Friday. May 4,1984 Bryant College Box 37 Smithfield, RI 02917 Volume 51 Number 4 Bryant student Everyone wins en edentified 5 cial Olympics Smitbfield Police officials identified the re mains ofa man (ound on Monday, April 30. 1984 off Whipple Road. as that cof Kevin P . Carryini tbe torch from the State Games The excitement is only sparked by the torcb McGovem of Tauton Mass. TBERES SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE symbolizes the unity of tbe Special 0 1 mplcs, run b!l t co ntinues through the e ntire Mr M Govern was second semester AT THE SPE IAL OLYMPI S '84 not only statewid e, b ut na tio nwid e. aflernoon. After registration and the Oath of Fn:shman student at Bryant College and Symbolically, the fla me tha t is lit here in By L ynanne J obanlell the Athletes, the eveDls begm. Many races WIll resided m Woonsock. et, R.I. Smithfield was transferred from the Olympic or Tbe Archway Staff take place at whose onclusion the runners The cause of Mr. McGovern's death is still Torch in Los Angeles, California, wheTe tbe will get hugs from the volun teers: under in esLip tion by Dr, Sturner. Cheif Are you rea dy for the Northern Rhode Games are being held this summer. HUGGERS. Other even ts include softball Medical Examiner. Island Special Olympics? The Games are The runners provide a d ramatic open ing throw , long jump, and the track events. The waiting for you. If you are nO I planning to be ceremony for the Games. Leslie L. Lafond there, you obviously don't know enollgh true spirit ofcomp tition is seen in every event Vice President of Student ACftlrs .bout them. They are being held Saturday, The Iwenty-six runners are: through these hard-working thleles. The e May 5 and will run all afternoon. Charlie Mandeville Game an: truly "Som~thjng Special for The activities begin at 9:00am on the Day of Sgl. Mike Ed on Someone Sptcial. .. the Games. Twenty-six runners from Bryant Capt. Ed Koch The events are the main attraction of th.e will participate in 39 mile torch relay. Tlte George pellman day but don't be surprised if you see a few relay was coordinated and prepared by Gene M. Deary familiar faces. Tbere were cel~brity guests Drinking age ChaIrman Gene M. Deary. Each participant Ben Edwards invited. Athletes such a~ Matt Cavanaugh, wiU run alleast a 1.2 mile leg. The relay begms Dan Lynch Honorary hairman of the Gamt:s, will be on last round at the University of Rhode I~land in North Lyse Wante .wiaein, on this Special Saturday. Also Lori 51. Hilaire roaming through the crowd will be Kingston, the Ite of the Rhode Island State The Rl. Stale Leg! lators have began final Kathy Pfiomm volunteers with balloon!land clown make·up. Game . A torch is lit from a flame -of the proceedings tofay on the bill, which was Stephanie Witt Refreshments will be available for all those Ol)mpic Torch, which i bound for Los passed in the House, i, now on the senate Hank Sara7jn who partidpate II a volunteer. You'l "ngele . at URI and travel all morning to fioor. Prior to that It wa in the Senate.s Artie Welch probably need to wet your whistle after aU the open the Northern Rhode I land Spcclal Special Legi lation Sub-committee to decide Joe Hanley cheerin-on you'l be doing, You justcan't help Ol} mpic$ held hen: at Bryant College. whether not the Senate hould take action Donna Copeland but gel into the excitement and drama of the Or on this prop1l at The Sub~omiltee oled in Denise Myers entire day. favor. 8-3. Should they vote in favor ofrai ing MaTgIJ.~t PresuttI PrJ2e~ will I>c warded to the winning Ihe age il will 0 into effect July I. 19 4. ]("thy Drapault athletes of each event~ they're miles '\ but Bob 1itchel1 bnng mile to. our f. Bnant tudent enal are lobb log II d • toda' at lile leh U an I dll h 011 Pie 0 M A I FT ~houJd be n up .. nrog • for tron to maantaln thea~. An)one from R I IS Vmnie Do~le all tbo.se ItIvolved in the OlympIC In any encouraged 0 ep ~ne their tat ~nator Ivhke Cornvaull capacity. It will be chlIlil for all 0 Ihe nd o~ their con ern. chock full of R value i commlltee ch8Jtpe on nd olunteers, ho -he phone 11 mu t be m de before I 0 infa m an thi k... Jrm Dono In he\!: u.orked 0 hanl t prepa~ for Ih' w. p,m, \.xlay Fn. Ma 4th eel Cree 10 eek an Da\C: Ulk.us Saturda}. Hope you wiiljoln In on all tbe fun HE LTH: orne rules for fUD senator for help. Gary Memertz and E'LL SEE YOU O N HE FI EL D!! !!! in the sun an be found on -----------------------------------------------~---------------------- page 17. FEATURE: Rhode 1 land MRC defines Internshi pS ar summe r a c t i v' tie s a r e highlighted. Head for the Bryant's future beach before heading for By R obin DeM.ttia stepping stones The Archw.y home. page 8. or St.rr For many college studems. internships To be considered for a n internships, The Management Resource Complex bring together years of classroom tfaining students must h ve at least a 3.0 in Iheir SPORTS: Bryant teams (M Re), ryallt" latest pbysical dition to into practical educati nal experience. "The chosen majors. With the department almost make clean sweep of the College, was dedicated yesterday whole experience gives you conridence about cbairman. the stud nt discusses hi o r her all competition in all sports afternoon at a brief ceremony held in the new yo ur work and trengthens the concepts inter (s and objectives in compleii ng an in a dynamite week ofIndian lecture hall. learned in ichool," said Rona B rkowitl. a in ternship and goes thr ugh an interview Jack Renn, Chairman of the Trustee senior bu ine 5 communi ation major process with the prosp.ective company much action. Catch the winners on Buil ding and r unds omm itlee. working s an intern fOf Daval Square like the o n he or she would go through in pages 18 and 20. moderated the program. Speakers included Marketplace In Providence. applyi ng for regular employment at that Timothy Sullivan. D irectorforT he Centerfor BTY nt Coll ege student intern ' and company. STUDY: Learn how to by Ma na gement Deve lopme nt, P rofessor pa rti ipa ti ng companie gat he red on If selected from the pool of pplicants. the the experts: your instructors. Robert Bi rt who bas taught at Bryant for 38 Tuesday. Apnl 24, for a reception honoring student submits an extensive report to the See page 7. years, Bryant P resident Willia m O"Rara and tho e students and companies pa rtici pating in advisor. descri bing what was accomplished Karl Ericson, Chairman of the Boa;d of Brya nt's intern: hip program a t 3:00 p.m. in during the semester. SlUdents a re gr ded by FINAl.. EXAMS: We've got T rustees. the Guls ki Dining Room. their fa culty advisors with input f rom the President O'Hara commented the M RC At the reception. interns hom each company sup rvi or. the schedule on page 18. "Puts Bryant in the forefront as a leader" in dis ipline de ribed and evaluated their Students have completed internship in business education, O'Har said he views experieoces within the internship program at areas of ac ount ing. ma rk ting. management, NEWS YOU CAN USE: dedication ceremonies as celebra ti on; "a ti me Brya nt . D r. Hi nda Grey e r Pollard, fin ance. in titutional management, computer See page 9 for all the latest in to observe where we have bern and where we coordinat r of the internship program at information sy terns. onomie. business goings-on and things that are g ing." He aid it was important to n ote Brya nt. explained the prograUl and gave communications a nd applied actuarial samples of intern, hips in each di clpline. The matter. that this building hows Bryant's commitment mathematic . Stud nt have been placed in to busines- in New Eng a nd and Rhode main goal of the internship pr gr m. go\ernment. in large organizatIons such as LETTERS: The last Archway Island. "There is no college that I know of in according to Pollard. L~ to provide student· IISM. AT&T. and in Ihe Internal Revenue RI, and perhap Mass or Conn.. that has wilh an opportunity to gain bu Ines ~- 'ICe, of the year proves to be the made such a commitment," experience After roJiard'~ presentation, each \1, c'n: very plt~ed ~ilh the high !.Iulility ot best for student opinion. O'Hara went on to comment many of the department chairper' on gathered in small the students from Bryant College. II's been a Read what your coUeagues people involved in the project. including Ray group. with prospective compan' very positi\e experience'," ~aid Raymond Menard. Diek John on. Alton Mott, Da e representati"e Ji cu s further intern hip Rain\ iIIe manager 01 Employment and have reason to write about Simpson, Brian Britton, and Brad Dtaycolt.
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