-4-1, Poor Quality Found Fa;r Getter.. Uy , .. Ir ..... little cNnte I Game In ......etv .... Setvrd.ly; 1IIc ...... In Albia Highway Int eloudinesa s.tvnt.y nItht. oil owan Highs 715 nwth .. JS.tI -'II. ALB IA IR'I - Officials oC the I commission does business. Seroing the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa Cit" Priy c!.udy .... wamw s...Iay. Iowa Highway Commission Friday "The company wiu do whil,tever ck Yankees walked the entire route oC a 12,8· we suggest," he said. mile relocalion oC U.S. Highway 34 Monroe County Engineer WiUiam Established in 1868 10 Cents Per Copy As.Iociated Pres8 Leased Wire aDd Wlrepboto Iowa City, Iowa. Saturday, September 5,1964 near Albia to investigate charges e. Stone, John Scott, member o( oC Mom-oe County officials that the County Board o( Supervisors om Lead there was "substandard workman· and Frank Karpan, attorney and ship" on the nearly completed pro· Cormer Albia mayor, asked for the singled, continued all the way to ject. investigation. third as center (ielder Rick Rei· State IIighway Chairman Harry STONE SAID that "apparent de· chardt let the ball get by him J. Bradley Jr. of Des Moines said ficiencies resulted when the con· • • and eame home on a single by later that apparently some col'l'ec. structino company moved a paving Bobby Richardson. tive measures will be needed. machine too fast, giving inadequate New York .... 001 010 000-2 4 1 Officials ot the Jensen Construe. time Cor the already placed con· Los Anvel.. 200 020 OOx-4 8 1 crete to harden. " Stotllemyr. Mikkelsen (5), Reniff Ult tion Co. of Sioux City, which is Stone said portions of the con. (7) .nd BI.nch.rd; McBride, A. Le. (6) g~lnst emo ate a nd Rodger •. W - McBride (4.12). L - doing the paving work, accom· crete slumped down and outward Slolllemyr. (4-2). Hom. runs - New York Bllnchlfd panied the Highway Commission and in many cases "this slump (1). Los Angeles, Frego.1 (i.). representatives. was so great that portions of the They included besides Bradley, edge would tend to shear off." Chief Engineer L. M. Clausen, A. Irving Jensen Jr., of Sioux City, Stan Musial F. Faul, director of engineering an official of the contracting firm, Power On! and W. W. Wickham, construction said previously that "a certain Party Lawyer May' engineer, of the commission staff amount of slumping along edges is The power cut-off seheduled east of Clinton St,..., for Tuesday lSUI Safellife' Up Shakes Off at Ames. a characteristic of all slip·Corm night by the Univanity will not "WE WALKED the whole route," paving jobs" and no serious defect m.. terialiu. 1M Power PI .. nt w.. CAPE KENNEDY. Fla. I.fI - mosl advanced scientific satellite range or phenomena in the earth ', Bradley said. "It would appear had been observed on this project. Handle the Case to hIVe turned off the power to America's largest scientific sat· yet launched by the United States. atmosphere, magneto phere and in· some corrective measures will Two contracts for paving the Virus Attack Inltall a new electric line. The eJlile, a metal monster n a m e d rt also was the wei rdest looking. terplanetary space. DE \1 J E (A P) - A uit king the Democratic pres­ have to he made but to what extent stretch from near Georgetown to new line ha. a flaw and tha OGO, was rocketed toward a wide· When all of OGO's booms, an· THE ATLAS·AGENA rocket wenl we will not know until further a point. southeast of Albia totaled id ntial I t be stricken from th Nov. 3 lection ballot ill Iowa ST. LOurS IR'I - Stan Musial, transfor h.I. Men postpened looping orbit Friday night to make tennas, tubular control jets, solar up exacUy on time and roared in· examination has been made. Fur. $1,175,000. the most exhaustive study yet 01 panels and other appendages unrold to a c1oud-dolted sky, performing was filed Friday, and R publican Atty. Cen. Evan Hultman recuperating from a severe virus ther tests will have to be run." ---------~------------ space mysteries and dangers to and unreel, the payload measures well during its (irst tage flight, of asked that 0 mocrat d fend it. attack, saId Thursday he will be Bradley said the Jensen com· manned space exploration. 59 feet from no e to lall and ha ready to resume his duties shortly approximately (lve minutes. pany is one of the most reliable The satellite, containing equIp- 8 wingspan of 20 feet. Hultman, the COP candidate for governor, id h a king as national physical fitness direct· The Agena econd stage sep­ construction firms with which the 'Brazilian Air Crash ment built at SUJ, roared -aloCI IT HAD scores of "eyes" to peer arated as planned and ignited. Mo· the Iowa Executiv Council which or and St. Louis Cardinals execu· m ts n xt Tuesday. to appoint tive. from cape Kennedy at 8:30 p.m. tinto space to observe such things ments later II Fiberglass shroud atop an Atla ·Agena rocket. - as cosmic rays and ultraviolet tluIt covered the OGO was jet· D Moin attorney Eug ne Davis "I think I'll pe here another day Death Toll Believed 39 AFTER NEARLY an hour o( radiation. tlsoned. In the fir l eight mInutes to represent th tate in the suit. or two, " said the former Cardinals Two Attend of this all·important (Irst (]jght flight, the rocket was to kick 6GO Packed in the in cct · shaped "Becau of th political over· star from his bed in Jewish Hos· RIO DE JANEIRO IR'I - A four~ngine Viscount airliner with 39 free into a great oval orbit ranging f~ame were 20 of the most op~is. everything was perfect. pital. ton , r person any am faced with persons aboard crashed Friday on a rugged, rainswept mountain peak rrom l70 to 92,000 miles above the tlcated expenments ever to ride The next k y to a BUCCes ful "Of course, I'll have to take it Workshop earth. On th is path, a single ·cir. aboard a satellite. lhe propo ltion of conducting this near Nova Friburgo. l25 miles north of Rio de Janeiro. There was no mi ion depended upon a econd in a way that would be most (air easy. But the baseball season's al· Two Iowa City students have reo indication that any survived. cuit oC the globe would take' 63 They were devised by scientists ignition oC the Agena somewhere to all," Hultman said. most over and I haven't many hours. from s\!v.en government laborator· turned from the 17th annual Lead· The VASP airliner was en route team had been sent to t~ area. over Australia 55 minutes afler speaking engagements left." to Rio from Vitoria, an Atlantic OGO, which stands (or Orbiting ies and nine universities including liftoff. HE SAID HE knows Davi per· ership Training Workshop of Lhe The surrounding terrain is ex· sonally and by r putatlon to be The smiling Musial was a great port 260 miles northeast of here. tremely rugged and has few roads Geophysical Observatory, was the SUI and were to record a wide THE SECOND stage of the Agena Sigma Chi Fralernity on the cam· "an abl nd v ry w II known trial contrast to the Musial who col· THE WRECKAGE was spotted or trails up the steeper parts of ignited for the second time. But lawyer who will very adequately ~apsed in the Cardinals locker pus oC Ball State College in Mun· by a Brazilian air force search the mountain. some time had to elapse before the represent the interests of the state room shortly after the Sl. Louis· cie, Ind. plane on Nova Caledonia Mountain . THE VASP designation is an abo elliptical orbit, neces ary for the in this matter." Milwaukee game Tuesday night. Weather in the area was rainy, Barry Campaigning fulfillment of th complex objec· The workshop, held Aug. 28·3l, breviation of Viaco Aera Sao Paulo Davi said he wiU accept Dr. I. C. Middleman, the Card· was attended by Tom Stone, A4, with a low ceiling and fog shroud· - Sao Paulo Air Transport. tives of the OGO mission, could be ing the mountains. confirmed. job if th EKe utive Council ap· inals' and Musial's physician, reo Iowa City ; and Tom Bowman, A4, It was the first commercial air point him. ported earlier Musial should be out Iowa City. Stone is vice president Nova Caledonia Mountain is crash in Brazll since July 1963 Johnson is Waiting Dr. George LudWig, project sci· of the hospital in a few days. of Lhe local Sigma Chi chapter and about 15 miles Crom Nova Fri· when a Varig DCa crashed in Rio entist (or the National Aeronautics The attorney g neral 's office nor· "But we are continuing tests," he Bowman will be pledge trainer. burgo. Police reported a rescue Grande do Sui, killing t3 . PHOENIX, Ariz. IA'I - Sen. Barry Goldwater said Fridny the Army and Space Administration, said, mally repre ·ents state officials wh n suit are filed again t them. said. "to determine the exact na· CASP said the Viscount carried is being turned into a work camp, while Republican Nntional Chairman "Over·all objective are to (ind a ture of his ailment to be sure there much as we can about th environ· Hultman said it i not unu ual Cor a crew of (ive. Dean Burch claimed the senator's caU lor an end to the dralt \Vas a speCial coun I to be requ ted.
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