fAGB SIXTEEV MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 198t. jlanrh^atpr lu^ning UpraUi Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the Week Ended ForMsat at O. •. Wastbae. November 8, 1937 Ladles Of Stj Jamea will hold their Members of, the family of Con­ son said. A nattonally-famous November meeting tonight at 8:15 stantino Urbanettl, 141 Pearl St., Democratic figure, whose name Other Side of the Desk Fair, qpt aa rxdd toalgM. Law, About Town in St.' James' School hail) Mrs. v.ill help him celebrate his 87th Dinner Slated will be announced later, is expect­ SEE 12,674 Sl-i8 axcept fai Aa In boine daapar Margaret Arthur, assistant in the birthday which occurs today with- ed to be the principal ipeaker. vallaya. Fair, mild YPMneaday. children's departnyent of the Mary Member of the Audit -. Member of the Manchester Re- a family parly tonight at Ills In Honor of Tickets may be obtained from 56 MHS Students to Teach COLOR TV Bureau of Circulation' High 84-58. pubtieah Women’s Chib, who are Cheney Library, will speak on .home. He has three sons, Peter, Hutchinson and District Chairmen Manchester^A City of Village Charm' making a study tMS month o f the Disdovering Resources in Your Marino and Giillio Urhanetti, all Pascal Mastrangelo, I; N. Charles Public Library," of Manchester: two daughters. i Any Afternoon work being carried on at the 3 Democrats Boggini, II; Tom Elliott, III; and Elementary. Schools Classes (Except WedneadayjL Manafleldv State Training School, Mrs. Palmirs Marinelli of Glas- | Norman Comollo, IV. VOL. i.XXVlI, NO. .37 ICIaaalfled AdvertlRlng on Page 14) win visit the school on Thursday A regional meeting of the DAR tonhury and Mrs, Mary Sharoles 1 \ ■ (SIXTEEN PAg ES) / MANCHESTER. CONN,. TUESDAY. NOVEMBERI n , 1957 PRICE n V E CENTS Three prominent local Demo­ •a i of this week. The plan is to will be held at the Connecticut of Hartford. 15 grandchildren and \ Fifty-six teenagers will be ex­ < ■Phis is the fifth year the program ______ ____________________ V_______ 14 great grandchildren. j crats will be honored by the party's leave from the home of Mrs. John Historical Society, 1 Elizabeth St., Wliisl Party Set cused from high school classes for has been in operation. Bowen, program chairman, at j Hartford, Thursday. Members . of town committee at k testimonial On Friday. Nov. 1,5. all of the BARLOW'S TM’o-Alarm Fire 10:80 a.m„ returning to Manches­ Orford Parish Chapter may make dinner Saturday, Nov. 23, at the week of Nov. 18-23 In order to practice teachers will be the Television Sales-.Servico Bates College alumni In the Hart-' | Cavey's Restaurant. ' ter by 2:30 p.m. A lunclieon will reservations for the 1 o'clock foi-d area are invited to attend the i , Bv Emblem Club "see teaching from the ,other side guests of the MEA at a luncheon be served ip the staff dining room luncheon bv caUlng .Mrs. Steven fall dinner meeting of t,he Hart­ The party members will pay of the desk'' in Manchester's ele­ at.the Waddell School. Mrs. Ethel 1089 Tolland Turnpike In East Hartford Williams, 'n-angportation will be JJ,S. P lane Sets at the Institution. Other women ford Bates Club Saturda.^at 7:15 tribute to former Director Pasciti Manchester Emblem Club. No. mentary schools. Robb, principal of Waddell, is in Biirkland—Tel. MI 8-.5095 intofeeted will be welcome to make provided. The Ruth Willis Chap- at the Maple Hill Restaurant, 316 Poe, Committee Chairman Steve 2,51, will hold a military whist and . The students, all seniors and charge of arrangements for the Hartford, Nov. 12 (2Pt—A 2- the trip, and Mrs. Bowen, who will I ter will be hostess. Cavagnaro. and Judge Jules Karp. juniors at Manchester _ High alarm fire ripped through a Farmington Ave.. Hartford. Guests card party "rhiirsday evening at 8 luncheon. make transportation and luncheon ' ------ from the Bates campus will In-! Arrangements for the banquet School, will observe classes in the large office and warehouse arrangements, should be notified. | Dilworth-Comell-Quey Post. No. o'clock at the Elks Home. elementary schools of their choice, building In East Hartford thia elude Pre.sldent and Mrs. Charles' and will teach the classes before Dis tance Mark ------ : 102, American Legion, will hold a Mr. and .Mrs. J. Edward Mc- Barnard FT80 morning, destroying,new tele­ F Phillips and Alumni Secretary the week is out. A The Ruth Society members o f , regular meeting tomorrow night at Frank O. Stred Jr. Keever will direct the playing. vision seta,'radios and phono­ Covenant Congregational Church! 8:1.1 at the post home. Members Each practice teacher will he Sets Open Hoii.se DEVELOPING graph rieCords. Tickets may be obtained from any placed under the guidance of an have been invited to attend the | are urged to attend. member of the committee or at the Buenos Aires, N ov. IZ'UPjTtrannport role," the announcement TTie blaze started sometime Harvest Festival of the Plainvillc I ------ Tbe American In.stltute of Elec­ elementary school teacher who before 7 a.m. in the repair de­ trical Engineers, Connecticut Sec­ door. Husbands of members aie ' The Barnard Junior High f a r - , — Gen. Curtis- E. Lemay Society Thursday at the Plainville' Manche.ster Lodge, No. 73, A.F. vvill supervise him all during the I i tic .• r- ! Lemav flew to the Argentine partment at the rear of a 2- tion. will sttend an Inspection trip welcome. I week. The elementary school ent-Teacher-St)ident Organization Covenant Congregational Church. | ^nd A M., will hold a regular Co-chairmen Mr.s. Harold landi^ a giant L .S. A ir F orce j capital to participate in the ob- and 3-atory building at 673 Stores, Loss in Thousands of the Charles Pfizer Plsnt, Grot-; teachers who tske part in the pro­ (PTSO) will sponsor pn open house | The Rev. K. Ejnar Rask of the: nreeting at the Masonic TempleJp- Burnett and .Mrs. Donald Jorgen- KC135 jet tanker here early | gervance of Argentina’a national Connecticut Blvd. occupied by local church will be guest speaker, on, tomorrow from 3 to 5 p.m. An. gram do so voluntarily and with­ program Thursday at 7:30 p m. today, setting a no\v w orld Kaviation week. Later today he was Radio and Appliance Distrib-' morrow night at 7:30. Following informal dinner w-ill follow at the aen have named the following citni- out compensation. The Manchester Students will be expected "to thy business meeting the Fellow- mlttees: .Mrs. John Ziemak. Mrs. ffigMfFll! distance record for n o n s to p , preaent a letter of greeting from iitors Inc. Wagon Wheel Restaurant. Groton, j Education A,ssn. and the guidance bring their parents to .school and rofiiolinir iot fliirht Preaidcnf Eisenhower and a silver Flames leaped through the The Manchester Garden Club craft degree will be conferred with Lee Ann Gundersen, 11.5 Olcott j James Ellis. Mr.s. Paul Gagne and to show them the facilities in iise will hold its -November meeting department of the high school ar­ Snap% kdAd>tki^ model of the KC13.5 to provisional ■ roof of the warehouse and Senior Warden Harold W. Lavan- Dr., will'be featured In 'Light Up. Mrs. Kenneth Hodge, pitecs; Mrs. range the placement of the "teach­ at the school. Parents will have an The burl>\ Cigar-smoking Air, tonight at 8 o'clock in Center way In charge. At the conclusion of John Mitchell. .Mr.s. George Eng­ smoI:e gu.shed thiough the the Sky " to be presented st the ers" with the principals of the ele­ opportunity to become better a c -' Force vice rhlrf [ Lemay's flight wax a dramatic windows at the Rides and rear 10 Breaks Church. Prof. Wendell H. Camp, the meeting there will be a social Avery Memorial. Hartford, Nov.' lish. Mrs, Eine.st Barnes, Mr.s. An­ mentary schools. guest speaker, will take for his hour and refreshraenta. Worship­ quainted with their children's of 18 brought the m "tary ^^e world of the of the 30-year-old brick struc­ 14, 1.5 and 16, by the Beacon Play-; thony Lapolla and Mrs. Clarence Before the practice teaching be­ teachers. Details of this program , topic, "Going to Pot in Your Gar­ ful Master Malcolm Rijbertaon Tracy, tickets; Mr.s. Laurence of the Boeing 70, jetliner clown m ^remendoii.R striking range and ture. den." He will be introduced by ers, employe drama group of the gins, the students are given an op- and further meetings will be ' apeert of U S. aircraft. American By 10 a m., firemen were urges all those wishing to attend Travelers Insurance Companies. I Lapolla, Mrs Raymond Ellis. Mrs. Pfli tunity to apply for participation Misa Mlllicent Jones, president of the dinner on Nov. 19 to make broadcast over the school public w ["T :officera said Soviet Ru.aaia ha* no still pouring water on the Listed for Walter Baidyga. Mr.s. Charles in the program. In order to qualify address system to all students. ' We.atover Air Foice Base, In Ma.aa-; the club. Mrs. Charles Crocker Jr. reservations promptly by calling Tai'pinian. Mr.s. Thomas Blanch­ plane that can match the KC135's amouldering remains of the and Miss Jones of the Horticultur­ for the practice leaching a student In each home roonv there will be achu.^ett.a. j performance. Howard F. Waddell or Erland R. The' norlhea-et neighborhood ard. Mrs.
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