"3" l I ~o~~- at nngr tss innal SEVENTY-THIRD CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION SENATE that the President may be notified of the confirmation of these two nominations. FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1933 Mr. McNARY. Mr. President, the Senator well knows <Legislative day of Monday, May 1, 1933> that I have objected to that procedure for some time, because many Senators have complained to me about it. I will have The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration to object to the request. of the recess. The VICE PRESIDENT. Objection is made. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-ENROLLED BILLS PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS SIGNED The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senate will receive a mes­ The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the follow­ sage from the House of Representatives. ing concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the State of A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. South Carolina, which was referred to the Committee on Haltigan, one of its clerks, announced that the Speaker had Education and Labor: affixed his signature to the following enrolled bills, and A concurrent resolution (introduced by Senator Nash) requesting they were signed by the Vice President: the Members of the Federal Congress from South Carolina to use their influence to retain in South Carolina the services of the H.R. 3835. An act to relieve the existing national economic conservation corps allotted to South Carolina emergency by increasing agricultural purchasing power, to Whereas the Federal Government has established conservation raise revenue for extraordinary expenses incurred by reason camps; and of such emergency, to provide emergency relief with respect Whereas South Carolina's allotment is 3,500 members of such to agricultural indebtedness, to provide for the orderly liqui­ conservation corps; and Whereas it will be for the best interest of South Carolina that dation of Joint-stock land banks, and for other purposes; these men be employed in such work in South Carolina: Now, and therefore, be it H.R. 4606. An act to provide cooperation by the Federal Resolved by the senate (the house of representatives concur­ Government with the several States and Territories and ring), That the South Carolina Senators and Representatives in Congress be, and they hereby are, requested to use their efforts to the District of Columbia in relieving the hardship and suffer­ have all of the South Carolina members of the Conservation Corps ing caused by unemployment, and for other purposes. retained and employed within this State or that a camp or camps of equal number from other States be established in this State, so CALL OF THE ROLL that South Carolina may thereby be benefited in the conserva..tion Mr. LEWIS. Mr. President, I note the absence of a of her timber and forests and so that the funds paid to such quorum, and move a roll call. conservation corps may be spent within this State; be it further Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be mailed by the clerk The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. of the senate to each member of the South Carolina delegation in The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the fallowing Senators the Federal Congress. answered to their names: Adopted May 4, 1933. A true copy. Adams Coolidge Kendrick Robinson, Ark. Ashurst Costigan Keyes Robinson, Ind. (SEAL) JAS. H. FOWLES, Austin couzens King Russell Clerk of South Carolina Senate. Bachman Dale La Follette Schall The VICE PRESIDENT also laid before the Senate the Balley Dickinson Lewis Sheppard Bankhead Dieterich Logan Shipstead following concurrent resolution of the Legislature of the Barbour Dill Lonergan Smith State of Texas, which was referred to the Committee on Barkley Duffy Long Steiwer Black Erickson McAdoo Stephens Banking and Currency: Bone Fess McCarran Thomas, Okla. Senate Concurrent Resolution 56 (by Duggan) Borah Fletcher McGill Thomas, Utah Whereas the Reconstruction Finance Corporation funds avail­ Bratton Frazier McKellar Townsend able for the Texas Relief Commission may be used only for one of Brown George McNary Trammell Bulkley Glass Metcalf Tydings three purposes: Reforestation, fiood prevention, soil erosion; and Bulow Goldsborough Murphy Vandenberg Whereas there is no reforestation or fiood prevention in west Byrd Gore Neely VanNuys Texas and very little benefit can be derived from soil-erosion Byrnes Hale Nye Walsh work, all of which practically deprives the entire western part of Capper Harrison Overton Wheeler Texas from any benefit to be derived from these relief funds; and Caraway Hatfield Patterson White Whereas all of west Texas is ,badly in need of improved roads, Carey Hayden Pope and if the portion of said funds belonging to west Texas could be Clark Johnson Reed used also in the betterment of roads in that section of the State Connally Kean Reynolds it would not only give employment to those needing the same but Mr. LEWIS. I wish to announce that the Senator from would greatly add to the betterment of that section of the State New York [Mr. COPELAND] is detained on official matters and as a whole: Now, therefore, be it will be absent from the Senate today. I ask that this an­ Resolved by the Senate of the State of Texas (the house of representatives concurring), That the Legislature of the State of nouncement remain for the day. Texas memorialize the National Congress to so amend the Wag­ The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-five Senators have an­ ner bill that the Reconstruction Finance Corporation funds to swered to their names. A quorum is present. be appropriated to the Texas Relief Commission may be used for the building of good roads in any section of the State which NOTIFICATION OF CONFIRMATION OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS cannot use them more profitably in the work of reforestation, Mr. McKELLAR. Mr. President, on Monday, May 8, the flood prevention, or soil erosion. EDGAR E. Wrr.T, nominations of Mrs. Lucille F. McMillin and Mr. Harry B. President of the Senate. Mitchell to be members of the Civil Service Commission I hereby certify that Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 56 waa were confirmed. The Senate has taken recesses from time read and adopted by the senate May 5, 1933, by a Viva voce vote. to time since then, and two legislative days have not as yet BOB BARKER, expired. As in executive session, I ask unanimous consent Secretary of the Sen.ate. LXXVII--209 3295 3296 :coNGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 12 The VICE PRESIDENT also laid before the Senate the conduct, which was referred to the Committee on the following joint resolution of the Legislature of the State of Judiciary. Wisconsin, which was referred to the Committee on Banking He also laid before the Senate resolutions adopted by the and Currency: Commissioners' Court of McLennan County, Tex., endors­ STATE OF WISCONSIN. ing the program of President Roosevelt and urging the inau­ Joint resolution relating to the bill of President Roosevelt for guration of a public-works program to provide highway con­ refinancing home mortgages struction in the State of Texas, which were referred to the Whereas President Roosevelt on April 13 sent a special message to Congress recommending the enactment of legislation to re­ Committee on Education and Labor. finance home-mortgage indebtedness and a bill was immediately He also laid before the Senate resolutions adopted by introduced to carry out this recommendation of the President; members of the Unemployed Workers' League of Mineral and County, assembled at Keyser, W. Va., complaining of relief Whereas this b111 provides machinery through which existing mortgage debts on small homes may be adjusted to a sound basis conditions and the distribution of groceries; also protesting of values without injustices to investors, at substantially lower against the recent reduction of the wage scale from 30 interest rates and with provisions for postponing both interest cents to 22¥2 cents per hour, and stating that the allotted and principal payments in cases of extreme need; and allowances or payments only provide 5 % cents per meal for Whereas this bill, if enacted into law, wm protect many small­ home owners from foreclosures and relieve them from a portion of each individual in a family of three, etc., and favoring an the burden of excessive interest and principal payments incurred investigation of such conditions, which were referred to the during the period of higher values and higher earning power; and Committee on Education and Labor. Whereas this proposed legislation is the best possible safeguard that can be thrown around home ownership at this time and is a Mr. BULKLEY presented a petition signed by 431 citizens guarantee of social and economic stability: Therefore be it of Columbus, Ohio, and vicinity, praying for the adoption Resolved. by the assembly (the senate concurring), That the of the so-called " Long plan " for the redistribution of wealth, Legislature of Wisconsin commends President Roosevelt for the which was ordered to lie on the table. action he has taken to solve the very pressing problem of the heavy mortgage indebtedness on homes and urges the Congress of PENSION RELIEF OF SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR VETERANS the United States to promptly enact the legislation recommended by the President; be it further Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana. Mr. President, I have re­ Resolved., That properly attested copies of this resolution be ceived copy of a resolution adopted by members of George transmitted to both Houses of the Congress of the United States Vawter Camp, No. 73, Department of Indiana, United Span­ and to each Wisconsin Member thereof. THOMAS J. O'MALLEY, ish War Veterans, which I ask may be incorporated in the President of the Senate. RECORD and appropriately referred. R. A. COBBAN, There being no objection, the resolution was referred to Chief Clerk of the Senate.
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