REGULATIONS ^ VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE LEXI]SGT0J^3, VIRGINIA. EICHMOND: CLEMMITT & JONES, PEINTERS. 1870. REGULATIONS VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE, AT LEXm&TON, VIRGINIA. RICHMOND: CLEMMITT & JONES, PRINTERS. 1870. ^xAtx^. Virginia Military Institute, November 11, 1870. The following revised Regulations having been prepared by the Board of Visitors under the authority vested in them by lavf, it is directed that they shall be in force from this date. By command of the Board of Visitors. FRANCIS H. SMITH, Superintendent V. M. I. CONTENTS. BOARD OF VISITORS, - - - - - 5 ACADEMIC STAFF, - - - - - « ASSISTANT PROFESSORS, - - - - - 7 MILITARY STAFF, - - - - - 8 SYNOPSIS OF COURSE OF STUDIES, - - - - 9 SPECIAL SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE, - - - 13 MILITARY SCHOOL AND LEXINGTON ARSENAL, - - 13 Eegulatious: Article I. ORGANIZATION, - - - - - 21 II. ADMISSION OF CADETS, - - - - 25 III. UNIFORM, FURNITURE, &C. ... 29 IV. ACCOUNTS, - - - - - 30 V. COURSE OF INSTRUCTION, - - - 31 VI. CLASSIFICATION OF CADETS AND MANNER OF INSTRUC- TION, - - . - .38 VII. GENERAL EXAMINATIONS, - - - 39 VIII. CONDUCT ROLLS, - - - - 42 IX. LEAVES OF ABSENCE, - - - - 43 X. LIBRARY, - - - - - 44 XI. DISCIPLINE, - - . - - 45 - XII. MISCELLANEOUS, - - - 51 XIII. INTERIOR POLICE AND DISCIPLINE OF THE INSTITUTE, 53 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/regulationsofvir1870virg INSPECTOR, EX-OFFICIO: His Excellency G. C. WALKER, GOYEENOE OF VIRGINIA. BOARD OF VISITORS: (appointed by the GOVEKNOR of VIRGINIA.) Hon. JOHN LETCHER, President of the Board...LEXiNGTON. HoK. WM. H. MACFARLAND Richmond. Hon. W. R. STAPLES Cheistiansbueg. Col. GEO. W. ROLLING Petersburg. WM. SKEEN, Esq Alleghany. ZEPH. TURNER, Esq Rappahannock. WM. L. OWEN, Esq Halifax. ^ RICHARD H. GATLETT, Esq Staunton. Maj. Gen. WM. H. RICHARDSON, Adj't Gen. (Ex-officio.) VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. Gen. FRANCIS H. SMITH, A. M., Superintendent, and Pro- fessor of Mathematics and Moral Philosophj^ Col. JOHN T. L. PRESTON, A. M., Professor of Latin and English Literature. Col. THOMAS H. WILLIAMSON, Professor of Practical En- gineering, Architecture and Drawing. Col. WILLIAM GILHAM, A. M., Philip St. George Cocke Professor of Agriculture. Gol. ROBERT L. MADISON, M. D., Mercer Professor of Animal and Vegetable Physiology applied to Agriculture. Col. SCOTT SHIP, Commandant of Cadets, Instructor of In- fantry, Cavalry, and Artillery Tactics, and Professor of Military History and Strategy. Col. JAMES W. MASSIE, Professor of Mathematics. Col. WILLIAM B. BLAIR, Jackson Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. Gen. G. W. C. LEE, Professor of Civil and Military Engi- neering and Applied Mechanics. Col. JOHN M. BROOKE, Professor of Practical Astronomy, Geology, Descriptive and Physical Geography and Meteo- rology. Col. MARSHALL McDONALD, Professor of Geology, Mine- ralogy and Metallurgy. Col. M. B. HARDIN, Professor of General and Applied Chemistry. Col. THOMAS M. SEMMES, Professor of Modern Languages. Commodore M. F. MAURY, LL. D., Professor of Physics and Superintendent of Physical Survey of Virginia. Col. WILLIAM D. WASHINGTON, Professor of Fine Arts. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. Col. W. E. CUTSHAW, Assistant in Physics. Capt. 0. C. HENDERSON, Assistant Professor of French Language. Capt. J. H. MORRISON, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology. Lieut. JAMES H. WADDELL, Assistant Professor of English and Drawing. Capt. WILLIAM M. PATTON, Assistant Professor of Latin. Lieut. R. H. COUSINS, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Capt. WM. B. PRITCHARD, Assistant Professor of Geography, Drawing and Tactics. Capt. W. H. BUTLER, Assistant Professor of Mineralogy, Latin and Tactics. Lieut. R. E. NELSON, Assistant Professor of Natural Philosophy and Latin. Lieut. W. C. POWELL, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. Lieut. JAMES E. HEATH, Assistant Professor of Latin. Lieut. M. PALMER, Assistant Professor of Drawing. Capt. W. DENHAM, Assistant Professor of Tactics. Capt. G. K. MACON, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, &c. VIRGINIA MILITARi" INSTITUTE. Col. ROBERT L. MADISOX, M. D., Surgeon. HOWARD T. BARTON, M. D., Assistant Surgeon. Capt. W. A. DEAS, Acting Treasurer. Capt. JOHN T. GIBBS, Commissary and Steward. Capt. F. H. SMITH, Jr., Adjutant. VIKGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. SYNOPSIS OF THE COURSE OF STUDIES IN THE ACADEMIC SCHOOL. FIRST CLASS. SUBJECT. RECITATIONS. TEXT BOOKS. From 8 A. M. to 10 A. M., Applied Mechanics. dailj/, from September to Rankine's Applied Mechan- January. ics. Erom 8 A. M. to 10 A. M., Rankine's Civil Engineer- Civil Engineering and daily, from January to ing, Lectures and Draw- Architecture. July. ing. From 10 A. M. to 11 A. M., Paley's Moral Philosophy, Moral Science, Rhetoric alternately, one with an- Butler's Sermons on Human and Logic. other, from September to Nature, Blair, Whately, July. H am il ton—Lectures. From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., Physical Geography. daily, from September to Murry's and Somerville's January. Physical Geography. From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., Mineralogy & Geology. daily, from January to Dana's Mineralogy, Dana'a July. Manual of Geology. Ordnance and Gunnery, From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., Benton's Ordnance and Gun- Military Engineering, alternating, one with an- nery, Lendy's Fortification, Military History and other, from September to DuParcq's Military Art and Strategy. Juiy. History. 10 VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. SYISTOPSIS—Continued. SECOND CLASS. SUBJECT. RECITATIONS. TEXT BOOKS. Boucharlat's Mechanics; From 8 A. M. to 10 A. M., Bartlett's Acoustics and Natural Philosophy. daily, from September to Optics; Bartlett's Spherical July. Astronomy. From 10 A. M. to 11 A. M., Physiology. alternating with Tactics, Lectures and Dalton. from September to July. From 10 A. M. to 11 A. M., alternating with Physi- Upton's Infantry Tactics ; U. Tactics. ologj', from September to S. Artillery Tactics. July. From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., Latin. daily, from September to Tacitus, Horace, Terence and July. Juvenal. From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., Chemistry. daily, from September to Bowman's Chemistry; Ros- July. coe's Chemistry. VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 11 SYI^TOPSIS—Continued. THIRD CLASS. SUBJECT. RECITATIONS. TEXT BOOKS. Gillespie's Surv'g; Smith's Blot's Analytical Geometry; Smith's Descriptive Geome- From 8 A. M. to 10 A. M., try ; Lectures on Shades, Mathematics. daily, from September to Shadows and Perspective; July. Courtenay's Differential and Integral Calculus; Bled- soe's Philosophy of Mathe- matics. From 10 A. M. to 11 A. M., alternately, from Septem- ber to July. The recita- Physics. tions on Physics being on Atkinson's Ganot's Physics. the same days with draw- ing, but on different days from recitations in Latin. Bolniar's Levizac's and Fas- From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., quelle's Grammars; Gil French. daily, from Sepiember to Blas'Corinne; Collofs Dra- July. matic French Reader; Pi- cot, No. 5. Bullion's Zumpt's, Harri- From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., son's and Gildersleeve'a alternating, daily, with Latin. Latin Grammars ; Ca?sar, Drawing, from September Arnold's Prose Composi- to July. tion, Virgil, Cicero, Livy. From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., alternating, daily, with Drawing. Landscape, Mechanical Latin, from September to Drawing. July. 12 VIRGINIA MILITARY IXSTITUTE. SYls^OPSIS—Continued. FOURTH CLASS. SUBJECT. KECITATIONS. TEXT BOOKS. Smith's Algebra, Smith's Legendre's Geometry From 8 A. M. to 11 A. M., Mathematics. Smith's LelVljvre, De Fou- daihj, from September to rey's Trigonometry, Smith's July. DescriptiTe Geometry. From 11 A.M. to 1 P.M., daily, from September to English Language. Kerle's Grammar. January, alternating hour- ly, -with Latin. From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., Descriptive and Physi- daily, from January to Maury's Geography, Maps, cal Geography. Julj', alternating, hourly, <tc. with Latin. From 11 A. M. to 1 P. M., doily, from September to McOlintock's Latin Gram- Latin. July, alternating, hourly, mar—Cajsar, Sallust, Tir- with English Language gil, Cicero. and Geography. From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., DeFivas', Bolmar's, Levizac's alternating, daily, with and Fasquelle's Grammars, French. Drawing, from September Gil Bias, Charles XO., to July. Picot's No. 5. From 2 P. M. to 4 P. M., Pen and Colored Topogra- alternating, daily, with Drawing. phy, Etching with the pen French, from September or seed, Ac. to July. —— : VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. 13 SPECIAL SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE. The Special School of Applied Science, in the Virginia Military Institute, is organized for the purpose of enabling the graduates of the Institute to prosecute the various professional courses embraced in the applications of science. The Special School of Applied Science, in the Virginia Military Institute, is arranged in the following Courses, which may be prose- cuted separately or in combination I.—CouESE OF Architecture. II. Course of Civil Engiheeeing. III. Course of Machistes. IV. Course op Miitiitg. V. Course of Metallurgy. VI. Course of Analytical and Applied Chemistry. VII. Course op Agriculture. I.—COURSE OF ARCHITECTURE. Professor T. H. Wil^i^iamson. 1. Drawing—Including pen and colored topography, mechanical, lettering and coloring. 2. Materials—Stone, brick, wood, mortars, mastics, glue, paints, &c. 3. Masonry—Retaining walls, walls of enclosure, edifices, orna- ments, arches, stone- cutting. 4. Carpentry—Timbers, framing, beams, joints, floors, partitions, roofs, domes, centres, windows, stairways. 5. Foundations—In water, on land. 6. Classical Architecture—Orders, Egypt, Rome,
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