H4000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 21, 2016 these fraudulent payments from being model of the Recovery Operations Cen- Mrs. LAWRENCE. Mr. Speaker, I made in the first place. ter, which was developed to monitor have no additional speakers, and I The Fraud Reduction and Data Ana- spending under the Recovery Act of yield back the balance of my time. lytics Act of 2015 will help protect tax- 2009, and which has, unfortunately, Mr. HURD of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I payer dollars by requiring the Office of ceased operations. urge adoption of this bill, and I yield Management and Budget, OMB, and These are commonsense steps toward back the balance of my time. Federal agencies to adopt proactive solving a serious problem that every- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The fraud detection controls and preventa- one should support. I urge members to question is on the motion offered by tive measures. support S. 2133. the gentleman from Texas (Mr. HURD) The bill will require the OMB to cre- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of that the House suspend the rules and ate a set of guidelines for antifraud my time. pass the bill, S. 2133. measures, which agencies must utilize Mr. HURD of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I The question was taken; and (two- when establishing their proactive anti- yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from thirds being in the affirmative) the fraud control and detection procedures. North Carolina (Mr. MEADOWS), the rules were suspended and the bill was The bill will also require agencies to chairman of the Subcommittee on Gov- passed. better collaborate on developing best ernment Operations. A motion to reconsider was laid on practices for combating fraud. Mr. MEADOWS. I thank Chairman the table. HURD for his leadership not only on S. 2133 also requires that agencies f create an interagency working group in this, but on so many important topics JEANNE AND JULES MANFORD order to share best practices and cru- here in this body. He certainly is look- POST OFFICE BUILDING cial fraud prevention data, such as the ing after transparency and oversight Social Security Administration’s data on behalf of the American people. I just Mr. HURD of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I would like to applaud his leadership to prevent payments to deceased indi- move to suspend the rules and pass the there. viduals. bill (H.R. 2607) to designate the facility Mr. Speaker, passing S. 2133 and re- b 1630 of the United States Postal Service lo- quiring agencies to adopt a proactive I am proud today, Mr. Speaker, to cated at 7802 37th Avenue in Jackson antifraud approach will not only serve rise in support of S. 2133, the Fraud Re- Heights, New York, as the ‘‘Jeanne and to protect taxpayer dollars, but in- duction and Data Analytics Act of 2015. Jules Manford Post Office Building.’’ crease public confidence in the admin- S. 2133 is a bipartisan bill that will pro- The Clerk read the title of the bill. istration of government programs, es- vide agencies a critically important The text of the bill is as follows: pecially benefit programs. measure for defeating fraud and pro- H.R. 2607 I would like to thank Senator CAR- tecting taxpayer dollars. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- PER and Senator THOM TILLIS for intro- In fiscal year 2014, the GAO reported resentatives of the United States of America in ducing this good government legisla- that a significant portion of the $124 Congress assembled, tion, and I would like to thank the billion in improper payments were re- SECTION 1. JEANNE AND JULES MANFORD POST Subcommittee on Government Oper- lated to fraud. To make matters worse, OFFICE BUILDING. (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the ations chairman MARK MEADOWS for all the improper payments increased by United States Postal Service located at 7802 championing this bill in the House. a total of $19 billion—that is billion 37th Avenue in Jackson Heights, New York, I urge Members to support this bipar- with a B—from the previous fiscal shall be known and designated as the tisan bill. year. ‘‘Jeanne and Jules Manford Post Office Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Given the cost of these improper pay- Building’’. my time. ments to agencies and, as a result, to (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, Mrs. LAWRENCE. Mr. Speaker, I the taxpayers, something must be done map, regulation, document, paper, or other yield myself such time as I may con- to block the flow of these fraudulent record of the United States to the facility re- sume. and improper payments. S. 2133 will ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to Mr. Speaker, the Fraud Reduction be a reference to the ‘‘Jeanne and Jules provide the necessary framework Manford Post Office Building’’. and Data Analytics Act is designed to around which agencies can build a strengthen Federal agency efforts to strong antifraud defense system. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- combat financial fraud. Congress has Currently, agencies have been over- ant to the rule, the gentleman from passed a number of bills in the past few reliant on an after-the-fact antifraud Texas (Mr. HURD) and the gentlewoman years aimed at curbing improper pay- detection measure which requires the from Michigan (Mrs. LAWRENCE) each ments. Fraud in this area is especially agency to review payments after they will control 20 minutes. harmful. It stems not from innocent have been made and then make an at- The Chair recognizes the gentleman mistakes, but from the willful intent tempt to recoup them. S. 2113 actually from Texas. to steal or misuse taxpayer dollars. would require these agencies to develop GENERAL LEAVE Fraud reduction strategies help re- proactive measures to identify risk, to Mr. HURD of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I duce these crimes, and the Government analyze known cases of fraud, and then ask unanimous consent that all Mem- Accountability Office and the inspector to develop strategies to prevent future bers may have 5 legislative days in general have recommended that agen- fraud. It will also protect the American which to revise and extend their re- cies implement such strategies. taxpayer dollars from fraud by requir- marks and include extraneous material The bill before us will require the Di- ing agencies to better share data that on the bill under consideration. rector of the Office of Management and can be used to fight fraud. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Budget to consult with GAO to develop This bill will create a working group objection to the request of the gen- antifraud guidance for Federal agen- of agencies where best practices and tleman from Texas? cies and then monitor the implementa- fraud detection and prevention strate- There was no objection. tion of this guidance. gies can be shared throughout the gov- Mr. HURD of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I The bill will also require the estab- ernment. By combating fraud, agencies yield myself such time as I may con- lishment of a working group of agency will not only protect taxpayer dollars, sume. chief financial officers to share best but also increase the trust and con- I rise today in support of H.R. 2607, practices and help disseminate new fidence in the administration of gov- introduced by Representative JOSEPH antifraud techniques. The working ernment programs. CROWLEY of New York. The bill des- group would also be required to develop I would like to thank Senator CAR- ignates a post office in Jackson a plan for establishing an interagency PER and Senator TILLIS for introducing Heights, New York, as the Jeanne and library of analytical tools and datasets this important, good-government legis- Jules Manford Post Office Building. for agencies and IGs to use in fighting lation, and I urge my colleagues to sup- Jeanne and Jules Manford were ac- fraud. port this bill and help better protect tivists in the community and loving In developing this plan, I believe the the American taxpayer dollars by vot- parents. I look forward to hearing more working group should look to the ing in favor of S. 2133. about Mr. and Mrs. Manford from my VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:08 Jun 22, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K21JN7.046 H21JNPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE June 21, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H4001 colleague and the sponsor of this bill, I am so pleased to have this chance proud mother who refuses to accept Representative CROWLEY. For now, I to honor Jeanne and Jules Manford and that her child should be mistreated be- urge Members to support this bill, and their history of community engage- cause of who he is. More importantly, I reserve the balance of my time. ment by naming the Jackson Heights this picture, and this particular sign, Mrs. LAWRENCE. Mr. Speaker, I Post Office, which is situated in document the inception of a new ap- yield myself as much time as I may Queens, New York, which is squarely in proach to achieving equality, an effort consume. the middle of my congressional dis- by parents and families to stand up for Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to join my trict. their LGBT children. In that moment, colleagues in the consideration of H.R. I also want to thank Suzanne Swan, now 44 years, almost to this day, 2607, a bill to designate the facility of Jeanne and Jules’ daughter, and Jeanne embodied the spirit that has the United States Postal Service lo- PFLAG for collaborating with me on now come to guide a national organiza- cated in Jackson Heights, New York, this legislation as well.
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