'''''41111191"11,091111,:. "; - 0111W II a Stgte Library Sacramento 9, California #2 r o. Run-offs Enter Second Round Today in Union Spar aily SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE. an --four Classes-Seek-Nominations; Volutan 300CVM San Jose, CalifO'rnia, Thursday., Februiry -23, 1950. Number 87 Grass Announces Additional Balloting Next Week Students will take anothee step Aft the completion of this quarter's elections today as tbey once again Too Emint Committee mark ballots in what was sup- Hot ender the-Cottar wised . to have been the final runoff. -- Ildwever, an additional run-off Tc. ,St.uady Plaits election is definitely in the offing The Examination committee next week to determine the out- plans to follow a suggestion made ----come-of--the offices of junior in the "Town Meeting", Dec. 8, sopho mo r e- vice-peesidents, about dead-week, according to Dr. Grass, chief . justice, announced Harrison Heath. yesterday. At the, Examination committee - The special run-off is a result of meeting held Monday, Don Schaef,_ a tie in these offices its Tuesday's fer, ASB presidentmade-a report - elections. One aspirant will be student-VieWS as to dead-week. eliminated-fasinv=eaeh--earididavy- One of the suggestions made was - today. Student Council members San Jose State's collegiate n to check on the dead-week pro-' Tuesday will set the day for the door neighbor is about to move. grams in other colleges. election. Construction of the $85,000 San Dr. Heath also made a report In today's run-oil, seniors have Jose Bible college, located at 12th on the 11th week of last quarter, the choice of the following: rep- and Virginia streets, will be 'com- which is normally dead-week, and resentative, Betty King and Bel- pleted early this summer, accord- reported that 209 faculty mem- mont Reid; class president, Don ing to Bible College President bers, or all but 11 Instructors, did LaFave and Fred Michels. William L. Jessup. not give any examinations during dead-week. The examinations that Juniors: representative, Mike The first unit, covering_ six Barchi were given were in the Science and Dave Down; vice-pres- acres, will consist of class rooms, and Engineering departments. ident, Bill Francis, Don Laclergue library, and administration offices. "The committee is uncertain as and Francis McMahon. auditorium-chapel, with a Carl Mleseke, driver of the The to the best- way to handle this Sophomores: president, D o n seating capacity of 3(10, will be college bus, contemplates rising situation,- Dr. Heath said. "We Camp and John Giacomazzi; vice- added later. Contractor for the can either continue to let the fac- steam as the result of a broken SJ Councilmen project is Samuel E. Barth. Or- :president, Bill Armen, 'Cliff Ma, ulty dbcide whether tests are head gasket. Students of Mr. Shier is the architect. jersik and Margaret Murphy; sec- ville r o back to a strict in- N o-r-mirn - -Dottoffs' Historical- s , Nii,cy Hardy-and Jaen One hundred and eighty stu- terpretation oT no exam rule." geology class journeyed to Ro- Attend-NI line Larsen. are now at- deo last Sunday afternoon with dents, many of which According to Dr. Heath, the Freshman representative for numerous stops along the way. tending San Jose State college, committee feelf_that if it goes one year will be fought out be- Repairs to the engine were At Stanford will be enrolled in the four:ycar haeit-to--thrlleid-week rule, every- mut- made :ITU the-Way ity aftei-thi; rounciimen 111-ek Vagrey an biTflcal course. ,Degrees to be of- one should cooperate and prohibit Barbara Queener. Half year vehicle stalled on a raft-mid Ray Lyon to", Stanford fered are. Bachelor of Theology, all social activities of .any kind representative will either be crossing and had to he pushed university tonight , to attend and Bachelor of Divinity. during this we*. This ,would Joan Rogers or Seyntour Abra- by passengers. The field trip another mmeetingof Bay Area mean no athletic events, no plays, it was The Bible college was founded hams. began at 7:30 a.m. and schools working on the proposed and no social parties. before the ailing bus and in 1939 by the San Jose Church 6 p.m "Charity Show" to be presented All voters will have the option ' tired students returned to San of Christs, Fifth and San Carlos "Personally, I feet it is best to next quarter. The idea was orig- of.. either John McBain or Bob Jose. photo by Bob Stone. streets. It has been incorporated leave the rule as it is, however, Mated by San Francisco ' s three Smith for junior justice. under California law since 1945. the opinion_ of- the committee is colleges -City college, State, and Students range in age frrala 18-30 divided upon the question," Dr. - yeessi, Health esaid. avlets'Near The following dates and events omas iiyan IPl Were co_uncil at I -= . rewried to _the Msr last Tue sday's mting:ee Completion acqguarne Predicts Gives Campus Western splash Up will be ,-s ' IRehearsals for Noel Coward's the theme of the annual Women's /c "Tonight at 8:30" have reached Swim show, to he presented in the -ampus of the F uture Piano Recital the half-way mark, Director John' Men's pool on April 13, 14, and 15. Out of the quonsets by "51. By JOHN BREHM. R. Kerr, reported yesterday. The Carol Nystrum is in charge. three one-act plays that make up That was the prediction made The College Little Thee ter the show are "Family Album," a Prospective councillors for next yesterday by college President Students Sight proved to be inadequate Tuesday musical comedy, "Still Life," a fall's Freshman. Camp are meet- T. W. MacQuarrie. Apparently night when the inane recital of drama, and "Red Peppers," a ing March 2, at 7:30 p.m. in the undaunted by recent, slow-downs Spartan Doily Thomas Ryan, music faculty mem- vaudeville show. "Tonight at Student Union. All "campers," in the college building and ex- ber, drew an audience of approx- 8:30" will be presented in the past and Mum nave been invite drosarmmn' program, H ImmortalityFor imately 300. Little Theater March 9-17, with -to attend the get-together. said he planned to continue his fight for the "campus of the Mr. Ryan was enthusiastically the exception of Sunday, March 12. I The Spartan Daily has Associated Women Students ' future." received by the overflow 'crowd. achieved a degree of Immortal- With dress rehearsals slightly have chosen Jo Ann Keeler and Acquisition of San Jose High He played two encores and upon ityat least In the minds of two more than a week away the St U-, Joan Hale to represent San Jose school buildings islated for mid- finishing was called upon to make San Jose State college students. dents are well on the way into State college at an international make use of present several curtain calls to acknowl- 1951) should making the fourth production of AWS conference at the 1,10iversity temporary buildings and quonset For days, students have edge the applause of the listeners. display of the Speech and Drama depart- of Oklahoma April 3-5. huts unnecessary, Dr. MacQuarrie paused to admire' a The program was scheduled to ment a good evening of entertain- said. He explained floor space in authentic historical documents in one begin at 8:15 o'clock, but 10 min- ment, Mr. Kerr said. Marsh Pitman read a detail ed the high school buildings total- and facsimiles of the floor exhibit eases. Yes- utes after eight all seats were report on the aims and functions ling 120,000 square feet- would ground found something filled and persons were standing "Since most of the students in of Camp Miniwanca. It costs the be ample replacement, for 77,000 terday they added. in the rear of the 'theater. The the cast do singing and dancing," ASB $75 to send a representative. square Jeet__now in temporary new had been performance was called "a -grand Mr :Herr continued - "it is inter Pttman cited Sur Jun-State-Mt: st ructureea. Wedged nehliWifie-glass was tribute to---Ryan as an artist and tstingAnwatch theAransformation_ lege's excellent record, and- On a second building front, Dr. a copy of "the world's best enl as a man" by members of the of their acting from their previous sequent increased quota. Four MacQuarrie said occupants of col- lege newspaper" bearing this audience. dramatic roles into a musical students may now go from San lege-owned residences on Seventh, legend: comedy vein." Jose State college. The Student streets would Mr. Ryan played Mozart's So- Eighth and Ninth Original copy of the Spartan Council will study the report this vacate "in the near nanta, K. 282; Prokofieff's Third Tickets for "Tonight at 8:30" be asked to Daily week, _ itat Sonata,- Op. -28;-Schumannr's- Hum- go on sale Thursday, March -2 iti February 22, 1930 oreske, Op. 20; and Brahtns' Room 57, Speech office. Student The General, or ASB, fund con- Emptying and demolition of-the Donated by W.V.H. and J.(7.S. on a theme by Paganini,Variation§ admission is 60 cents; general ad- tains $11,318.34, while the Council old residences will be carried nut Op.--35, Book II. mission is 90 cents fund has $707.37. - -on schedule, the president ex- Now residing in San Jose, plained, in spite of delays in ap- propriations and other complica- tions. ' Communications Workers Postpone Strike Orders to vapate will be issued Student Directors on a selective-basis, however, Dr.
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