Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org TFown tftmes Timely Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County Vol. 37 No. 35 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE '10,00 PER YEAR September 2,1982 Remember.., We 9ve Moved! A reminder... The Town Times has relocated its offices to the Ca- Party Primaries For poni Professional Building, 1192 Main St., located be- tween the Ouiikin' Domits and Westbury Ford. The of- flees are on the second floor of the building, with access gained by going up the wooden ramp in the rear. Free State And National parking is available in the back lot. The phone numbers have remained the same at 274- 6721 and 274.«722, as have the mailing addresses--P.O, Box 1, Watertown and P.O. Box 53, Oakville, Offices On Tuesday High School Home Rooms Democrats and Republicans will vote Tuesday, Sept. 7, in election primaries to determine Announced For First Day who will go on to represent the The homhnmfei roomronm lictinrlistingr fnfor thuthe Boon m 221»i<n , Mrsm« . Schuyler« , . ," Ja• - parties in the November show- 1982=83 school year at Water- covino, Shannon to Lanaro, downs. town High School has been an- Michael; Room 250, Mrs. Bren- According to the latest local nounced by Principal William P, r nan, LaPorte, Michelle to Mas- voter printout, 3,474 Democrats Williams. simino, Linda; Room 252, Mr. and 2,970 Republicans in Wa- Classes at WHS begin Wed- PuBois, Matkin, William to Pa- tertown and Oakvijle are eligi- nesday, Sept. 8, from 7:50 a.m. lomba, William; Room 253, ble to cast ballots from 12 noon to to 2:10 p.m. Mr. Judd, Panasci, Lia to Sam- 8 p.m. Tuesday. The assignments are as fol- uels, John; Room 254, Mr. San- Polling stations in the 68th lows: tucci, Sannizzaro, Peter to House District are at Heminway Seniors Thompson, Kandace; and Room Park (69-01), Judson (68-02), Room 12, Mrs. Krantz, Aek- 255, Mr. Calvin, Thrall, Robert and Swift Junior High (68.03) erman, Chris to Bonuomo, to Zaza, Maria. schools. Polk.School (76-04) is Bryan; Room 13, Mr. Malloy, Sophomores the lone station in the 76th Boucher, William to Cocca, Room 127, Mr, Belfiore, Ack- House District, Judith; Room 14, Miss Leonard, er, Michael to Bouwmeeter, William J. Butterly, Jr., an Collier, Troy to Dwyer, Robert; Brenda; Room 128, Mrs. Dowd, Oakville realtor and former Room 104. Mr. Zeboula, Dyer, Bovat, Peter to Conant, Paul; chairman of the Town Council, Amy to Graboski, Diana; Room Room 129, Mr. Hoffman, Con- is the only candidate from the 105, Mr. Post, Grechika, Glenn tois, Barbara to Dowd, Sarah; THE EXTERIOR ADDITION to the Falls Avenue senior center is community involved in a pri- to Keers, Nancy; Room 150, Mr. Room 160, Mrs. Post, Dunn, surveyed by little Michael Palleria, 6, lower right, who has often mary. He will seek the Demo- Varno, Kelly, Katherlne to Lut- Valerie to Greenlee, Sheryl; wheeled around to the site to watch the construction In progress. crat nod for 76th District repre- kus, Daniel; Room 151, Mr. Fix, Room 202, Mr. Fontaine, Green- Funding for the work was secured through a federal grant. Activities sentation. MaeSweeney, Thomas to Mor- wood, Mark to Innes, Kim- at the Oakville Center have been continuing throughout the expan- Mr. Butterly is being opposed ton, David; Room 152, Mr. Sla- Room 203, Miss LaPlamme, sion period. (Valuckas Photo) by the Rev, Robert Allensworth son, Morton, Virginia to Per- Jacovino, Jackie to Lewton, Re- of Thomaston, and Peter Te- kins, Lisa; Room 153, Mr. La- becca; Room 204, Miss Massi- treault of Plymouth. The 76th rose, Perrin, Beth to Saunders, mo, Le Bel, MaryAnn to Marti, encompasses all or parts of those Pamela; Room 154, Mr, Rome- Jack; Room 205, Mrs. Schan- Polk Voting District In two communities, plus the east- gialli, Scheiner, Tammy to Ven- bflcher, Marti, Kenneth to Mus- ern halves of Watertown and tura, Cheryl; and Room 155, Mr, 58, Kurt; Room 206, Mr. Char- New 76th Assembly Area Oakville. Myjak, Vetre, Kevin to Zukaus- pentler, Musselman, Scott to kas, Linda. The party did not make an Paternostro, Patrick; Room 207, The large Polk School voting nue. Sunny Lane, Sylvan Lake endorsement, although Mr. Juniors Mrs. Banik, Pedane, Mathew to district, now In the 76th General Road, Tarbell Avenue, Vittorio Butterly was supported by^ the Room 211, Miss Zwyncr, Aitehe- Rosa, John; Room 208, Mr. Gra- Assembly area with Thomaston Street, Winthrop Street, the Watertown Democrat Town son, William to Blake, Cather- dy, Rossignol, Steven to Spag- and parts of Plymouth, has un- Woodview Apartments, and Zoar Committee. ine; Room 212, Miss Fatnode, noletti, Joseph; Room 209, Mrs. dergone the most drastic chan- Avenue. The winner will meet either ges of the community's four dis- Blanner, Ted to Bugnacki, Ray- Brown, Steele, Robert to Wai- Streets with only some resi- Thomaston attorney Kie Westby, mond; Room 215, Mr. Pelosi, dron, Wayne; and Room 210, tricts for the upcoming primaries who received the GOP 76th en- and elections. dents voting at Polk are as fol- Burke, John to Cozzolino, Ro- Miss Genung, Walsh, Kelly to lows; Bamford Avenue, odd dorsement, or his challenger, bert; Room 216, Mrs, Thompson, Sukauskas, Karen. Democrat Registrar of Voters numbers only; Beardsley Ave- Plymouth engineer Timothy Crean, Mary to Dostaler, Kyle; Freshmen Walter LeMay indicated an inor- nue, even numbers only; Buck- Vellrath, who decided to pri- Room 218, Mr. M'Sadoques, dinate number of cards had to be ingham Street, from Main Street mary for the nod. Downey, Mark to Froese, Chris- Room 106, Mrs. Corvello, mailed out to voters in the Polk Aureli, Jeffrey to Buckingha, Ro- to Rte. 262, and even numbers A three-way race is on for the topher; Room 219, Mr. Zoni, area advising them of their right- only from Rte. 262 to Thomaston 6th Congressional District Demo- Fusco, Mark to Jacovino, David; bert; Room 108, Mr. Riley, ful polling stations following last (Continued on page 20) Road (changed from Swift and crat candidacy. Watertown year's reapportionment. Judson districts); Butternut Democrats endorsed Farmington Voters with questions can con- Lane, even numbers only; Davis State Sen. William Curry, Jr., Schools Begin New Year tact Mr. LeMay or GOP Regis- Street, odd numbers only from (Continued on page 20) trar Alice Madeux, or the town No. 7 to No. 217 (changed from clerk's office, for more informa- Swift); and Echo Lake Road Nos. With Classes Wednesday tion. 600, 690, 720, and from No. 777 Free Cheese To The new school year for Wa- schools, St. John's and St. Mary - Streets remaining in the Polk to the end (No. 1490). tertown and Oakville students Magdalen, will have single ses- district as before with no Also: Fern Hill Road, even Town Eligible begins Wednesday, Sept. 8, with sions the first day. changes are as follows: Aldorisio a full session of classes in the pu- Several school bus routes have numbers only (changed from Street, Augusta Street, Ball Judson); French Street, except Next Wednesday blic schools. Lunches will be been revised this year, according Farm Road, Bangor Street, served the first day. even numbers from No. 444 to The Salvation Army has an- to Richard Huot, school depart- Booth Avenue, Burnham Street, nounced it again will distribute Cafeteria meals will cost $1 at ment business manager. Pa- No. 630 (to Swift); Linkfield Camp Street, Carson Avenue, Road (changed from Judson), ex- cheese through the Federal Food Watertown High and Swift Jun- tience is being asked of the par- Carter Street, Charlotte Street, Program Wednesday, Sept. 8, at ior High Schools, and 85 cents at ents for a week to 10 days until cept No. 54 only, to Heminway Clyde Street, Cobb Street, Cot- Park; Litchfield Road, all even 2 p.m. at the United Methodist the elementary schools. the bus drivers become familiar tage Place, Cummings Avenue, Church, 305 Main St. with the routes. numbers above No, 898 to the About 3,330 students were and Dalton Street. end (changed from Judson); Distribution will be made from registered into the public school A schedule of the routes ap- Also: DiNunzio Road, Eaton Main Street in Oakville, both the mobile canteen in the park- system last week, a decline of 3.7 pears elsewhere in this issue of Street, Eddy Street, Edgewood sides below Davis Street to ing lot, percent from the number ending the Town Times. The routes list- Avenue, Eustis Street, Fiume Waterbury line; Northfield Road, Watertown and Oakville resi- the preceding year. ed are fdr the morning runs only, Street, Frost Bridge Road, Gari- all above Fern Hill Road (chan- dents eligible for the free distri- but the afternoon runs are by the baldi Street, Gorham Street, ged from Judson); Nova Scotia bution are the following: senior Hours for the local schools same buses, with one exception Hadley Street, Heath Street, are as follows: high school, Hill Road, all above Buckingham citizens, welfare recipients, per- for the high school, in near re- Henry Street, Houlton Street, Ice Street (changed from Judson); sons receiving unemployment 7:50 a.m. to 2:10 p.m.; Swift, 8 verse order. House Road, Jenks Street, Mon- a.m. to 2:38 p.m.; Heminway Riverside Street, even numbers compensation, food stamps, in- Also listed in the Town Times roe Street, Morin Street, Nlcollis only Nos. 110, 126, and 134 come supplements, or Social Se- Park, 8:30 a.m. to 2:40 p.m.; is the school policy on free or re- Street, and Nilsen Avenue.
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