UnitySpringSummer2016FINAL:Layout 1 7/18/167/19/16 4:312:07 PM Page 1 Spring/SummerSpring/Summer 20162016 UFCWUFCW RetailRetail CConferenceonference SSeeee ppageage 2 MembersMembers atat BacharachBacharach withwith LocalLocal 152152 staffstaff MembersMembers ratifyratify strongstrong newnew contractscontracts FCWFCW LocalLocal 152152 negotiatednegotiated BacharachBacharach newnew collectivecollective bargainingbargaining MembersMembers atat thethe BacharachBacharach InstituteInstitute agreementsagreements coveringcovering hundredshundreds forfor RehabilitationRehabilitation HospitalHospital ratifiedratified ofof membersmembers inin recentrecent months.months. U a two-yeartwo-year agreementagreement coveringcovering 6060 TheThe agreementsagreements werewere ratifiedratified byby members.members. TheThe contractcontract guaranteesguarantees overwhelmingoverwhelming majoritiesmajorities ofof thethe a 3.53.5 percentpercent wagewage increase.increase. AboutAbout votingvoting unionunion membersmembers inin eacheach 2 percentpercent ofof thethe increaseincrease isis retroactiveretroactive bargainingbargaining unit.unit. toto eighteight monthsmonths ago.ago. A cashcash bonusbonus ofof “In“In allall ofof thesethese contracts,contracts, ourour $250$250 forfor full-timefull-time andand $125$125 toto part-part- union’sunion’s negotiatingnegotiating teamsteams werewere ableable AlbanoAlbano wrapswraps upup timetime workersworkers alsoalso applied.applied. PaidPaid time-time- toto protectprotect andand expandexpand ourour members’members’ offoff emergencyemergency paypay isis nownow applicableapplicable rightsrights toto goodgood wageswages andand healthhealth ccareersareers iinn ppoliticsolitics upup toto 8080 hours,hours, butbut membersmembers mustmust benefits,”benefits,” UFCWUFCW LocalLocal 152152 PresidentPresident havehave 6060 hourshours inin theirtheir hourhour banksbanks aandnd ggroceriesroceries BrianBrian StringString said.said. beforebefore qualifyingqualifying forfor payment.payment. SeeSee pagepage 7 HereHere areare highlightshighlights fromfrom somesome ofof thethe newnew agreements:agreements: (Please(Please seesee pagepage 6)6) AAlsolso in inside:side: NeNelsonlson A lAlbanobano a nandd A nAndredre R aRapattonipattoni r eretiretire • • S cMembersholarship at w workinners UnitySpringSummer2016FINAL:Layout 1 7/18/16 4:31 PM Page 2 Buy American! Visit americansworking.com for information on finding American-made products. Support U.S. workers President String leads workshop and help save jobs! at UFCW Retail Conference ocal 152 President Brian String joined UFCW Local 99 President Jim McLaughlin, UFCW Local 21 President Todd Crosby and Scott Graser of the UFCW International Union in leading a workshop during L the UFCW Retail Food Conference in Las Vegas, May 30-June 1. The workshop dealt with all aspects of negotiations with Albertsons and its subsidiary companies, including Acme, Jewel-Osco and Shaw’s, among others across the country. Participants from all local unions in the UFCW evaluated strategies for UFCW Local 152 Unity bargaining and organizing at “double-breasted” companies where some of Official Publication of the workers are union and some are not. They also discussed wage scales, United Food and Commercial progressions, protecting benefits, scheduling issues and eliminating two-tier Workers Local 152 wage and health standards. Editor Brian String Union HEAdqUArtErS 701 Route 50 Mays Landing, NJ 08330 (888) Join-152 Vol. 12, Issue 2 UFCW Local 152 Unity (ISSN: 1542-720X) is published quarterly by UFCW Local 152, 701 Route 50 Mays Landing, NJ 08330 Periodicals postage paid at Trenton, NJ Save the Date! POSTMASTER: Send address changes to UFCW Local 152 Unity UFCW Local 152’s 11th annual Charity Golf tournament Benefiting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of America, Bryan D. Ross Foundation and other charities. 701 Route 50 Mays Landing, NJ 08330 tuesday, Sept. 6, 2016, at the avalon Golf Club 1510 Route 9, North Swainton, N.J. • www.avalongolfclub.net Published by: Registration at 7:30 a.m. • Shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. To obtain a participation form, visit www.ufcwlocal152.org, see your shop steward or contact Crystal Yankasky at (888) 564-6152, ext. 3909. All forms must be submitted with payment no later than July 29. We are limiting the number of foursomes (for faster play) and suggest you forward your registration immediately. Registration will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. 2 Spring/Summer 2016 UnitySpringSummer2016FINAL:Layout 1 7/18/16 4:31 PM Page 3 Local 152 union activism! Rally for Atlantic City workers Supporting grocery workers in New England Raising funds for a good cause Grievances filed or resolved: Local 152 Shop Stewards from the Perl- 1st quarter 2016 2016 total mart ShopRites had a fundraiser for the Bryan D. Ross Foundation. Great 56 56 job by all involved! Back pay and benefits TO BE UNION! restored to members: 1st quarter 2016 2016 total $108,250.44 $108,250.44 IT PAYS Spring/Summer 2016 3 UnitySpringSummer2016FINAL:Layout 1 7/18/167/19/16 4:312:56 PM Page 4 roceryrocery industryindustry newsnews G ByBy JeffJeff MetzgerMetzger NewsNews fromfrom aroundaround thethe tradetrade AlanAlan FrableFrable JohnJohn StelyStely MillieMillie WalshWalsh ■ InIn thisthis column,column, analystanalyst JeffJeff MetzgerMetzger lookslooks atat developmentsdevelopments inin ShopRiteShopRite G.M./ProgressoG.M./Progresso ShopRiteShopRite tthehe ssupermarketupermarket iindustryndustry aaroundround tthehe ccountry.ountry. wowo differentdifferent aandnd uunusualnusual sstorestores oopenedpened eearlierarlier tthishis yyear.ear. SafewaySafeway cutcut thethe ribbonribbon onon a replacementreplacement storestore inin HappyHappy retirement!retirement! Hyattsville,Hyattsville, Md.,Md., andand thethe companycompany deservesdeserves highhigh praisepraise forfor itsits storestore designdesign andand merchandisingmerchandising skills.skills. TheThe folksfolks atat WilliamWilliam C.C. AbramsAbrams PathmarkPathmark StoresStores 03/01/201603/01/2016 T MarianMarian E.E. AllenAllen SuperSuper FreshFresh 05/01/201605/01/2016 Safeway,Safeway, bothboth pre-pre- andand post-Albertsons,post-Albertsons, havehave provenproven theythey cancan CharlesCharles B.B. AlleyAlley PathmarkPathmark StoresStores 02/01/201602/01/2016 buildbuild anan urbanurban storestore onon parpar withwith anybodyanybody inin thethe industry.industry. JustinaJustina AponteAponte GeneralGeneral Mills/ProgressoMills/Progresso 03/201603/2016 Also,Also, MOM’sMOM’s OrganicOrganic MarketMarket openedopened itsits 15th15th store,store, a 17,00017,000 ruthRuth A.A. BartlomiejuszBartlomiejusz R&RR&R ShopRiteShopRite 01/01/201601/01/2016 squaresquare footfoot organicorganic storestore inin BaltimoreBaltimore CCity.ity. TThehe sstoretore iiss bbeauti-eauti- PatriciaPatricia BattleBattle AcmeAcme MarketsMarkets 02/01/201602/01/2016 fullyfully designeddesigned andand isis partpart ofof a largerlarger mixed-usemixed-use projectproject beingbeing MarciaMarcia C.C. BenderBender AcmeAcme MarketsMarkets 05/01/201605/01/2016 developeddeveloped inin thethe formerformer blue-collarblue-collar HampdenHampden sectionsection ofof Balti-Balti- JohnJohn J.J. BissettBissett WhitemarshWhitemarsh ShopShop n BagBag 05/01/201605/01/2016 AndrewAndrew BlandoBlando GeorgeGeorge L WellsWells MeatMeat CompanyCompany 05/01/201605/01/2016 more.more. MaryMary E.E. BlytheBlythe AcmeAcme MarketsMarkets 01/01/201601/01/2016 CEOCEO ScottScott Nash,Nash, whowho foundedfounded thethe companycompany inin Rockville,Rockville, JohnJohn W.W. BockmanBockman ZallieZallie SupermarketsSupermarkets 04/01/201604/01/2016 Md.,Md., whenwhen hehe waswas 22,22, toldtold meme thatthat MOM’sMOM’s recentlyrecently signedsigned a BarbaraBarbara A.A. BorgesiBorgesi PathmarkPathmark SStorestores 02/01/201602/01/2016 leaselease andand willwill openopen itsits firstfirst storestore inin CenterCenter CityCity PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia (on(on JosephJoseph Bove,Bove, Sr.Sr. SuperSuper FFreshresh 01/01/201601/01/2016 111th1th SStreet)treet) llaterater tthishis yyear.ear. JoannJoann MM.. BoyerBoyer AcmeAcme MarketsMarkets 02/01/201602/01/2016 WilliamWilliam M.M. BradleyBradley PathmarkPathmark SStorestores 06/01/201606/01/2016 ShopriteShopRite reportsreports growthgrowth throughoutthroughout n.J.N.J. LindaLinda S.S. CCoxox SuperSuper FFreshresh 02/01/201602/01/2016 CatherineCatherine L.L. CromerCromer SuperSuper FFreshresh 05/01/201605/01/2016 InIn WakefernWakefern news,news, VillageVillage SuperSuper Market,Market, thethe co-op’sco-op’s secondsecond ronaldRonald B.B. darrisawDarrisaw QuakerQuaker CityCity MeatsMeats 01/01/201601/01/2016 llargestargest mmemberember (behind(behind SakerSaker ShopRites)ShopRites) reportedreported increasedincreased dianeDiane B.B. deeganDeegan AcmeAcme MarketsMarkets 06/01/201606/01/2016 overalloverall andand same-storesame-store salessales ofof 2.22.2 percentpercent onon totaltotal revenuerevenue ofof terriTerri LynnLynn deilyDeily Laneco,Laneco, Inc.Inc. 01/01/201601/01/2016 MarleneMarlene demarco-WerlineDemarco-Werline VillageVillage ShopRiteShopRite 02/01/201602/01/2016 $420.2$420.2 millionmillion earlyearly thisthis year.year. TheThe Springfield,Springfield, N.J.,N.J., high-volumehigh-volume EileenEileen n.N. derbyDerby PathmarkPathmark SStorestores 03/01/201603/01/2016 29-store29-store ShopRiteShopRite ooperatorperator ppostedosted qquarterlyuarterly nnetet iincomencome ooff ElsieElsie M.M. dishawDishaw SuperSuper FFreshresh 05/01/201605/01/2016 $6.3$6.3 million,million, a decreasedecrease
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