= = . c. ---- ; / • - i i H a- ~ i~Goa^I n i o r n i n g f C S n H Today’s'forecrecast: [gress• s w arlitsH[aiti 6^ i e c f B Mostly sunny;y;af\cr al local'm om ing fog; tives -------B Light winds; High _ The Associated Press__------------5 --------------- — Still-I lighs in-ihc 60s. Lows in— H-dcbating-whcthcrto adopt'ipt'.<:tronger luii^ Votingg "a;against' the resolutioV were H the low 30s with ai .«» ' -• guagage that would set a March 1 ■re Sen.s. m enee an orderlvriy withdrawal iMimedi;ilelv. h areas o f frost tonight. h 1 deadline for Max Bauciucus. D-Mont.. Barbara Bo,\i»,\er. I)- If all'L ',S, troops ;i — . P a g eA 2 ' WASHINGTON.—''— The Senate told ihe.ltroops to leave unless Cor'ongress autho- Calif., Ro P.s are not oul hy Jan. .i. tlie, irsday it wants a state- riired R oberl~B ^. D-W, V'lrTRRussell re.soluiion savs Cfotigresstjoi should \oiet>ii re- ed them to slav. ■__________--------------------- - ■ . hV ingold^r MUiriliti rH .iui,-1 iT710 remove iheni within .'0 I he Senate resolutioil'. wo.vorked o ut by Larrv P/c-Src.s'slcr. R-S.D.. Bill Bradk national .security objecti'rcti.ves o f1 :f^ . troops Sena iley. D. dayv v naie Democnuic Leader Geoieorge Mitchell N.J.. andd MalcolmN \v;alIop. K-\Vvo in Haiti und called for rth thbir w ithdraw al “ ns o f M .-o. Sen.------ in-.addirioii iirsiOl:icv'ffiluTl.ijTi:inciTTa;iii .. fttdcr.nob Doli “Tcd^ie\en:ens. K-Aiuska, am iloi vote, -----.soon as poistble."-------- • ofK ; C linion on the natioiKilnai securiiv objectives K.insas. specifically avoidsIs settings a date Debatee w as expected to go late in SufTering whi The 91-8 vote on the Senate-resolutioii for tl inio Ihe o f th e H aiti mis.slission. Ihe Sen.iie s.mi it thile succeeding the withdrawal of U.S. troofnops in Haiti.' night on sindlarsin resolutions in the I loi , _ A doctor watchi came after weeks of partiartisan bickering over It:t admonishes Ointj)n for lou.se. A__u an is detailed repi:reports (in.ii nn ;i eni" > ching an Olympic-swim- jr not seeking Dentocroiiellic-baeked'm eastire cn lk -'.irijt-wiili,^— ba,sis ynlil iris over — mer in 1984 snws the adm inistration’s Hailriaiti poIicy_with Re- - supj>’port oY C ongress bctbre~si:.sending them drawal by I kv symptoms that rcmind- •y M arch I unless C ongressss Vines 'it also dirucis ilu cd him o f asthma. publicans criticizing thele operationc the most, thererc. but pniises him for lilUrlUng U.S. eco- ne.xt Februa < Ihe seerel.iry of si,re to ic­ ruary to let them slay. port by Jan, Ton ! P dge Bl The House passed anin Iidentical resolution noniinic .sanctions against Haititi undi w orking H ouse Ri on human rigliK x iiil;iiu>ns icr Thursday but was lo lit^ Republicans were otTeriiig>g llieir bv both the Arisij. by a 258-167 vote later it^ U.N, sanctions._________________________ awji_versi«i -i.siide.govermneiil and ihe____ !iiiou_i:alIing-oi»-4C|iH(o«-!o(ocom^—rrirfiian '.tJit k-giineline ttiai o\ eriliieu liini. _— I —Eolls-show-ananti-gays-Iosing"T— — ^ j . -------O pponents of.jhcjhe_anii-giiy.rigljts initla--- • “ tive.ha”ve pulled outou front, according to a rm irrcT°ir;;~~ ------ j —ncw-public^pinionionpolk ---------------------------- T—Mirrorri ih ^ co p P ag e D2 OTIleF" — I rj^rr'r- § -to-seerve^S>-vears W Vicious dog lockuplo The A ssociated Pn:ssP :il leastist 25; years \\»)iilil seiul a E W ithout an aninilinial shelter, owners of ------- • warningng ,!(>i Mt«)fe\s Icllow gaiii; ^ vicious dugs musiu s i“pay”ib h a v e th'em — A-Boi.se-ieen- nlenlber^;le r s r ------------ --- ---------- — r quarantined, thee RupertK City Council ager. w ho said heh followed pa- Murdeirdcr, W eston saitl. '■imisi I ■ says. " • troI ears inicjuliiling lo shoot the he seen:li onlyoi as a sure w ay i>t'iii- Page*B3 •’W officers if he wjivas pulled over, ining youryou life. Anv person who iiiSm sentciiceii u>0 25 ycars to life would! lakelak a police i>fflcer's Ule i PW 4 ^ 5 _ ^ in i^rison on T hurursdnv for killitiL’ sh o n ltld II,-vrn 1>,. -.I,!- ... I,.„) jBS a New Plynioiuli.J i.policeinan Iasi h aek J.lud ‘id.say..llial tlic-con.se— •. - J a n u a rv r...............----------------------------qucHces-ies-never-\vere-as'ga*at :i,s------- |t Bruin’s trounccICC Warriors Jam es Robert ■(•Lee Moore. ,15. the rewarivard." - . m g w ill not he oltiM)Mblf In r priri>1.-_____M oiirv-■ire alt:o reeeivcti u I'i.^- 11 Tw in Falls Hicli■hScliciiUjiokc-a-thrcc- S ------- consideration untji.t_i| he lunis 40 or year termerm. lo run coneurrenily ----- il---------gaiiii: luslHg-strCT^■akrdcfcating-Mcridian------- — —uumplctes aulcaxl .35-6--Ujursday. __ Avjth"tijc~;hc-25^’cnr-5cnT?ircerror ---------- life in prison rm handed down stealing ll ' PagePI ^ g llie car hc w;is in when _ b v J n U 2 isirjcLl -J ud ge_U e raJ d _ on iccr-R:r.Ronald-Wiide Feldner.--------- W esioir_________------- , ; --------- atmuHVJicd—diirini' -iln‘--------- —J p ;-BehgaIs,Bobc£)cats battle------------- ’fie IS a harcluiicneil-crimiiial; predawnkn hoursh o f Jan, 20, ! While Idaho. Bois*oise Slate and Montana Payeiie County Pr<Prosecutor Bniee ■ Moore>re andjvy.o oilier.s were, ' ■ - — <iy-<t>-disiit<>etMliettwfowj^cadtonwh'c^cld— — — Bireh-«!tidr-“ Hc*c: ; III ilii; t::ii~ in iiii- iiin i; . baiurday's Idaho3 Siaie*MontanaS State hilifaied. and hee IS an ongoing school parkingpar lot w hen I'eldncr. - • ri.sk to society." _______ cla.>;h will he Cor sun-un-ival. 1^ __________ w e a rinng g a bulletproof vesi. P ag eD 2 In im posing thele sentence.. We- movedto-the to- side of life vehicle ston citcd Mooro-»;‘s lengihy eritn- after chec■heckini! its refisir:LLii,ni----------- iiu l lucuid a iu nhis n slalenieni to Moore firedHr lo ur !>.».. ■, »!-of-the-Order^f-tho-Sof2 ■ ■ TheJMirror-Room!-o pfarTompIe-cult-TfTSwItziitzerland, above, Is In thetho police Ihat the ihrnnil of criminal .25-ealibeiiber pistol inlo l-eldncr's basem ent of a burntrned farm house where 232 bodies were foundI Tuesday.T Two o fthe 23-2 2 . ' ,1'Cts o v e rw h e lmncd c the eonse- face. were found In thiss rcroom. A Sw iss police oofficer, below,'carriesTaTa crate of Items found - ‘ qucrices. __ The judgej ^ t called il ,a_->avai-e_______ Come to the pa 3 ------------. ju d g e s a il party _ Thursday In two ctia:Halets.whore-rnbre bodiiliesof-cult members.wevere found. ’, lid il appeared needless,is. and a brutal" murder, — CSI doim a instructruCtor Tony M annen is Moore eoinniiiulied ihe crime • Feldnerner left.a wife iiiul four - I I__ celcbrat.ing :-0 yeufy,ars with tho schnni — __ mainly to enhancnee his .suture small bovsloys. Alk-'r senieneint;. his______ in his ow n unique wa;way. —nm ong-hi^pPf»rN-_H£iaIdj;end— ■ wi f*-Shrinhnrr?T-CTid-shc~fclr-^^p;^ ------ __________ ^ g e . C l _ ^ _—Po lfee-d€tain --ing the l5-ychr-ol()ld 10 pri.sori for p,e, Eleasa.saa.KILLER/A2------— Youth — tuninjing up The iccn-agers takeakc a turn at the Magic • cultm(lembers W- M an suesJ bfficleers, " I Valley Symphony. •I . ............ P ag e Cl The Associated Press 1 court “ CHEIRV. SwityJFiaTrland— Onc.cuU_mcmboj>or- million " wrote her family that she had come to Switzerland ____ B y Frank E. Lockww ood___________cial-trjvel-.■el— aniount-to-im-iHcgal----------- — -• lo-dic.-imd-unolhcr-said-ilidthe culr\vas"lcavfng~ilns Times-News wriiert-T resiriction-(on-on his righi to travel. earth*' to escape "the hvhypoc;risitfs_and_o'ppressiun u n»:. ^ —^------ Change forthelebetter I ---------------- 0 _ . He also' eschcwesi v m andatorV lia- o f ihTs worlcj;" ■ _ t w i n FAI.1..S - _______ T o d a y 's editoriaI-< aljipcculaitis^ubout-a- - — ;led T IuifwlHy-to-CTplain the H i I'alls.policc^iJfficet:ers confronied------ Niska-is-; , ^ K.'-TUblican-controllcd lowers ofthe mysterious Or- :-is-stiing thtn’olicc offi- lied Congress. mass deaths of 48 follow Ir- M arlin A ndrew NiSJiska on Sepl. cers who si P a g e A S ' lition, amid revelations that 0 Slopped him, the ofll- dcr of the Solar Traditic 13 a fte r a m in o r' collision,c all cials who j some victiin.s had beenen ;injectcd with a powerful lio jailed him . tho atior- they w anted w as hishi driver's li- neys wholio prosecuted[ him. and dmg and the discoveryy oof more bodies at a house cense, regislraiion. ult leader Luc Jouret, ’•_i»’d_propf.of;-.thc judges!cs thatl set his,bond and ----------- in Canada owned by cult ^ insiinmce. i.ssued warr; There was still no signign of Jouret. and authoritieses .'arranis,againsllhiin,------------------- Instead, they’ve gotaSI2mil-g Magistral<traie Judge R, M ieh;iel .said they did not know’ inifh e \Vas dead o r alive, lion law.suit. and a1- mann who s:iys Redman1 freedIn Niska from jail Sharp'viiion Initial investigationsi .susugge.sted that som e o f the ihe U.S. govcrnmetent has no au-. Monday,. .sayinu,sa "the interest i»l~_______ ___________S piicy.slHm ltf r-lldc iidCfliiaucIs.powerful--------_ culi.
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