HaNdBoOk 24.-26.9 20131 wElCoMe tO tHe CoNtEnT fInNiSh fIlM aFfAiR iNfO & cOntaCtS .................................................................... 3 fIlM lInEuP .............................................................................. 4 InTrOdUcTiOn GeNeRaL InFoRMATIoN FoR ATTeNdInG InDuStRy sElEcTiOn oF oThEr fEsTiVaL fIlMs ......................................11 The Finnish Film Affair is an initiative of the Helsinki Attending the events of the Finnish Film Affair requires a wOrKs iN pRoGrEsS: fInNiSh fIlMs iN dEvElOpMeNt ............ 12 International Film Festival – Love & Anarchy showcasing Finnish Film Affair badge. For more information on the the latest Finnish feature films to international industry Finnish Film Affair accreditation go to hiff.fi/en/industry. pRoGrAmMe sChEdUlE ...........................................................16 professionals and offering panels and networking Please note that there is a restricted amount of tickets opportunities for the local film industry. The second available per screening and that some of the events require iNdUsTrY pAnEl .....................................................................18 Finnish Film Affair takes place in Helsinki from signing up in advance. September 24 to 26. attEnDiNg fInNiSh pRoDuCeRs ............................................ 20 Tickets to festival screenings of the Russian, Estonian and Scandinavian selection cost 8 Euros and can be purchased attEnDiNg iNvItEd iNtErnatiOnAl gUeStS ..........................23 Additional information and materials at online or at the cinemas. wWw.fInNiShFiLmAfFaIr.fI All the films listed in this handbook are subtitled in fEsTiVaL cLuBs .................................................................... 28 English and spoken in their original language. mAp oF tHe vEnUeS .............................................................. 30 The Finnish Film Affair is organized with partners such as Favex – Finnish Film & Audiovisual Export, the Finnish Film Foundation, Media Desk Finland, the Central Organisation of Finnish Film Producers SEK, Finland Film Commission and with the support of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and AVEK. 2 3 FiNnIsH FiLm AfFaIr lInEuP FiNnIsH FiLm AfFaIr FiLm PrOjEcT LiBrArY FiNnIsH FiLm AfFaIr StAfF This year the Finnish Film Affair launches a new on- line platform. All the Finn- ish films in the line up can be viewed at www.finnish- filmaffair.fi with a Finnish Film Affair accreditation. 21 WaYs tO RuIn a 8-BaLl AbOvE DaRk WateRs AlCaN HiGhWaY Each accredited guest is enti- AmErIcAn VaGaBoNd tled to a username and pass- MaRrIaGe 8-Pallo Tumman veden päällä Alaska Highway Susanna Helke / 2013 / word enabling them to watch 21 tapaa pilata avioliitto Aku Louhimies / 2013 Peter Franzén / 2013 / Aleksi Salmenperä / 85’/ For Real Produc- films online. Registered Johanna Vuoksenmaa / / 95’ / Blind Spot Pic- 110’ / Solar Films, Jukka 2013 / 90’ / Made, Ulla tions, Cilla Werning guests can also view each 2012 / 93’/ Dionysos tures & Mjölk, Tero Kau- Helle, Markus Selin Simonen / Deckert Dis- SaRa NoRbErG SaNnA KuLtAnEn SaArA TuUsA Films, Riina Hyytiä / tribution Thu 26.9. 14:00 other’s personal and compa- komaa, Marko Antila Wed 25.9. 21:00 Kinopalatsi 6 ny details in the online con- Executive Director Finnish Film Affair Finnish Film Affair The Yellow Affair Wed 25.9. 21:15 Kinopalatsi 9 Tue 24.9. 16:00 tact database. of HIFF, Producer, Assistant, Fri 20.9. 16:15 Kinopalatsi 6 [email protected] [email protected] Kinopalatsi 10 The invited international [email protected] Kinopalatsi 9 American Vagabond is a A small boy opens his cinematic feature docu- guests also have an access to eyes in the morning, as- Most of us probably think an offline screening lounge Pike has served her sen- mentary about a young There are 21 ways to ruin tence in prison and now tonished by the sunlight. that wealth or love is the man kicked out of home, at the Scandic Hotel Simon- a marriage and that’s The family life is as usu- key to freedom. The main kenttä during the event. embraces freedom with whose dream of a better enough to convince San- her eight-month-old girl. al, almost idyllic. But the character of this film has life in the promised city The technology for the on- na that falling in love is She is determined to start boy starts to hear noises something much more of San Francisco turns out line platform is provided by folly. Love and sex are two over, stay clean and avoid during the nights; argu- concrete and much more false. It is a true story of Black Market Online UsEfUl cOntaCtS: different things, and she making the mistakes of ments and crying. The absurd. Alcan Highway conservative, small-town (Estonia). prefers the latter. When her past when her ex-boy- father disappears; the depicts the story of a man Festival info centre at Lasipalatsi +358 9 627 340, America where homo- Aleksi comes into her life, friend shows up, re-ignit- mother takes the kids to making his dream come sexuality is so demonized Festival office +358 9 684 35230, she finds herself smitten ing their passion but also the grandparents’ house. true: with the help of his Taxi +358 100 700, that it leads parents to and her world is about to casting shadows over the What are the consequenc- friends he attempts to fix abandon their children. Tourist information +358 9 3101 3300 be turned upside down. If future. Pike will hold on es when the child’s un- a truck, build a home on there are 21 ways to ruin to her new life at any cost. conditional trust and ad- top of it and drive it from Finnish Film Affair [email protected] a marriage, there must be miration for his parents Alaska to the Vancouver 21 ways to fall in love. breaks? Island. dOcUmEntaRy fIcTiOn cLoSeD iNdUsTrY sCrEeNiNg 4 5 FiNnIsH BlOoD, ThE DiScIpLe ElLa aNd FrIeNdS SwEdIsH HeArT ThE FiNnIsH FlAsH HeArT oF a LiOn ApEiRoN AuGuSt FoOlS ChImErAs CoNcReTe NiGhT CoNvErSatiOnS Oppipoika (Lärjungen) Ella ja kaverit Laulu koti-ikävästä – A TeEmU SeLänNe Leijonasydän Maria Ruotsala / 2013 / Mieletön Elokuu Mika Mattila / 2013 / 87’ Betoniyö BeTwEeN MeN Ulrika Bengts / 2013 / Taneli Mustonen / 2012 / Mika Ronkainen / 2013 StOrY Dome Karukoski / 2013 / 90’ / Koskela Art & Me- Taru Mäkelä / 2013 / / Navy Blue Bird, Mark- Pirjo Honkasalo / 2013 Miesten välisiä keskuste- / 90’ / Klaffi Tuotannot, dia House, Merja Ritola, ku Niska 93’ / Långfilm Produc- 81’ / Snapper Films, Juha Selänne 95’ / Helsinki-Filmi, Aleksi 103’ / Kinosto, Markku / 96’ / Bufo, Mark Lwoff, luja tions, Mats Långbacka Wuolijoki Ulla Simonen, Kimmo Bardy / The Yellow Affair Aino Halonen, Kimmo Wed 25.9. 20:30 Misha Jaari JP Siili / 2013 / 107’ Flink, Jouko Seppälä, Jarmo Lampela / 2013 / Sun 22.9. 16:00 Tue 24.9. 09:00 Bio Rex Paananen, Mika Ron- / Yellow Film & TV, Koskela Kinopalatsi 6 kainen Tue 24.9. 14:00 Maxim Taru Mäkelä Sun 22.9. 18:30 Bio Rex 116’ / Vegetarian Films, Kinopalatsi 6 Marko Talli (press screening) Thu 26.9. 18:45 Tue 24.9 12:00 Andorra Mon 23.9. 16.00 Orion Thu 26.9. 12:15 Ilkka Mertsola Wed 25.9. 18:15 Kinopalatsi 9 Thu 26.9. 13:00 Thu 26.9. 11:00 18:30 Bio Rex (press screening) Andorra Sun 22.9. 16:15 Based on a best selling Kinopalatsi 6 (FFA opening screening) Dubrovnik children’s books series, Dubrovnik Thu 26.9. 14:15 The documentary ex- Kinopalatsi 10 Umbra, a researcher, who Ella and Friends tells the Andorra plores the question of Concrete Night is a story of children fight- Kai Latvalehto has always Teppo, the central figure in collects an archive of par- whether or not Chinese An isolated island in the Selänne is a documentary dream-like odyssey over After eight successful sa- Baltic Sea in the sum- ing for their much-loved felt like an outsider. As a about Teemu Selänne— a neo-Nazi group in east- adoxes, is very dedicated contemporary art can the course of one night child in the 1970’s, his to science and logic. He August Fools is a roman- tiric novels about Finn- mer of 1939. 13-year-old neighborhood school. the best Finnish ice hock- ern Finland, meets and im- tic comedy set against the escape the suffocating in the concrete jungle of ish politicians and cul- The children fight for Finnish family lived in mediately falls in love with runs an experimental tendrils of globalisation Karl comes to the island ey player of all time. political backdrop of the Helsinki. The protagonist tural life Kari Mairisaari to work as lighthouse their own best and try Gothenburg, and he al- Sari. She introduces Teppo Research Institute inves- and Western influence. of the film, Simo, is still ways felt like he was a sec- People have followed the tigating evil with his col- Cold War. Elsa, a middle- starts writing a book master Hasselbond’s as- to challenge the some- to her son Rhamadhani. It portraits an elegantly searching for a sense of about Vlatko, a 36-year- what comically presented ond grade citizen. In the heroic tale of Selänne Teppo has dreamt about league and lover Iris, both aged milliner and a part- sistant. Karl and Has- for over two decades. time clairvoyant is appar- shot, drily amusing dual self and the ability to pro- old Croat, who one day greedy adults with their early 1980’s, Kai’s family parenthood, but Rhama- criminals and victims as character study of Wang selbond’s oppressed son, His exploits are famous, ently in total control of tect himself from his sur- is picked up to answer Gustaf, make friends but cunning. moved back to Finland, dhani is half-black. Tep- their clients. Umbra has Guanguyi, considered the roundings. Roaming the but Kai felt like he didn’t but now we get to know an obsessive theory: seen her life –until the man she war crime charges. Mair- their friendship changes po manages to overcome father of Chinese contem- city with his big brother, isaari is challenged into belong there either.
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