Police Academy star The swimming and div­ INSIDE— Michael Winslow per­ ing teams are enjoying Marist community.....page 2 formed at Marist last an undefeated start to Features....;......i........page 4 week. the 1997-1998 season, -page 3 -page 11 Opinion.......... .......page 6 A&E.........„.........:.;....page 8 Sports............. ...page 12 THE CIRCLE Volume 50. Issue 7 The student newspaper of Marist College November 13,1997 Ginkgo tree slated for destruction, faculty prepared to fight about three feet in diameter, byBENAGOES over 60 feet tall and 150 years News Editor old, is simply too big for trans­ plant. Uprooting the Ginkgo The small tree behind the li­ would entail hiring a private brary has caused a big contro­ company to trench around it, versy, leaving administrators to cut each root by hand, burlap the wonder how far to go to save it. root bulb and use a crane to pick The Ginkgo tree was here it up and'put it on-a flatbed long before the turn of the cen­ truck. tury, long before the Marist He said the nurseries he has Brothers bought the land, but it contacted estimate the whole soon may be chopped down to transplant,project could cost make way for the.new library. anywhere between $40,000 to But if some faculty have their $100,000. way, the tree will either be trans­ "Right now everything is planted to another location on pointing to the direction that it's campus, or will be integrated not a cost effective thing," into the new building. Short said. Brother Joseph Belanger re­ l ink- Iti.-li-AliU (..»>l He said it would not look good This Ginkgo tree, one out of three on campus, will probably be destroyed in the building of the new if the college spent $100,000 cently returned from a trip to library. China; and said in that country, only to have the tree die a week nature is often part of architec­ of, but would take some imagi­ The Ginkgos were introduced away any predators. later at its new location. ture, but the United States is nation. Belanger was part of the in this country from China in The tree outside the library is Belanger said he did not see different. original crew that built the cur­ the 1700s. It is a slow growing female,1 but it does not seem its how $100,000 out of the $16 "Americans just come in and rent library which used to be a tree during its first few years, nauseating smell will ward off million library project would bulldoze and flatten," he said. dorm and cafeteria for the then around 20 years of age the the chainsaws in May. make any difference. "Americans have very little re­ Brothers. tree begins to reproduce. Ralph Short, grounds super- Teresa Snyder-Leiby, assis­ spect £or.nature:s[Ir\ CKlnaJ-you - ——When-we built the-dinning " There* are" maler and, .female., visor^or^MarifSt, ;said ,'the tree tant professor of biology, said don't just move this boulder," or room for 150 people there was Ginkgos. The male-produces is not savable.' Ginkgos do'not'grow in the cut down this tree, you integrate no question whatsoever about cones full of pollen,, and. the "In all practicality, the tree wild anymore and are only a it." taking the tree down," he said.- female produces a .yellow, will' have to come down," he cultivated species. She said she He said building around the "We built around it. There was cherry-sized seed. The seed has said. Ginkgo would not be unheard a respect there." a potent vomit smell that keeps Short saiduhe tree, which is Please see TREE, page 3... ADA/504 Coordinator appointed Information Services takes over more computer labs by STEPHANIE MERCURIO a form that can be filled out concerns can be heard." Edito r- in - Ch ief when there is a concern:" Cooper said she hopes this Gildard said he wants to take position will have meaning and by AMANDA BRADLEY running efficiently. will help disabled students. After years of debate, Marist a pro-active stand on issues Asst. News Editor "Our computer lab responsi College has appointed an ADA/ concerning people with dis- "I know that John is capable bilities are the same," DePuej 504 Coordinator -abilitiesr - of doing a-wonderful job, he A newly implemented soft- said. "The change is the way] John Gildard was named the "I would like to look at situa­ definitely is sensitive enough to jware solutiorfwill keep campus software is delivered to lab us coordinator on Nov. 4. Linda tions before a problem arises deal with this," she said. "How­ computer labs running more ers.'' Cooper, director of the office dealing with accessibility and ever; a critical part of this po­ {efficiently. According to DePue, the new! of special services, said the ap­ other similar issues,", he said. sition working deals with that Information Services (IS) be- "Image" software will help pointment was made because "There are ideas on the draw­ person having authority to jcame the official administrator manage server applications on two students brought the sub­ ing board that I need to look change things. I wouldn't want of all campus computer labs campus_computers where secu­ ject to the public. into." someone-who has authority in this fall. That job used to be rity software was originally re­ name only." . , : "Debbie Alfano and Jackie Gildard said he needs to de­ shared with Academic Comput­ quired.-" Without security soft Caruso were assigned to look termine where disabled stu­ According to Cooper, there ing, but IS is now responsible ware, it.was easy to delete oi into changing a policy, for a dents are'located on campus. are about 230 students on cam- - for Lowell Thomas 126 and corrupt files. It was a time-con­ class assignment," she said. "I need to make a list of where . pus who have disclosed that 211, Dyson 303 and 388, the suming task to diagnose and 'They helped to make the stu­ the students are living and dis­ they are disabled. One of their Donnelly PC labs and DaVinci then fix the problem when a dent body aware of the issue." tribute this list to security and main concerns is accessibility and the new McCann Pepsi Hall damaged file was reported. at night. • Gildard said his position re­ to the fire department, so it will of Fame. "We did have the security quires him to be responsible for be easier to know who needs "Many of the students who JoAnn DePue, training and software in place, but there is a number of things. special accommodations," he have low vision can't see well development analyst, said the always a back door to things,' "I have to receive and look said. "I would also like to meet at night," she said: "There is management shift was nothing DePue said. "It was an unstable into problems and complaints with the student body president very poor lighting and marking major. environment and to fix the ma­ with accessibility and other and with groups that need to deal on the ground to illustrate "It isn't that big of a shift," chines took more time than we ADA situations that arise," he with these issues." ground level changes. This lim­ she said. "We just say we offi­ wanted. It's not easy to go up to said. "I am also responsible for Cooper said this position its activity at night for these stu­ cially manage the labs now." the machine and stick in [the applications of employment should have been filled years dents." Barbara McMulIen, director software] anymore." and for concerns of guests on ago. Coogan said the issue of ap­ of Academic Computing, said DePue said "Image" software! campus." "Students often tell me about pointing a coordinator has been the change is a step in the right fixes technical problems inj Carol Coogan, director of problems they have with acces­ discussed for a long time. direction. less time than ever before. human resources, said there sibility, because I deal with "I don't want the community i "The reason the computer "It can rebuild in four min will now be a more standardized them on an academic level," or the students to have the im­ labs were given back to Infor­ utes," she said. "It won't diag procedure for people with con­ she said. "However, I don't have pression there was no concern mation Services was because nose the problem. It will justj cerns. the power to make the campus before the coordinator was ap­ Ithey are able to maintain them completely replace the original "There is now a centralized respond to their concerns. pointed," she said. "This posi­ |in a fine fashion," she said. files on the machine if they arej person for people to send con­ Hopefully, there will now be a tion is not required to be filled DePue said the changes are a missing." cerns and complaints to," she procedure that must be fol­ in a private institution, but there esult of the implementation of DePue said the idea of the! said. "We will also be creating lowed, so the complaints and was a need for it." the new "Image" software that will keep the computer labs Please see COMPUTE, page 3... THE CIRCLE November 13,1997 THE CIRCLE The Marist Community November 13,1997 News In Your; Opinion Singers continue to shine, performing Would you live off-campus in housing provided by Marist? third concert with Kenny Rogers "It's really fun for the stu­ "It's got to make him feel by CHRISTOPHER THORNE dents," he said.
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