Important and Single Owner Chinese Works of Art - 2000-Present

Important and Single Owner Chinese Works of Art - 2000-Present

Important and Single Owner Chinese Works of Art - 2000-present Date Locaon Owner/Catalogue Title Pages/Price Lots (L) 3/21/2000 Chrise's/NY Holden (S.B.) (hc) 157 $52 4/30/2000 Chrise's Hong Kong Qing Porcelain, Yuen Family Collecon (hc) 74 $54 4/30/2000 Yuanmingyuan 250 $52 5/1/2000 Sotheby's/Hong Kong Currier Collecon of Chinese painngs 108 $49 6/7/2000 Sotheby's/London incl. Bella & PP Chiu Collecon of Ancient Bronzes 179 $50 10/19/2000 Sotheby's/NY Mildred R. & Rafi Y. Moahedeh (porcelain) 234 $50 10/29/2000 Sotheby's/Hong Kong A Private Trust (hc) (2) 126 $46 10/30/2000 Sotheby's/Hong Kong Guo'an (S.B.) (3) 150 $46 10/30/2000 Jade 288$52 Fushoutang Collecon: important classical Chinese 10/30/2000 Chrise's Hong Kong 120 $52 painngs from Japan (hc) 10/31/2000 Chang 140$52 11/14/2000 Sotheby's/London Baronesses Sapuppo & d'Essen 100 $46 The Imperial Sale: Important Chinese Lacquer, Ceramics 4/29-30/2001 Chrise's Hong Kong 384 $70 and Works of Art 6/21/2001 Chrise's/London Manno Art Museum 200 $55 Mr. & Mrs. Luigi Anton Laura: Important Furniture, Works 6/27/2001 Sotheby's/Paris 334 $125 of Art, & Chinese Porcelain (hardcover) 9/20/2001 Chrise's NY Falk I 300$115 9/21/2001 Chrise's NY The Falk Collecon II: Chinese & Japanese Works of Art 173 $52 9/22-23/2001 various 128 $35 12/19/2001 John W. Gruber 88 $45 1/22/2002 Edwards 119$50 3/19/2002 Sotheby's/NY Ellsworth (2) 159 $46 3/21/2002 Exstein $46 4/29/2002 Imperial 264$52 9/20/2002 Chrise's NY Yip (furniture) (hc) 138 $125 10/27/2002 Chrise's/Hong Kong Currier Collecon of Chinese Contemporary Art 98 $50 10/28/2002 Manno Art Museum 138 $52 10/28/2002 Chrise's Hong Kong Qianlong (2) 100 $60 Cunliffe Collecon: Chinese Ceramics & Jade Carvings 11/11/2002 Bonhams/London 138 $75 (hardcover) 1/22/2003 Edwards 129$50 4/27/2003 Sotheby's Hong Kong The World of Qianlong (hc) (2) 138 $80 4/28/2003 The Imperial Sale 354 $52 6/12/2003 Sotheby's/London Digby (P) 99 $40 6/17/2003 Binder 158$40 9/16/2003 Morrill 138$46 9/18/2003 Geis 108$46 11/12/2003 Sotheby's London Tang 126 $55 1/20/2004 Edwards 139$50 4/25/2004 Sotheby's/Hong Kong Emperor and Scholar (2) (hardcover) 238 $58 4/25/2004 J&J Part 1 $52 4/25/2004 Chrise's/Hong Kong Chai Sian Kwan collecon of painngs by Zhang Daqian $45 4/26/2004 Chrise's/Hong Kong The Imperial Sale: Fine Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art 336 $58 4/26/2004 Chrise's/Hong Kong Important Jade Carvings from a Private Collecon 92 $55 5/11/2004 a European private collecon 154$50 5/17-18/2004 John Kenny 100 $46 6/7/2004 Chrise's London E.T. Hall collecon (porcelain) 249 $60 6/9/2004 Sotheby's/London Toguri 160 $64 9/22/2004 Sotheby's NY Arts of the Buddha 160 $50 10/20/2004 Chrise's NY Love Collecon 337$60 10/31/2004 Sotheby's/Hong Kong Dragon Emperor 138 $52 10/31/2004 Chrise's/Hong Kong Yageo Foundaon Collecon 252$60 11/9/2004 Chrise's/London Alfred Morrison Collecon, Fronthill House 113 $60 3/30/2005 Chrise's/NY J&J, Part 2 (hc) 175 $52 5/2/2005 Imperial (2) 102 $52 5/2/2005 Imperial anonymous 192 $52 5/13/2005 China Guardian Han Hong Lou Collecon of Modern Painngs & Calligaphy 391(L) $50 5/29/2005 Chrise's/Hong Kong Yageo Foundaon Collecon 143$60 5/30/2005 Chrise's/Hong Kong The Imperial Sale 198 $48 5/30/2005 Chrise's/Hong Kong Tianhe Shanfang collecon of Chinese jade 88 $50 An Important Yuan Painng from an American private 9/20/2005 Chrise's/NY 20$45 collecon 9/22/2005 Sotheby's NY Arts of the Buddha 144 $50 Chinese porcelain from a disnguished Asian family 10/23/2005 Sotheby's/Hong Kong 84 $50 (hardcover) Mary and George Bloch Collecon: scholarly works of art 10/23/2005 Sotheby's/Hong Kong 202 $63 (hardcover) 10/23/2005 Sotheby's/Hong Kong A Magnificent Guyexuan Vase (hc) 48 $45 3/29/2006 J&J (part 3) 176 $52 3/29/2006 Chrise's/NY Hall (2) 120 $70 4/7/2006 Sotheby's/Hong Kong Chang (hc) 150 $58 Qianlong, incl. white jades from the De An Tang Collecon 4/10/2006 Sotheby's/Hong Kong 174 $70 (hardcover) 5/10/2006 Chrise's London Gibbs & Lindsay 379 $60 5/10/2006 Chrise's SK Andrew Franklin 86 $45 5/30/2006 Chrise's Hong Kong The Imperial Sale (in slipcase with another catalogue) $65 A Magnificent Qianlong Famille-Rose Eight Immortals Vase 6/3/2006 1(L)$45 (hc) 6/20/2006 Coats 109$46 9/21/2006 Bloomsbury Vintage Chinese Posters 186 $55 10/7/2006 Sotheby's/Hong Kong anonymous 178 $80 10/7/2006 Sotheby's/Hong Kong Speelman 136 $125 10/18/2006 Chrise's Beijing & Forever Chinese Painngs and Calligraphy of Ceng Jing Tang 99 $40 11/8/2006 Sotheby's/London Song ceramics: "The Great Ulmate" 78 $52 11/22/2006 China Guardian Cun Ren Tang Collecon of Porcelain & Works of Art 43(L) $45 Nine Masterworks from the Jing Guan Ju Collecon of 11/23/2006 China Guardian 10(L) $45 Modern Painngs 11/27/2006 Chrise's/Hong Kong The Pine Moon Studio Collecon 144$50 11/28/2006 Chrise's/Hong Kong Alan & Simone Hartman jades (hc) 244 $105 11/28/2006 Chang 137$52 1/24/2007 Chrise's NY Hodroff Collecon 124$47 Made in Imperial China: 76,000 Pieces of Chinese Export 1/29-31/2007 Sotheby's Amsterdam 275 $110 Porcelain from the Ca Mau Shipwreck, c. 1725 3/19/2007 Sotheby's/NY Concordia House 184 $52 Chinese ceramics & works of art, incl. Albright-Knox Art 3/19/2007 Sotheby's/NY 227 $65 Gallery Vol. 1 Chinese ceramics & works of art, incl. Albright-Knox Art 3/20/2007 Sotheby's/NY 371 $65 Gallery Vol. 2 3/20/2007 Chrise's/NY Art for the Way of Tea: an important private collecon 78 $55 3/22/2007 J&J (part 4) 168 $52 4/8/2007 Sotheby's/Hong Kong By Heavenly Mandate; Qianlong Reign (hc) 112 $67 4/8/2007 Sotheby's/Hong Kong the collecon of a Parisian connoisseur (hc) 138 $68 5/26/2007 Bonhams The Green Willow Hall Collecon of Jade Carvings 95 $40 5/28/2007 Chrise's/Hong Kong Li Keran: All the Mountains Blanketed in Red 50 $46 5/29/2007 Chrise's/Hong Kong The Imperial Sale 268 $50 Magnificent Chinese Mirror Painngs & English Furniture 6/5/2007 Sotheby's/London 103 $45 from the Horlick Collecon 6/13/2007 Chrise's/Paris Juan Jose Amezaga cloisonne part one 81 $50 9/19/2007 Chrise's/NY Merimen: Snuff boles 245$52 9/21/2007 Sotheby's NY Arts of the Buddha 128 $50 10/6/2007 Sotheby's/Hong Kong Robert Chang Collecon (Part 2) (hc) 128 $60 10/9/2007 Sotheby's/Hong Kong Qing Porcelain/WoA, private collecon (hc) 123 $60 Imperial Peking: The Last Days/Yuanmingyuan: The Garden 10/9/2007 Sotheby's/Hong Kong $135 of Absolute Clarity (hc, 2 vols in box) 10/13/2007 Phillips/London China Avant-Garde: The Farber Collecon 45 $50 11/7/2007 Sotheby's/London Mu-Fei 160 $52 11/12/2007 Massol/Paris Chinese hand-painted wallpaper 1 (L) $22 11/26/2007 Chrise's/Hong Kong Mei Zhi Tie (hardcover) 32 $50 11/27/2007 Chrise's/Hong Kong Alan & Simone Hartman jades, Part 2 (hc) 272 $76 11/27/2007 Chrise's/Hong Kong Reflecons: Chinese Art Inspired by the West 113 $49 Juan Jose Amezaga & Maria Dolores Feijoo collecon of 12/7/2007 Chrise's/Paris 74$50 cloisonne 1/23/2008 Chrise's/NY Hodroff Part 2 128 $47 3/19/2008 Chrise's/NY Wrigglesworth 210 $75 3/19/2008 Chrise's/NY Merimen: Snuff Boles (Part 2) 199 $52 4/11/2008 Sotheby's/Hong Kong Splendors of the Qing Court (hc) 372 $58 4/11/2008 Private Collecon $46 4/11/2008 Sotheby's/Hong Kong Tao: The Jiansongge Collecon 198$70 4/11/2008 Sotheby's/Hong Kong Leshantang Collecon (hardcover) 136 $50 4/11/2008 Sotheby's/Hong Kong Two Song Treasures from a Japanese Collecon (hc) 80 $46 Masterpieces of Chinese Precious Metalwork, Ming & Qing 4/11/2008 Sotheby's/Hong Kong 140 $100 Imperial Gold (hc) 5/14/2008 Sotheby's/London Chinese precious metalwork (hc) 260 $70 5/26/2008 Chrise's Hong Kong Chinese painngs from three private collecons 168 $45 Songzhutang Colleon of Chinese Rhinoceros Horn 5/27/2008 Chrise's Hong Kong 171 $60 Carvings 5/27/2008 Chrise's Hong Kong Treasures from a Private Collecon 69 $45 5/27/2008 Chrise's Hong Kong The Imperial Sale 329 $56 3 vols Elegance and Arstry, The Imperial Sale, Important Chinese 5/27/2008 Chrise's Hong Kongin $145 Ceramics and Works of Art slipcase Magnificent Clocks for the Chinese Imperial Court from the 5/27/2008 Chrise's Hong Kong 159 $75 Nezu Museum 6/12/2008 Sotheby's Paris Chinese ceramics from 2 European collecons 248 $55 9/16/2008 Sotheby's NY Frieda and Milton Rosenthal (ceramics and works of art) 271 $50 9/17/2008 J&J Part 5 $52 9/17/2008 Chrise's NY Imperial Masterworks 205 $70 Qianlong Imperial Seals from the estate of Emile Guimet 10/8/2008 Sotheby's/Hong Kong 132 $80 (hardcover) Two Exceponal Qianlong Scrolls from a private collecon 10/8/2008 Sotheby's/Hong Kong 124 $76 (hc) 10/8/2008 Sotheby's/Hong Kong Treasures from the Imperial Collecon (hc) 180 $70 10/8/2008 Sotheby's/Hong Kong Zhirouzhai Collecon of Jade 122 $51 11/4/2008 Chrise's/London private English collecon of white jade 59 $46 Important Chinese Classical Painngs: Property of the Ping 12/2/2008 Chrise's/Hong Kong 210 $50 Y.

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