Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1981 Daily Egyptian 1981 9-28-1981 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 28, 1981 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1981 Volume 66, Issue 26 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 28, 1981." (Sep 1981). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1981 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1981 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vaily 'Egyptian Southern Illinois University Monday. September 28. 1981- \'01 fifi. ~o 26 Fighting rages in Iran; scores wounded in raids \f', BElFh'T. I.('OOnon .. \'/lwpd "/Jur nation's bps! blaek ~mok(' hung O\'('f a FIerce fighting ra~erl in Iran's rpsistance will gO on until numtx>r of IlI'lghborhoods I lot' l'apital Sunday, with !'cllrp" 11'11 KI;flmeim'!, downfal1 ,. reached by t('l('phonl' saId a gas wounded and guprrlllil~ " reslden! of Tt·hran rE'achE'd station was hlown up and a rep"r!('d firing rOl'kel-propt'lleri b) !pl('phone early in the numbE'r of bUilding!' set ablazt' grenades and machine !!\ln~ in oth('rs said the hea\'\' strl'{'l some of the wor:-! ilnll­ ~\:ni~~I~aldt~~~~s h~dt n~:~~ fighting was within hiO<'ks of !(homeini violence in month);. "rIghting on e\'('ry steet corner. govemml'nt ministry buildings. ;i{'('ording to rt'ports from bE'hind (,\'(,,\ tree, ('vervwher(', The descriptions of tht' Tehran. It was .h~ worst and most weaponry involvE'd could not be . 'There arE' dashes ahsolUlelv violent street dashes since the immediately confinnKl. but it e\'E'r\'\1ihere in central lenran.'· days of the revolution." was the first report that thl' Staff photo ~. "ichuf Marc:oUl' said' one residtant reac~1E'd bv Tehran Radio carried a news guerrillas trying to topple the telephone by The Associated conference in which govern· strict Islamic regime of I ,ET l'S SPHA l'-Jan .. Stumps, a sop hom or.. majoring in art. works Press here, "There is no ment spokesmen Behzad ,-\yalollah Ruhollah Khomelni 00 a procl'!!s calii'd "spray lacqul'r acqua tin'" in a room on thl' possible way to know how many :liaba"i said the clashes were possessed rocket-grenades. In third nour of lhl' Allyn Building. Th .. room is usl'd I'xprt"Ssly for tbl' "preplannE'd and of course. tl'('hniqUl' Involving spray paints. whkh ma~' ht"lp I'lIplain lbl' anti, previous battles. they have been ~~ ars~~~~~l"~~~d were a disastrous failure for the kno~n to be annE'd with assault graffiti on thl' room's walls. gO\'t'rnmt'nt fighters were :\tujahadeen." The head of rifles that can fire quick. but "\'er~' well organizE'd, They IraTl's revolutionary policE'. or HmitE'd. bursts of ammunition han' (ormE'd thE'mselves in central Komiteh. said thE' Residents told the AP b\ commando groups. rangt'r: fighting "W3S not serious at telephone that tht' fighting Union.. county meet style, and they are hitting with all" broke out about 9 a,m. near machine guns and anti-tank Tehran Radio earliE'r said 40 Tehran University and quickly rockets" described as shoulder· people were wounded after the spread downtown. carried, rocket-propelled to trade information guerillas opened fire on "in- The reports appeared to in­ KE'Ck said, grenades, dicate some of the worst street Bv Liz ~r1ffin In Paris, the exilE'd leader of sian "'riler A promotion and pquitable ~:~~ ~'::;na~~ ~~t J::aea fighting since President pay plan for courthouse pm States and the Mujahadeen Abolhassan Bani-Sadr was l'nion fl'presentatives met ployees '" ould be negotiated. ~~d ~r!!~!s~~~a~:~~he ~~~1 created clashes in several areas oustE'd by the islamic clergy· but not "radicall)l changed" at decision., .f'or getting rid of with members of a Jackson of Tehran." dominated Parliament three County Board committee tbe start. actmrdint!, to KeclI., Khomeini's savage sadism and Residents has said a oan of months allo. Friday in a pUf.'ly m· lie .. aid he prefer.. thO' rormational meetmg, leaving courthouse to hi! a "union without a timl'table for a hoard shop .. hul be said that ("ould bE' Former Khomeini supporters derision on union recognition of nt'gotia ted too courthouse E'mployt't's When askKl how the union Reprt'st'ntath'es of rht' would respond to offict'holdtars Amt'rican Fedt'ralion of Stale. who l'h.){)Sl' not to rec/lgniZl' the County and "YunicipaJ Em­ L1n1on. l\f'('k s:lId the union reported tortured, execltted ployt'('S-' AFL-c/O left \\'Ilhout would fi~:;i t,,' !Il swaY tht'm a committee fE'Commendatlon SCOanl(l'I\' and ultima! .. i\ "rook Editor's noh··Thp following General Assadollah Laja\·ardi. to the board. pending rurther Jt'''':l<1t i; l'"min!! lip in tilt' 'lexr ,Ion is basPd on rl'ports from ~l'~~~rfa~o ~~~~n~n~~atol~~~ have called for the ex('{'ution or legal advicl' to tht' board from prj-nan' .. Iranians who rl'cl'nUy Il'fl damentalist Islamic regime, "e\'en a 12-vear-old ("hlld if thai Jackson Count\· Statt's' AI­ Hobt'rt ('rim. chairman of th(' Tphran and from olhl'r'S in­ Scores ha\'e been reported child participates in an arm('d tornev John Clemons leg'slative ("ommit!l'e, saId l{'rv-i .. ",", lhl'l'l' by t{'ll'phonl'. imprisoned. tortur('d and demonstration" LeSKeck. of AFSC':'oIE. said if most of the offlct'hold('rs' Thev includl' t ..achl'rs and executed. Khomeini himself. in radio the board recognizes the union. employees are hirE'd. firE'd and pprsOnal acquaintanct'S of som .. Teen·agers and young broadcasts. exhorts a committee of three to fh'e 01 :Ill' stud"'•. In ('Very c:aR children march at the forefront schoolchildren to inform on board members and of· ~~~nh ~~ ~~~dn:n!:!r:ste~ thl'sl' !lourc:l'S rl'qut'Stl'd of demonstrations against the . fello\\' pupils who harbor ficeholders would probably be overal' budget for l'ach office, anonymity to ....at«t tht'm­ clergy's tight grip on day·to-day thoughts harmful to his formed as the county's But Countv Clerk RobE"rt RI"H and their lamillt'S, life. The\' distribute lea nets theocracy. bargaining agent. Harrell said he does not use that denouncing the hundreds of "Nearly 200 fighting AFSCME would form its own system and "I don '. know any Bv Sc:hellel'"!zadl' Faramazi executions of 1\1ujahadeen Mujahadeen children have been committee to negotiate .... ages. other officeholder who does.': '\5soda&M Press Wriaer Khalq guerrillas and other executed in the past few days." hours and .... orking conditions Keck said a unioo was ne'!ded leftists waging the terror Mujahadeen Khalq leader-in· with the county, for "a fair shake," BEIRUT, Lebanon - Iran's campaign of bombings and exile Massoud Rajavi declarE'd Arter a tentative agre-me~t is schoolchildren, once swept up in assassinations against in a statement issued Sept. 20 reached betWl't"ll the parties. "Public services to the the revolution which overthrew Khomeini loyalists. from his exile in Paris. ratification by courthouse working people are just being the mona~hy. are now a~ Revolutionary officials. in· employees would be needed, cut." Keck said. pearing in the ranks of leftists c1udin~ "; ehran Prosecutor See IR,\S Page 3 ,.fA UP hears bud,{et speech Sting win, finally bring Shaw calls salaries a priority ''with increased productivit)' in million next Year. Shaw said, Chicago championship By Mike Anthony and monev deferred ~rom the staff Wtiwr the personnel ~rea and cu~: and were the defending backs in a multitude of areas retiremeni fund this year will cost about S30 to S35 million. champions going into The fiscal year 1982 is a tough which total 10150,000. Saturdav night's contest. "You are well aware of the "The state needs $40 to 150 The city of Chicago. 18 one, "but money is placed miUion in new money simply to yea,-s without a sports Sting members Karl Heinz where we said it was most fiscal difficulties and the need champion, has finally found Granitza and Rudy Glenn imporlant~in faculty and staff on this campus to cut bac~ Set' SPEEl'H Pagl' 3 one in the form of the Chicago combined goals in the salaries," Chancellor Kenneth considerably in order to make It Stuig soccer team" shootout. which the Sting won Shaw said Thursday. t.'1rough this year," Shaw said. Crowds awaited the team at 2-1, The shootout came Speaking to the SIU -C chapter "In balance. we were treatE'd O'Hare International Airport after the regulation go·minute of the American Association of very well. and are far better off {ius and a paradta to honor the and ovl'rtimt' 15-minute time University Professors, Shaw than state agencies ,. 'Bode players was scheduled after periocts ended in a scoreless said that a poor economy Besides the economy. Shaw the Sting dtafeated the New tie combined with tight state and said a number lIr variables York Cosmos 1-0 in a shootout At the l'nd of the match. the federal funds will mean the SIU affect the SIlo system-tax Saturday night in the North Exhibition Stadium crowd of system will be in "for some changes in the state and a Am('rican Soccer League more than 36.llOO---<'omprised finanCially difficult times" in decline in federal money.
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