4 pi J O I N T F O R C E Q uarterly Issue 47, 4th Quarter 2007 New Books from NDU Press Published for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by National Defense University JFQ Congress At War: coming next in... The Politics of Conflict Since 1789 by Charles A. Stevenson Homeland Defense Reviews the historical record of the U.S. Congress in authorizing, funding, overseeing, and terminating major military operations. Refuting arguments that Congress cannot and should not set limits or conditions on the use of the U.S. Armed Forces, this book catalogs the many times when previous Congresses have enacted restrictions—often with the acceptance and compliance of wartime Presidents. While Congress has formally declared war only 5 U.S. Northern Command times in U.S. history, it has authorized the use of force 15 other times. In recent decades, however, lawmakers have weakened their Constitutional claims by failing on several occasions to enact measures either supporting or opposing military operations ordered by the President. plus Dr. Charles A. Stevenson teaches at the Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins Uni- versity. A former professor at the National War College, he also draws upon his two decades as a Senate staffer Download as computer wallpaper at ndupress.ndu.edu on national security matters to illustrate the political motivations that influence decisions on war and peace Defense Support of Concise, dramatically written, and illustrated with summary tables, this book is a must-read for anyone inter- Civil Authorities ested in America’s wars—past or present. Underlying Assumptions of the Published for the Center for Technology and National Security Policy JOINT by National Defense University Press and Potomac Books, Inc. National Security Act of 1947 Washington, DC: Potomac Books, 2007 Order online at: <www.potomacbooksinc.com> FORCE Paperback $10.00 Use code NDU1107 for a 25 percent discount. Institutions and organizations wishing to place bulk orders qualify for special discounts. and more in issue 48, For details, please contact: Sam Dorrance, Director of Marketing, Potomac Books, Inc. QUARTERLY Email: [email protected] or telephone: (703) 996–1028 1st Quarter 2008 of JFQ 112 pp. ISBN–13 978-1-59797-181-2 Seeing the Elephant: The U.S. Role in Global Security by Hans Binnendijk and Richard L. Kugler Focus on China What is the current state of the global security system, and where is it headed? What challenges and opportuni- ties do we face, and what dangers are emerging? How will various regions of the world be affected? How can the United States best act to help shape the future while protecting its security, interests, and values? How can the United States deal with the threats of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction? Seeing the Elephant: The U.S. Role in Global Security, an intellectual history of U.S. national security thinking since the fall of the Soviet Union, is an attempt to see the evolving international security system and America’s ISSUE U.S. Pacific Command role in it through the eyes of more than 50 perceptive authors who have analyzed key aspects of the unfolding post–Cold War drama. These experts include Graham Allison, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Wesley K. Clark, Tommy F orty Franks, Thomas L. Friedman, Francis Fukuyama, Samuel P. Huntington, Robert D. Kaplan, John Keegan, Paul M. Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, Bernard Lewis, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Michael E. JOINT FORCE QUARTERLY -SEVEN, 2007 Essay Winners O’Hanlon, Alvin Toffler and Heidi Toffler, and Martin van Creveld. Its premise is that, like the blind men in the Buddhist fable who each feels a different part of an elephant, these authors and their assessments, taken A Professional Military and Security Journal 4 319 pp. together, can give us a better view of where the world is headed. TH Published for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff quarter Restructuring ISBN–10: 1–59797–099–9 Published for the Center for Technology and National Security Policy by National Defense University Press U.S. Country by National Defense University Press and Potomac Books, Inc. Institute for National Strategic Studies Washington, DC: Potomac Books, 2006 National Defense University, Washington, DC 2007 Teams Order online at: <www.potomacbooksinc.com> 1070-0692()47;1-M Clothbound $48, Paperback $24 Use code NDU1107 for a 25 percent discount (Expires December 31, 2007) A PROFESSION A L M I L I T A R Y A N D S ECURITY JOURN A L Cov 4 Score covers 1 & 4 no greater than 3/16” from the bind Inside Issue 47, 4th Quarter 2007 Call for Entries for the 2008 Editor Col David H. Gurney, USMC (Ret.) JFQ Dialogue [email protected] Executive Editor Jeffrey D. Smotherman, Ph.D. Joint Doctrine Update Secretary of Defense Transformation Essay Competition and 4 Managing Editor, NDU Press Logistics Visibility: Enabling Effective Decisionmaking By C.V. Christianson LTC Robert E. Henstrand, USA 5 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Strategic Essay Competition Supervisory Editor George C. Maerz Joint Special Operations Warfighter Certificate 9 Production Supervisor Martin J. Peters, Jr. By John S. Prairie and Frank X. Reidy Senior Copy Editor Calvin B. Kelley Forum Book Review Editor Lisa M. Yambrick Who’s Eligible: You, the military or civilian student of a senior war college, staff college, or Associate Editors Jennifer C. Veilleux As a military or civilian defense professional and student Executive Summary advanced warfighting school, or a Service research fellow. Chaim E. Mandelbaum 12 of national security affairs, you probably have something to Design Rebecca J. White, Chris Dunham, 14 The Past as Prism: China and the Shock of Plural Sovereignty Gwynn Fuchs, and Jamie Harvey By Christopher A. Ford say about a U.S. national security topic familiar to you. Start What: Research and write an essay, with options to write a concise opinion piece or a fully detailed U.S. Government Printing Office Dragon with a Heart of Darkness? Countering Chinese Influence in Africa and documented research paper. Must be original research or informed commentary, unclassified, and Printed in St. Louis, Missouri 22 NOW to formulate ideas, map out research, and outline your by By Philippe D. Rogers submitted via your college. May relate to or be done in conjunction with a course writing requirement. China’s Air Force Modernization By Phillip C. Saunders and Erik R. Quam argument before you are caught up in the school year. Not a school solution—but an innovative, imaginative approach to a national security-related issue of 28 your choosing. China’s International Behavior: Activism, Opportunism, and Diversification NDU Press is the National Defense University’s 34 cross-component, professional, military, and By Evan S. Medeiros academic publishing house. It publishes books, When: Key dates Five Lessons from China’s War on Terror By Martin I. Wayne policy briefs, occasional papers, monographs, and 42 special reports on national security strategy, defense The 2007 Report on the Chinese Military: The Top 10 List of Missing Topics policy, national military strategy, regional security 48 4 Monday, September 15, 2007 By Dennis J. Blasko affairs, and global strategic problems. NDU Press is Essay coordinators named for your school. Find out who this is and contact the coordinator part of the Institute for National Strategic Studies, a ASAP. He or she will be the key person for all matters relating to the essay competitions. policy research and strategic gaming organization. Special Feature An Interview with Admiral Timothy J. Keating, USN, This is the authoritative, official U.S. Department 55 4 Thursday, May 1, 2008 Commander, U.S. Pacific Command of Defense edition of JFQ. Any copyrighted portions Deadline for schools to submit nominated essays to NDU Press for first round judging of this journal may not be reproduced or extracted Moving the Throttle Forward in the Pacific without permission of the copyright proprietors. Joint 57 By Timothy J. Keating and Terrance J. McCaffrey III Force Quarterly should be acknowledged whenever 4 Tuesday–Wednesday, May 20–21, 2008 material is quoted from or based on its content. 60 An Interview with Ambassador Ravic Huso, Foreign Policy Advisor to Final round judging at NDU the Commander, U.S. Pacific Command COMMUNICATIONS Training Strategy in the Pacific Theater By Robert B. Brown Why: A chance to help solve a national security problem. A chance to catch the ear of the Secretary Please visit NDU Press and Joint Force Quarterly 62 online at ndupress.ndu.edu for more on upcoming The Enduring Value of Military-to-Military Cooperation in Southeast Asia of Defense or the Chairman, not to mention the 27,000 readers of Joint Force Quarterly. A chance to issues, an electronic archive of JFQ articles, and 65 gain peer and faculty recognition. Monetary prizes courtesy of NDU Foundation. access to many other useful NDU Press publications. By John D. Wheeler and Herschel Weinstock Constructive comments and contributions Taking Joint Intelligence Operations to the Next Level By Tyler Akers are important to us. Please direct editorial 69 For further information, contact your college’s essay coordinator, or go to: communications to the link on the NDU Press Web 72 The Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies: Contributing to Regional www.ndu.edu/inss/Press/NDUPress_SECDEFEC.htm site or write to: Security Capacity-building By Bryan D. Greenstein www.ndu.edu/inss/Press/NDUPress_CSEC.htm Editor, Joint Force Quarterly 76 An Interview with General B.B. Bell, USA, Commander, United Nations National Defense University Press Command/Combined Forces Command/United States Forces Korea 300 Fifth Avenue Fort Lesley J. McNair South Korea Leads the Warfight By B.B.
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