Item 8.1 – Commercial and Rural Areas Development Plan Amendment ATTACHMENT 1 Peter Kittle Motor Company Submission ATTACHMENT 2 Tony Virgara Submission ATTACHMENT 3 APA Group Submission ATTACHMENT 4 Light Regional Council Submission ATTACHMENT 5 SA Water Submission ATTACHMENT 6 Natural Resources – Adelaide and Mt Lofty Ranges Submission ATTACHMENT 7 Environment Protection Authority Submission ATTACHMENT 8 Country Fire Service Submission ATTACHMENT 9 Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure Submission ATTACHMENT 10 Office for Design and Architecture Submission ATTACHMENT 11 Summary of Consultation and Proposed Amendments Report ATTACHMENT 12 Commercial and Rural Areas Development Plan Amendment TOWN OF GAWLER Page 1 of 225 COUNCIL MEETING 12 DECEMBER 2017 ATTACHMENTS UNDER SEPARATE COVER ATTACHMENT 1 Ref: 17ADL-0364 7 November 2017 Suite 12 154 Fullarton Road ROSE PARK SA 5067 Mr Henry Inat 08 8333 7999 www.urps.com.au Chief Executive Officer ABN 55 640 546 010 Town of Gawler 89 Murray Street GAWLER SA 5118 Dear Mr Inat Submission (Peter Kittle Motor Company) – Commercial and Rural Areas Development Plan Amendment URPS is acting on behalf of Peter Kittle Motor Company (PKMC). This correspondence forms our submission to the Town of Gawler, Commercial and Rural Areas Development Plan Amendment (DPA). In general, we are supportive of the DPA and look forward to it being approved by Council (subject to our recommended amendments) prior to mid December 2017. We will be pleased to work with Council and/or its consultant to expedite this matter. DPA Objective A prime objective of this DPA is to facilitate the development of the site located on the south-western corner of Main North Road and Gordon/Tiver Road intersection, Kudla, for a car dealership and delivery centre to service the northern Adelaide region that will provide significant job creating opportunities. The proposal will include the following integrated land uses: • Sale of different makes of vehicles. • Vehicle delivery and storage area. • Vehicle display area. • Petrol filling station for dealership vehicles and customer vehicles. • Offices for the dealership and ancillary land uses such as a vehicle loan’s office. • Café area for customers of the dealership and other associated subsidiary retail uses. • Carwash. • Motor repair station. • Advertisement displays. shaping great communities TOWN OF GAWLER Page 2 of 225 COUNCIL MEETING 12 DECEMBER 2017 ATTACHMENTS UNDER SEPARATE COVER Recommended DPA Amendments Having regard to the objective of the DPA, we recommend that Council adopts the following policy amendments to ensure the DPA is aligned with the project objectives: 1. Affected Area – Allotment 224, CT 6108/58 PKMC seeks rezoning of the allotment contained within Certificate of Title Volume 6108 Folio 58 only. The 1.63 hectare allotment is of a size that can accommodate all the original uses, including a vehicle delivery centre and dealership facility. The site will continue to provide significant job creating opportunities for the region. Attachment A contain a copy of the proposed rezoning area and the relevant Certificate of Title. 2. Business Zone, Desired Character – Recognition of the Dealership and Delivery Centre The Desired Character statement plays an important role in the development assessment process. The current DPA statement fails to appropriately acknowledge one of the prime objectives of the DPA. We recommend that the following paragraph be introduced into the Desired Character statement to provide all parties with greater certainty: “The zone includes land on the south-western corner of Main North Road and Gordon/Tiver Roads intersection, Kudla. This land will be developed for an integrated car dealership and delivery centre, potentially operating 24 hours, 7 days a week. The development will incorporate a number of integrated activities, including prominent vehicle display areas, motor repair station, carwash facility, petrol filling station (including for electric/hydrogen) for dealership and customer vehicles, any ancillary offices (i.e. vehicle loan agent) and subsidiary retail area. The development will include high quality freestanding advertisement displays.” 3. Business Zone, Desired Character – Building Area Paragraph six, clause (h) in the DPA’s Desired Character statement seeks to guide the size of buildings. However, the Zone’s Principle of Development Control (PDC) 23 excludes building floor area restrictions on the PKMC site. We assume that this is an anomaly and that the Desired Character statement will be amended to ensure consistency with PDC 23. PKMC is likely to have buildings containing a total floor area in the order of 2,000 to 3,000 square metres. These floor areas are not unreasonable on a site having an area in excess of 1.5ha. 4. Business Zone, Desired Character – Petrol Filling Station We acknowledge Council’s desire to prohibit a petrol filling station on the PKMC site (but allow it elsewhere in the zone). However, as currently drafted and having regard to the Development Regulations definition of a ‘petrol filling station’1, we are concerned that the fuelling of vehicles associated with the vehicle dealership and delivery centre may be captured by the petrol filling station definition. 1 Petrol filling stations means “land used for the purposes of fuelling motor vehicles and may include any associated land for the servicing of motor vehicles, or for the sale of goods whereas the area used for the sale of goods is not greater than 50 square metres, but does not include a motor repair station.” H:\Synergy\Projects\17ADL\17ADL-0364 Peter Kittle Motor, Gawler\Project 2 Management\Correspondence\URPS DPA Submission C001_V5_171026.docx TOWN OF GAWLER Page 3 of 225 COUNCIL MEETING 12 DECEMBER 2017 ATTACHMENTS UNDER SEPARATE COVER To ensure greater clarity to all parties, we recommend that that an exclusion is incorporated into planning policy that allows a petrol filling station to be permitted on the site for the purposes of fuelling (including for electric/hydrogen) dealership and customer vehicles. 5. Business Zone, Principle of Development Control (PDC) 13 – Screened Car Parking This PDC currently states that “Car parking areas should be suitably planted with canopy trees and screened with landscaping to reduce visual impact”. Although this principle is generally appropriate for typical car parking areas, it is impractical for vehicle display areas. Our experience is that some planning authorities classify vehicle display areas as car parking areas. Vehicle display areas require good visibility to high volumes of passing traffic and need to have minimal tree cover to avoid damage and maintenance of displayed vehicles. The existing PKMC site located on the corner of Main North Road and McIntryre Road, Para Hills West, provides an example of an appropriate vehicle display area. It is recommended that PDC 13 be amended as follows: “Car parking areas (excluding vehicle display areas associated with a vehicle dealership and delivery centre) should be suitably planted with canopy trees and screened with landscaping to reduce visual impact.” 6. Business Zone, PDC 19 – Hours of Operation This principle and associated design techniques seeks to address hours of operation and associated noise levels. These existing Development Plan policies are significantly out-of-date, are not contained in any recent version of the S.A. Better Development Plan. Given sections of the vehicle dealership (ie motor repair station and/or vehicle delivery centre) may need to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, out dated hours of operation policies will result in significant operational issues. In addition, Council’s existing Council wide Development Plan policies contain enforceable policy guidance relating to noise management issues. These policies state: “102 Development should be sited, designed and constructed to minimise negative impacts of noise and to avoid unreasonable interference. 103 Development should be consistent with the relevant provisions in the current Environment Protection (Noise) Policy.” Furthermore, irrespective of Development Plan policies, developments must illustrate compliance with the EPA, Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2007. Having regard to the Council wide policies and the need to comply with the EPA Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy. It is recommended that PDC is deleted, or at the very least, the associated design techniques should be deleted. H:\Synergy\Projects\17ADL\17ADL-0364 Peter Kittle Motor, Gawler\Project 3 Management\Correspondence\URPS DPA Submission C001_V5_171026.docx TOWN OF GAWLER Page 4 of 225 COUNCIL MEETING 12 DECEMBER 2017 ATTACHMENTS UNDER SEPARATE COVER 7. Business Zone, PDC 32 – Wall Heights The PDC seeks to restrict wall heights to no greater than 9 metres. This restriction is impractical for modern dealerships, nor does it have any planning merit given the anticipated building setbacks required to ensure area for the display of vehicles. The anticipated building setback from Main North Road will be approximately 20 metres measured from the allotment boundary and approximately 40 metres measured from the carriageway. The proposed development’s building height will incorporate a number of varying features, but at its highest point is likely to have a height of approximately 11 metres from finished floor level. Such a height within the locality is considered to be appropriate and will facilitate a high quality, contemporary, fit for purpose building that will make
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