VOLUME V INDEX OF SUBJECTS AND AUTHORS Only main topics are listed, and reference is given to the first page of each paper in which they are discussed. Affinity in Ascobolus, 20 Clayton, G. A., 410 Albumen, egg, in fowl Clines in body dimensions of Drosophila spp., linkage of two loci, 330 240 polymorphisms of, 39, 257 Cock, A. G., 354 Allan, J. S., 68 Coleman, D. L., 432 Allometry of Comb-shape, effect of, on fertility in fowl, 379 body dimensions in Drosophila spp., 240 Compatibility (S) alleles in Nicotiana, 397 femur and body lengths in Notonecta, 384 Complementation in Aspergillus, 211 Anas clypeata, see Duck Computer simulation of selection responses, Anas penelope, see Duck 68 Ancestry, effect of, on recombination in Correlations between body dimensions in Neurospora, 366 Drosophila spp., 240 Antigens, location of, in Paramecium, 137 Crawford, R. D., 379 Ascobolus immersus, non-random segregation Curnow, R. N., 341 in, 20 Cytology of Aspergillus amstelodami, parasexual cycle in, hybrid duck, 441 162 XXY mouse, 328 Aspergillus nidulans complementation of sorbitol mutants in, Dawson, G. W. P., 269, 333, 423 in, 211 Delphinium ajacis, mutation of unstable gene mitotic recombination in paba-1 cistron of, in, 423 316 Development growth at different stages of, in Drosophila, Barron, G. L., 162 107 Beale, G. EL, 85 of 'Dominant hemimelia' in mouse, 171 Beckwith, J. R., 489 Diabetes insipidus in mouse, 473 Birds, absence of dosage compensation in, 354 Dosage compensation in non-mammals, 354 Body dimensions in Drosophila spp., 240 Drosophila melanogaster Bristle number, in Drosophila chiasmata in spermatocytes of, 80 irradiation affecting genetic variance of, ecological genetics of growth in, 107 410 genetic variance after irradiation in, 410 selection for, 1, 410 nutrition of inbreds and crosses in, 50 variance partitioning of, 198 selection for Broda, P., 489 scutellar bristles in, 198 Buvanendran, V., 330 sternopleural bristles in, 1 Drosophila pseudobscura, sexual isolation in, Canalization of body size in Drosophila, 107 150 Chiasmata in spermatocytes of Drosophila, 80 Drosophila subobscura Chromosomes clines in body dimensions of, 240 chiasmata in Drosophila, 80 chromosomal polymorphism in, 27 deletion of markers in, in Escherichia coli, Duck, cytology of hybrid, 441 495 effects of, on bristle number in Drosophila, Efficiency of Drosophila inbreds and crosses, 1 50 non-random segregation of, in Ascobolus, 20 Ehrman, L., 150 pairing in duck hybrid, 441 Environment structural polymorphism of, in Drosophila, effect of, on selection reponses in Droso- 27 phila, 107 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 25 Sep 2021 at 21:45:03, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0016672300034947 500 Index of Subjects and Authors Environment—continued Holliday, R., 282 nutrition of Drosophila inbreds and crosses, Hybrids 50 antigenic properties of, in Paramecium, 127 Episome transposition in Salmonella, 269 cytology of duck, 441 Episomic supression of phenotype in Salmon- variability in Drosophila, 50 ella, 269 Escherichia coli Inactive X chromosome, lack of, in non- deletion of chromosomal markers in, 495 mammals, 354 induced mutation by photodynamic action Inbred lines of Drosophila, genetic variance in, 158 after irradiation in, 410 new F-prime factor in, 489 Inbreeding effect on recombination in Neurospora, 366 Falconer, D. S., 473 maximum avoidance of, 164 Fertility rate of, under non-random mating, 164 after irradiation in mouse, 448, 468 Interaction effect of comb-shape on, in fowl, 379 between genes, in mouse Finger, I., 127, 137 coat colour alleles, 432 Fixation of alleles under selection, 341 luxoid genes, 171 Fowl genotype-environment egg albumen polymorphisms in, 39, 257 for growth in Drosophila, 50, 107 linkage of egg albumen loci in, 330 for progeny number in Tribolium, 335 operational overdominance in, 379 Inversion frequency in two Drosophila Fox, T. W., 379 populations, 27 F-prime factor in Escherichia coli Irradiation deletion of markers at formation of, 495 dose-rate effect on translocations in mouse, new type of, 489 468 Freeman, A. E., 335 frequency of reversions after UV, in Frost, L. C, 366 Salmonella, 269 Fungi, gene conversion in 282 induced mutation in mouse by, 448, 468 Gene conversion in fungi, 282 selection after, in Drosophila, 410 Gene frequency, changes in, during selection, Isaacson, J. H., 473 341 Genetic Kappa particles in Paramecium, 230 correlation of reproduction in two environ- Kidwell, J. F., 335 ments, in Tribolium, 335 divergence of Drosophila populations, 150 Latter, B. D. H., 198 drift, reduction of, during inbreeding, 164 Latyszewski, M., 473 models of selection responses, 68 Lavigne, S., 366 variance Lepidoptera, absence of dosage compensation effect of irradiation on, in Drosophila, 410 in, 354 of growth rates in Notonecta, 384 Lewis, L. A., 162 Gibson, I., 85 Linkage of Gibson, J. B., 1 ' affinity region' in Ascobolus, 20 Growth in Drosophila biochemical and colour mutants in Asper- ecological genetics of, 107 gillus, 162 of inbreds and crosses, 50 'Dominant hemimelia' in mouse, 171 egg albumen loci in fowl, 330 Haploid segregants in Verticillium, 305 leu-era B region in Salmonella, 333 Hastie, A. C, 305 'postaxial hemimelia' in mouse, 171 Haverland, L. H., 335 sorbitol mutants in Aspergillus, 211 Heller, C, 127, 137 Lush, I. E., 39, 257 Heritability of reproductive performance in Lyon, M. F., 448 Tribolium, 335 Lysis of kappa-particles in Paramecium, 230 Heterogeneity of recombination frequency in Neurospora, 366 Mate-killer (mu) particles in Paramecium, 85 Heterozygosity, reduction in, during inbreed- Mating systems, effect of, on rate of inbreed- ing, 164 ing, 164 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 25 Sep 2021 at 21:45:03, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0016672300034947 Index of Subjects and Authors 501 Meiosis Nakai, S., 158 ehiasmata at, in Drosophila, 80 Negative interference, intracistron, in Asper- model for pairing at, 282 Metagons in Paramecium, chemical nature of, Neurospora crassa, recombination and wild- 85 type ancestry in, 366 Misra, R. K., 240, 384 Nicotiana alata, compatibility alleles in, 397 Mitotic crossing over in Notonecta undulata, genetic variation of Aspergillus, 316 growth rates in, 384 Verticillium, 305 Model for Overdominance, operational, in fowl, 379 enzyme formation in Aspergillus, 211 F-prime factor formation in Escherichia Pandey, K. K., 397 coli, 489 Paramecium aurelia gene conversion in fungi, 282 antigenic determinants in, 127 responses to selection, 68 infection of metagons into, 85 Modifying genes causing diabetes, in mouse, killing activity of lysed kappa particles in, 473 230 Morphology of luxoid mutants, in mouse, multiple antigens of single serotype in, 137 171 Parasexual cycle in Mouse Aspergillus, 162 cytology of XXY, 328 Verticillium, 305 diabetes insipidus in, 473 Paszewski, A., 20 induced mutation by irradiation in, 448, Pekhov, A. P., 495 468 Phage T4, mutagenesis with light in, 168 irradiation dose-rate effect on mutation in, Phenotypic intermediates, selection for, 341 468 Phillips, R. J. S., 448, 468 mutants Photodynamie action in 'Dominant hemimelia', skeletal, 171 Escherichia coli, 158 'Mi-spotted', coat colour, 432 phage T4, 168 'postaxial hemimelia', recessive skeletal, Pigment granules in mouse colour mutants, 171 432 Mu particles in Paramecium, 85 'Plateaued populations', irradiation of, in Mutants Drosophila, 410 antigenic determinants in Paramecium, Pleiotrophy of 'Oligosyndactyly' gene in 127 mouse, 473 ascospore pigmentation in Ascobolus, 20 Polymorphism of biochemical in chromosome structure in Drosophila, 27 Aspergillus, 211 comb-shape in fowl, 379 Salmonella, 269 egg albumen in fowl, 39, 257 Verticillium, 305 Population, effective size of, in Drosophila, 'Dominant hemimelia', dominant skeletal, 410 in mouse, 171 Poultry, see Duck and Fowl egg albumen in fowl, 39, 257, 330 Preer, J. R., 230 'Mi-spotted', coat colour in mouse, 432 Preer, L. B., 230 'Oligosyndactyly', dominant skeletal with Prevosti, A., 27 diabetes, in mouse, 473 Proteins 'postaxial hemimelia', recessive skeletal, immunogenetic analysis of, in Para- in mouse, 171 mecium, 127, 137 sepal colour in Delphinium, 423 polymorphic, in fowl, 39 Mutation Putrament, A., 316 induced by irradiation in mouse, 448, 468 Recombination photodynamie action in during parasexual cycle in Verticillium, 305 Escherichia coli, 158 effects on selection responses in Drosophila, phage T4, 168 1 of unstable gene in Delphinium, 423 frequencies in transduction experiments, rates of, after irradiation in mouse, 448 333 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 25 Sep 2021 at 21:45:03, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0016672300034947 502 Index of Subjects and Authors Recombination—continued Slizynski, B. M., 80, 328, 441 index of free, in Drosophila, 27 Smith-Keary, P. F., 269 intracistron, in Aspergillus, 316 Smyth, J. R., 379 •wild-type ancestry affecting, in Neurospora, Spermatocytes, chiasmata in, of Drosophila, 366 80 Reeve, E. C. R., 240, 384 Spickett, S. G., 1 Richie, D. A., 168 Statistical problems in study of allometry, Roberts, C. F., 211 384 Robertson, A., 68, 164, 410 Survival of Drosophila inbreds and crosses,
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