St. John's Coll~ge Undergraduate division, Los Angeles Archdiocesan SeminJry S)'Stem OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT-RECTtlR t"BOS) 482-0253 27 Ja.l'luary 1983 His Eminence Most Reverend Timothy Cardinal Hanning, D.o., J.C.D. Archbishop of Los Angeles 1531 West Ninth Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 Confidential Dear Cardinal Manning: It is my unhappy duty to report to you some rather distasteful incidents that have recently occurred here at Saint John's College. For some time now r\llllors have been circulating that some of our students have been actively engaged in homosexual activities. The rumors centered on one particular ~tudent, REDACTED from Asstmption parish in Ven­ tura. At the time of his admission. interviews two years ago some_ reserva­ tions were expressed about his fxiendship with one of our former students who had been involved in hanosexual activity on campus. It also seemed that some of the runors that were circulating came directly from REDACTED the result of his telling other students exactly what he was doing. I was Ul"lable to substantiate this until some students came forward at the urging of their spiritual directors. REDACTED had told these stooents that he had a regular male lover in Ventu- ra and that he b,ad had relations with two students here, one of whom, REDACTED REDACTED, is studying for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. When I asked REDACT-ED RfD,<ClEI: about the r\llllors, he denied everything. Shortly after, having consulted with his spiritual director, he returned to tell me that he was withdrawing from the seminary. He has now l.eft. REDACTED I then talked to the two persons whan had implicated. One, a stu- dent from Orange:, had been aware of the r1JIIlors I had been in constant consul­ tation with his director, and had actually been responsible fo~ bringing the matter into the open. He denied any relationship withREDACTED and I believe hi.o.-n. REDACTED in my opinion, is a disturbed person who was probably fan­ tasizing a relationship with someone to whom he felt attracted. The other student,REDACTED,. admitted thatREDACTED had forced himself on him once last year but said he had been living in fear and shame ever since. His is a more difficult case. rn view of the fact, hCf.orever, that he has volunteered to ac­ cept psychological testing and therapy, tl1e administration has decided to al­ low him to remain for the semester under close observation. It is our cautious hope that he will benefit from the therapy and continue in the seminary. I have mentioned that I believe thatREDACTED is a disturbed person and that LAARCH 018134 hr= has been guilty of fantasizing about some of his relationships. This brings m·~ a still more unpleasant 'aspect of this whole case. In his discussions with st.udents, he has said that he has had a.'l ongoing relationship with Father Jim Ford. At least one priest on the faculty believes that ~~is may be so because be has heard rumors in the local community.· I have the greatest hesitation a­ bout mentioning it at all because REDACTED•s comments are simply not to be trust­ ed. His stories, ha.'l'ever, are going to circulate and will undoubtedly ~::ome back to you in some form or another. Monsignor Rawden will be informed of this by phone. I have no doubt that other stories will be circulating about Saint John's Col­ lege and what goes on here. While I have every intention of keeping this en­ tire matter confidential, I shall not do so at the expense of the sa~inary. If it is necessary for me to clarify the situation and defend the College, then I will have no reluctance to speak out. I regret having to present this unfortunate matter to you, particularly at this time of convalescence. Be assured again of our prayers for your quick and happy return to full health. Sincerely yours in Christ, si.?il/ioi.@~-. Rector LAARCH 018135 CONFIDENTIAL FILE: REV. JAMES FORD Mons1gnor George Niederauer called I 1/23/87. A second-year Theology student had come to him to let him know that a former seminarian, REDACTED who had been in this student's class, was dying of AIDS. Both had been in the semina~y earlier and left. This man had been very involved in indiscriminate sexual activity. Only one other student had been involved with him. However, the student informed Monsignor Niederauer that REDACTED had a long involvement with Jim Ford while he was in St. Rose of Lima. The seminarian also' told him that Jim Ford tended to be involved with high school boys and that, in his estimation, inappropriate activity was involved. Both Monsignor Nierderauser and I agreed we would not inform Jim Ford for the reason that the people involved in these activities usually are aware of these matters. LAARCH 018056 CLERGY DATABASE Last:Ford Title:Rev. First: James Middle:M. color Green 01/31/83 Msgr. Rawden met with Fr. at Msgr's request in consequence of the information received from the Very Rev. Stafford Poole, C.M. at St. John's Seminary College. Mr. REDACTED a seminarian, who was about to be dismissed from the Seminary College, but who withdrew on his own, as a result ot a morai problem he was having. He ~~~9~P. implicated Father and others as companions in this moral difficulty. Father absolutely denied any association with REDACTED in any inmoral context. Fr. acknowledged that he knew him from Ventura; that the latter was a convert of Fr. Donald Mulcahy. Fr. said that he has not associated with h~ since leaving Ventura six months ago. 11/23/87 Msg. George Niederauer, the Rector at the Seminary, called the office. A second-yr Theology student had come to him to let him know that a former seminarian, REMCTED REDACTED who had been in this student's class, was dying of AIDS. Both had been in the seminary earlier and left. This man. had been very involved in indiscrtminate sexual activity. ~ly one other student ha~ hA~n ;~valved with h~. However, the student informed Msgr. Niederauer that REDACTED had a long involvement with Father while he was in St. Rose of Lima Church in Simi Valley. The seminarian also told h~ that Father tended to be involved with high school boys and that, in his estimation, inappropriate activity was involved. Both Msgr. Niederauer and Msgr. Curry agreed they would not inform Father for the reason that the people involved in these activities usually are aware of these matters. 02/01/93 Excerpts from REDACTED •s letter to Ab. Mahony: He has had a sexual relationship with Fr. Tney met in Ventura; they were on a gay cruising spot near the condomiums where Fr. lives. Fr. invited him over his condo. They took an AIDS test together along with others prior to the consummation of their relationship. He slept with him at the parish. The relationship lasted eleven months. Apparently, he also sent copies of this letter to Fr. Ford's parents, the LA Times and the Catholic Council in NY. 02/11/93 Fr. wrote to Msgr. Dyer in response to the letter from Mr.REDACTED to the A.b. He dP-niP-~ everything. 03/05/93 Ab. gave his approval to refer him to Dr.REDACTED for a psychological evaluation. 04/27/93 Msgr. Dyer wrote to ene enerap1se eo ~et him know that people in Oxnard as well as in Sepulveda have made comments about his lifestyle for over a period of ten yrs. 07/01/94 He was appointed Pastor of San Roque Church in Santa Barbara. LAARCH 018116 CONFIDENTIAL & PRIVILEGED INVESTIGATIVE REPORT ATIORNEY CLIENT WORK PRODUCT September 5, 2008 To: Cardinal Roger M Mahony Margaret Gaffney Graf, General Counsel for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Monsignor Gabriel Gonzales, Vicar for Clergy s..Father Thomas C. Anslow, C.M., vicar for canonical services ignor Francis T. Wallace, promoter of justice From. J. Ruona, canonical auditor Subject:~ Fa er James Ford At the Cardinal's recent meeting with HEDACTED he told the Cardinal he REDACTED had more information regarding Father James Ford and Ford's untoward acttvttles.• • • REDACTED was encourage d to contact a canoruc· al au d't1 or an d prov1'd e th'IS so appropriate investigation could be conducted. On July 28, 2008, REDACTED made telephonic contact and advised that on August 1st he was flying to the Mayo Clinic to consult with an endocrinologist regarding REDACTE0 health problems. Several issues were to be addressed including hip surgery, prostate problems and a blood clot in his bladder. Also foot surgery is scheduled for August 27th which will 51 preclude him from flying until October 1 • REDACTED believes there are six or seven more possible victims of Ford based on the SNAP blo2: oosts of a University of California Santa Barbara student who uses the name Alarias. REDACTED sa1'd he wou ld 1ax.c. fiour pages regard' mg thi s. Th'1s 1ax.c. was not receive' d. Jondine Moran, a 53 year old woman, he last spoke to two years ago worked in the Our Lady of Lourdes rectory in 1971 when Ford was assigned there. She contends Ford was caught with pornography back then and that it was common knowledge he brought young boys to his room in the rectory. Moran has a brother active in the gay community aq.d she is now a nurse living in Calabasas. Paul Griffith an investigator for Kathy FrebUf.g, REDACTED attorney in the clergy 1 matter, has information regarding Moran but has n~ contacted her.
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