Fares & Passenger Benefits Manager -Passenger Services Department for Transport •Department Zone 4/18, Great Minster House 33 Horseferry Road for Transport London SW 1P 4DR stations. depots@o rr.gsi .gov. uk Web Site: www.dft.gov.uk By e-mail only Our Ref: RFTB/020/001/025/ 11 25 August 2017 Dear Sirs, RATIFICATION REQUEST FOR CLOSURE OF NORTON BRIDGE STATION Following the consultation in respect of the proposal to discontinue the use of Norton Bridge station, Chris Grayling, Secretary of State for Transport and Paul Maynard, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport have agreed to the publication of the summary of responses and that the Office of Rail and Road ('ORR') be requested to formally ratify the closure. For your information, and not a matter requiring ratification by the ORR, Chris Grayling and Paul Maynard have also agreed that the Department ends its subsidy for the rail replacement bus services in March 2019. Paragraph 24 of ORR's Procedures for Reviewing Closure References suggests that the summary of responses be published for four weeks prior to reference. The summary was published on 20 July 2017 https://www.gov. uk/govern ment/consultations/norton-bridge­ station-closure Documents making up the closure submission are: 1. Closure consultation document 2. Closure Notice 3. Copy of Closure Notice published in newspapers: • Daily Mail, 19 and 26 October 2016 • Daily Telegraph, 19 and 26 October 2016 • Staffordshire Newsletter, 19 and 26 October 2016 4. Copy of other consultation letters from the Department for Transport to MPs and named stakeholders 5. List and copies of responses received 6. Summary of responses with Off comments. Electronic copies of these documents are attached to this e-mail. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Closure of Norton Bridge station Moving Britain Ahead October 2016 Closure of Norton Bridge station Moving Britain Ahead October 2016 The Department for Transport has actively considered the needs of blind and partially sighted people in accessing this document. The text will be made available in full on the Department’s website. The text may be freely downloaded and translated by individuals or organisations for conversion into other accessible formats. If you have other needs in this regard please contact the Department. Department for Transport Great Minster House 33 Horseferry Road London SW1P 4DR Telephone 0300 330 3000 Website www.gov.uk/dft General email enquiries https://www.dft.gov.uk/about/contact/form/ © Crown copyright 2016 Copyright in the typographical arrangement rests with the Crown. You may re-use this information (not including logos or third-party material) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/ or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or e-mail: [email protected]. Where we have identified any third-party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Contents Foreword 3 Executive summary 4 How to respond 6 Freedom of Information 7 Closure of Norton Bridge station 8 What will happen next? 16 Annex A: Formal appraisal 17 Annex B: Map of Norton Bridge station and replacement bus services 28 Annex C: Consultation principles 29 Stakeholder Briefing Document and Consultation Response Foreword The station at Norton Bridge was taken out of use for train services in May 2004 to allow for the rebuilding of the railway as part of the West Coast Route Modernisation project, and since then services have been provided by rail replacement bus services. Prior to this date the station was served by a local train service between Stafford and Stoke-on-Trent. The Department for Transport has carried out an assessment in accordance with the Railway Closures Guidance on whether to reinstate train services at the station, or to close it as part of the national rail network. The assessment showed that bringing the station back into use for train services is neither an appropriate nor responsible use of resources and we are therefore proposing to proceed with the closure of the station. Under section 30(3)(b) of the Railways Act 2005 the Secretary of State, as the relevant national authority, is required to carry out a consultation concerning a proposal to discontinue use of a particular station if, having received or carried out the assessment, he has formed the opinion that the closure should be carried out. A copy of the Railways Closures Guidance may be found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/266296/ railwaysclosuresguidance.pdf Interested parties are therefore invited to comment on this proposal. The consultation period will run from 19 October 2016 to 3 February 2017. Following the consultation period the Department will review its proposal based on comments received from interested parties and, if it decides that the closure should be carried out, seek ratification of the closure from the Office of Rail and Road. 3 Closure of Norton Bridge station Executive summary Norton Bridge station in Staffordshire is served by a replacement bus service which is part- funded by the Department for Transport (The Department) through the West Midlands Rail Franchise (currently operated by London Midland). This temporary situation has existed since 2004 and we are looking to resolve this going forward into the next franchise. A decision is therefore needed on whether to reinstate train services or close the station. The Department has carried out a formal assessment in accordance with the Railways Closure Guidance for either reinstating train services at the station or closing it. Based on this assessment the Department has concluded that reinstating train services to Norton Bridge station would: ●● require the very expensive construction of a virtually completely new station with an estimated investment cost of £18.0 million which could only be served by a very limited train service; ●● only serve a very small local population (circa 600), and therefore be very lightly used; ●● generate very few new rail journeys, but would disadvantage existing passengers through increased journey times and higher performance risks; ●● have a (negative) Net Present Value of -£19.7 million; and ●● not offer value for money for taxpayers. Rail replacement bus services Under both options that were assessed (reinstatement and closure) the Department would no longer provide funding towards the provision of a replacement bus service to the station. Without funding being made available through the new West Midlands Franchise Agreement there would be a review of the existing supported bus services in the area by Staffordshire County Council which will lead to a reassessment of bus service provision at Norton Bridge. Closure of the station would mean the Department would end its annual subsidy for a rail replacement bus service. A saving in subsidy of £40,000 per year would have a (positive) Net Present Value of +£0.9 million over a 60 year appraisal period. 4 Closure of Norton Bridge station As a result of this assessment, the Department has concluded that it should proceed with the closure of Norton Bridge station and the associated withdrawal of Department for Transport funding for the replacement bus service. In light of this conclusion, the Department, in accordance with the Railways Act 2005, is carrying out this consultation on the proposed closure of Norton Bridge station, and is seeking views on this closure. 5 How to respond The consultation period runs from 19 October 2016 until 3 February 2017. Please ensure that your response reaches us before the closing date. If you would like further copies of this consultation document, it can be found at www.dft.gov.uk/consultations/open or you can contact Andrew Johnson at the address or email below if you need alternative formats (Braille, audio CD, etc.). Please send consultation responses to Norton Bridge Consultation Department for Transport Great Minster House 33 Horseferry Road London SW1P 4DR Or by Email to: [email protected] When responding, please state whether you are responding as an individual or representing the views of an organisation. If responding on behalf of an organisation, please make it clear who the organisation represents and, where applicable, how the views of members were assembled. The following stakeholders have been sent a copy of this consultation document and invited to respond; Sir William Cash MP, British Transport Police, Jeremy Lefroy MP, DB Cargo UK, Office of Rail and Road, Freightliner Limited, Network Rail, GB Railfreight Limited, Transport Focus, Virgin Trains Limited, Staffordshire County Council, Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire LEP, Stafford Borough Council, Stafford & District Access Group, Stoke-on-Trent City Council, Midlands Connect Partnership, Chebsey Parish Council, Rail North Limited, North Staffs Rail Promotion Group, HS2 Limited London & Birmingham Railway Limited, 6 Freedom of Information Information provided in response to this consultation, including personal information, may be subject to publication or disclosure in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. If you want information that you provide to be treated as confidential, please be aware that, under the FOIA, there is a statutory Code of Practice with which public authorities must comply and which deals, amongst other things, with obligations of confidence. In view of this it would be helpful if you could explain to us why you regard the information you have provided as confidential. If we receive a request for disclosure of the information, we will take full account of your explanation, but we cannot give an assurance that confidentiality can be maintained in all circumstances. An automatic confidentiality disclaimer generated by your IT system will not, of itself, be regarded as binding on the Department.
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