}51 NOW PRICES CUT' TO THE BONE ON ·ALL USED CARS &TRUCKS THE DAILY NE -• Terra Nova Motors Ltd • ~ ll THE .DAILY NEWS, ST. TOHN'S, NFLD., SATURDAY, SEPTET\·IBER 23, 1961 (Price 7 Cents) .. inding New Secretary-General, No. l Issue In UN ns. ms 1 --- 30 Countries Ask UN Tol ' I I· ; I \ .. ' . '~ . ! • ' . .... ; ! l. .• i .1, .. :Name Temporary Sec ... Gen.! ~: :. I '' ~~ .. UNITED NATIONS-CP- The United States and Canada sai1l in dif­ .; ·I I I· ferent words Friday that im executive officer must be appointed as interim I I.. successor to Dag Hammarslcjold despite the opposition of the Soviet Union. I External Affairs :Minister· Howard Green told correspondents "we do ~ ' ' strong support" the appointment of a United Nations secretariat interim chief to fill the void left by Secretary-General Hammarskjold's death in a .· ! . 'I . plane crash. U.S. State Secretary Dean Rusk said in a statement "action must t ·! ·; ., be taken now to assure that t~1e functions of the office of the secretary-general s arc performed effectively and fully while agreement is sought on the appoint­ pla~~ h ment of a new secretary-general." I' i IR. ol l<!r. These developments came ·------------------- ·- 1 : tim@ l'fli 1 I white a gr?UP of middJe.of·the- \ would alnrm the Russians. 1 Iranian ~·oreign lllinister llos·j '•,. h Rr,·. a road countnes worked on a pro· JAPAN SPEAKS sein Ghods ~akhai said Troika · Role hu posed resolution for the 99·1 Japanese Foreign ~tinis1cr \would deal a mortal blow to the 1 .. marn~ a I member UN General Assembly Zcntaro Kosaka told the as· ux. I in)·n~ n 11 to name a .temporary head for sembly his country could not: The Iranian and Japanese I .. •k. and ~ lh~ secrctarmt. Some 3? coun· support the Soviet troika plan, · foreign · ministers, along with 1 othrr mar tnes 'Yere reported behmd the which proposes representatives Brazilian . F o r e i g n .Minister ,. '! :n: in St resolutiOn. 1of the Communist, Western and Afonso Airirios de ;\lelo Franco.· UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.-1\fongi Slim of Tuni~i·~ ! ran old G1:een, questwned on lh~ res· I neutral counlries to rnn the U:-:1 all appeatccl lor a negotiated ( oo top step) is greeted hy Ireland's Frederick II oIulion by reporters, said he with veto powers. I settlement o£ the Berlin crisis. Boland as 11e taltes office as president of the 16th Gen· · 1md uot yet seen the text but · · . • • a~dcd canada was >trongly be· I i era) Asscmbl~ here Sept. 20th. At n:rht o~ dais I! l.I'R ! ., [l.IS:\BETII\'ILLE. Katanga-Irish troops of the United Nations force, taken htnd the move for the a~sembly Slow Progress ! Bomb Shelter ~ndrew ~ordtcr, _Dndemcrctary of the Umted Na. I· : pri~nlwr during recent fighting in Katanga, chat with a Kaiangesc officer in I ~hicl~c~o~~d ~!~e ca~;:O~~~mt~~~~ i . I : iiOns. ~hm, unannnously elected ~o th~ post, a~s~ .wa! wm llllt~idr Elisabcthvillc Sept. 18. The Irish pt·isoncrs were in ood ! of secrclary.general. I DETROIT C\PI - The United i a promment c?ntender. to h~come mternn adnmustra- \ II~ rl 1· .. 1 · 't (UPI pft t ) . g I QUESTION COMPLICATED Auto \Varkel's union and Gen. I TORO?-:TO (CPI-~lrs. .Jean tor of the Umted Nations Ill place of the late Dag .call an II,. 1 spm s.- 0 0 • _ The question i.s complicntetl\ cr~l il!o~or~ ~a de slow progress j Kuciks gaz;~ wistfully at ~~~,r Hammarlcsjohl.-( UPI Photo). ~~ hecatlsc the Sov~et Umon has Fl'l(lay m Jomt efforts to speed backyard Fnday and said 11 · ___ .. ____ .-.. .... .. · ... 1 :\:::~.iru.t ~t 1 demanded that tho secretary.! sc~tlement of. a strike that ~as: used to be a, nice back)'arcl all: . B 1 ·nncd,· nu:i! 'k I General's post be abolished and cnppled GM s car productiOn lull of roses.' T bl B k 0 J. !:r board o. BRIEFS IN replaced by a "troika" three·, ror the last twa weeks. I :\ow there is a tfi.root·dcep: ro~u e re3 S UP. .,' ~ 1r! ~t'?Otita, NI I , man ctirectornte with three·way I UAW ·officials and G~! labor: hole in the yard anrt a concrete: U 4 ta ames II ~:-tid :t \\&; ' WORLD NI'WS ! l'cto powers. It says that only relations representatives met: mixer is pouring the walls of: 1: :1r. that tht : Ithe ll·mcmbcr Security Council I with leaders for more than a I what is believccl to be Toronto's A •· I K : .::~ '•IOU]d lr. is empowered by the UN c~ar· score. of dissident local unions Ilirst bomb blast shelter. gaB n n atang ~ mrrrl)· be- 0 .<~~"--~ I tcr to r~commcnd an appmnt· blockmg a return·tO·II'ork move- ' . i ~ I . ~ · : , ment to the assembly, ment at all of GM's 129 United ·!ohn !\Uciks.. 49, a spray · F \W rI d ' 1 t 2300 es 0 r ! TRAUE JMPRO' ES . Green met reporters shortly States planls. pamter, ~s paymg $ · for. a . • .L.ONDON meutcrs\ - Br1t- after conferring with U Than!, Leaders of locals at 24 plants shelter-f1rst of a new dr~I~o . ELIS:\B~THVILL~ IHcutersl 1 Jte smd he d1d not. k~o1•: when • · am s un£~vorable balance . o£ Burma's permanent rcprescnta- were summoned to Detroit by prod.uced by a Toronto firm. R1fl~ butt·l~wldmg. Katanga pro· ! the cease·hre commissl.o~ would payn~ents 111 .the second qua1ter th·c at the UN who is men- UAW president Walter Reuther. ~uc1ks makes .;1•l!at he calls ~mc1al pollee Fnday chargctl, start work _on r.ormalmng .the i of tlus ,Yea~ Improved from the tioned as a prospect lor the in· A settlement was made Fri· a modest wage ancl has bar· mto and d1spcrsed crowds o£ ; end ol flghlm,ll 1; ednesday mght I Tenslon country s first • quarter show· terim job day at the Chevrolet plant in! rowed the money for the shel·J hungry Baluha tribesmen who: hetwccll the U~ and Kalanga i . i ing, the treasury announced B t · . , KANSAS City Mo and it was I ter. 1 poured into the centre o£ Elisa· : forces. The fierce fighting be· 0 1 t. !IOSCO\\'-Rcuter~Premicr Khru!rllchcv said • Thursday, The second • quar.te.r isle~ ~~~~~~:tdl~~/ !.~!t~e~ t ~ot necessa~y· for 'the local 110•. Dave Anstey, 22. of Elobi· i bel~ville searching lor rood.. !gan whr.n lh~ ~rortd ~o.dy t~iecl J ·the threat of war lS perhaps greater now than i b~lance of payments deficit Thant had professed himself a 1on to send 1ls leaders here. La· I coke, partner in the firm build·· .Baluhas . by . 1 h c hundtcd~. to end. 1\atanoa s sec;- 51011 hom I b • • , h S . d · l 111 as £15,~00,000 . ($42,000,000) d'd t H d U cal leaders at the Chevrolet 1. f o h !streamed m hom the nearb:; the rest of T.he Con"o .. I ten at an~ .ttmc smcc t e econ. W'or d War, , compared w1th a £1rst • quarter can 1 a c. e pronounce. plant in St Loui~ stayed home [ mg the Kuclk rc .~"~' s~ys e l!nited Nations refugl'{! shanty 1 Meanwhile m Leopold nile, the ; I declared Russm ready to· negotiate for peace at 'deficit of £68,000,000. The defi. ira~~· S~ s s ~ ~ b! ~ pre~l~cnt: because they ~er.e close to ~pe.~t \year d.e~I.,nmg Jt and i town where 30,000 Balubas were: central Congolese gorernm~nt .. I 1 1 time or place and at any level · i cit In the second quarter last · on lm b~ ums~d· an o~·~ agreement 1 anng approle · 1 reported living in "appalling" i announced it woullt have to rc· 1\h 1 1 • hi d th W · 'r . Iii , : year wns £50,000,000. .m;r assem Y presl ent Fre · · 1 He said it is the first appra1·cd 1 conditions. · sort "to its own means" to put . ' rus lC lC\ a me e est or. wor tensiOn I · __ I enck Boland of Ireland all as 1 UAW leaders appeared to be' bl t ·' 1 11 d' t' t f I Co nor (' O'BJ·inn cl1in£ tl-; ·an nnd to the secession of Ka· ~ 'd · 1 lk 1 · h' d p 'd "ex 11 t" t 5h ld 1 • • ' • · as s 1e er-as lS me rom 1 •• ,_, • ,_ • ... Ill an~ a s Jet ween Im an rest ent Ken- l1 · FALLOUT ·INCREASES lh ce en . prospec s OII 1 makmg hcndway m quclhn~ a fallout shelter in Canada · He 1 civil representative in Kalan"" langa. I should he Jlart of a \Vidcr plan to draw up a Ger- ~ WASHINGTON <AP\ - The ey be nv~llnble. ! revolt at the Fisher Body says it· wilt ;.otect a f~milv: charged Kalangans sniped ~at· . peace treaty. Again he linked the questions of 1 ~igh~st level of U.S. radioactiv- Green smu.there was no need ~··sta.m~ing plant in Pittsburgh. lil'ing three to fil'e miles from 1 Balubas at the rdugce camp. ; · , I • I . I d' . • I Jty Ill the atmosphere recorded to l~ok outside the UN for a ThiS IS a key plant that makes the bnrst of a dive· megaton I He said a few shots were also : I t nat"''na 1 am IIIII\ crsa Isarm~mcnt and th~ question : since Russin resumed nuclear candl.date.
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