![1961-06-22, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Thursday. Tun* 22. 1981 HELP WANTED—FEMALE AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES Does Your Thank You Mr. and Mrs. Greater Cleveland! GET ROLLIN' Your great response to our Grand Opening Sale WITH "OLEH" SATELLITE Present Car •nobles us to offer these fine automobiles at PUBLIC Great Savings! 18th Floor Williamson Bldg. USED CARS DODGE BOAT LOAD SALE I960 FORD $1395 OPEN MONDAY TILL 7 P.M. Have You 1961 RAMBLER CLASSIC “6" 4-DOOR STATION WAGON. Briarcliff CH. 1-8123 red and frost white finish. Radio, heater, reclining seats, push 2-Door. 6 cylinder, standard shift. button transmission, power steering and Full factory equipment. Continues At 2000 Warrensville Canter Rd. Behind The — SALE! brakes. Very low mileage------------------------------------------- $2495 1960 FORD $2495 OPEN THURSDAY TILL 7 P.M. CONVERTIBLE. Jet black. Radio EV. 2-7000 REPOSSESSIONS 1961 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE. Radio, heater, turboglide heater, automatic, power steering and transmission. Beautiful Arctic white with red brakes. OPEN SATURDAY BANKRUPTCY'S leather interior. 4400 actual miles-------------------------------- $3295 1959 CHEVROLET . $1595 TILL NOON Glavic Dodge BANK CARS 4-DOOR HARDTOP. Radio and heater, 1959 RAMBLER 2-DOOR STATION WAGON. Forest green finish. Powerglide. FEMALE Full factory equipment. America's all time PROBATE CARS 1959 T-BIRD $2695 SECRETARY .................... ,. $300 economy champion for only----------------------------- $1295 TODAY, TOMORROW Gorgeous metallic blue, 4-way .. $375 ■ SECRETARY ........... 1958 CHEVROLET NOMAD 4-DR. STATION WAGON. Radio, heater, power, radio, heater, Cruisomatic. .. S300 ’ SECRETARY, West......... PRICED FOR Powerglide. Excellent condition reflects the care given SECRETARY ................ .. $325 1959 RAMBLER $1295 John Gia vic Harry Glavic it by it'* one careful owner-------------------------------------- AND SATURDAY .SECRETARY ............ .. $250 $1595 STATION WAGON. Radio, heater, automatic transmission. ‘SECRETARY ........... .. $350 IMMEDIATE 1958 FORD CUSTOM 300 "6" CYLINDER 2-DOOR SEDAN. Gas saving SECRETARY, Bedford .. ...5325 standard transmission. Showroom 1958 OLDS $1295 SECRETARY .. S360 condition. CHOICE OF 2---------------------- $995 2-DOOR HARDTOP. Hydramatic, radio, SECRETARY ......... ...$350 REMOVAL! heater, power steering and brakes. SECRETARY, Brush .... .. S400 1957 FORD 1957 RAMBLER DELUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN. Weather eye heater, reclin­ 1957 CHEVROLET $1095 SECRETARY ........... ...S350 ing seats, money saving In Repairs REMOVAL PRICE $495 4-DOOR STATION WAGON. Radio STATISTICAL SFC............. .. $3C0 overdrive transmission . $495 heater, automatic. Immaculate. JR. SECRETARY ........... .. S225 PAY WEEKLY $5.37 1956 CHEVROLET $895 JR. SECRETARY , . Open & Upkeep? 1956 FORD RANCHWAGON. Radio, heater, Fordomatic transmission. 1961 DODGES - DARTS • DICTAPHONE and GO. S275 1954 BUICK Green and white finish needs a little attention. Excellent CONVERTIBLE DICTAPHONE only . $300 Then Stop In REMOVAL PRICE $295 mechanical condition. Very special at only--------------------- $495 1955 OLDSMOBILE..... $395 ’ DICTAPHONE and GO. S300 PAY WEEKLY $2.13 1955 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE. The finest of the finest with full 4-DOOR HARDTOP PBX OPERATOR . $300 Today and Select power equipment, plus radio, heater, and dual range hydramatic. 1955 PONTIAC $395 RECEPTIONIST, typing, 1957 DODGE , AND LANCERS From Our Large $275 REMOVAL PRICE $695 Beautiful white exterior with grey nylon 6*1 CONVERTIBLE dictaphone and leather interior. Perfect V ■ •»—— 36 MONTHS TO PAYI PRICES LOWER THAN LATE MODEL USED CARS RECtPTiOI.k., iypinq $55 wk. Lot oi A-l Cars PAY WEEKLY $7.03 1953 FORD $145 TRAlNiE COST ACCT. $275 COUNTRY SQUIRE STATION WAGOb Briny Your Family and Title To , 3.’\CE background 1959 BUICK T953FOLDSMOBILE "NO ONE CAN SELL A RAMBLER $250 4-DOOR HARDTOP REMOVAL PRICE $195 FOR LESS, OR SERVICE IT BETTER THAN' . SH . S235 Dyncflow, radio, heater, power PAY WEEKLY . $1.55 ; ’ YP.’aG and F.L’NG exo. $250 steering and power bra-.es. Tur­ quoise and white (£* 1 fifiC ’YrlST arc MATH S275 finish. Only kllOWV 1959-SIMCR OLEN TYPIST and SH, West S65 wk. GLAVIC DODGE REMOVAL PRICE $695 TYPIST and GO ......... .. S240 PAY WEEKLY $7.03 536 East 185th St. Open Friday Till 9 KE. 1-3375 .. $290 1959 FORD FLOYD STAMPS IYPI3T ............. MOTORS GALAXIE VICTORIA HARDTOP TYPIST, Sales ......... .. S250 RAMBLER 4-door, Cruisomatic, radio, heater, 1955 OLDSMOBILE .. S350 16300 EUCLID AVE. IBM,Soiling and Tab. .. power steering, power brakes, A-1 CLEVELAND'S EAST SIDE RAMBLER DEADER REMOVAL PRICE $395 1 Block West of Ivanhoe Rd. .PAYROLL ...................... .. $300 condition 1 I LAB TECH ........................ throughout N* • > ww PAY WEEKLY $4.80 481 East 185th at Lake Shore Blvd. .. $300 > UL. 1-1100 . ' WAITRESS ...................... .65 hr. IV. 1-4900 Open Till 9 P.M. Mon. & Fri. TELLER ............................... .. $250 1958 FORD 1955 BUICK : STATION WAGON REMOVAL PRICE $195 FAIRLANE "500'' JOHNNY’S 4 headquarters Victoria hardtop, Fordomatic, ra­ PAY WEEKLY $1.55 dio and heater, red and white 1956 BUICK SEE as FOB Stearns AUTOMATIC >20 TO CHOOSE FROM $1295 REMOVAL PRICE $395 PAY WEEKLY $4.80 TRANSMISSION SMITH'S 1957 LINCOLN EASY AUTOMATIC W: PREMIER HARDTOP 1955 PLYMOUTH TEAMS RESTAURANT 2-door, automatic transmission, REMOVAL PRICE $295 TRANSMISSION SAFETY SERVICE radio and heater, full power NEEDS equipment, pink and white PAY WEEKLY $2.13 ’ Special : 626 East 152nd St. $1195 1957 PLYMOUTH SERVICE teM;We will, \ UL. 1-7333 1959 LARK REMOVAL PRICE $695 Service On AU Makes PAY WEEKLY $7.03 '60 FORD Fordor Ranch Wagon $1895 2-DOOR rowa Free Towing CHECK EXHAUST SYSTEM' ‘ Waitresses Standard shift, full factory equip­ i953~FORD Automatic, radio, heater. 100% warranty. ment, immaculate C 1 89ft E ADJUST <B«A££5 : condition thruout .... "’■WwW REMOVAL PRICE $95 FRONT WHEH ' '60 RAMBLER Custom 4-Door .....$1895 PAY WEEKLY $1^00 Special On Band Adjustments 1958 FORD Tesr BATTERY v r Station Wagon. 2 to choose from. Economical standard shift. KITCHEN HELP “f^54“PLYMOUTH 100% warranty. CUSTOM 300 ijxk CHECK pGHTff - i FREE REMOVAL PRICE $95 && BRAKE ; • 2-door, 6 cylinder, standard shift. '60 AMERICAN 2-Door . $1195 Full factory $895 PAY WEEKLY $1.00 DISH MACHINE equipment WHEEL ALIGNMENT Economical "6" with standard transmission. 100% warranty. "These Cars Usually TOWING 1957 RAMBLER '59 PONTIAC 4-Door, 9-Pass $1995 STATION WAGON Sold Only To grease, A OPERATORS Radio, heater, automatic, power steering, power brakes. Scarce as hen's 4-door, 6-cylinder, standard shift, Dealers*' teeth. 100% warranty. radio and DAYS OR NIGHTS heater p/33 ALL CARS PRICED GIBSON'S = -59 RAMBLER Super 4-Door $1495 Full or Part Time, ON WINDOW 1958 FORD 14200 Lake Shore Blvd. IV. 6-2737 Station Wagon. Radio, heater, automatic 2 to choose from. NO CASH NEEDED F BAND Salary,Uniforms and CONErtTIBLE 100% warranty. Fordomatic, radio and heater, CREDIT APPROVED ADJUSTMENT Meals Furnished. white finish. Words cannot describe '58 RAMBLER Custom 4-Door $1195 this car. You must CTJOC IN 15 MINUTES .95 SPECIAL Station Wagon. Automatic, radio, heater. A hard to find model Apply In Person see it-AS IS SPECIAL Courtesy Car Will in excellent condition. 100% warranty. 1956 CHEVROLET Pick You Up .AH A ST SIDE 2-DOOR '57 RAMBLER Cross Country 4-Dr. $895 6-cylinder, standard shift, radio Automatic, radio, heater. Real nice. 100% warranty. SMITH'S and heater. Green and CCQE white two-tone _____ CLEVELAND MOTORS '60 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. "6-Cyl." ... $1895 Formerly Economy Buick Repair Shop RESTAURANT 1955 MERCURY Radio, heater. Powerglide. Very elean. Guaranteed 100%. 1810 WOODLAWN AT EUCLID SW. 1-5290 22305 LAKE SHORE CHOICE OF TWO CAR CO. Monteray hardtops, Mercomafc, LARGEST AUTO LIQUIDATOR ? TEST DRIVE BEFORE YOU BUYf \ radio and heater, OPENING SPECIAL! IN OHIO STEARNS A-1 condition WWW THERE YOU ARE! 16403 Euclid Ave. | UNDERCOATING »1250 kfe' 'J Z’: motors inc. LOANER OPEN MONDAYS & FRIDAYS At Ivanhoe Rd. Z Jlieos^iiuclid at Eddy ' You were there all the time We SHEFFLER RAMBLER Open Monday and Friday just had to reach out and find TILL 9 P. M. ‘ s USED CAR DEPARTMENT til 9 P.M. Specializing In 'V300G AVAILABLE you. You're just the young lady DEALERS WELCOME between 25 and 35 to fill that • IMT&1AL 6201 EUCLID EX. 1-4902 IV. 1-5173 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS > executive secretary position at Commerce KtMODTff V VM1ANT , j $475. And you? You are between FINANCING I 25 and 32, and would make a COLLISION REPAIRS \ Jftnd Satisfying I wonderful secretary for a 33 year 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE-ALL WORK GUARANTEED Gtr Owners situe the SOY* For Printing Call Glenville 1-4383 . old management engineer at Ford BUY NOW I $400-$415. And you? You're a Nights-Sun.-Holiday—Phone GA. 1-1022 LAST CHANCE j Tost typist without shorthand, 13608 St. Clair I some knowledge of technical AT PRESENT LOW PRICES 1956 DODGE NO | terms, between 28 and 48? We've MU. 1-4000 BEFORE THE DEPRESSION CONVERTIBLE the right spot for you with a con- IS FINALLY OVER 1950 FORD 1959 FORD Tu-tone, V8 engine, automatic trans­ J suiting engineering firm. You GALAXY HARDTOP GEORGS SXYS . STATION WAGON mission, push-button radio, airflow 2-door, Indio ivory, white woll tires, heater. Very clean inside | two—yes, both of you—we have Horizon blue and India ivory. Ful black and white vinyl interior, V8 vinyl interior, V8 engine, Fordomatic and out ....................... MONEY i 2 secretarial positions open in 54 engine, Fordomatic, power steering, I maintenance sales. Age? 30-37. custom radio, airflow heater. Today's SMOOTH DRIVING 1959 TRIUMPH BETTER USED CARS SSL"?........... ................... Salary? $350 plus. Ail positions ROADSTER—CONVERTIBLE $1345 TO CHOOSE FROM K” $1445 | are fee paid. 2 tops, 4 speed transmission, barker­ JOE O'BRIEN gray, blue leather interior. Today' Including DOWN AHEAD IF YOU | So—there you orc and here we 8 CONVERTIBLES JOE O'BRIEN *> are at 25000 Euclid Ave. BENE­ $1395 JOE O'BRIEN USED CARS 7 STATION WAGONS DICT & ASSOCIATES Personnel DRIVE IN NOW! f Placement Division. RE. 1-4345. 11 HARDTOPS USED CARS 14000 St. Clair USED CARS I______________________ __________ JOE O'BRIEN 3 COMPACTS MU.
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