TTHE RANSCRIPT Ohio Wesleyan University The Oldest Independent Student Newspaper in the Nation Delaware, OH Thursday, October 12, 2006 Volume 144 No. 5 OWU to host minority leadership conference By Miranda Simmons will focus on black, Latino and ception that if it’s [the conference] a good way to show equality is by Russel Simmons of Def Jam Staff Reporter Asian cultures and heritages, seek- for minorities, they say ‘Oh, it’s working and that our educational records. Hare is a co-founder of ing to educate students on a variety not for me.’ But it’s open to every- system is working.” the Black Think Tank, an author The Great Lakes College As- of issues. one.” Andrew Johnson said the con- and a motivational speaker. Wylie sociation (GLCA) is bringing its “I don’t want anyone to think Andrew Johnson said regis- ference will provide minorities served as president and CEO for Students of Color Leadership this is just for black students to at- tration forms can be found in the the opportunity to network on the National Urban League. She Conference to Ohio Wesleyan this tend,” Johnson said. “It’s a leader- offi ce of Minority Student Affairs an inter-collegiate basis. He said has also taught African-American weekend. The theme will be “Liv- ship conference. It’s educational…I and need to be turned in by the schools planning to attend are Studies at Youngstown State Uni- ing, Practicing, and Cultivating just hope the OWU community will weekend. Pre-registration costs Denison, Otterbein, Capital, Ohio versity and Sociology at Winston- Leadership.” come out. It’s over mid-semester $40 while on-site registration will Dominican University and the Salem University. Junior Andrew Johnson, presi- break, so there shouldn’t be any be $50. University of Miami. A pamphlet provided by the dent of the Student Union for Black confl icts.” Lyndsay Johnson said “It [the The conference will feature offi ce of Minority Student Affairs Awareness (SUBA) said Darryl Senior Lyndsay Johnson, trea- conference] will help promote di- three keynote speakers—Ben said the speakers will, “…help us Peal, director of Minority Student surer of SUBA, said she doesn’t versity and will show people there Chavez, Dr. Julia Hare and Dr. reach our goal to reach the forgot- Affairs, was responsible for bring- think many white students will at- are so many minorities in high Dolores Smith Wylie. ten, empower the weak, challenge ing the conference to campus. tend the conference. positions.” She attributed this Chavez is the president of Johnson said the conference “I think people get the miscon- success to education, saying “It’s Hip-Hop Action Summit, owned See Conference, page 2 What a way to celebrate Mission trip teams formed for spring By Jacqui Coffey advised mission teams each pro- vide a variety of unique oppor- Staff Reporter tunities to respectfully serve and This year, seven mission teams experience other cultures. will represent Ohio Wesleyan and According to the Chaplain’s their individual causes all around Offi ce web page, “each project is the world over spring break, from carefully designed to facilitate March 10 to March 18. On Fri- growth in spirituality, servant day, the Chaplain’s Offi ce posted leadership, intercultural under- which applicants were accepted standing, social justice, and the as team members to go on the academic connection between mission trips. service and learning.” Kelly Adamson, associate The Katrina team has re- chaplain for Mission and Voca- searched where they will be most tion, said there were 80 appli- effective in assisting human re- cants for the spring break mission covery and will spend time over teams this year. break working with a local gulf “Reading the applications is agency doing recovery work. always exciting,” she said. “Since The Border team will give stu- it is a blind process, sometimes I dents the opportunity to examine read through an application and the dynamics that exist on both think, ‘Wow! I really want to get sides of the Mexico-US border. to know that person,’ only to fi nd The Habitat for Humanity out later I do know that person team will participate in the colle- but have just encountered anoth- giate challenge national tradition er side of the student.” of concretely serving through re- Team selection is completed by lationship and construction. each team’s leadership. This con- The Lakota Nation team will sists of the team leader, a spiritual spend the week rebuilding homes, guide, and two faculty/staff advi- serving meals in the senior center, sors. assist with children, and meeting Adamson said the blind pro- with the spiritual elders at night. cess really opens up the way The Two Communities of Faith she approaches the selection of team will work with Mother The- teams. resa’s order of religious sisters in “It allows us to be open to what their homeless shelter, soup kitch- Photo By Adam Guy the applicant has to say about his en, and food and clothing bank Senior Craig Neal celebrates after he scored the tie-breaking goal in the second half of or herself and his or her reasons situated in Rome, Italy. They will the Bishop’s game against Oberlin last night. Sophomore Dan Bryant added another goal for wanting to participate in a also explore the Catholic faith by given team.” to secure a 2-0 win. For a full story on the team’s results this week, see page 12. The student-led faculty/staff See Spring Break, page 2 Student group working to end the genocide in Darfur STAND raises $350 from fast fundraiser Group participates in national rally By Lainey Cullen Spitalny, president of STAND. and is now an international group By Lainey Cullen “This year, support, awareness, “We asked students to pledge with chapters in Canada and Staff Reporter and participation has doubled. Staff Reporter to fast either all day or to give throughout the US, Spitalny said. Our fi rst meeting drew in 30 peo- STAND (Students Taking Ac- up an item for the day that they Spitalny said people protested Sophomore Lydia Spitalny ple and many have come back and tion: Darfur) members lined the would usually use or consume,” alongside STAND members and founded Ohio Wesleyan’s chapter have helped with events. More JAYWalk near Corns Wednesday, Spitalny said. 75 people, including professors, of STAND last year to raise aware- people on campus know who we Oct. 4 to raise awareness about The group then asked students attended the banquet. They raised ness about the genocide occurring are and I think we’re beginning to genocide in Darfur. Students were to donate the money and/or food a total of $350. STAND paid for in Darfur and establish a coalition establish validity as an active club urged to fast and were invited to points they saved for the Geno- the banquet with food points of active students who will address on campus.” receive a free meal at a charity cide Intervention Network’s fund donated through various dorm relevant issues on campus. Spitalny said 20 STAND mem- banquet hosted by STAND that for civilian protection. storms. “I started the OWU STAND bers along with Chaplain Jon night. “The purpose of the rally was “It went much better than I ex- chapter last year when I was a Powers attended a rally in Fort “It’s called the Darfur Fast, and to raise more awareness about pected,” she said. “I received posi- freshman. I came to school know- Wayne, Ind. on Sunday, Sept. 17. the purpose is to fast in solidarity the Fast and about the issue,” she tive comments afterwards from ing that I wanted to start a chap- “There were around 200 peo- with the people of Darfur, which said. professors and students about the ter, so I did,” she said. “The club ple at the rally, which took place means we’re experiencing on a STAND is an anti-genocide protest. At the banquet, the Chap- was pretty small last year, with in front of the Fort Wayne court- small scale what they experience student coalition that was started around 5 solid members. Not everyday,” said sophomore Lydia at Georgetown University in 2004 See Fundraiser, page 2 many people knew who we were.” See Rally, page 2 Inside This Public Safety suffers Avesta’s hosts weekly Tree House to promote Women’s soccer ends Week’s Issue: vehicle shortage karaoke night animal awareness winless streak Page 3 Page 6 Page 6 Page 11 Page 2 The Transcript Thursday, October 12, 2006 Thursday, October 12, 2006 The Transcript Page 3 Spring Break (from page 1) News attending Mass at St. Peter’s and “This will give the team the op- but this will be the first one that work with children between the attending a Rosary service for the portunity to spend more time in I lead myself. Had I not gone on ages of one to 10, teaching them Briefs Pope. reflection throughout the year,” the Rome trip last year I probably English and helping out in any Team leaders from Women in she said. “After we get to know would not have the confidence to area that needs improving. Homecoming court Community and Love and Hope each other’s personalities and in- take this on.” “I am very excited to go,” she taking nomitions Ministries offered up their expe- terests better, we can decide how riences, advice, and optimism for we will spend our week with the through tomorrow sisters.” Spring Break 2007 Mission Teams this year’s mission trips.
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