Refce Title/Notes (below) Author Edition Year D/wrapper? Price GBP New Beyond the Thirty-Nine Steps Ursula Buchan P/B 2020 11.00 New John Buchan: Model Governor-General J William Galbraith First 2013 Yes 30.00 ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` 9495 A Checklist of Works by and about John Buchan BC Wilmot First 1958 75.00 Comprehensive list oF items in the John Buchan Coll'n in the Douglas Lib at Queen s Univ. This is largely JB s personal library. 2565 A Portfolio of Business Jokes Helen Exley; Bill Stott First 1991 2.00 As the title suggests. 8446 Always a Countryman 2nd Lord Tweedsmuir Second 1971 Yes 10.00 Lord T relates his liFe oF sport and adventure in many parts oF the world, all seen From the perspective oF his love oF the countryside. 1955 Art & Archaeology Shirley Glubok First 1966 5.00 A brieF overview oF the light thrown on ancient art by archaeological research 8596 Augustus John Buchan First 1937 25.00 Excellent biography oF "the master designer and the chieF executant" oF the Roman empire. 9751 Beren and Luthien JRR Tolkien First 2017 40.00 The kernel of the story that became The Silmarillion. 2829 BMW: The Book of the Car Don Slater First 1983 Yes 6.00 BrieF history oF BMW From its early days as Dixi to the 1980s. ProFusely illustrated. 2224 British Police in a Changing Society William Ernest Purcell First 1974 Yes 10.00 An examination oF the developing role oF the police Force in British liFe. 8317 Canada Lady Tweedsmuir Second 1943 Yes 12.00 The country, its history and its way oF liFe. Illustrated. 6955 Change Without War Alastair Buchan First 1974 Yes 12.00 The Reith Lectures (1973) delivered by the author when ProFessor oF International Relations at OxFord University. 6963 Change Without War Alastair Buchan First 1974 10.00 As above. 5956 Clubland Heroes Richard Usborne Second 1974 Yes 50.00 Revised edition oF Richard Usborne s study oF the adventure Fiction oF John Buchan, Sapper and DornFord Yates. 6166 Clubland Heroes Richard Usborne Revised 1974 Yes 50.00 As above. 8411 Clubland Heroes Richard Usborne Second 1974 Yes 50.00 As above. 7898 Comments and Characters John Buchan Second 1940 9.00 Buchan's editorials and articles From the Scottish Review (1907-909). They illuistrate the breadth oF his inFormed writing. 1774 Country Life Picture Book of Scotland Lord Tweedsmuir First 1977 Yes 20.00 Lord Tweedsmuir's personal reFlections on Scotland. ProFusely illustrated. 9607 Daimler & Lanchester Brian Long First 1995 Yes 35.00 A comprehensive history From the earliest days to the Jaguar-derived models. BSA cars, commercial vehicles, buses and military vehicles are also covered. 8830 Days to Remember John Buchan/ H Newbolt Reprint 1939 25.00 An overview oF the major campaigns oF WW1. 1915 Emma, Nigel and the Prodigal Rosalie Battye P/B First 1988 3.00 A novel set in the Lake District. Brother and sister see the Biblical parable working out in everyday liFe. 1718 Episodes of the Great War John Buchan Second 1936 35.00 Extracts From Buchan's 4-volume history oF WW1. Published at a time oF concern about German rearmament 2899 Exploring the Deep D Scott-Macnab (ed) First 1994 6.00 Has an initial section on 'The Ocean World' Followed by a condensed version oF 'Diving with Jacques Cousteau' 7445 Faraway Island Angus Macvicar First 1949 35.00 One oF Macvicar's many popular children's novels written in the post-war years. 1717 Four Tales John Buchan Ninth 1949 20.00 Omnibus edition oF Buchan novels and short stories. (The Thirty-Nine Seps; The Power-House; The Watcher by the Threhold; The Moon Endureth) 2141 French Leave Favourites R Binns (illustr D Pannett) First 1986 8.00 A guide to hotels, mainly rural, throughout France together with travel advice and maps and drawings oF many areas. 7324 Gardening for Pleasure Ursula Buchan First 1996 Yes 12.50 Clear, comprehensive, proFusely illustrated guide to the basic, essential skills needed to be a successFul gardener. 2830 Great Marques: Jaguar Chris Harvey Bk Club reprint 1984 Yes 5.00 A short history of the British sports and luxury car manufacturer. 2896 Great Marques: MG Chris Harvey Bk Club reprint 1984 Yes 6.00 A profusely illustrated history of the sports car manufacturer. 2827 Great Marques: Porsche Chris Harvey Bk Club reprint 1984 Yes 5.00 A brief pictorial history of the German sports car manufacturer. 1849 Great Western in Colour OS Nock First 1978 Yes 4.00 Concise account oF one oF Britain s premier railways. Delightfully illustrated with colour and b/w illustrations (not photographs). 5259 Homilies and Recreations John Buchan Second 1927 12.00 A collection oF papers and addresses From a variety oF occasions and sources. 8375 Homilies and Recreations John Buchan 3rd 1939 Yes 20.00 Revised edition. A collection oF essays on literature, politics, biography and history. 6570 Industrial Locomotives of Nottinghamshire Ian R Bendall First 1999 20.00 Lists all past and present sites in Nottinghamshire using industrial railways, including underground colliery locos. 2901 Intelligence in Animals Michael Bright Second 1997 6.00 Typically high quality Reader's Digest book whose title says it all. 8320 John Buchan and His World Janet Adam Smith First 1979 Yes 8.00 A brieF biography oF John Buchan with many previously unpublished Family photographs. 9486 John Buchan: The Presbyterian Cavalier Andrew Lownie P/B undated 5.00 As well as a best-selling author Buchan was variously a lawyer, colonial administrator, publisher, MP and Governor-General oF Canada. 5185 John Burnet of Barns John Buchan 1978 Yes 12.00 Historical adventure set in the late 17th century. 5186 John Burnet of Barns John Buchan 1978 10.00 As above. 1949 Jonah Runs Away Penny Frank Second 1988 4.00 A title in the Lion Story Bible series, retelling the story oF the book oF Jonah For children. 7192 Kingsdown Lodge Emma Jane Worboise New undated 45.00 Mid-19th century romantic/moralising novel. BeautiFul Victorian binding. 9173 Le Camp du Matin (2 vols) John Buchan French de luxe undated 20.00 Sandy, Blenkiron and Archie become deeply involved in a rebellion in South America. 2892 Life in the Age of Exploration Christopher Falkus First 1994 4.00 A volume in the Reader s Digest 'Journeys Into the Past' series. 2008 Mark John MetcalFe P/B First 1996 4.00 A clear and simple commentary on the second gospel. 9461 Men and Deeds John Buchan First 1935 30.00 This volume collects together a number oF JB s non-Fiction works. 2897 Mercedes: The Book of the Car Tony Stuart-Jones First 1984 Yes 7.00 A coFFee-table style history oF the German car maker. 4867 Midwinter John Buchan YJ 1942 Yes 10.00 A story oF intrigue and treachery set in the days oF the '45 rebellion. Dr Johnson is a secondary character. 5762 Midwinter John Buchan YJ 1970 Yes 15.00 As above. 6135 Midwinter John Buchan YJ 1970 Yes 10.00 As above. 8345 Mistress of Charlecote ME Lucy (ed. Alice FairFax-L) 2nd (signedby ed) 1983 6.00 For 60 years Mary Elizabeth Lucy kept a diary which presents a vivid picture oF Victorian liFe. 2902 Nature's Masterpieces Steve Cox Second 1995 6.00 A typically high quality reader's Digest book. 7228 Naval Episodes of the Great War John Buchan First 1938 30.00 Extracts From JB's 4-volume history oF WWI covering the major naval actions. Published at a time oF unease at German naval re-armament. 9311 Naval Episodes of the Great War John Buchan First 1938 Yes 90.00 As above. 2080 Neustadt an der Weinstrasse Not stated Second 1980 5.00 Photographic record oF an attractive old Rhineland town. 6273 No More Ghosts Robert Graves First 1940 Yes 16.00 One oF Graves many poetry collections, this one having a 'supernatural' Flavour to it. 4635 Official Liverpool Football Club Annual Bryan Webster First 1995 5.00 Liverpool in the 1994-95 season. Highlights oF the year, a review oF the season and player proFiles. 7484 Oliver Cromwell John Buchan First 1934 18.00 Buchan's Fine biography oF the Lord Protector. 7587 One Man's Happiness 2nd Lord Tweedsmuir First 1968 Yes 12.00 Autobiographical account of 20 years living in Scotland after a long absence. Concentrates on his love of the countryside. 2071 Paris Edmund Swinglehurst First undated Yes 5.00 A pictorial guide to Paris, illustrated entirely in colour. 2136 Pears Cyclopaedia Christopher Cook (ed) 93rd 1984 Yes 7.00 The usual array oF inFormation on a wide variety oF subjects concisely presented. 5621 Personal Poems William Buchan First 1952 Yes 30.00 A selection oF William Buchan's poems. 6962 Power & Equilibrium in the 1970s Alastair Buchan First 1973 Yes 20.00 ShiFting relationships between major powers ata the time oF writing. 2105 Reader's Digest Book of Facts Magnus Magnusson (ed) First 1985 Yes 7.00 Reader's Digest lavish production crammed Full oF Factual inFormation. 9124 Roads and Rails of Manchester 1900-50 J Joyce First 1982 Yes 5.00 Railway, tram, trolleybus and bus transport in Manchester. Also looks brieFly at the ship canal and airport development. 5967 Sahara Michael Palin First 2002 Yes 7.00 Produced at the time oF the BBC television series oF the same name. 9376 Sails of Gold Lady Cynthia Asquith (ed) First undated 30.00 A collection oF stories and poems For children written by well-known writers oF the day (1920s).
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