TWENTY FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE V 1936 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON I336 For sale I the Superintendent of llocuments Washington IL C Price 20 cents paper cover CONTENTS Page Economic review v Reciprocal trade agreements program xv Proposed census of unemployment xv Research data for business xv Functions of the Department of Commerce XV1 Finances xvn Emergency fund allotments Xviil Foreign and domestic commerce xvI Air commerce xx Lighthouse Service XXII Enforcing navigation and steamboat inspection laws XXV Surveying and mapping xxv Fisheries xxvr National standards xxvn Census XXVII Patents XXIX Merchant marine XXX Foreign trade zones xxxnr Liquidation of National Recovery Administration xxxnr Committee of Industrial Analysis XRSIV Business Advisory Council Xxxv Fishery Advisory Committee Xxxv REPORT I3Y BUREAUS CHIEF CLERIC AND SUPERINTENDENT Page I 13UIZEAU OF THE CENSUSCOICinUed Pe Work done for other Federal offices International Expositions 1 and outside organizations Dlvhton of Aentrnts 1 Miscellaneous receipts 2 PublicationsExhibits 813031 Appointment Division 4 Personnel Division of Publications 4 Appointments and separations 33 Division of Purchases and Sales 5 Appropriations 34 DeParinlent Library 5 Tiamc office 0 BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND Do MSTIC C0IIRRIE 03RICE OF THE SOLICITOR S9guificort growth in domestic and BUREAU OF AIR COMMERCE foreign trade increases Bureau ac tivities 85 The Federal airways system Bureau activities in furthering the Regrlintion of air commerce trade agreement program 35 1 Development of yhtg egniVmmt Services to other Government agen Altgort derelopment 1114139 36 Administration and dissemnmtinu of 15 Appropriationsinformation personnel and air H the Industrial Divisions 3738 nagatian facilities 1 to export and import BUREAU OF THE CENSUS no cconunereeenoishcervinessservice Introduction 38404243 172119 on industries and 21 Services rendered to Negro business 44464749504548 2021242526 52 Actkiticsmen in transportation and com Sow census tract cities munications preperatinn for regular ingnirles Foreign trade zones 5253 Alphabetical card index Participation in conferences and ex Conduct of age searches 272826 positions Photographic equipment and record National foreign trade week 55 preservation Editorial and publication work Tabulation equipment 2829 Conclusion 56 IV CONTENTS S ITONAL B1ntur OF SIANU 6t I IInD GIximt Si vvIY ColI Ow it I 57 Cenerul firtivitics 133 59 11 livoLrnphA and Lqurra ph It trrtrioitp 136 91 roodcs right and m TidrS and current Ins and pewil r1 01 perm h ial nuynehsal 141142 0tiOhelmisDyhen ad dR Intl pound t ilItIAI OL 111 k r ial orOkirjp1 r11 apll s 7 Cla 70 134f15 Tra de 4 77 Slnlpll Oed PI ice 146 odes uafISpo aue 7R I Go cial Zinn nciAtl fitsshit elnenf 147 BUCFli OF IQI1RIlJ T59 752 Pwhrr Adipory Comnittir 82 t stn tistira IIW ion of Ninon is lb Caiunl Sockeve Salmon trett xR iheotlml nud tIi CO4trution artivitlCS R4 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Iibll11110 textile till ICUrral ptd Cnlent 173 I 11117 Ibr of t11e Ill ntor l7G perafIrlo14 fell lIII flhkiel 111 111 Olal Iel l7 f 1p11II ll 11 1011flcilfihca year 19511 177 Divi von of Shioptnl llev lcif 179 W N I v under u lira Ilan It Iebiil Ial111IDan 17 Irflan oftemptrnpIvClerl 111 dnaolptnIM Dni 181 A er 1ree olieuspecialIr InnWillisVhed 11R I1 CSrrlp vel1tC Co111 piCirI Of In lalrt 7211 11lallyIfn111 1R3 Of1irr of the Imsidnf IS COsr AND Renrrlr RITI v I 1v1 iell 1f alltr lletSall and MiOlr Pour Iq3 Review of file v0 121 Dflium of Opel atuua and Snhs 135 Itiprixementy iP methods 10d equile Diyiaian of Traffic till 1piaon of lnymnncr 112 cleipernllau with Otller aarucles 129 Treaurer Diviafou of Fiwlwel 197 DoeCli mans IW Den mill nmpi roller 195 harts 131 Stati stis 1913 TWENTYFOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE DEPART OF COJIIIRCE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Wasliington October 15 1936 To the CONGRESS OF rIIF UNITED STATES Through the Presideiit The Secretary of Commerce has the honor to present his Twenty fourth Annual Report covering the fiscal year ended June 30 1936 ECONOMIC REVIEW The marked improvement in conditions which has cluirarterized the 2 preceding fiscal continued to gain throughout the year 193540 Ecorioniic recovery broadened this year with acceleration of activity in the durable goods industries and in construction lines the further rise ill farm income the increas ill the number of per sons employed and the expatisiou in industrial pay rolls Tit up ward recovery was especially noteworthy in the late montlis of the fiscal year According to the seasonally adjusted indexes of the Federal Reserve Boardth volume of industrial production in dune 1930 was the Highest with the exception of December 1931 since April 1930 Table no 1 is intended to shoe the extent of the rise in sonle of the important economic units from the low year of the depression and to furnish comparative historical data for the period subequeait to the World War Eaeh of the series included shows progress for the fiscal tear as compared with the preceding year Iu i nuittfac turing the iucr ase in volume was 20 pereent i freight rafic aver 10 percent The increases are liiiie notviortli in the dollar measure nieiit in cash income from farm marketins factory pay rolls and departinentstore sales The largest relative increase in the aeries presented was the 75 percent gain in construction contracts aarded Prices Fluctuations in the general level of wholesale prices during the fiscal year rere relativeh slight the index presented in table uo 1 showing a variation of about 2 points durin lie 12 month period The average for the year was 26 percent above the 193435 average and was more than 25 percent above the lei Near of the depression The slight fluctuations which occurred durium 193536 were clue mainly to variation in the prices of farm products and foals The Bureau of Labor Statistics nidex of farm prices was 771 VI REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF COIALMERCE for July 1935 reached its maximum of 795 in September and again in February it declined to a low of 752 for May but recovered to 781 in June 1936 The index of food prices was 821 for July 1935 it reached a maxinnun of 861 for the fiscal year in September a min imum of 780 in May and closed the year with 799 for June 1936 The drought was primarily responsible for the advance in the last 6 weeks of the fiscal year The fluctuation in the monthly wholesale price index exclusive of farm and food products was confined to little more than a single point the extrelnes being 778 in September and 790 in February TABLE No 1Indexes of major economic changes t NOTE Basad on calendaryear average 192325 as 100 except cash income from farm marketings which is based on calendaryear average 192420 as 1001 Construe Year ended Netmilestonof June 30 and month earnedfreightclass I PrIndusliontrialan maningprofactortionduei marketincomeingsCashfromfarm railroads Electricpraduopowertion Departvaluesentstoresales employFactorymentFactoryrollspay wholepricessale lionawardedvaluetractscani 1920 89 91 96 88 112 112 153 77 1921 74 73 90 70 02 92 97 1 51 1922 74 75 79 72 of 81 74 94 70 1923 98 98 96 88 91 100 95 101 83 1924 98 97 98 95 99 102 102 98 89 1925 99 N an 98 102 100 96 06 101 101 1926 105 107 103 105 116 104 101 103 103 130 1927 109 108 97 in 129 107 too IN 97 130 1928 106 106 100 104 138 107 98 100 96 133 1929 118 118 102 110 154 110 103 107 96 127 1930 110 110 100 104 163 108 101 102 93 107 1931 87 86 M 86 155 99 84 77 79 76 1932 70 69 50 66 146 80 71 56 68 40 1933 67 66 42 57 136 64 62 41 63 23 1934 83 82 63
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