Spartan Dcdly Wednesday. October 25, 1989 Serving San Jose State University Since 1934 Volume 93, No. 37 Transit groups merge efforts for commuters Rush-hour services entended II) Anne Dujinin it. transportation for students because it Daily staff writer does not have the insurance to cover lia- 'Transportation agencies are extend- bility Mr them. she said. ing their services in an et ft in to alleviate But even before last week'grquake, traffic nightmares faced hy SJSU stu- 15 employees benefited front a van pool dents who commute trom Santa Cruz arranged by Traffic & Parking Opera- County and the Central Coast. tions. Todd said. and depaoment offi- 'The Santa Clara County 'Transporta- cials are working with the San Jose Uni- tion Agency.. Santa Cm/ 'Transit and fied School District to provide another CalTrain are working together to pro- vehicle to accommodate more employ- vide alternative ways of commuting to . work and school. according to a memo SJSU students and employees who sent to Bay Area transportation coordi- wish to car pool may contact the park- nators by Angela Cooke of the Santa ing office, Itx:ated in the Seventh Street Clara County Transponation Agency. garage. at 924-6556. SJSU Traffic & Parking Operations Santa Cry, Transit is running a direct personnel are helping to coordinate car line to downtown San Jose and to the pisils for employees and students who San Jose CalTrain Station from the for- lise in Santa (rti, County. said Marilyn mer location of Santa's Village in Scotts Todd. business office supervisor for the ’alley. Service began Tuesday. N Ben Wt,nberg Daily staff photographer department. Buses will leave Scotts Valley every STRESS TEST Advertising instructor Len linty') and his WI, Cr- front of Tower Hall just minutes after the 7.0 earthquake rocked "We're taking calls front students 31) minutes between 4:30 a.m. anti tt tising Layout 125 students take part in a midterm on the lawn in North California and the Spill community . and v. riting down names," Todd said. :1.111. In the afternoon. between 3 p.m. The university cannot itself provide See TRANSIT. page 7 Off-campus roundup Come as you are School damages Officials will determine whether the earthquake will cause a delay in the Stadium office, stadium is safc after thcy receive a center's relocation plans. Greeks report report from SJSU's Facilities, The campus had been scheduled reflect Development and Operations to move into a new location Nov. I, deparunent. minor problems but the earthquake caused a phone No other scrious damagc was system installment in the recently locations By Todd A. Haynes, reported from South Campus lea.sed building to be postponed. Jill McLaughlin offices. Municipal Stadium was Thc center's classes are currently By Todd A. Haynes Day staff writer and Sylvia D. ()Boa "fine," according to Mark Wilson, scattered throughout Monterey Paralleling the fate of the citics Day start wriiers assistant general manager of thc County, held in junior high and high in which they are located, area uni- facility. The SJSU socccr team school classrooms and at Harmed versities hardest hit by Tuesday's Sporadic, mostly-minor damage played its Thursday night game on Community College. earthquake were in San Francisco, appeared at univcrsity-rclatcd, off- the field. "(The opening) might be delayed Santa Cruz and Santa Clara. campus facilities after last week's The tennis courts escaped a wcck, but it's just a minor delay," At California State University, earthquake. unscathed, according to John said Donna Zicl, assistant director of San Francisco, classes were can- Hubbell, men's tennis cowh. the center. Fraternity and sorority houses celed until Monday, and one resi- "They still seem to be in decent Ziel inspected the campus's new suffered some structural damage, as dence hall is indefinitely closed, as shape," he said. "I didn't notice any facility early Friday morning and did Spartan Stadium and the is the library, according to Janet ncw cracks, anti most of the ones reported that the building is in good Monterey County Center in Salinas. Kraut, associate director of public that were thcrc didn't seem any condition. affairs. Most of thc damage at Spartan wider." The Greek system pulled togeth- Verducci Hall, the 15 -story resi- Stadium was to the press box. Two Spartan Village was left er Tuesday night when power was dence hall that houses morc than large windows shattered, some pla.s- unharmed, except for the loss of out at most fratcmity and sorority 700 students, has been closed tic molding camc Itmse and several electrical powcr anti phone service. houses. Members congregated at because of probkms with the water chunks of concrctc fell from the No scrious problems wcrc several fraternities to offer each system, Kraut said. newest rerxmed at SJSU's aviation &pan- other support and to watch news portion of thc stadium, Accommodations have been according to Lawrence Fan, sports ment facilities, located at San Jose reports on generator-powered TV. found for the students, shc said, and information director. Intemational Airport. Two fraternities, Sigma Nu and the "building will be closed for an Students at the Monterey County Alpha Tau Omega, wcrc in the mid- undetermined time." Horizontal and vertical hairline Center in Salinas, a satellite campus dle of their annual philanthropy cracks were also found near thc of SJSU, wcrc to bc back in class wccks, and neither canceled sched- 'The library has been found structu- press box arca., Fan said. Monday. However, last Tuesday's See ROUNDUP, pat:e 7 rally sound hut will he closet! for several days while the staff puts hooks hac.k on the shelves. Kraut said Library em- Games, fun in quake aftermath ployees were to start working on that Monday . she said Joe Watson Daily staff photographer Classes also NOV scheduled to re - %Hun liall resident Darin Westcott, wearing a bathrobe. waits for SLUM Monday. hut faculty, members Homecoming plans outdoor food sery ice folk% ing Tuesda's earthquake. have been working it) reorganire since altered Thursday, she said. See SCHOOLS, page 7 "The San Jose Food Bank is involsed in a relict effort Some events canceled tor the victims ot the earthquake in Santa Coy.'" she said. By odd A. Ila,ries 'The remaining events liir the week will go as scheduled SJSU quake damage Daily staff writer According to Andermin. they are as follows: The schedule tor this week's Homecoming activities has T shirt% will he mild all week in front of the Studeni Quake been only. slightly Altered. despite the recent venting of Union for S8. This will he the primary fund-raiser Mr Home estimate: $1.17 million Mother Nature's coining Week Index Two events have been canceled. and one has been post- Food volt he served by. panicipating organinttions at By Greg Haas engineers on Saturday. Qayoumi said. poned and moved indoors because. of the eanhquAe and rain- today's street lair on Seventh Street. with all proceeds going Daily staff writer In "the heat of the moment" imme- storm that occurred dunng the past %seek The rest of the week to the host mg:int/awns. The preliminary cost estimate for diately after the quake. damages to the .More views Page 2 is scheduled to go on as planned. Fifty numbered football% will he hidden around cam earthquake damage to SJSU campus fa- university appeared worse than they. ac- "There are too many university organiiiitions involved pus. and student% will have Wednesday through Friday to find cilities is $1.17 milli M0-i1111111C- h tl tually were because of the mess caused .KSJS remains on to mow Homecoming hack." said Nicole Anderson. chair- them. Fach can be redeemed tor a prim at the A.S. Business Qayoumi. associate executive vice pres- inside the buildings. he said. the air Oct 17. Page 3 woman ot the Homecoming committee. "les not lust an (As- Office the pri/e for one of the foothalls heing $200. There ident of Facilities I kvelopment and Op- The cleanup later in the week re- sociated Students) decision . will he 1110 other hidden footballs without number.. which are erations. said Tuesday sealed less damage then originally Flain awaits returning (Bher factors are also involved in the decision to hold the not good for pnies In addition to repairs needed on the thought, Qayounti said. students. Page 3 event this week. Thursday night's candy show in the Student Union main campus. the univer.ity will spend The new cost pmjection include% "It has traditionally been the first home conference Ballroom will pnwide entertainment from skits to lip-syncs, soine 54.9 million to demolish and re- only. damage to facilities such as ar- Father finds missing game. so we couldn't change it.’ said Scott Santandrea. A.S and admission is one can of food. build the SJSt !-Inanaged Moss Landing chitectural. mechanical. electrical and SJSU student. Page 5 Friday night there will he a president. 6:30 p.m. yellfest. fol- Marine Lahoratones located between special problems and does not take Rec Center appears The kickoff barbecue slated for Monday. afternoon was lowed hy a Frank Joseph coneen in the Student Union Ampi- Monterey and Santa Crw. into account equipment damages. he canceled. as were the "olympics." according to Anderson. theatre. The event will be free of charge If it rains. the yel- Last Wednesday. after SJSU build- said. strong. Page 5 Monday in the An Quad, was The banner contest. planned tor hest may be moved into the Student Union Rallmorn. ings were inspected. officials estimated Originally.
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