie; said.she’dSl like to BCBOISE - It hardly seems po5 of the Milk JjjjfiLj • that is now,w a S55 million deficit “Everyone is interested inir edu- discuss holdin los^- Producers of Idalio;ilio; and Ed Smith, > ■MB in state pr ling back on last' blele i^ i d recession and red ir projected revenues. cation,ca: from parents to granandpar- year’s vote for• a state income tax but i a Filer resident. ----------1 L aw m a k ers ents,”en said Rep. Doug Jon< Lit many lawmakers %vill ha mes, R. reduction for a couple of years • moreore than money on their min Some membersers of the group l y j j |k 2 2002 say they have Filer.Fi "Thgre'.will be aI huge: until tiie econom3my gets better. ,vher gathered w ith otheroth( concerned BTmrg to work th e ’ amountair of pressure not to hen tiie Legislature's 2002 s< 0 with- “I’d rather' dod that than let. sionlon begins Monday. , dtizens Thursdayy eveningev in Buhl. b u d g et so hold.ho It \vill be a fight.” schools use the2 propertyp tax,” she Th “We all agreedJd there’stl no per- they main- ] They will be thinking abojoul feet ordmance,” E Lowmakers can vote! fo1 r a ’ said. politijliQcs. • - • ” Edmunds said, tain new pro,)rograms as well as last “negative“ni supplemental,” v ' which* But M age Val/aUey Republicans MrMany t)f tiie difficult dedsio “But we still haveve tot reach some year’s tax breakbr( meansm< they back up Gov. ’5°"® conclusion. Otheitherwlse, we’re’ V. Dirk are not breathinling even a hint of they^ ma^ • First-terratraer Rep. Leon Smith, Kempthorne’sKe holdback-rerecom* ^repedling any’ ofo last year’s tax going to have to) acceptac the com- — Whemlay^are-woikan lUS.-said'thc'cuphoria-----Ttiendationsrand'^choolSTirirtic are"Out— breaks----- ------- L ag----- :missioners^ordinanclances.’’ ring last year’s session tht collaborative effort bet the 2.5, percent. Or, legisLslators ' Instead,'thee messagei pretty ■ County Commis:missioners Gary )etween • had madei himh nervous at th e cancai do nothing, in which G rindstaff, Bill Br parents and caregivers. h case much across theh e board is to cut f J:- 1 Brockman and . - t i m e . , localloc property owners couldc , back expendituitu res in all ways '' ^ ^ Marvin Hemplemannan have told the ‘ C P age E l “It was crazy.cri Once everyone makema up the shortfall afterer July possible to avoidjid cutting out pro- group to put its propjroposal into orcli- P saw the surplirplus, bills were flying 1. grams. _ ® nance form, and tiiey’dthe be glad to around everj erywhere,” he said. “I The1 property tax opticrion is "From my staitandpoint, it’s just ’“I!? have a look at it. ButI they still O p i n i o n just voted 'no’'no on everything.” unpopular.un] like it is with yoyour family,” said intend to go aheaclead with public ! Getting It doner But event!ntually a rfew reality.^ SchoolS offidals say theyy want■ Rep. Bert Stevejvenson, R-Rupert. ^ J* hearings on the county’scoui sw draft 1 dawned, andnd now lawmakers are theth( Legislature to use s ordinances Jan. 16 t Commissioners came th som e “When tho fundjids run out, eveiy- |i.4t'.’, 16 at the College . ; 5 thro u g h focused on scrimpingso by. ' moneymo from its rainyly-day one hns to suffer i of Southern Idaho.0. • to draft a CAFO ordinal er thd hurt.” _Rep.Eraco , s« ^ n g highi n ance by With rouj3UghIy 75 .percent of accounts.acc But Rep; Maxinee Bell, He said he’d1 hTceh' to see reduc- Jc*’ “If tiiey draft an ordinance0 that '> . year’s end, today’s editoito rial Idaho’s budgidget allocated to pub- R*Jerome,R*j and Sen. DeanE tions for the .coi:oming budget as • ^ ^ bodi dairymen andid concernedc dti- 1 says'. lie and hi^i^er education, Rep. Cameron,Cai R -Rupert - whc ho CO- well as the hold!Idbaclu from this preparing t zens are happy witwith, we would | PageAia Scott Bedke,<e, R-Oakley, said he chairchi the Joint Finalance- year’s budget adridministered even- fnce e ’ cenainly considerer it,”ii Brockman ; ■ P31® expects virtu :e each other on the ballot. rtually every decision AppropriationsAp] Committee5- - s a y ly to aU agendes2S asJ well as public “ I ] said. “V'iiien theyy gotgc it into ordi- . ' on every othiither-expenditure will that’stha not possible. Bell ‘I hope to God we don't 8°g nance form, we’U loc II an d and higher educaication. there2re, because one-upsmanshi I look at it, run it ' ow m udi goes lo edu- CameronCai are the Legislati past our legal coun.« iture’s Rep. Celia Goulould, R-Bulil, said is nevern o in the best interest t im.wl 10 see if it’s Se c t io n by s e: c T i o N i headhea budget honchos to wi I legal and then i whom she wants to seeS' reductions die} state,”st House Speaker Bruc n run it past n The firstIt issu i e lik ely to be everyoneeve appeals for f Planning and Zoning final • administered sosi th a t sm aller Newciwcomb of Buriey said. ling to see if tiiey ; Section A Sectiotio n C addressedtliis tlii: session, some law- approvalapf of proposed expe can administer it.” Please see MONEY. PageA7 . Weather . .2 . SportsS . .1 ^ Please see ISSUES. PageiA7 A “The matrix stillil hihas some prob- i Nation ....3-9 lems, but it’s still betterbeti tiian what 1 World .. .lO-ll S e c tIOH o n D L a t e - the county’s propofjposingEilers , 1 lestpiisonners c o u I gd be vital1 to terrori Q . said. “We’ve deddedded to draft it up 1 Opinion . .12-13 Money/ . .1-6 rism fight and oppose the six county ordi- j g - g Tho AssoclatocrtodPro89-' • ' ope • • Movies '.
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