Annals of Mathematics The Clifford-Klein Space Forms of Indefinite Metric Author(s): Joseph A. Wolf Reviewed work(s): Source: The Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol. 75, No. 1 (Jan., 1962), pp. 77-80 Published by: Annals of Mathematics Stable URL: . Accessed: 03/05/2012 14:54 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Annals of Mathematics is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Annals of Mathematics. ANNAL!S OF MIATHEMATICS Vol. 75, No. 1, January, 1962 Printed in Japan THE CLIFFORD-KLEIN SPACE FORMS OF INDEFINITE METRIC BY JOSEPH A. WOLF* (Received February 24, 1961) 1. Introduction The sphericalspace formproblem of Clifford-Kleinis the classification problemfor complete connected riemannian manifolds of constantpositive curvature. E. Calabi and L. Markushave recentlyconsidered the classi- ficationproblem for completeconnected Lorenz n-manifoldsM," of con- stant positive curvature,and have [1; Theorems2 and 3] reducedit to the sphericalspace formproblem for riemannian (n - 1)-manifolds,when n ? 3. We will extendtheir ideas to moregeneral signaturesof metric, and reduce the classificationproblem for complete connectedpseudo- riemanniann-manifolds M,, of constantpositive curvature, and with s # n - 1 and 2s < n, to the sphericalspace formproblem for riemannian (n - s)-manifolds. As the spherical space form problemis solved in dimension3 [3], and is trivialin even dimensions,this gives a classifica- tion (up to global isometry)of the completeconnected pseudo-riemannian manifoldsM8' of constant positive curvature with s # n - 1, 2s < n, and eithern - s = 3 or n - s even. I am indebtedto L. Markus and E. Calabi for showingme the manu- scriptof theirpaper [1], whichis the basis forthis note. 2. Pseudo-riemannianmanifolds In orderto establishterminology and notation,we recall some basic facts about pseudo-riemannianmanifolds. A pseudo-riemannianmetric Q on a differentiablemanifold Mis a differentiablefield of non-degenerate bilinearforms Qp on the tangent-spacesMp of M; a pseudo-riemannian manifold is a differentiablemanifold with a pseudo-riemannianmetric. We will consideronly those pseudo-riemannianmanifolds (M, Q) where each Qp has the same signature', say -dxi - * - dx' + dx'l1 + ** * + dx2; (M, Q) is thendenoted MS". In the riemanniancase (s = 0), we will simply writeMn. A pseudo-riemannianmanifold Msn carries a uniquelinear con- nection-the Levi-Civitaconnection on the tangent-bundleof M8n-with torsionzero, and such that paralleltranslation is an isometryof tangent- spaces. In localcoordinates x-(x1, ... , xn),we set qij(x) = Qx((&I8xi),(0/1xj)) * The author is grateful for National Science Foundation Fellowship support while writ- ing this paper. This is automatic if M is connected. 77 78 JOSEPH A. WOLF and lowerindices of the curvaturetensor Ri k,(X)of the Levi-Civitacon- nection, using the classical formulaRijkl(X) = :qjm(x)Ri kt(x); M7 has constant curvature K if RijkZ(X) = K[qik(x)qi,(x) - qik(x)qj,(x)] identicallyin x, forevery (i, j, k, 1)and everylocal coordinatesystem. M." is completeif its Levi-Civitaconnection is complete,i.e., if everygeodesic can be extendedto arbitraryvalues of the affineparameter. An isometry is a diffeomorphismd: N,4-+Mf"where everytangent map is a linearisom- etry; a pseudo-riemanniancovering is a coveringf: Nn -+ M;' of con- nectedpseudo-riemannian manifolds where every tangent map is a linear isometry. The indefiniteorthogonal group Os(n + 1) is the group of all linear transformationsof the real vectorspace R"+' whichpreserve the bilinear formbn(x, y) = -x-y-* * *-x~y. + x,+ly+y + * * * + x,+ly?1+y.The quadric bl(x, x) = 1 carries a pseudo-riemannianmetric such that it is a pseudo- riemannianmanifold Sn of constantcurvature +1, and Os(n + 1) is its full groupof isometries[4,? 4]. We defineSs to be Ss if s < n - 1, Sn-_ to be the universalpseudo-riemannian covering manifold of SnU1,and Sn to be the componentof (0, **, 0, 1) in Sn. We have proved[4, Theorem 5] that every complete connectedpseudo-riemannian manifold Mn of constantcurvature +1 admits a universal pseudo-riemanniancovering f: Sn -* M, and is thus isometric to the quotient manifold SSID where the subgroupD of the groupof isometriesof S9nis just the groupof deck transformationsof f. Thus we define a pseudo-spherical space form of signature(s, n - s) to be a completeconnected pseudo-riemannian mani- foldMst of constantcurvature + 1. A sphericalspace formis just a pseudo- sphericalspace formM" = Mn, and, in the terminologyof [1], a relativ- istic sphericalspace formis a pseudo-sphericalspace formMl. 3. The reduction This reductionwas inspiredby that of Calabi and Markus [1] where they do the case s = 1; the proofof our Theorem1 being virtuallyidenti- cal to theirproof for s = 1, whilethe methodsof our Theorem2 are dif- ferentfrom their quite geometrictechniques. THEOREM1. Let M: be a pseudo-spherical space form with s # n - 1 and 2s ? n. Then Mn has finite fundamental group. PROOF. Sn = 9Snbecause s < n - 1, so we have a universal pseudo- riemanniancovering f: Sn -* M84. The groupD of deck transformations of the coveringis isomorphicto the fundamentalgroup of Mn, so we must CLIFFORD-KLEIN SPACE FORMS 79 prove that D is finite. S: is given by -EIxI + EI+IX2 =1 where the x; are coordinates in R71+relative to a basis {v1, ***, v,,1}. Let V be the subspace spanned by {vats, *., v,?1}. If g is any non-singularlinear transformationof Rn+1' then 2s < n < n + 1 gives us dim(Vn gV) ?2 dim V- (n + 1) > 0 . If Sn5 denotes the "equatorial sphere" xi = x. =s = 0, Es+lxj = 1 in S8", and if g e D, it follows that g(Sn-s) meets Sn-s The rest of the argument follows [1]. If D were infinite,compactness of Sn-swould give a point p e 5n-S, a sequence {gij of distinct elements of D, and a sequence {pi} in Sn-s such that each gi(pi)e Sn-s and {gi(pi)} -*p We may pass to a subsequence and assume {pi} __p' e Sn-S. This gives an element g e D with g(p') = p; so {g-1gi(pJ} -* g-1(p) = p'. As all the gi are distinct, we may assume that none of the g-1gi is 1 e D. Thus every neighborhood of p' in Ssnmeets one of its transformsby an element #1 of D. This is impossible because D, being a group of deck transformations, acts freely and properlydiscontinuously on Ss. q.e.d. Notice that the product 0(s) x 0(n - s + 1) is a maximal compact sub- group of Os(n + 1), where 0(s) is the ordinary orthogonal group on the first s coordinates in Rn+1and 0(n - s + 1) is the ordinary orthogonal group on the last n - s + 1 coordinates in R LEMMA (E. Cartan). Every compact subgroup of Os(n + 1) is conjugate to a subgroup of 0(s) x 0(n - s + 1). PROOF. This follows from a technique of E. Cartan [2, ? 16]. Also, A. Borel has remarked that the lemma is just simultaneous diagonaliza- tion of two quadratic forms. q.e.d. THEOREM 2. Let Sn-sIG be a spherical space form, view G as the image of a faithful orthogonal representation f: H-* 0(n - s + 1) of an abstract finite group H, let g: H-* 0(s) be any orthogonal representation of H. and set D = (g + f)(H) c0 (s) x 0(n-s + 1) c Os(n + 1). Then D is free and properly discontinuous on Sn, SSnJDis a pseudo-spherical space form, and S,,/D has finite fundamental group if s # n -1. Conversely, let Mn be a pseudo-spherical space form with s # n - 1 and with finite fundamental group (automatic if 2s ? n). Then Mn is isometric to one of the manifolds SS'7D described above. PROOF. D is finite, thus properly discontinuous on Sn. If h e H and (g + f )(h) has an eigenvalue + 1, then either h = 1 or the corresponding eigenvector lies in the span of the first s coordinates on Rn l. Thus D acts freely on SSn. This shows that S,,/D is a pseudo-spherical space form. 80 JOSEPH A. WOLF If s * n - 1, then S." is simplyconnected, and the fundamentalgroup of S.:/D is finite. For the secondpart of the theorem,let f: S." -- M." be the universal pseudo-riemanniancovering, and let D be the groupof deck transforma- tions. As s * n - 1, D is a subgroupof 08(n + 1). D was assumedfinite, thus compact,although this is automatic if 2s < n. Using the lemma, we may replace D by a conjugate,thereby changing M," by an isometry, and assume D c 0(s) x 0(n - s + 1). Now writeevery a e D in the form (al, a2) witha, e 0(s) and a2 G0(n - s + 1). The {a2} generatea subgroup G of 0(n - s + 1) whichacts freelyon the equatorialsphere So-* in S."; thus S''-/G is a sphericalspace form. Set H = D, f(a)= a and g(a) = a,, and the theoremis proved. q.e.d. Theorems1 and 2 reduce the classificationproblem for completecon- nected pseudo-riemannianmanifolds M." (s # n - 1 and 2s < n) of con- stant positivecurvature to the classificationproblem for completecon- nectedriemannian manifolds M,,-' of constantpositive curvature. INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY REFERENCES 1.
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