March 12,1976 ISLAND REPORTER Our kind of people 3 SECTIONS 80 PAGES March 19, 1976 C ABLEVISION - SAN I BEL is an A fact: interesting people go to interesting places where they do interesting things. Robert Schnitzer and Marcella Cisney have spent a lifetime as performing arts administrators recruiting and NOW] complete, well-rounded exporting American talent. They talk about themselves and the people they have known, including Thornton Wilder, VOL. 3 NO. 19 SERVING SANIBEL-CAPTIVA AND THE, ISLANDS FROM ESTERO BAY TO BOCA GRANDE PASS 20c beginning on page 1-BV Cayo Costa is one of the last barrier islands in Florida that television coverage is available to you. has managed to elude man's colonization. The virgin beauty . of Cayo Costa's animal and plant life is detailed by George Campbell, starting on page 1-C. Through the marvel of microwave Lots of people find Sanibel an interesting place, including a group of nomad campers who prefer to ignore conventional quarters in favor of sleeping on a bed of pine needles^ Problem is, it's illegal. Their story on page 3-B. technology we've added four distant People here do a lot of talking about the way things used to be, and the way things are now. For a photographic, look at what bustling Fort Myers Beach used to be like, turn to page21-A. signals and we're now • Some people come to Sanibel with the. expectation of building their "dream" retirement home here or of making a living in the development business. Encountering the Sanibel land-use plan, they end up asking questions about A~ . 12 CHANNELS what they now can and can't do. For some of the answers see 12-A; •.'•'. ' • ' • "'. •"•.:. Finally, what do you •think the author of Jonathan Living- STRONG! ston Seagull would do with a boat he had just purchased? He would take it flying, of course. Richard Bach's story is right here on page one. Entertainment, Education, Business News, National and International News from Reuters, Public Service Why do SanibeVs campers endure noseeums, possible eviction and the cold morning dew? Broadcasting and 24 Hour News They tell their story on 3-B. Service. PLUS. Stock Quotations, only ISLAND REPORTER Photo By Angus Thuermer. Jr. 15 minutes delayed, from Wall Street. Council approves partial Mariner Pointe build out Robert. Taylor, president of Mariner benchmark." He pointed out that the a tennis court at Mariner Pointe and that to Several Councilmen commended Taylor Properties, Inc., came to Tuesday's Council proposed land-use plan not only established move the proposed building back to 100 feet for his cooperative attitude and agreed with- meeting seeking permission to construct a a density of six units per acre for the area in would-place it in the middle of the approved the position stated by Butler and Goss that 25-unit building as the final phase of the question, but also required a 100-foot tennis court. he should be given "every consideration that planned 102-unit Mariner Pointe condomin- set-back from the Bay and an elevation of Mayor Goss said that the recent plan the law allows." ium complex. '•..;..• < 13.5 feet. He urged the Council to follow the change requiring both a 100-foot set-back Goss was emphatic, however, in his With Vernon MacKenzie excused from standards set forth in the plan. and the 13.5 foot elevation came as a insistence on a distinction between approval attendance at Council sessions while he is on Taylor replied that he could not possibly surprise to him, adding that since Taylor's for "a building and a project," stating thai medical consultations in Washington, D.C., comply with the 100-foot set-back require- application had been submitted before the permits were given for specific buildings and . the four-man Council ended up giving Taylor ment, pointing but that he had recently change in the requirements he believed that permission to build only 16 units and to come received a permit from the City to construct should be taken into consideration. • continued on 14-4 back when a full Council was present to seek approval of the remaining units. .•'... The action came after the Council, in a rare 2-2 tie vote, failed to approve a motion Bach buys Jonathan Livingston sequel by Councilman Zee Butler that Taylor be granted permission to build at 24 units. The 24-unit figure was chosen - rather By Mark Twombly harness while suspended in air, he, newly acquired boat by sending it than the 25 originally requested by Taylor ~ the crane operator, could not be skyward before testing it in its after Councilman Francis Bailey had sug- Just before he began pulling the held responsible. natural, watery habitat. gested that such a density of approximately gears and levers- that would ex- The boat owner winced, then Hopelessly in love with flight nine units per acre at least conformed with tend the boom and lift the fragile struck up a concerned pace as the since his high school days, Bach an early proposal by the City's planning consultants. In" the present version of the trimaran off its drydock roost of 50 three white hulls, glistening in the has made a living out of flying, and . land-use plan the density allocation for the gallon drums, the crane operator dull light of the full moon, groaned writing about flying. Once an area is at six units per acre, allowing a total walked over and told the anxious under the strain of the harness. editor for Flying magazine, Bach is of about 16 units on the remaining 2.6 acres. owner that if anything happened It seemed appropriate for Rich- better known to a grounded public Bailey and Butler voted to approve the and the boat slipped from its ard Bach to begin life with his as the author of "Jonathan Living- request at 24 units, but Mayor. Porter Goss ston Seagull," a little novel about a and Councilman Charles LeBuff cast nega- thinking, talking seagull. Like tive votes. ' ; The first-77 units of the Mariner Pointe Bach, Jonathan is driven to probe complex, located on San Carlos Bay on the the limits of flight, darting and east end of Sanibel, have been completed for wheeling and perfecting maneuv- well over a year and are completely sold out, ers that other gulls can't and won't Taylor told the Council. attempt. Taylor, emphasizing the "transitional Bach is ready to try a new kind character" of the case, pointed out that the project had been in process for three years, of freedom. Weary of living on that it was 75 percent completed, and that land, he has decided to take up the pilings for the final phase had been in the housekeeping on the water. His CABLEVISIOIM doesn't cost ground for some, 14 months. new home will be the Tonkay, a 32 "We have waited throughout the planning foot trimaran purchased from process," Taylor said, "while others — such Tony Lemus, who has kept the as Loggerhead Cay and Island Beach Club - boat docked at Timmy's Nook -itpays! have been perniitted to proceed." He added that the Mariner Pointe project niet or Marina on Captiva/ exceeded all of the criteria "that are the From his home in Winterhaven, underpinnings of the plan." Florida, Bach and his companion, Keep pace with CABLEVISION and the world. Earlier the Planning Commission, by a 5-2 Dee Boatman, scanned the Tampa 1 vote, with Commissioners George Tenney area for a suitable trimaran. A We re on the move! and Don Marshall dissenting, had recom- skilled sailor ~ he owns*a 47 foot mended denial of Taylor's request. trimaran -- Bach discovered On Tuesday Commission Chairman Duane White told the Council that "after months of Richard Bach, dedicated pilot and author of Jonathan Livingston Lemus and his boat, and according Tojoinupcall472-47S7 study and debate" the Council had approved Seagull, shoves off from Timmy's Nook Marina aboard his new to Ms. Boatman, the "good vibes? a land-use plan for review by the state. trimaran, the Tonkay. • continued on 15-A cents per day-currently available only East of Rabbit Road.) The plan, he said; "is not in limbo. It is a •:•. •••<*; ISLAND REPORTER March 19,1976 A3 'A2 vMkrch I9,1 1976 ISLAND REPORTER IN BRIEF Tlie Sanibel City Council held its final Some last minute changes in Sanibel's proposed compre- densities as much as possible. "But we're not going to do it," public hearing on the Comprehensive Land City files appeal hensive land use plan prompted the City's Planning he cried. Use Plan Thursday, bringing the total public Commission on Monday to reject proposals for two new Kucharski's statement ranked as the most impassioned input time to an estimated 180 hours. Notice of intention to appeal the Circuit island shopping centers, leading one developer to denounce . criticism the commission has yet heard, but White refused to There were few new. faces in the audience Court decision in the Sundial case was the commission for "defiling my rights as an American." enter into a debate with Kucharski, who was just barely able of about 55 Sanibel residents and property filed by the Sanibel City Attorney on During final planning workshops held last week, large to contain his anger. Owners. The public microphone was domin- Monday, March 15. Within ten days chunks of commercial and restricted commercial zones along A number of people took their turns at the microphone to ated, for the most part, by some of the thereafter, according to City Attorney the north side of Periwinkle Way and Gulf Drive were either support Kucharski's statement or line up in the Plan's most outspoken proponents and Frank Watson, it will be necessary to file slashed to permit only residential use.
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