Issued Tuesday Saturday Thursday Issue Saturday The Courier-Gazette By Rockland Publimini C.. 465 Main St, Established January, 1846. EatarM aa Saeantf Claaa Mall Mattar. Rockland, Maine, Saturday, January 3, 1925. THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 80............... Number 2. The Courier-Gazette RECALLS TRAGEDY ROUND’S NEW HICO SCHOOL BUILDING OLD TIMERS THERE THREE-TIMEt-A-WEEK Capt. Sidney G. Hupper Seventy-Five Members of STOP LOOK LISTEN ALL THE HOME NEWS Gives Full Details of the' the New Legislature Have Subacrlptlon 53 06 par year payable to Georges River Accident. Seen Previous Service idrance; single copies thru cents. Advertising rates baaed upon clrculatloa Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— There. snd very reaaonable. I have read with much interest the PREVENT BEING NEWSPAPER HISTORY » Frank Holley of North Anson, The Rockland Gazette was established in items in recent issues of The Cour- Blaine Morrison of Phillips. Percy 1846. In 1874 the Courier was established. w ,, and consolidated wlrth the Gazette in 1882. cier-GazeMe, concerning 'the Georges Sargent of Sedgwick. Judge Maher The Free Press was established in 1855, and River Accident. Although it small in 1891 changed its name to the Tribune of Augusta, Mark Barwlse of Ban­ These papers consolidated March 17. 1897. boy at the time I remember the in­ gor and a dozen or so other mem- KILLED cident because of a certain event in I^.*. IK, bers-elect of the 82d Maine Legisla­ ••• ••• my own family. The date I would ture which convenes Wednesday ••• A people who can understand and ••• — | place as the second, of July, 1858. next, must have been surprised when act upon the counsels which (Jod has •••■*’ i On the afternoon of that day my given It in the past events of its h'is- ••• I they read in one paper Wednesday, father was at work in the Held on that they are greennorns in the law BY ONCOMING TRAIN ••• tory is safe in the most dangerous — crisis of its fate.—Guizot. his farm at Port Clyde and to him making job, says the Lewiston ••• to •* — —————————— J there came his cousin Adam Teel. Journal. J with a request for assistance in They are not specifically mentioned amiiii'HOKmiHEiiiB® BKBBRnjBMMnHM THE WHITE LINE sweeping for the bodies of the vic­ as newcomers, but have been omitted from the list of veterans. As tims. 1 ' recall his exact words to A hearing has been ordei’ed by the a matter of Met 7 members of the Public Utilities Commission to take my father. He said "1 have bad incoming leguslature, have had past news for you. Word has been re­ place at its office at 10 a. m. Friday legislative experience. True, some iNort on the application of Grover C. ceived of the death, from yellow of them served some years ago, but s Thompson ar.d Napoleon Dufresne, fever, of your brother Joel in Florida that doesn’t make them tyros in the Jr., of Lewiston, proprietors of the ‘Straits.' He told u» his object in Maine leguslature by any manner of White Line Bus Company to operate coming was not wholly to convey means. Others have Just shifted, Early Impressions are the Last­ a Jitney between Augusta and Rock­ this sad flews, but there had been a since 1923's session from one branch drowdng accident and my fathar’s of the legislature to the other. ing Ones. Bend the Willow while land, Lewiston and Waterville and Waterville and Bangor next year. aid was asked for. Take Senator-elect Holley of it is Young. Teach a Child the The license of this company was re- The boat left Magee's Island, Somerset county. He wat speaker where the Clintons lived, in the of the last House and had served two way it should go. $1.00 will open reeently revoked by ’he commission for the remainder of this year. forenoon, with the Gilchrest brothers, terms In that body, previously. On a Savings Account. their friend and Mary on hoard. The each of his firett terms ho was a wind was northwes/t and squally. member of the House committee on The helmsman hauled In the sheet The Conditions Under Which the Photographer Made This Picture Were Far From Satisfactory, and Finance and its chairman the sec­ 4' i Interest allowde, Compounded CANY BE and fastened it with a clove hitch. lit Is No Reflection On His Skill To Say That It Does Not Do the New Struoture Justice. Several Scraggly ond term. Lost year, Blaine Mor­ If he had held it in his hand the boat Trees Still Stand in Front of the Building, Some of the Refuse Had Not Been Removed, and to Make Mat­ rison of Phillips represented that Semi-annually might not have capsized. Mr. Flin­ town in the House, but this winter ho SNOWBOUND! ton was watching and saw tlie acci­ ters Worse Steam Was Arising From a Bin of Mortar, Partly Hiding the Ornamental Entrance. The Budding will he in the Senate from Franklin dent. The air in the cuddy of the With Equipment Will Represent An Outlay of Between $150,000 and $160,000, and Will Have a Seating Ca­ county. He is not included in the BEGIN NOW overturned boat held her up, and he I pacity Of More Than 600. Rockland le Going To Be Very Proud Of It. Bunker & Savage, Architects. published list of veterans, though saw his daughter clinging to the I most of those who followed him In bow. He ran to the shore and taking . 1923, will ugree that he cut his leg­ I Limited United 8tatcs Depository his own boat rowed out, but before1 a large horizontal holler, manu- ( islature ye teeth some time in that Readens of The Courier-Gazette boiler room and a room for the me­ he reached them boat and men dis- ' factured by the 1. L. Hnow Co. which session. 4% INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS chanical ventilating apparatuus appeared and he found ills daughter's are today given a glimpse of the new The manual training room is supplies steam to the radiators in While the list credits Penobscot body Heating, upheld by her cloth- ■ High School building on Lincoln about 30x52 feet, 10 feet high with all parts of the building. with but a Hingle veteran in the leg­ street, the southern wing of which windows on three sides, with direct .Every room used tor school put • ' islature, it actually lias five. Each They swept for the men s bodies | access to the outside, in order that of its three senators has served two Without .success. Sometime after-! Probably he ready for occupancy poses is equipped with a clock and automobiles may be driven in and gong which are connected with a j terms in the House and one mem- ward one of them came ashore at the coming week. The equipment repaired. The domestic arts room in large program clock in the prlnci- ^er of the delegat on startled he co­ North National Bank Gay’s Island. The drowning occurred for the phyrios and chemical labora­ about 30x30 feet with windows on pal's office This master clock au- I ?‘re stllte l,ls flrst t^mby introdu.- THE I near a little island called Goose tories has already been delivered, two sides. tomatically announces in each room lnS 11 S,a<e r’h'P waterpower Rockland, Maine Rock at the entrance of Georges and the installation awaits only the The toilet rooms are equipped with the beginning and end of each study I ^t’wurpJ almost on the first day of ' River. Thomas Flinton was an in- arrival of representatives from the the session. This was Senator-elect 1 timate friend of both my father and modern sanitary fixtures including period Michigan farm from which these sup­ In connection with the clock sys­ Perkins. While the one credited vet­ i father-in-law and Mary was an ac- shower baths, and situated in well SNOWMOBILE plies were bought. When this south­ tem there Is a complete fire alarm eran from Penobscot In the list re­ i qualntance of my eldest sister. The lighted and ventilated rooms. ern wing is in commission it will system similar to the municipal sys­ ferred to is Charles W. Curtis, mem­ hour that the church bell tolled for i ’ The boiler room has in connection ATTACHMENT with it, a reinforced concrete coal tem, there being six alarm boxes and ber of the House from Brewer, be- Mary Flinton's funeral was to have 0 inff t.he cWss-rooms in the pocket entirely outside the buHding gongs from any of which an alarm stdea him and the three senators. been the time she left her home a GongregatloRai church since the extending from the level of the boiler of lire may be, rung and heard in all Representative-elect J. F. Campbell PUTS YOUR FORD bride. Sidney G. Hupper. hool year opened, together with room floor to the grade line, allow­ parts of the building. of Kingman, who served In the Some students who are otherwise ing teams to drive directly onto the It might lie of interest to note that House In 1909, should be included In ON SNOWSHOES Until January First, Miss Bicknell disposed of at present. roof and deliver the coal through all walls and ceilings are plastered . the old-timers. will give a discount of at least 10% | The nPW building embodies as its with lime plaster, the product of tlie I Instead of three veterans. Kenne- Your Faith the receivers This has a capacity on all goods in her gift shop.—156-15" central feature the old structure re­ of nearly 200 tons.
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