^ ( ^"^ilk^' /w' VOL. XLI-NO. 26 MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JUJSE 29, 1899. AVHOLE INTO. 3010. New A<lvc!rllN«nioiil.s I IIIN WCUU. tSiiaden Dentil. 27llt Aiininil Cuiiiiacncenioiit. .7-v^*^^;^i^% iw.'siiSS^^ Ar f-'alo Contlnnos—.Mills Dry Oooils t"o. 'i'lie 27tli annual commencement ex­ She I.S lluro—llolnnjs, IJiineor & Co. he people of this city wore shocked I!ar(,'alns—fioi). Lovorett. to hear of the sudden death of Jlon. ercises of the Mason High School were Shlrls-R. Onlver. Charles C. Fitcli last evening about lield at Rayner Opera house lasl .hiiH-' Snlfi-O. A. I'arklinrst. 'IMinraday evening. I'rlcoK—Rlinninl's Dnpt. .Stiiro. eight o'clock. Mr. Filch had het-n as • ® 0 •Say—lloiiio Lanndrv. well as usual all day with cxceiition Although the weather was oxtemely s nere that he complained of headache warm this (lid not lessen the interest N-EWti NOTES. and on that account left his work early taken by lliu friends of the Class of'09 and went homo after visiting the jiost- who filled the opera lioiise and listen- She may be seen upon olUce for the evening mail. In aaliorl attentively to the exercises of thu Wulor l!(!iit.s DiKi. lime the news came hack that he was evening. our streets, usually go­ All wiUor ronlH iiru diiu tlic (ir.s(. (lii.v dead.' His wife and daughter were at Tlie names of llio class have ainiady of .Inly, i)iiyiilile at llie sucrcliiry's llie wedding at the M. E. church. been pnblisliod but we repeat them ing toward or thinking olllue, 0. L. CASTHRLIX. Suc'y. They were hastily summoned but ar­ Willi llieir courses of study rived home to late too seehini lalive, so Latin—Julia 15. Miliar, Cecil Pollok, about "the Fourth" "the .liid(j;e J'ur.son will lioid court in sudden was his call. They had left Nellie Tliorburn, Blabel Dresser, Cliaa. Lake" and sundry other MiifiOii uoxt Moiidiiy. him I'in health leas than an hour Chapman, Maude l<'reeland. ]ilaelv\vond Wrif^lit liaa new poLaloes be I'd re. Scieiitilio-Harriet S, Lee, Stella things. The Most... for .siilu from liiti gardoii. The cause of his death was paralysis Cross, Ida Holmes, Ji'hn'ence Laxtoii. the heart. Engllsh-Scientifio—Mary .L, Lee, A, VVriKlH liiiH iilnced ii new engine Will i-lerzig, Norman Templetoii. She either has or is go­ in liiH liiiiiidi'y tliis Wfol:. Mr. Fitch had on several jirevious occasions experionced trouble with liis Englisli—Mary Tomlinson, I'^niily ing to see some of the at­ Convincing L. .15. MoArtliiir will deliver tlie iid- Ijarge, Harry Jenkins, Maud Dooliiile, heart but of late had tioeii enjoying dre.Hs iiL C)iioiidiif,'a .Inly 'I. good health, 'i'liis attack was so sud- Orplia Gordon, Aldrich C. Vani.^atten, tractive things we have (len however, that although medical Olaiule Edgar, The .salary attached lo (ho Lualie Lalin-.Eiigliah—Ethel M. VanPatten. for the occasion. Argument lioatolliue ha.s been increased .?!00. attondimoe wassumonod immediately ho was beyond its heij), 'J'lie plan of Commencement was changeil from last year by the class A heavy rain and thiiiuh;!' .storm Mr. .l.i'itch had been identiHed witli pulilishiiig an Aiicliora instead of giv­ We ciui tliiiilc of is our Piucus. C'onio paused over this .section yesterday, the interests of Mason and Ingham ing essays and much credit is due in 1111(1 nee our (iiic; liiiL'of (.imuuricH. onunty many years, having .•\ new coat of paint i.s hoiiiu; added Presiileiit VaiiPalten for his nntiriiig \Vc hiivu evoi'i'lliiiij;,' in tliu vviiy of filled many ' ofll'ces of trust, lo S, .1), Neely'.s honae on Majiie St, eflorls to make this year's annual the CiiiiiiL'ii Cfooils, iiR wull as frualj goods. being representative from the liest one ever published. The strain Are most interesting at this store. The right sort Conic in iinti see: for yoiirsuK, ,'10, Culver i.s biiildiiijj; a slono aide second district iu the state legislatures was too great for Mr. VanPatten and widk at hi.s residence, aontli 0 street. of'SO and '!)1. of waists are alv,'ays attractive, We are making some .HcHiis ToiiiiitnoH arm the evening preceding Conimenceniont .'luniiH Red ICldiioy lloaus 'Jdn Girl wanted for Keiicral lioiisewnrk. He will be siully missed liy all. he sudered a severe fainting siiell and attractive prices: •I oHiiK I'niiipUiii,, 'jric. Jin]nire at the residence of ,J. R. Dart. 1 can liiiliod JIDUIIH rxt It was with only a great uflortlhathe Notice to Water 'J'aker.s. was able to lie iiresent at the exercises. ^ercale Waists, all sizus, assorted cole Several LansiiiK faniiles wore jioi.s- oned by using impure niilU last week. Tlie wliistle at the water works The class fully appreciates his hard wortli 50c each, now station will he blown at 8 o'clock in work on the Aiichora and hope for his VanderssokGraseryGo .1,1. C, .Dart has a hew carriage lionse tlie morning—a signal lo stop the use s|)eedy recovery. Fine Waists, wortii from 75c to $1,00, l"iiirchu.sed of Geo, VV. Harvey of Oke- of water on the lawn or streets. At 'i'he opera house was tasteful ly deco­ nio.s. style, well-made, splendid floods, now six o'clock p. m. the whistle will again rated with nalir)iial and class colors Snecial .salt! of wlil]w, (ly nets rnd lap liiB sounded as a signal when water which added enthuisiani to the oc­ dusters for the J.i'oin'tti at. reduced may he turned on and again at S p. m. casion. lirices at (J. l'\ Brown's, ^ * when the whistle sounds, spriiiklitig Washable Suits Eiiltiroil at Mio I'o.sldlllcu, JliiHoii, Tlie program was observed as fol­ must cease. If these signals are not as aocoiul-olasN niaUur Geo. H. Green, a well-known citizen lows; given attention water will be turned March Made of Linen Crash, blazer effect I'ubllfiliod Every TluirHday by of .Lansing died at his liome in that od'and no rpiestioiis asked. In vocation jack'ets, trimmed with blue or white city last Saturday of consumption, Music CAMPBELL & EOSE. .BY ORDER OI'' WATER BOAIID. Addres.s—"The Aiiiurl(;iui School: It's Place duck. The most desirable garment Base bull .supplies at W.B. Ivetchnm's. and Respon&Uilllly" yet produced for hot weather. Can Cherries wanted at Vundereook'a, * Snpl H. 11. Laird, I.ansiiifr .7n() /xr, $1.00 ; six monthi, CO conti; lhr.< 'I'hero will lie a special commiiiiiuation Oration—''Ijivinj,' Tliuntjhts," and presenta­ be had here at montlii, 35 conto—in advanc*. of I\lasoii lodge Mo, 70 V. &, A. M, next L..). Acker is making exlensive tion of Senior Emblem to the.Iuniors UooU Pollok,'00 Wednesday, eveningjuly 5, Work on repairs to his residence on ' Columbia ADVERTISING RATES. Oration—"The mMndern Throe-Fold lOducii- $1.50, $1.98 & $3 a suit. second degree. • street. tlon," and nocepiancu of ,'ieiiior Kmblum OiiriidvorllHliiKraloB inado IcnownivloUloo I'ur the Jnnlors ,Iay .l''iuld, '00 B.islu6SHcards 81 a line por year, Married, hy .Tiisli(!e Srpiiers, Satur­ A. A. Leacli of Leslie has been given Mnsle BaHlnoHHlooalfldvooontHper Hue eaoliand day nioriiing, .J une2-l, William Joseph nn ill crease of pension from IJIG to Presentation of Diplomas Goo, W. lirlstol e^ery luHortlon. Jionodlollon iVlarrlanOiblrill,and death notloosfrBO, ofUiiicago and Miss Alta Underhill %'l\. per month. Obituary nollooH, rennlHllons of ronpect of Williainston. Supt, Laird's address was full of Odd Skirts onrds ol'lhanlcs oto., live nonls n lino. C. El Barnes of Alaiedon left at this Don't buy a lap duster or (ly net un­ good advice, not only to tlie class, but ollice yesterday a stool of (imolhy til you see my line and prices. to all present and will not be forgotten The correct thing for the the i'ourth IJusiiioss Cards. nieiisuring five feet, eight Inches, C, F, BROWN, * for many years to come. and all the season. Cool, light­ Who can beat il? Bessie Orr by Greenville, hy Green­ The oration by Cecil Pollok and the presentation oflhe Senior Enibleni—a weight, comfortable and durable, and AT'IOUNKTS. Buy your Paris Green at Bradley's backs, recently won a race at Geneva, Roman lamp, reilecls much credit to ,Drug store, where the lowest prices N, Y, Best time 2:21 .y, tlie prices are very small: LAWTON T. HEMANS, the orator and the class and the way prevail. * * TTOllNEY AND COUNSELOR AT Kimmel'a department store contin­ in which Jay Field, '00, accepted the A. law, Oltlco over First StiUo and Sav­ .Tiidjje R. R. Pealor of Three Rivers ues the same jirices with a thousand emblem for the Juniors and delivered 39c, 75c, 98c; $1.50. ings bnult, \In80U, MIoh. was elected department coniniunder of more if you call to see. * his oration is conclusive i)roof that the the G. A. R. at tlie encampment at class of '00 has some g(>od material. White IDuck Skirts, 75c to $i.oo. K. SiindorB, Attornuy-iil Law. Mason, , Fred Einmettand Mrs. Celia Tyler, . Mlcli. J.'etoskey last week. G both of ijansing, were married liy Jus­ At the elo-.e of the exercises the EG. 11. OU-iLIOSlME, attorney lit law, at In McCrosaen's window is a relic— tice Squiers last Thursday evening. class of '99 was tendered a reception G Mason, Mlcli. the "saw" from the American Saw by the class of '00 at the K.
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