THE NAUTILUS A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CONCHOLOGISTS VOL. XXVII. MAY, 1913, to APRIL, 1914. EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS : A. PILSBRY, Curator of the Department of Mollusca, Academy of Natural Sciences PHILADELPHIA. <:. W. JOHNSON, Curator of the Boston Society of Natural History, BOSTON. i a L INDEX TO THE NAUTILUS, XXVII. INDEX TO SUBJECTS, GENERA AND SPECIES. Achatinellidae of Oahu, Two new Acmsea fergusoni in Connecticut . .72 Alasmidonta undulata . .23 Aldrich collection ...... Amastra, a new sinistral ... .68 Amastra montagui Pils, n. sp. 39 Amastra pilsbryi Cooke, n. sp. .65 Ancylidffi of North Africa, note on the (PI. VII) . 113, 124 Ancylastrum ...... 124 Ancylus clessini ..... 127, 128 Annularia pseudalatum Torre (PI. Ill, figs. 8, 9) . .37 Annularia ramsdeni P. & H. (PI. Ill, figs. 5, 6) . 37 Aporemodon, a remarkable new Pulmonate genus . 24 Arangia sowerbyana Pfr. ..... .11 Arizona, camps in the Catalines and White Mts. 60, 109 Ashmunella pilsbryana Ferriss n. sp. 109 99 Brachypodella insulse cygni Clapp sp. nov. (PI. VI, fig. 10). Cardium (Trigoniocardia) galvestonense Harris (PI. VI) . 102 Ceratodiscus ramsdeni Pils, n. sp. 134 Cerion (Strophiops) biminiensis Hend. & Clapp, n. sp. 64 (PI. IV, figs. 9, 10) ._ Cerion sagraianum in South Africa ..... 143 Charonia Gistel, a generic name for Triton tritonis . 56 100 Choanoporna caribbseum Clapp, sp. nov. (PI. VI, figs. 3, 4). Choanopoma (Ramsdenia) mirifica Preston, a synonym of C. nobilitatum Gundl. ... 72 . 37 Chondropoma carenasense P. & H. (PI. Ill, fig. 4) . 37 Chondropoma garcianum Torre (PI. Ill, figs. 2, 3) 37 Chondropoma wilcoxi P. & H. (PL III, fig. 1) Clausilia emersoni Pilsbry n. sp. (PL IV, figs 1-5) . 66 dementia obliqua Jukes-Browne, note on ... 103 (iii) IV THE NAUTILUS. in Coosa . Collecting River, Alabama . .84 land shells in of . Collecting Maui, Territory Hawaii . 71 in . Collecting Unionidse Eastern Tennessee . .70 nelsoni Colobostylus Clapp sp. nov. (PI. VI, figs. 1, 2) . 99 for . Conchological museum Japan . .13 bite . Conus geographus, poisoning by the of . 117 Cuban collecting ........ 136 Cuban and West American shells, Illustrations of .37 Cypraea exanthema, cervus and cervinetta ... 8 Cypraea miliaris Gmel., with descriptions of new varieties. 69 miliaris . Cypraea var. brevis Smith var. nov. .70 miliaris var. Cypraea eburnea Barnes . .70 miliaris var. Cypraea intermedia Smith var. nov. 70 var. Cypraea miliaris majistra Melv. .69 Drupa, on the nomenclature of ..... 79 DrymaBUs insulsecygni, Clapp sp. nov . .98 Epiphragmophora dupetithouarsi cuestana Edson (PI. Ill, figs. 13, 14) . 37 Epiphragmophora tudiculata grippi Pils. (PI. Ill, figs. 15, 16, 17) 37 Epiphragmophora tudiculata, note on a new variety . 49 Ferrissia clessiniana Jickeli (PI. VII, figs. 9-11) . 127 Ferrissia isseli Bgt. (PI. VII, figs. 4-8) . .126 Ferrissia pallaryi Walker n. sp. (PI. VII, figs. 12-14) . 127 Ferrissia platyrhynchus Walker n. sp. (PL VII, figs. 1-3). 125 Fusconaja bursa-pastoris B. H. Wright . .90 Fusconaja subrotunda leucogona Ortm. n. var . .89 Galba ferruginea in Oregon ...... 24 Gundlachia hjalmarsoni Pfr. in the Rio Grande, Texas (PI. IV, figs. 6-8) 79 Gundlachia 1' hotelleriei Walker n. sp. (PI. VII, figs. 15-21). 128 Helix hortensis in New England, further notes on . 61, 83, 107 Hesperarion hemphilli maculatus Ckll. .... 143 Hirase conchological museum (PI. I) . .13 Idaho shells, Northern . 104 Lampsilis recta ........ 57 Land shells carried by birds ...... 71 Land shells collected on the Bimini Islands, Gun and Cat Cays, Bahamas ........ 63 Land shells from Ellsworth, Maine . .95 Land shells of Cecil Co., Maryland . .96 Lymnsea (Radix) auricularia in Charles River, Boston. 83 Liicidella pilsbryi Clapp sp. nov. (PI. 6, figs. 6, 7) . .100 Maine, Freshwater shells of St. John's River . 139 Margaritana margaritifera. ..... 23, 88 Margaritana margaritifera falcata . .89 THE NAUTILUS. V Margaritana sinuata Lam ... Marine shells from drift on Upper Matecumbe Key, Florida. 59 Martyn's Universal Conchologist, Another note on, . 95, 107 . 101 Miocene correlation, notes on .... Mollusca from Co. N. Y. .56 Wyoming , Murex tritonis Linn6, the generic name to be used for . 55 Naiades, studies in . .88 143 Notes . .12, 24, 35, 48, 70, 83, 95, 120, Nyctilochus Gistel ........ 55 Oreohelices from Wyoming, Notes on some . .50 Oreohelix cooperi W. G. B. 52 Oreohelix cooperi minor Ckll .... .53 Oreohelix hendersoni dakani Henderson n. subsp. Oreohelix haydeni betheli Pils. and Ckll. in Colorado . 39 Oreohelix ioensis Pils ..... 134 Oreohelix peripherica Anc ...... 53 . 52 Oreohelix pygmrea Pils. (PI. Ill, figs. 10, 12) 37, Oreohelix yavapai extremitatis Pils. & Ferriss . .50 Pacific conchological club . .16 Parreysia from Kamurun Africa, two new species of . .85 Parreysia loboensis Frierson n. sp. (PI. V) . .85 Parreysia nyangensis Frierson n. sp. (PI. V) . 86 Partula emersoni Pilsbry n. sp. (PI. IV, fig. 11) . .67 Partulina montagui Pilsbry n. sp. .40 Pecten circularis Sowb . .122 Pecten (Euvola) cataractes Dall, n. n. 121 Pectens, notes on some West American .... 121 Philomycus caroliniensis form nebulosa at New Orleans . Philomycus costaricensis (Morch) var. a . Philomycus from the Republic of Panama Physa heterostropha Say in Europe . .112 Planorbis antrosus Conr. ....... 106 Planorbis vermicularis Gld. .144 Polygyra barbigera ....... Polygyra edvardsii Bid ....... 12 Post-glacial Mollusca of Emmet Co., Mich. ... 7 T Post-glacial Mollusca, W aukesha Co., Wisconsin . 68 . 106 Publications received . -24, 35, 47, 105 Pyramidula solitaria occidentalis (Marts. ) Pyrazus milium Dall, in Florida . .59 Ricinula = Drupa ........ 79 Sayella crosseana Dall in Florida . .59 Shell collecting on the west coast of Baja California . 25 Shells from a pleistocene deposit near Sierra Nueva, Santo Domingo ......... 120 Shells from a single dredge haul off Key West, Fla. .120 VI THE NAUTILUS. of Shells Fresh Pond, Cambridge, Mass. .24 Showalter or Schowalter ...... 96, 108 Sonorella . betheli Henderson! n. sp. 123 Sonorella from the Grand Canyon, Arizona . 122 Sonorella, odorous . .135 Spring collecting in Southwest Virginia ... 81, 91 Strophitus edentulus and undulatus . .23 Succinea ovalis, reversed ....... 24 Succinea nisei on Bobolinks ...... 72 Swan Island, List of land shells from . .97 Thracia conradi, Notes on 73 Unio complanatus . 23, 29 Unio gibbosus 23, 29 of . Unio the Wabash and Maumee drainage . .131 Unio (Nephronaias) ortmanni Frierson n. sp. (PI. II) . 14 Unio fauna of the great lakes . .18, 29, 40, 56 Urocoptis (Arangia) sowerbyana a note on its radula . 11 Veronicella from Guatemala ...... 1 Veronicella mexicana betheli Cocherell v. nov. 2 Trochidse, A new genus of ...... 86 Vetulonia Dall new genus. ...... 86 Vetulonia galapagana Dall n. sp. .87 Vetulonia Jeffreys! Dall 87 Wyoming shells ........ 37 Zoological station, Naples . 4, 16 THE NAUTILUS. Vll INDEX TO AUTHORS. Baker, Frank C. 7, 24, 54, 68, 104 Berry S. S 95 Clapp, Geo. H 12, 63, 64, 77, 107 Clapp, Wm. F 24, 97 Cockerell, T. D. A 1, 2, 143 Cooke, C. Montague ....... 68 Dall, Wm. H 86, 103, 121 Ferriss, Jas. H. .3, 60, 109,134 Frankenberger, Zdenka . .112 Frierson, L. S 14, 85 Goodrich, Calvin 81, 91, 131 Hand, Edwin E 144 Hedley, Charles 79 Henderson, John B 59, 64, 95, 120, 136 Henderson, Junius . , . 37, 38, 122 Iredale, Tom ......... 55 Johnson, C. W 47. 61, 83, 106, 142 Lowe, H. N 25 Mazyck, Wm. G 107, 108 Morse, Edward S 73 Nylander, Olof 0. ... .139 Olsson, Axel ......... 101 Ortmann, Arnold ........ 88 Pepper, G. W 143 Pilsbry, H. A. 24, 35, 39, 47, 49, 50, 65, 72, 96, 133 Presbry, Eugene W. ....... 8 Ramsden, Chas. T. 11, 71 Smith, Herbert H 96 Smith, Maxwell . 4, 16, 69 Stock, Chester . .16 Vanatta, E. G. 120 Walker, Bryant 124 Wheat, Silas C 72 THE NAUTILUS. Vou XXVII. MAY, 1913. No. 1 A SLUG OF THE GENUS VEEONICELLA FROM GUATEMALA. BY T. D. A. COCKEREL!.. At Puerto Barrios, Guatemala, Mr. E. Bethel recently found a Veronicella, which he brought to me alive. Among the species re- corded from Mexico and Central America, it closely resembles only V. mexicana (Pfeffer), which occurs at Vera Cruz. It appears to be distinguished by the broad sole, and female orifice well caudad of the middle and very close to the sole. Internally, the accessory glands are numerous and very long. On the whole, however, it is so close to V. mexicana that I record it as a its status will variety ; only be precisely determined when more material is available for compar- ison. It is not that V. mexicana was impossible composite ; certainly the example sent by Strebel to Semper seems doubtfully identical with the animal figured in Strebel's work on the Molluscaof Mexico. One species of Veronice/la, V. stolli von Martens, has already been described from Guatemala. Its anatomy is unknown, but it is read- ily known from Mr. Bethel's slug by the presence of a narrow median longitudinal yellow band. It may be that V. stolli is iden- tical with V. olivacea Stearns from Nicaragua. An unnamed Veron- icella from Honduras, briefly described in NAUTILUS, April, 1895, p. 142, seems on the whole intermediate between our slug and V- mexicana. It is most probably conspecific with our animal, but it may represent a different, allied, species. Its anatomy i. -inknown. Z THE NAUTILUS. Veronicella mexicana betheli v. nov. Above, warm red-brown, paler toward the sides, with scattered dots dorsal and subdorsal pale ; regions irregularly and not densely with blackish the anterior third this speckled ; on speckling is re- solved into a pair of obscure bands, a little nearer to each other than either to the lateral margin. Beneath pale reddish, darker poster- iorly, and speckled with pale. Sole pale ochreous. Tentacles dark grey. There is not the slightest indication of a pale dorsal line. Under a lens, it is seen that the body above and below (especially posteriorly below) is very closely beset with minute pale dots, which correspond with punctiform depressions, while over this pattern are set numerous much larger diffused pale spots.
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