Int J Clin Exp Med 2019;12(11):13065-13067 www.ijcem.com /ISSN:1940-5901/IJCEM0097354 Case Report Adult cavernous pancreatic hemangioma: a case report and review of literature Nan Huang2, Zixuan Kong1 1Department of Radiology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University, Dalian, China; 2Medical Imaging Center, Taihe Hospital, Shiyan City, Hubei Province, China Received May 22, 2019; Accepted September 2, 2019; Epub November 15, 2019; Published November 30, 2019 Abstract: Pancreatic cavernous hemangioma is a benign lesion, and it is rarely seen in adults. In this case report, we analyzed the image features, including CT and MRI in a case of adult Cavernous Pancreatic Hemangioma in a 60-year-old man. Keywords: Cavernous hemangioma, pancreatic hemangioma, computed tomography, MRI imaging Introduction hospital, the patient was examinaed and no obvious abnormalities were detected in the Pancreatic vascular tumor includes heman- blood or coagulation, liver biochemistry, or tu- gioma, lymphangioma, hematolymphangioma, mor markers. hemangiopericytoma, hemangioblastoma and hemangiosarcoma, which only accounts for An upper abdomen enhanced CT (Figure 1A) 0.1% of all pancreatic tumors [1]. Pancreatic revealed an irregular opaque soft tissue mass hemangioma mostly occurs in children, which in the pancreas, which was lobulated, with a is usually associated with rapid capillary prolif- large layer of about 58×75 mm, the density eration at infancy, followed by slow regression. inside the mass was uneven, and patchy low Finally, it will vanish and leaves fibrofatty tissue density opacity could be observed around the [2-4]. Therefore, adult pancreatic hemangioma edge. Enhanced scanning (Figure 1B-D) reveal- is rare, and only about 10 cases are reported in ed no obvious enhancement, and the lesion domestic and foreign literature. Preoperative was ill-defined within the descending and tra- imaging may play an important role in the cor- nsverse duodenum. Further abdominal MRI en- rect diagnosis, help guiding clinical treatment hancement revealed that the tumor showed and developing surgical plans. hypointensity on T1WI, and slight hyperinten- sity opacity on T2WI, as well as patchy hyperin- Case report tensity on the edge with T1WI and T2WI (Fig- ure 1E, 1F), the pancreatic duct was slightly A 60-year-old male patient had upper abdomi- dilated, enhanced scanning revealed no obvi- nal pain within unknown cause, which mani- ous enhancement (Figure 1G). fested as intermittent dull pain that was ag- gravated at night, with no nausea and vomit- Intraoperative observation suggested that, the ing. The symptoms were improved after taking tumor was located at the uncinate process of stomach medicine, and the patient did not the pancreatic head, which was ill-defined, with receive systemic treatment. Then the patient a size of about 60×50 mm; and about 20 cm had increased pain, which could not be relieved mesentery in the transverse and ascending after taking medicine. The patient had no shoul- duodenum, as well as the initial segment of der and back issues, no yellowing of the skin jejunum which was thickened, with the thick- nor sclera, and no skin itching. After symptom ness of about 5 cm. The possibility of a malig- onset the patient had reduced appetite and nant tumor could not be excluded, and there- lost 2 kg of body weight. Upon admission to the by pancreaticoduodenectomy was performed. Adult cavernous hemangioma in the pancreas Figure 1. A. CT revealed a lobulated soft tissue mass between the pancreatic head and the duodenum, which was uneven in density, with the CT value of about 50 HU, and patchy low density opacity could be seen on the lesion edge, which was ill-defined. B-D. Showed the arterial phase (51 HU), venous phase (54 HU) and delayed phase (55 HU) of enhanced scanning, and the tumor showed no obvious enhancement. E, F. The tumor displayed slight hyperintensity on T2WI and hypointensity on T1WI, patchy hyperintensity on T2WI and isointensity on T1WI could be seen on the lesion edge. G. Enhanced scanning showed no obvious enhancement of the lesion. H. Microscopic observation (H&E staining ×100). Postoperative pathology (Figure 1H) indicated most commonly seen. Under microscopic ob- that the pancreas conformed to the caver- servation, the tumor is constituted by small nous hemangioma, among which, the majority blood vessels or blood sinus filled with blood showed angiolipoma changes, while the (mes- and organized thrombus, with a monolayer lin- entery) local vessels and adipose tissues sh- ing of vascular endothelial cells, and there is owed tumor-like hyperplasia changes. a cavernous structure formed by the fibrous septum. Positive vascular endothelial markers Discussion CD31, CD34 and FVIII-RAg, while negative lym- phatic endothelial marker D2-40 in immunohis- Adult pancreatic hemangioma is mostly seen in tochemistry confirms the diagnosis. adult females, which grows slowly, with no spe- cific clinical manifestation. Typically, the patient Cavernous hemangioma is frequently seen in may show no symptoms when the tumor is the liver, which is associated with the typical small in volume, but when the tumor grows to a manifestations of clear nodular enhancement certain degree, it may manifest as abdominal of lesion edge at arterial phase, and gradual pain discomfort or large abdominal mass, or inward filling of the enhancement at venous jaundice when it has compressed the common phase and delayed phase. The mode of enhan- bile duct or duodenum. Large hemangiomas cement of pancreatic cavernous hemangioma with rich blood vessels may rupture or bleed is not the same as that of hepatic hemangio- due to trauma or strenuous activity; alternative- ma, and only 1 case report suggests that the ly, the increased blood supply in the tumor body lesion shows obvious enhancement [6]. The as a result of intra-abdominal pressure eleva- pancreatic cavernous hemangiomas reported tion due to pregnancy or hemodilution in the in the remaining domestic and foreign literat- late trimester of pregnancy may also induce ure are mostly cystic and solid, while a minority bleeding [5]. are solid, with no obvious enhancement or mild enhancement. Some scholars believe that, the In the clinic, hemangioma is classified as cav- absence of obvious tumor enhancement may ernous hemangioma, capillary hemangioma, be related to the fact that the microstructure of cirsoid hemangioma and mixed hemangioma, pancreatic hemangioma is different from that among which, cavernous hemangioma is the of hepatic hemangioma, part of the blood ves- 13066 Int J Clin Exp Med 2019;12(11):13065-13067 Adult cavernous hemangioma in the pancreas sels and blood sinuses inside the tumor are not solid, enhanced scanning usually shows no connected to the blood circulation of patients, obvious enhancement or only mild enhance- since histological examination shows that ment. The tumor grows slowly, and negative these blood sinuses contain plasma rather tumor markers contribute to the differential than blood [7]. The research results by Lee et diagnosis, but a definite diagnosis should be al. further supported such hypothesis [8], in made based on pathological examination. which no blood flow signal was detected in color doppler ultrasonography. Moreover, some Disclosure of conflict of interest scholars propose that the absence of obvious tumor enhancement is the result of the fact None. that there is newly formed blood vessel with Address correspondence to: Zixuan Kong, Depart- artery-vein shunts within the tumor, and the ment of Radiology, The Second Affiliated Hospital blood flow slows down when passing these of Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116027, China. regions, which thereby weakens the lesion Tel: +86-17709875066; E-mail: 115041431@qq. enhancement at the arterial phase [9]. com Additionally, the cystic and solid component ratio in the tumor will also affect the relative References degree of tumor vascular distribution, thus impacting the lesion enhancement degree at [1] Le Borgne J, De Calan L and Partensky C. Cyst- the arterial phase [10]. 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