CULTURE The Minsk Times Thursday, August 13, 2009 9 Salvador Dali Coins of Artists of the World to follow… Exhibition at National Library of Belarus to show Italian international programme graphic art Th e exhibition includes 16 works in Zdravnevo (Belarus, Vitebsk re- Andorra, Poland and even of lithography, calligraphic etching ‘I. Repin’ gion). Underneath, a palette and such exotic countries as Niue and mixed materials. Among the rectangular coin brushes are depicted. Autumn Bou- and the Cook Islands as part themes are female portraits, medieval quet was chosen for being created in of the international Artists of knights, mythological heroes, fantas- added to collection Zdravnevo. the World numismatic pro- tic landscapes and abstract composi- An exhibition of Repin’s works gramme. France has issued the tions. at Vitebsk — watercolours and graphic piec- greatest number of coins — fi ve “Th e project has been prepared Regional Local es from museum archives — has — as part of this series in sil- with assistance from our colleagues, opened at the Art Museum (a branch ver and gold. It has dedicated publishers and lawyers from Italy,” History Museum of the Local History Museum) to them to Edgar Degas, Édouard explains the Head of the National honour the 165th anniversary of his Manet and Claude Monet. Ivan Rectangular coin is valuable acquisition Library’s Gallery and Exhibition By Diana Kurilo birth, celebrated on August 5th. Aivazovsky, Vincent van Gogh, noir, Aleksander Gierymski, Leon Department, Fiodor Yastreb. “Th is Commemorative silver coins Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Leon- Wyczółkowski and Jan Vermeer are forum is unique, with works gath- Th e coin is a very valuable ac- have been released by Armenia, ardo da Vinci, Pierre-Auguste Re- also being added to the collection. ered from various galleries. We can quisition for Vitebsk’s museum. It is see masters’ originals — including dedicated to the artist, whose crea- pieces by Italian art genius Giorgio de tivity is connected with the Vitebsk Chirico. Minskers have already seen region. Moreover, Repin’s estate in the creativity of our contemporary, Zdravnevo is also depicted on the Rafael de Rosa. Moreover, de Rosa coin — now, a branch of the Re- won a Grand Prix at the 1st Minsk In- gional Local History Museum. “Not ternational Biennale of Modern Art, every museum has the honour of be- held in the capital last year.” ing depicted on a state coin,” stresses According to Mr. Yastreb, the Deputy Director Valery Shishanov. works are worthy of any gallery and Th e ‘I. Repin’ silver commemo- the library’s ties with painters from rative coin, with a nominal value of various countries are ever expanding. Br20, was released by the National In October, the 1st International Dig- Bank of Belarus as part of the in- ital Art Festival will open in Minsk ternational Artists of the World nu- and an exhibition of Salvador Dali’s mismatic programme. Like all coins sketches is planned. Talks are now from the series, it is rectangular, underway with an Italian gallery spe- with a raised rim on both sides. Th e cialising in Dali’s work. obverse side has a fragment of a pic- Speaking at the opening of the ture by Russian painter Ilya Repin exhibition, People’s Artist of Belarus — Autumn Bouquet, with a relief Georgy Poplavsky stressed that, re- picture of the State Coat of Arms of cently, exhibition projects at the Na- the Republic of Belarus to the left . tional Library have rivalled those of Th e reverse comprises a relief image the National Art Museum of Belarus. of Repin’s self-portrait, inscribed ‘І.РЭПІН’ (I. Repin) and the years of his life: 1844-1930, as well as an BELTA From various image of Repin’s estate-museum Memory of artist lives on at Zdravnevo estate, in Vitebsk region countries and How do Detlef Tursies: continents soldiers dress? Venezuela taking part in ‘Beauty is found within’ Panorama Theatre Festival in Exhibition of military Minsk for fi rst time uniform, presented by European Director of World Beauty Organisation Detlef Tursies Th e festival will take place for the Grodno University’s Military fourth time in October and will bring Department, opens at Grodno praises Miss Belarus pageant and gives green light for hosting together 21 theatre groups from Bela- Historical-Archaeological rus, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Museum of Miss Intercontinental Estonia, Switzerland and Venezuela. Th e 12th century Old Castle By Victoria Rubanova Master classes from famous stage was built as a defensive fortifi ca- virtuosos are planned, as are Days tion, laying the foundations of the “I’ve already visited your coun- of Culture of St. Petersburg and the city of Grodno. In the late 18th- try,” notes Mr. Tursies. “I saw many Th eatre-online project. early 19th century, both the Old beautiful places, which will be in- Belarus will be represented by (and New) castles once housed the cluded on the cultural programme nine Minsk theatres: the Yanka Grodno Cadet Corps. for entrants. I was much surprised Kupala National Academic Th eatre; Today’s show is being housed on seeing Minsk; it’s a beautiful and the Maxim Gorky National Academ- by a hall which once hosted offi cer clean city. I had a good time in Be- ic Drama Th eatre; the Belarusian Re- assemblies and balls. Th e examples larus and I’m sure that the Miss In- publican Young Spectators’ Th eatre; of military uniform are used to tercontinental entrants will also be the Belarusian State Puppet Th eatre; train military cadets who may go delighted.” the Republican Belarusian Drama on to oversee uniform supply serv- Beauty pageants are about more Th eatre; the Yevgeny Mirovich Th ea- ices with defence or law enforce- than good looks. Th ey teach en- tre-Studio; Minsk’s New Drama Th e- ment agencies. Th e students study trants about the history and culture atre; the Katya Ogorodnikova Th ea- the design and manufacture of of the host country, don’t they? tre Project; and InZhest Th eatre. military clothes over the centuries When someone visits a country for BELTA Polish Wierszalin Th eatre is to and learn how contemporary uni- the fi rst time, undoubtedly, they want Selection round for Miss Intercontinental-2009 open the ‘foreign’ performances, on forms use innovative technologies to explore it for themselves. What It’s diffi cult to give a defi nite an- the notion of ‘beauty’ comes together. the stage of the Yanka Kupala Nation- and materials. characterises Belarus? Our task is to swer, since beauty is primarily found Intelligence, a nice smile and manners al Academic Th eatre. Plays are being Th e exhibits are only part of the answer this question. Traditions, cul- within. Th e jury of ‘Miss Interconti- are also priorities, besides an attrac- presented in their original languages, Military Department’s collection; ture and people are involved in such nental’ looks for more than a pretty tive face and fi gure. with simultaneous translations or alongside contemporary uniforms, tourist promotion. During the con- face. Catwalk presence, grace, cha- subtitles used. it contains many examples from the test, many foreign guests — including risma and expression are factors. We TThehe MMTT rreference:eference: ‘Th eatre Without Borders’ is the past, showing how soldiers were journalists — visit. On returning, they work with winners for many years, so Miss Intercontinental is among 4th International Th eatre Art Festi- dressed and equipped. Naturally, pass on their views of the country to they need to have a lot to off er. Besides the top fi ve beauty pageants in the val’s motto, refl ecting a desire to bring cadets are acting as guides to the friends and family. the ‘Miss Intercontinental’ title, they world. It is the fi rst time that Bela- together a wealth of genres, acting general public visiting the show, You’re a specialist in beauty. represent the World Beauty Organisa- rus is hosting such an event, bring- and directing styles from around the also explaining how the uniforms What does the notion mean to tion at various international events. ing together women from at least 60 world. Spectators will be able to enjoy of today diff er from those of old. you? When all the criteria are met, then countries. the diversity of global theatre..
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