: -- {:--- , r;t : ' I.:" LbzlzY ,-.3, Date: DecJmber 7 ,2OO9 DIShTEY \lYOlT[)E FI, t Sunrise: 6'.42 a.m., Sunset: 5:20 P m' ASHORE: APProx. 9:45 a.m' ALL ABOARD: 7:00 P.m' Please have your Key To The World card and photo ID on the gangway Evening Attire: Dress UP Dinner Menu :l idirjiiaiils 1t.] Animator's Palate: Show Dinner Parrot CaY: Island Dinner l:r'. i1 dsh p Tritons: French Dinner lE.l t Aft S&xag"rtxJLR i: Drinks of the DaY :-re:,. 9 l'l drh p ', A.i aa erf ]e.. 4 l-1d5h p Planters Punch (alcoholic) Bea.h B anlet De... 9 Ai eJfet .l Coco Mango (non alcoholic) B!eiaV staThe.ire 11...: Ali ..--'4@ iac ar t orrge De:l I Fc'warc De.r -t f'i dlh I D 5rer!'a.al or a !Lr le!. De.i 'i Y d.r: Dver:or: De.l: F."ra. DINING HOURS aoi5umer: who order Etr !r rada r .oolec .eaa' io eat foo. F c!::e ! Reel l.l!rse." De.l 5 Aft ola. ma c.,gn are h.rebv ii.rn€d thatthe :c.c i: ioi 5!lf. e.ir Firr. ar! !e D-"51 De.l.4, f-l d5i i .ool.d i. e.sue t saieir Cocfl: Ca er De.l.9 Aft Derl.9 l'l rish p BREAKFAST - -?,oo a!ei Ser".:! Deil ,l r.1 rsh p Eaxly Bl.d Bi€,;ii;i ffi- ' 9:00 a.m. la Braa rg 5lrra De.r 9 f] csh p t. Goofy's Galiey De.L -oru"a.d l Tonight in lhe Woll Disney Theotre Derl 3 .1:shp Beach Blanket Buffet 7:30 a,m. - 10;30 a.m. rl.!l ferl I t Parrot Cay 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Ll:re,:FooSSrr t Aft De.l Triton's 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. li:,{l: !!a1e, Pa/ Area -r..r 5 i'j.5h p LUNCH C.eaiee La: le.. l'l ith p --- -i i-erth e'janr;et Bilte,t ii,00 ;b; t iip.;n. ado.l aata l.i. i. l-l dsh p De.. r. Aft Trrton's L2:00 noon - 1:30p.m. De.l I A: Pinocchro's Przzeria 11:00 a.m. 6:00p.m. P r:rr )rg flrL.re Pluto'sDogHouse 11:00a.m. 6:00p.m. De.i.9 l-r ds,r: Assistance available at the entrance to the Goofls Galley L1:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m, FilAdreilrre; lesl Llecl I l'dii: Walt Disney Theatre 30 minutes prior to show time F.r 1 3 !l.pD rg De5r. D-".1 l.ll d.i p Llecl 4, F.rwrrrr DINNER Pr.m:r:.-" L o!ige Lle.l I Afl Animator's Palate'' 5:45 p,m, & 8115 p.m. Qrare- llas:e.: De.l.9. l'l dln D Pa.rrot Cay* 5r45p,m. & 8:15p.m Decl : 'oua.d Triion's': 5:45p.m. & 8:15p.m sr.rne t Fh:t:;a e-r De.l I Aft Pluto's Dog 6:00 p.m. - 10:30 p,m, -cm: House 5 grar Llecl 9 N Beach Blanket Luut sen,ter 6:30 p.tn. - 8:30 p,m. De.l.4 '1.5hp *Pre.arranged l..l I i1 ilh p seating assignments * 1..1. t ll arh p No tank tnps or swimwear pernitted in the dining room \'!1a 5pa an. rtne5 llite lat D5rerTFe.:'. De.! 4 Fofwarc 1t LATE NIGHT SNACKS !\'a!eBara5 De.l I Fo"//ar. r'' f. Goofy's Galley 7:00p.m. - 11:00p.m. { d! i^;.r a .1 5porl: Lre.l De.l 0:.-'\a"d 1r.€.ream onl) ,*r.- -' Puroccho's Puzerra 9:30p,m. - 12:30a,m. Promenade Lor:lge 11:00p.m. - 12:00nrid Boute 66 11:00p.m. - 12:00mid Vista Spa ADDED FEATURES ?xxra*x}*tx 31.!i" i: ri Beach Blanket Beverage Station 24 hous Bingo Room Service 24 hous DISNEY 7:1 5 p.m. WoveBonds BAR HOURS WONDER Bar s ar€ 50 e y i.r ad!L I aFd o dei e/rept a!.ng:.relJ ed tum I 4 cash prizes are up for elent Aduiii mri be 2 and o !e. tc conslnre aioho . be!€rage5 EXCLUSIVI grabs along with great ON DECK rt l t:l -l Cove Ca-fe ?r00 a.m. - 12:00 mid Gingerbread Vista Spa raffle prizes to r'/lL J, J * 0utlookCa.f6 12:00noon - 12:00mid Flouse Pin be won. Packages include -fl'u"'u"' Phocchio's Pizzeria 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Atl toursiheet ..: p.m. - 12;00 mini facials, foot & ankle "';;j 9:30 mid Limited Edition onboard the stii"n. Check Pluto'sDogHouse 11:00a.m, 9:30p,m. your Port A,dvent ' rituals and passes to the uile- Signals 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. tickets lor meetrrig'time of 500. , Rainforest Room. andlocalions. .Jt.: LOUNGES Get your pin signed Des( Ho-irs Preludes Open duriag theatre show l.imes i 800 taA0 by the Chef ar. or. Promenade Lounge 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 mid Studio Sea Open during scheduled events 7:L5 p.rn. - 8:OO p.m. Lobby Atrium DID YOU KNOW? IMPORTANT NUMBERS ROUTE 66 The Disney Wonder can produce Fire / Security 7-3()()1 CadiUac tounge 6:00 p.m. l2:00 mid 5OO,OOO gallons of fresh water MedicalEMERGENCY 7-3OOO Diversions 1;30p,m. - 11r30p.m, from seawater everyday while Health Center 7-t928 cnrising. Guest Serwices DiaI "o" WaveBands Open during scheduled events Character Hotline 7-PALS Open tiil 2:00 a,m. -.:1' ,.:.. : rffi l.i:ijirilr.,l-,:.: x Movie: Peter Pan Last Minute Shopping AdMce llilth Manssa Virtual Tours tco l0ur5 ,'..t11 Ariel View Television Ariel ViewTelevision Ariel ViewTelevision >2:30 p.m. SPECIAL totrard Ganqwau,oeckl ] taPt.Hook tr00tU [4ickeq Princess Gatherinq Peter Pan Minnie J Stitrh Gilebo D! q Gueodotrc Gilebo Dkq CIIA}ACTEB Lobbu Atrium Lobbu Atium oboq Ara-1 6ileboDkg Movie: Lilo 6 Stitch ToUStsru(G) ttrr MOVIES Arlel View Television 3!ena Vista Theatre Vinual lours lco Tours :heck 0ut Quarter l\/asten Arcade-0pen til ltlidnight FAMILY Ariel View Television Ariel ViewTelevision Chio lt Golf Board games are available for plag all daq in Lounge FAMILY Lobbir Atium (12 60lder) Ping Pong tables and Shuffleboard available for plag on the open Decks Wii Challenge FAII{ILY Diversions FriendsofBillW trr0U0 LUtlln0 Bo galnes available all daq in tove Cafe, Deck I lr/idship ADULTS Palo, Deck lo Afl. vrch Ana litnes's Cenlt Abs tlass secrets to a llalter5tolna( The Courts are open, Wide World of Sports Deck, Deck to Forvvard ADULTS Vista spa <7:30ar Vista Spa <B:00am Circles of Pararhute lree linle Rise and Shine Anrrllal Lrans circresof WackURelaUs Nerno's Ionl Reet Adventures Lunch Gal1les Fun Club oceaneer 0ceaneer club 0ceaneer Club 0ceaneer Club lln n.FanePr 0uh 0.eaneer Club 0ceaneer Club TRAN! T ON I or c"cles o' TRAN5 T ON Lunch IRANS T O11 Ratatouille CookjnU cn les 0r Rise and Shine Animal Crafts "0" Goofu Files ] - School c'n 0cea-eer oceaneer Club 0ceaneer Club I 0ceanPer I ab I 'u' Animators Palste Lab TRAN5 TION TRAN9 I ON Stormin'The lrb itnrrsmnG$fintuffilVithAnimatiott ursneu lnvla Lunch MickeU lilania Animator's Palate StudioSea 0!eareer Lab F:g:.!llj}rn, Animator's Palate lceireakenand tiUhts, Camera, ltttprov IRAN5 TION Lunch TRANS T ON Mickeu I'rlania Circles of Take Over Aloft Games Fun Aloft ] Animator's Palate Studroiea The schedule of events created bq 0ur teens is p0sted in AL0ft DPck 1 1 Midshio PinctrIas Movie: Dumbo ((iJ Movie: PeteI Pan Goofg Preludes Preludes Ariel View Television SPECIAL ArielViewlelevisi0n stad5lr00p.m DeckThe Deck Donald li/inde Mickeg lJarsu CIIAMCTEB GooflJ Pool lobbU AiliuI 0k4 Mjdshjp Lobbu Atiun Dk4 Midshi (PG) rouShrU(G)ffi A Christmas Carol (PG)$l:f, G-lorce relrnr Vi5ta > MOVTES BilFne Vicle lhPalre B!ena VistaTheatle Blena Thealre 7:13 P.m. Musical Mr I0405 lIliil0 KaleS Deck lhe Deck Tou Storu Ihe \rlilt Drcn;r ThPahe FAMILY LobbU Atdum Goofu Pool Magiml Memoda Scnpbooking hrtg CruisinforTrivia I FAMILY Promenade Lornqe Promenade Lounqe Iamilq Kte Maktng Art Auction Previeu Art Auction FAMILY Promenade Lounge Ad GallerU Studio sea WiiBowling 0pen AirYoga Live Music with lsland Groove Disntg Vacahon Club Member Celebration 5ingles li/1ngle >5:oo [ove Cafe Di!ersiofs ADULTS Vista Spa, Deck I Quiet Cove Pool P.m BeuTasting Ddox for Wei0htlcs MartiniTastinq ADULTS 0iversions Vista Sta 0illiook Cafe IRANS T]NN TRANSTON StoruTime with Bdle lree line ard Lralts lletialump Huntjng Laptar11 S Lr0seI rur ToqStoryPrep TogStorqBootCamP Circles ol Dinner geach Blanket Sufiet 0ceineer Club 0ceaneer Club Captain's Cloest Caotain's Closel o.eenPer Cl!b I 0ceaneer tlub tun TRAN5 TION TRANS T]ON TRAN5 T m Dinner Computer lr,ladness lniamtton Slidino Tog Story Eoot tamp Cltrles 0f To lnfinitu and Beuond Lava Ilow stoffiin'theLab - Beach Blankel 3!ffet 0.eaneer Lab Anlrrq Fun 0ceaneer Club 0aeaneer Lab 0reareer Lab 0[eaneer Lab IRANS TICN IRANS T ON TRAN5 T]ON The Big Screen Detective 5chool Stormin'the Lab Dodgeball Extreme Dirner 0n Buena Vista Theatre 0ceaneer Lab 0ceaneer Lab WideWorld ofspons Defk Beach Blanket Euffet TRAN5 I ON TRANS T ON IRAN5ITION IRANS] ON Dodqeball Exlreme Dinner 0n The Big Streen Quackamation Storlnin'the Lab Bearh Blankel Buffel Euena Vista Theatre Studro 5ea 0ceaneer Lab Wide World of 5poils Derk The schedule 0f events created bU 0urteens is pOsted in Aloft Deck i1 Midship Hn lra0rn0 lJar5u Mondag Night Football: Baltimore RAVIl,lS at Green Bag PATKERS SPECIAI I ohhr Ahruil Dk4 Mjdship Ariel View Televisior Dorald Belle Mirkeg ftine$lian Lrn0erelli LobbU Atdun OIIABAC'IER LobbUAtdu Preludes LobbUAtiuf Preludes G-Force(PG)EEf A Christmas tarol (PG) En::!r MOVIES Buena Vista lhealre Euera Vista Theatre l(anoke Bingo tdrd Vista 5pa Binqo Tou Storu The [,lusical familU FAMILY Pre Sales WaveBand5 Walt Disniq Theatre Studio 5ea WhoWantsTo 8e A Mouseketeer? WhoWantsTo Be A Mouseketeer? FAMILY StudioSea StudioSea Decades Dante Partg Tribute Ts Genhwin Pianolaz Promenade Lounge Promenade Lounge FAMILY Promenade Loufloe Dl Dance Partq Mondag Night Football: Saltilnore RAVtliS at 6reen Ba! PAtKtR5 Wonder Quest Glen Foster:Cabaret One HitWonden ADULTS Diversions WaveBands WaveBand5 WaveBd'os WaveBands p.m.
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