24 - THE HERALD. Sat., Aug. 15, 1981 -jt-i s n B M L n v -'.A,':’ %-,A HOTWM HUB euANiNa Tree Rmu/M MANCHESTER ^ SanlorCIl RmimHatssaWBBl Cool tonight; Manchester, Conn. „ 646-3420 sunny Tuesday Monday, Aug. 17, 1981 HAS IT! — See page 2 , 25 Cents CnUFFE MITO BODY / nO U Tin TALCOTTVILLe,CT. 763 MAIN ST. 24 HR. TOWING 043-1101 181 WICKHAM PARK 6 4 3 -0 0 1 6 FEATURING THIS WEEK M i l MAIN ST. •COMWUTI COiUtlON WtWAIW MANCHESTER •fOMION AND AMimCAN CANS Protests 043^1000 Cap N Cork Package Store . -wiissa PO HAIOWMIE A SMITTEHS called off / ^ Q J S i C SALES— 8ERVICE^IN8TALLATION YANKEE ALUMMIM SERVICES —WootSed Ridge nPMCIAUSfS IN BLASa 4 $CRBBN RMFAIR [esignsjoc By United Press International >41 •AOADSTAECT MANCHtSTEM CONN OAO40 20 WARREN STREET I MANCHESTER, CONN. Tropical itorm Oennia breeied Manchester Prafessional Park, Suite A-1 Betty G.iMjqher, Prop. Poland 6 4 0 -1 1 0 0 through the Florida K ey* with little damage and hovered over the Gulf of Mexico early today, allowing tm OOlVICi AND INSTALL INDUSTSIAL AND COMMUCIAL some tourista to return to thir AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION demonstrations cropping up to K-B AUTOMOTIVE vacations. Another storm in the Warnings protest food shortages. HEATING and SHEET METAL . KEN BRAITHWAITE Plains flooded streets and lakes But at the same time, Solidarity 299 BROAD ST. 643-8844 with heavy rain. itself called a two-day nationwide Dennis was over the gulf about 75 .New Englam) Mechanical Services, Inc. newspaper strike to protest an in­ SPECUUZING m: miles southwest of Miami, and a convince tense anti-union media campaign • STARTEIIS apokesman for the National launched by the government. That . 166 TUNNEL RD. Hurricane Center said it might strike was scheduled for-Wednesday • GEIEMTORS a TUNE UPS reach the sparsely populated VERNON, CT. 06066 students and Thursday and Solidarity says it Florida Everglades nearjthe tiny r 871-1111 • ALTERNATI^S b WHUNG will shut down every newspaper in /town of Flamingo later tSday. WARSAW, Poland (U P I) - Polish the country. Severe thunderstorms drrached students suddenly called off a series For more than two weeks, the southern Plains with more th|ut CLYDE A MICKEY MILLER'S of protest marches scheduled for authorities have waged a campaign Svrt'hifi V tu ii'hvA lvr o vv r .VI yrx. 3 inches of rain early today, flooding TEL 649-3828 p J|UTO today in response to warnings from to have the student marches streets and lakes in Texas. Park Properly Line the government. Solidarity and the stopped. Deputy Prem ier Janusz PARTS Flooding was reported in Proposed Taking Line Catholic Oiurch of the danger of O b^owski last week highlighted Our recently remodeled and enlarged store Pentland The Florist Littlefield, texas, where 3.6 inches "MITO PARTS FOR USS" I • 1 Proposed AddRtonel H O W renewed unrest. that campaign by calling the star 24 BIRCH ST. of rain fell in about an hour. Lub­ HOURS now has one of the largest selections of Imported The scheduled demonstrations, marches “provocative” and war­ S TO ■ MON.-FRI. TEL. 643-6247 bock received more than an inch in State Owned Land and domestic wines in this area, as well as chilled 'known as “ star marches” because ning the government would use “ all 8 TO S SAT. A SUN. 643-4444 one hour, triggering widespread ^ B B S S & Acquired they were to begin in five cities and means available” to prevent them. wines for your convenience. We have doubled street and lake flooding. 307 E. CENTER 8T. (REAR) F.T.D. simultaneously converge on Warsaw Solidarity did its part to stop the MASTER CHARGE In the West, a 350-acre fire roared MANCHESTER our capacity for cold beer. Kegged beer is always AMERICAN EXPRESS WORLD WIDE throughout the week, originally marches, warning organizers the out of control in Oregon’s parched Approximately two acres of the southeastern dicates the proposed expansion of the BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY RERVICE were called to protest the arrest of union could not provide protection on hand for your party needs. Klamath R iver Canyon. Hundreds of state’s highway right-of-way row, most of It corner of Wickham Park (slashed lines) five members of an outlawed for them and reminding that street fii^i^ters dug h i^ lines around state-owned land. The current borders of the would be lost to the proposed widening of political group. demonstrations in 1970 and 1976 left the fire late Sunday and dozens Interstate 86, according to the state en­ 209 acre park are Indicated by the thick, dozens dead. The sudden cancellation of the CAP -N- CORK PACKAGE STORE m ore w ere being rushed in later vironmental Impact statement. The grey area black line. Then Saturday, Archbishop Jozef 48B-48B No. Main St. Convenient Location - Friendly Sdrvice M a y . protests came after a weekend In the lower right-hand corner of the map In­ Glemp, Poland’s Primate, appealed Manchastor, Conn. N o homes w ere threatened by the Black Sea summit between Soviet for the marches to be called off 649-0591 C a p N C o rk fire, which broke out in the same President Leonid Brezhnev and during a hilltop mass he celebrated area where four other major fires Polish party leader Stanislaw Kania for 300,000 pilgrims at Poland’s Kt'iiutdelrd &• Eitlnrfivd bae burned forestland in recent that ended with a warning that re­ holiest shrine — the Hill of Light. To Heller Serve I'o ii weeks. cent strikes- and demonstrations Despite the menacing government LIQUOR - BEER • CORDIALS 191 CENTER ST. Tropical storm Dennis moved Wickharn Park trustees “ create(d) a serious threat to the warnings and the growing calls from SPECIAL ORDER Larga tetacllon of MANCHESTER. CONN over the middle Keys Sunday with 55 security of the state, its in­ ail sides against the marches, the CAKE MON'.-SAT..IO-9 dependence.” But that warning was IniDortvd A/Domastic WInts 48S-489 No. Main St., MaiMfhester (203)646-0228 mph winds and bursts of heavy rain, organizers called a news conference THURS. 10-9 but no soloua damage. A tornado less ominous than most analysts had Sunday afternoon to announce plans was reported near Puuitation Key, expected. were moving ahead. MOHAWK INDUlil^RIAL SUPPLY, INC. about 50 miles south of Miami. oppose loss to Solidarity started the cooling off Then, six hours later, they sudden­ MMICHESTER OVER 4 5 Hundreds of people who period last week when its leadership ly changed their minds and said the YEARS evacuated the Keys re tu r^ by late issued an "appeal to the nation” marches were suspended until next afternoon. pact statement. widening of Interstate 86 from four that called for an end to the growing Saturday when a final decision on MEMORML CO. EXPERIENCE By Paul Hendrle “ Really, we had more bad storms Manchester’s Conservation Com­ to eight lanes, the addition of number of spontaneous the demonstration would be made. •FOUL WEATHER SUITS Herald Reporter •eOOTS *H0SE 0pp. East Camatary 640-5807 last ni^t,” said Steve Shaw, am­ mission also has qpposed the collector-distributor rodds parallel 649-0591 bulance chief on Big Pine Key. "I highway plans because they would to toe highway and toe relocation of Wickham Park’s trustee, Hart­ •OLOVES«TARPS«RESPIRATORS the West Middle Turnpike in­ QUALITY wouldn’t say we had more than .30 ford National Bank and Trust Ck>., interfere with and eliminate some Local aid to Poland HARRISON 8T. knot winds (about 35 mph) today. remains "unalterably opposed to toe park lands, including Wickham terchange, according to toe en­ 5 G/an Rd. • M a n ch e ttw 643-5107 MANCHESTER MEMORIALS About the only thing different was reduction of the land area of Park. vironmental impact statement. we had a high tide a couple of feet Wickham Park” that would result Although toe Conservation (Com­ The DOT statement argues that above normal at noon today.” from toe widening of Interstate 86 mission said it supported a connec­ “ no activities of the park are K-B AUTOMOTIVE Store owners and residents when it is linked to Interstate-M. tor road, it o p p o ^ -this design, located in toe area to be acquired” Spring CaJI (or quality steam hurriedly boarded up stores, tidd Approximately two acres of toe which it called “ grandious.” and claims that toe main area of the M do what I EVERYTHING IN GLASS Cleaning? carpet cleaning... t(ia park will be shielded from the ■WE CAN'T HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT " Bane-Clene way down boats and put hurricane tape privately owned paik near the East (Current (Chairman Arthur Glaeser CALL on windows to prevent them from Hartford town lim would be lost as said this morning toe commission highway by a high, wooded ridge, shattering. part of toe construction, according has not reconsidered its stand in primarily of state-owned land U WHITE GLASS CO. AKta NaintMMncs between toe park and 1-86. 4S7No.Maln8t. to toe final environmental impact quite some time, “ but anything that can to help' statement prepared by toe state would take land out of WidUiam ' The two areas of the park to be ”“.a,?ssK" 043-0050 gobbled up by toe highway “ consists • 4«- 73aa We do 8 lots more than Department of Transportation. Park is obviously something which 30 Yt:4HS EXPERIEM U clean carpeta" More jails of an overgrown field next to the 'The 209-acre park was deeded to we would oppose.” .
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