Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1983 Daily Egyptian 1983 4-6-1983 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 06, 1983 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_April1983 Volume 68, Issue 129 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, April 06, 1983." (Apr 1983). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1983 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1983 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Salary reduction plan to be discussed R~' Phillip Fiorini president to authorize salary president of the council. S,IIQ hE' will address a report from the council's Educational PoliC'ies Stan Writt'r rrouctions with approval of the understood the proposal was Nt'w Programs Committee Committee. Board of Trustees. draftE'd "to mt"et thE' ~P\prt' concerning a proposal for a Hardenbergh said the council The Graduate Council will Bakt"r said Tuesdav that budgelary problt'ms" thE' mas,ers degrt"e program in will also discuss proposals for discuss a proposal Thursday Somit already has the authority Universitv might facE'. wht'tht'r Indu5trial Productivity. the consideration of future that wou' j authorize the to call for rE'doctions from civil or not the' Lt'gislatur(' appro\'('s The report asks that the policy on academic and president of the University to service and studt"nt workers. Gov. JamE'S Thompson's proposal. which was submitted research computing. The reduce the salaries of the "This is simply to notify proposE'd tax inCreallE' to tht" council last semt'Ster. be facult,· and the administratin' people that this would be "What we ha\'e now is ~ra\'\' resubmitted to addrt'ss r~~a~u~re ~~i~inte: ~~h~ and professional staff. possible under the terms of compared to what WIll happen If problems concerning the nl'ed Guyon. vice president for The proposal will be their contract" if the proposal IS we don't gE't a tax ImTt'3SE'." and the resources for the academic affairs. discussro at a council meeting. approved. Baker said. Hardenbergh said. "Hul thiS is program. In the letter. Somit makes to be held at 8 a.m. in the How much of a salary one of the wavs WE' ('ouln deal The council will also discuss references to the types of basic Mississippi Room of the Student reduction would be im· with a reall" bad situatIOn .. the propost-d guidt"lint"S ff)r computer literacy the Center. plemented. ht" said. depended Baker said tht' proposal w()uld ;,pproval and implempntation of Cniversity may demand of John Baker. special assistant on what was proposed by the be addressed at tht' Board of student fees. undergraduate students as a to President Albert Somit. said president. Trustees meeting in illa\ The proposE'd guideli"l's have part of general t"ducation the proposal would allow the William Hardenbergh, In other busint'Ss. thl' ('ounei! already been rt"ferred 10 the requirements. Vaily 'Egyptian Southern Illinois University Wl'd~sday. April 6. 1983-Vol. 68. No 129 City Council rejects street repair bid By John Schra~ needed for the job Staff Writer John Womick. an attornt"v rt'presenting Dennv & Sons. told The failure of an Anna con· the council he thought their struction company to u~e action was "grossly unfair." minorities in work done in saying his client should he Carbondalt" has led to the denial allowed to respond to the of its bid for a contract with the chargt'S cit\' He said that when his client The Carbondale ('ity Council rt'ct"ived the invitation to bid on at its meeting Monciay night the project his client assumpd rejected the bid of Denny &. Sons his bid would be accepted. ~tnJcHon company of Anna Oon Denny. owner of the for a contract for the city's company. said Tuesday that he street cut repair program. attempted to hire minorities for Although Denny & Sons' bid of the work done in Carbondale. The Psychedelic Furs' lead siDger. Ricbard eveamg stalldlDg and eheerlDg the band. callHi $20.655 was iower than the only but was unable to do so. Denny Butler. performs at Shryock Auditorium Monday the Fun back for three encores. See the concert other bid. the councii rejected said his company has an nigbt. The audience. whlcb speat mOlt 01 the review oa Page 8. it. citing the company's past agreement with Laborers Local non-compliance with the city's Union No. 2Zl ill Carbondale for equal employmer;1 opportunity any work done in the city. He regulatio'1s. The council said he requested minority Cook withdraws from trustee race awardE'd the contract to L.E. laborers on the days his com- By Vicki Olgeaty cepted. uncomfortable" that Hut· Cecil Construction (If Car· Starr Writer Cook said he decided to enter cherson submitted her petition bondale. which bid $24.500 fm r!~aal;~~t :~~~~~ n~~e J~a~ the race Friday afternoon when so close to the deadline the repair of streets that are cut available. Jerry Cook is withdrawing he discoverE'd that incumbent Hutcherson has Ihe up when water or sewer lines Saying the city was putting from the race for student Hutcherson had not yet sub­ dedication. commitment and are repaired. itself "in tht" role of prosecution. trustee. leaving Sharon Hut­ mitted her petition. expertise to do a fine job as Denny & Sons was awarded judge and jury." Womick asked cherson as the sole candidate. "1\1y opinion is that the student trustee. he said. the street repair contract last the council Monday to give his "I feel as though the position position is certainly t!Xl im­ Cook. who is prt'Sident (If the year. but only after a warning clit"nt a ci.ance to tell his side of of student trustee will be very portant to have a race in which Undergraduale Stlldent that failure to increase the the story. well filled." Cook said Tuesday no one competes." Cook said. Orgar.ization. said he will not be number of minority employt"e5 "They've been tried in ab­ "I don't feel I'm putting Friends gathered signatures active in student government on its workforce would It"ad to sentia and now they're going to students in a position where for his petition in time for it to next year; Instead he will denial of the contract this year. be hung," he said. they don't have a choice." be submitted by the deadline at concentrate mor.. on studies Cleveland Matthews. tht" Matthews. however. told the He said students indicated 5 p.m. Friday. Cook said. and applying to medical school. city's ~ual employment op­ council that he made several their choice in February when Cook said he decided portunities officer. told the unsuccessful attempts to they elected Hutcherson over Tuesday. however, to withdraw le~~ t~idth~e ~~ti:bn::~: council that the company did contact Denny. He said he left five other candidates in an not use any minority workers messages for Denny to return election held to replace Stan i~~e~:ea~~c~~~~~~!~n~~~ mission Wednesday asking it to during work on the street his calls, but never heard from Irvin, who resigned. also submitted a petition Friday withdraw his name from the repairs last year. He said the him. Hutcherson will be the only afternoon. race. contract signed by the company Councilwoman Sammye Aik- candidate in the student trustee "I wanted to make sure she "It was a ver~ tough decision. required them to use minoritit'S election. scheduled for April 13. really wanted to run." Cook but I'm very (·t'rtain it's the for 16 percent of the man-hours See BID. Page 2 No write-in votes will be ac- said. He said he was a "little right decision." he said. USO, city clash; vow to work together By "'aren Torry because the city administration representath f' had attendt"d the USU will cooperate in ef­ which would make landlords, as Staff Writer neglectE'd to contact the usn several recent meetings where forts 10 remedy the problem. well as tenants. responsible for about a special rt"port made student partie- were discussE'd. In related business, the City the condition of thelr property. City officials and the Ln­ recently about party-related City Mana~pr Carroll Fry Council authorized Fry to have dergraduate Student issues. also asserted that it was the the city's legal department Organization clashed Monday Levenhagen accused the USO's respon~lbility, not the "clean up" several city or­ night over lack of com­ council of mailing copies of the city's. to e~tablish contact dinances to help "in regulation gus munication regarding the report to students thought to be between the Cltv and the SIU-C 01 undesirable activities." probll'm of off-campus student involved in the matter. an student body . The legal department had 'Bode !l1rties. but both vowed to work allegation strongly denied by "I'm not in the business of previously suggested using the together for a solution. Mayor Hans Fischer. babysitting an) body." Fry said. city's noise ordinance to declare USO Vice President Fritz "I think you're here tonight He added that he can now houses where disruptive parties Levenhagen told the Car­ covering your tracks on a ball arrange a meeting with SIU-C are frequently held public bondale City Council that the thilt you and the usn dropped," administrators.
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