VOL.' XXIX. MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1904. NO. 52. VjT T T TT T t ! t t ITT T T T t T T 1 f .T..I T •I..t.lJ..t.ll.t..I..T.I.r.J.J.J-Mi:;,lXJ.lXlJ.^ Third Jail Delivery Last Week. Tlie DiiHois L. A. S. will ment with MI J J. T T T I T T T t T T I I T. t T. .T..t..l::r. T T T I T T T I T T, ,t ,I..l. 1 ,1.1 t J. ,1 T T I .1, .1.1111 Two more prisoners, making tlic Mrs. Tiini. Corner Tliur.sduy, ,)aii. 5th. ^ THIS SPACE BELONGS TO third delivery in live months, made All invited. DAYTON, tlieir escape from the county jiiil Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Gardner have Wcflnesdiiy night of lust week. Miit- movud to this city. They lire iiccupy- ;..DART & FIELD... tliew Sulllviiii and Charles 1.1. Blakos- iiig the Ivimmei house un C street. FOR A .FEW weeks YET. Jeweler llo, both of Lansing, made tlieir es- With our 25c tea dust, we are giving cfipe from the hobo department hy a nice pitcher—3 diflerent stylos, and They are closing out tiicir stock at almost your own price. This siiwifig 11 couple bars out of the north A''ANI)KKC00K'S GitOCKUY. Optician, window and jumping to tiie ground. There hiivc been strenuous times week thcy want to clean up and Couches Sullivan was being held for examina• MASON^ MICHIGAN. tietwcen the senior nnd junior classes and Bed Room Suits. EYBS tion on a charge of burglari'/.ing the of our schools during the past week. EXAMINED SATISFACTION .laloons nf Geo. G. Wliitcomband Wm W. Hough uf Lansing. Blakeslie w The ladles' Baptist Missionary socie• FINE PRESENTS GIVEN AWAY FREE. FREE GUARANTEED serving ii sentenct; of 30 days for sell ty will meet at the liomenf Mrs. Fred TlTTTTl'l I il 1 i ITTTfTTtTTTITT'n lllll III 111!! I i 1 1 ! i 11 I lis ing fraudulent picture orders. Barker Wcdnesdiiy, .Ian. 4111, at 2:30. TiTTTTTTTTrTTTTI'l I n 1111111111111111111111111'TTrTTrrPv Come one, come all. Stale Teachers' Association meet• IMHMH100etlOO<M)0,«HMHW.miHHJnCMHlOCKlOmMJOO(IOOOO()mMl Frcfi I'illiott, whose labors with the Mason Qrango Dec 31,'04. M.•lr^i.^ge Licenses. ing in Lansing Tuesday, Wednesday The following licenses liave bceo Michigan (Tentrai Mission in this city have been greatly The Mason Grange will seethe finish LOCAL NEWS |^ and Tiuirsday of this week. granted since our last report: blessed, will commence a series of 1901 at tlie ludge rooms In Macciibee "The Niugara Fallt Route." iM)(HKmnoWH}flflnntMmM>ofimH}n(MM>oooooiKMioo(KKtofKHmmKi Naniu and resldeticu. Age Dart & Field seem to have the most special meetringsat the Union church hall. Ail niembers are cordially in• HOUTHWAltl). popular store in town on account Ka"-! P, Ilodgos, Lansing , 2ft ttaion.... 9;48a.m. at'WP.in. 10:0tip."i North Aurelius, on Monday evening vited to be present. During the lec• NO Ilie M, Holdon, LnnBlng.- 'M JuaKion lii;4u sau II;(KJ Diaries for 190,') at lihiiiiiers. * their "Going out of business sale." Jail. 2. Detroit lilSp.m. li"i6p.ni.7;lfiH.m ture hour the following program will WInllold IlHHsell. Mason Co , 22 C. W. Beardsley lias been appointed (Iraco 0. Wolcott, Lansing m ChlcaRO ri;.|0|i. m. !i;!iOp. in. ":;iOH. in A niucli-neoflecl rain set in the next The clerks have orgiini'/.i'd iin indoor be rendered: by Mie township board supervisor o Lowls A. Slovens, Lansing „.,3S KOIlTinVARI). day after Cliristnias. ha.fc ball team and will play thcl Song ..Orange Choir ' Ma lion {i;2:(a. ni, ll:l7 a. in. 5:00 p. m Williamston in place of Sherlll-elec The St. Louis Kxponltlun as I Saw It 0 iraThompson, Porlhind ,„ 25 CiifiiilnK.... .. (li« 11:!I7 fiSll Our schools are closed tills week for Ilrst game with the guards at the Stceli2 who resigned. WorUiy Master .lewctt 0«o. A, Gordon, Lansing , az OffOMO 7ii;i I'jii.'i p. ni. (liaB the Holiday vacation. armory Fridiiy evening, Jan. Ot Bay City !1;2r) ailio s;.io Kecitiitlon .„,Chas, Norlhrup MaggieSchaofor, Lansing. ..........Jl O.W.liunni.KH. IraGonclier of Lansing lias enlisted At thn grange watch meeting next The line up is as follows: Cortriglit Song , ....lirange Choir Elmer K. UiiKoresl. Lansing at F, n. STAKTON, Oon. Pass. U Ticket Act. .Saturday evening there will lie rC' Glenn, Mills, Fellows, Lyon, Wi Thirty Years Ago In tlin Wilds of Minnesota Ida llollliliiy, Lansing »l TIflkotAKont. Mason Ohlcnuo in the cavalry branch of the service and Niirtlierii Michigan ..S. II. Anway freshments served. The ladies are liains, Densniore, Chapin, and Krod C. Fisher, Locko 22 with Uncle .Sam. Kssiiy—"The World Is HoUom-sldo Up" KlliBl Ooyi, Looko , SO requested to bring fried cakes. J-:itclien. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Next Sunday commences the year Alfred Allen B»rt Waltora, Lanning i» Songa ,,..KiiMre Orange 1905. We wish all our readers a happy Mr. and Mrs. Ilarvey Goucher of Ed. Darling, living In Alaiedo Oolla llaumgraHn, Lansing , '2* Lansing, formerly of this city, cele A .Sermon...' ,......0. K. Sanders B. C. K. IlKNDEItaON, DentLst. Over K. and prosperous year. township about three miles north o Hoiijamin Katou, lliistinga %. D J. Itrown's Shoe Store. brated the 2.')tli anniversary of tliei this City, narrowly escaped instant Death of William Joslin. Ed(lh Itix, Loroy Kf .1. D. Phelps of Lansing is slated for Hyivesler J. Dyer, Lansing.....,., aa wedding, last .Saturday evening. death by. being.struck on the head by William.Josliii died at. lils home in a job in the olllce of .Additor-Genbrar Anna M. Ilohrer, OoWitt , » a falling limb. He jumped to escape Wlioatlleld Sunday, Dec 2.'), 1904, after Uradlcy after .Ian. 1st. The L. A. S. of Eden will serve sup• Henry llentloy, Locke. , , 21 'nHAS. G, JKNKIN.S, M. I). Practice limited falling tree and was struck iin the ly to (llseiLses of Kye, Kar, Noae aiirt Throat. per at the Church on Friday evening an Illness of about two weeks. bullo Cripps, Looke , , _2i WanhlilKton Ave. S., LansInK, Mich. All Indebted to Brown'.s Shoe Store Dec. .'lOth. Rev. Augusta Chapin of head by a heavy limb from another He was born at Litchfield, N. Y., Real Estate Transfers.' The Ingham Abstract Company re• BS. MANN fi AU.STIN. Ilonieopalhlc Physl- are kindly rcclneslid to call and setti tree. His head was cut open and he .Sept. fl, 1808, being at tlio time of his New York City will give a short talk port the following transfers' for the DJ clans and .Snrneons. .Sjiecialatlentinli given for.T need the money in business. *1 was taken home unconscious. to tlio Kye, Kar, Nose and Throat; also di.seases Members of the Mason high sclioo deatli 31) ye-trs, 3 months, IB days. week ending Dec 24th, 1904, where of women and clillilren and rectal diseases. There were (iO deaths in Iniiniiil football team presented tlieir coach The following ollicers have been Moved witli liis parents to Michigan the consideration Is $300 or over: Oftlce-Near Block. Honrs-3 to 10 a. in,, 2 to Ci Cliirles Olilslopherand wf to .lohn W. and 7 lo 0 p. 111. county in November, Lansing fur• Dr. 0. R. Austin, witli a line gold fob elected for the ensuing year by the wlien lie was six years old, living at and Agues A, Alloii, pel lu w 1', otmii nished 2.'l of Ihese nnd Mason two. liome with lils parents in WliiteOak, II. KUICKI.AND, M. I). Lawrence Illock. watch chain for ii Christmas present, Baptist Sundiiy school ; Superiiiten of seo 17, Lansing } ,10ir llonrs-8 to 0 a. in., 1 in ;i, 7 to 8 ii. m. 0. S. B. Pike took orders for a carload dent, A. J. HliU ; Assistant, Alfred Ingham county, until Oct. '20, 181)8, Kenzlfl E, Unnrinann and wf lo Sarah A, Come in and see our line ciindy— lliinUnglim. pel In Ciaypool's sub off TVl. (IKltTltlJIlK I). OAMPIIKLL, Physician of Page fcrlcc hii5t week. Tliose wish when he was united in iimrriago lo x) and Surgeon. Olllce al residence, iiortli B niiirshinallows, creams and bonbons Allen; Secretary, Edmund McBrido M of iio!.( of seo 17, Liinsliig 120O street. Honrs, 8 lo 0 a. m,, 2 to .1 and 7 lo 8 p. in. ing to take advantage of tlie discoun Treasurer, H.B. Longyear; Librarin Miss Carrie Allen uf Howell, then Win.T. Cliiippoll lo Hugh Caiiipboil, 21 < Country and town calls promptly attended. JOc per poiiiid. RACKET STOIJK, sale, liand orders in and get value re Mr.s. A. J. Hail; Organist, lone San• settled on tiic farm where lie died. ao In so U of seo r>. Mason 2172 Si.v-liorse power Peerless ttasollne Hugh Cainpholl to Mary A. Campbell, 21 U. iniANK K.THOMAS, Physician and Hnr-1 ceivcd. "1 ders ; Chorister, H. B. Long.vear He was a loving husband and a kind goon. Olllcenver Welih/<i Whitman's store; engine for siile. Only used tliree ao in 8u !f of .soc5, Mason 2172 residonceaD t corner 1! and Olik streets, Wason. Primary Superintendent, Mrs. E. A and alTectkinlite father, a noble and .Inmos M. VanCiimp and wfto Amanda months, in Al condition. Price.SlOO Last Friday evening about 20 of upright man and an obliging neiglibor. Oroon, lol 12and e 'S of lol 11 blk 49, Tyler.
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