Advertising Section 475 Rooms to Let Several well developed rooms for single Greeks Fire-proof throughout—Basment Complet Gamma Phi House (Annex will be complete with opening of fall term) MARCH MARCH 17 Engineers hold St. Pat's Day open house. 24 Edna Rasmussen elected President of Wom- 17-18-19 Webster defeats Centralia in finals of the en's Self-Government Association. Mississippi Valley High School Basket- 25-26 Easter Holidays. The rabbit didn't know ball Tourney at Francis Gym. his eggs. 19 Pikers second in Muny Track Meet. 28 The Colonel rounds the campus into shape. Washington defeats Missouri in debate. Golf team to be sent to Nebraska. 22 Mary Dougherty crowned Engineers' Queen 30 Red Heads organize club. at St. Pat's Ball. 31 Nothing to do till next year. "THE SATURDAY NIGHT BANK FOR SAVINGS'' MEMBER FEDERAL ST. LOUIS RESERVE CLEARING BANK HOUSE ASS'N. RESOURCES OVER $20,000,000.00 LAFAYETTE-SOUTH SIDE BANK OF SAINT LOUIS BROADWAY AND LAFAYETTE AVENUE Advertising Section JUST TRY Bell, Olive 1241 «r»C" Walter Alley Baptisine For Antiseptic PRINTING—OFFICE SUPPLIES as a — STATIONERY — SECTIONAL Mouth, Nose and Throat Wash FURNITURE Baptisine Pharmacal Co. 204 NORTH THIRD STREET ST. LOUIS, U. S. A. ESTABLISHED 1873 A. H. Fetting Manufactur- Let Us Build ing Jewelry Company Your Bunk Manufacturers GREEK LETTER FRATERNITY JEWELRY Insulting 213 N. Liberty Street BALTIMORE, MD. Architects An efflorescence of color An abundance of detail MAIN 106 All at a maximum price Most Unworthy Pusher of the Pen HUGHES JERRY PRINTING Most COMPANY Courteous Keeper of the Gabboon BUCK CENTRAL 2491 Place de la Quad Advertising Section 477 We Deliver Anywhere WE make our own Ice Cream and Candy and guarantee satisfac- tion. Try Our Light Lunches 5614-16 We want to satisfy our customers DELMAR and would appreciate your report- 4300 DELMAR, COE. EUCLID ing any discourtesy. Drop Your Anchor Here SATISFACTION ASSURED FURNITURE-BREAKING A SPECIALTY BEAUTY BRAINS BUSINESS Let Us Get You a Date PHONE 812 MANY Delta Gamma Agency Filled with sweetness, fragile, erisp- There's joy in every bite. The sweeping verdict all acclaims 'Fcr-fet-to tastes just right." CARR BROS. After eating Sunshine Perfetto, one can- not help but feel poetical, for it is truly "a biscuit symphony." With its delicious, creamy filling between Insurance toothsome walls of crispness. Sunshine Perfetto is particularly appropriate for serving with ice cream, tea or lemonade. Every hostess will appreciate the dainty touch Perfetto lends to any luncheon. If you have not already done so, please try them. Remember the name and call for Perfetto Wafers 204 N. THIRD STREET GAY BUILDING iscuits ST. LOUIS, MO. 4Y8 Advertising Section B usy Bee "Frato" Vests c andy Shops FOR WELL-DRESSED GREEKS 417 I\ . SEVENTH OLIVE AND SIXTH 617 N. BROADWAY The cork insert does it There is not a more appropriate place to en tertain your cl assmates and friends than our HOLD YOUR HARDWARE WITHOUT HOLES TEA ROOMS AT 417 NORTH SEVENTH STREET See Al. Welle Inventor and Local Agent "No Candies Like Busy Bee Candies" K. A. MANSION For Your Three "Squares' Per Diem Be sure it is a Victrola '"PHE VICTROLA is a talking machine. But not all talk- ing machines are Victrolas. It's well to bear that distinction in mind. The Victor trademark, the famous white dog and the caption "His Master's Voice," unfailingly identifies the Vic- trola. Look for it. No other talking machine but the Vic- trola can have it. Koerber-Brenner Company Victor Wholesalers Welle-Boettler Bakery Co. Saint Louis AMERICAN BAKERY COMPANY PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS I Advertising Section 479 "Good Printingg raysP, Arcade Print Shop We have with us this evening Distinctive Printing Mr. Randall Foster 6042 DELMAR AVENUE who sells good Cabany 163 Insurance AUTOMOBILE, BURGLARY, FIRE, ACCIDENT Commercial, Society and Club Printing WITH Fontaine K. Clendenen, Mgr. Lawton-Byrne-Bruner Ins. Agency Co. 1226 PIERCE BLDG. MAIN—5555—CENTRAL SPEND A PLEASANT DAY OR EVENING SCHUMACHER ON THE MISSISSIPPI UNDERTAKING CO. The Schumacher Funeral Home at your service without cost COLOSSAL STEAMERS "J. S. AND ST. PAUL" Ocean Service on the river's largest, finest and most complete pleasure steamers. 3013—MERAMEC STREET—3013 Large, cool dance floors and nifty ten- piece orchestras. Two trips every day—Rain or Shine. STRECKFUS STEAMBOAT LINE 508 INT. LIFE BLDG. Victor 437 Sidney 2140 MAIN 4770 CENTRAL 1065 MENTION THE HATCHET Advertising Section HOSMER HALL Founded 1884. Boarding and Day School for girls. College pre- paratory and Elective Courses. Music, Expression, Arts, Crafts, Rhythmic dancing. Resident Physical Director. Modern fireproof building near Washington University. ELMA H. BENTON, A.M., Prin. WYDOWN BLVD. ST. LOUIS, MO. WE KILL GERMS BY OUR BGIL IN GASOLINE CLEANING PROCESS Have You Read BEST BY GOVERNMENT TEST The Calendar ? V)uomg'Jt/eing and (?/<'eanmtf 21 BRANCHES PHONE NEAREST Advertising Section ALEX F. KESSLER Fur & Hat Co. 509 LOCUST MEN'S HATS WOMEN'S SPORT HATS FURS "THE HOUSE OF QUANTITY" Kinloch, Delmar 1731 Bell, Lindell 2460 Acme Storage & Moving Company 4210-12-14-16 EASTON AVENUE FINEST MOVING EQUIPMENT IN ST. LOUIS Acme Service for Moving, Packing, Storing and Shipping will save you money Private Steel Rooms for Storage of Household Goods and Automobiles L. J. WITHROW, President -.. AS E.VER- Perfecto Shirts A Product of RICE-STIX Factories Express the last word in Shirt con- struction. The popular fabrics and the latest styles may be seen at the better haberdashers here and else- where. MADE IN Substantially Different Saint Louis and Everything. 482 Advertising Section Tk© tWME @ff ttlhc Advertising Section 4S3 Your Garments FU RNITURE Are Insured RUGS LAMPS Every Garment received by us is insured against loss or damage by fire CARPETS SHADES or theft up to twenty times the charge DRAPERIES WALL WORK for cleaning same. ART OBJECTS UPHOLSTERING JUST PHONE SLIP COVERS BOMONT 107 CENTRAL 4493 Schreiber & Schmoldt ^"^ C and 3. Co. Q/^M^^mM*^^ Kingshigway at Delmar GARMENT CLEANERS FOREST 2232 2306 WASHINGTON AVENUE Invalid Supplies Physicians Surgeons X-Ray Supplies CHAS. A. SCHMIDT INSTRUMENT CO. 3553 OLIVE STREET ST. LOUIS, MO. Lindell 4662 Lindell 3221 H e v i e w Page Four Hundred Eighty-four Advertising Section 485 Refreshments for All University Affairs Served BETTER by the SCHELLER CATERING COMPANY—^° Restaurant Family Trade a Specialty—Receptions and Banquets Served US-Ill NORTH KINGSHIGHWAY Custer N. Gregory LADIES' TAILOR AND E. A. KAM P DRESSMAKER REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE Maker of Join our Saving and Building Ass'n FINE SUITS, COATS AND SPORT TOGS "Save and oivn a home" Odeon Building, 1038 North Grand 216 WAINWRIGHT BUILDING Lindell 176 OLIVE 3242 Favorably known the World over SIX-48 Roadster Built in Saint Louis Advertising Section &rwiaivu>k WM. A. SCHMECKEBIER CANDY CO. 111-113 S. BROADWAY Sole Agents for BONITA CHOCOLATES AND MILLER MADE CANDIES tffinmawick PHONOGRAPHS AND « RECORDS HEAR YOUR FAVORITE RECORD AT FURNITURE CO., CENTRAL 3487 OLIVE 6376 MANNE BROS., 5615-21 Delmar Blvd. CABANY 643 Thirty Years in Building Better Furniture MATH. HERMANN & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS No Charge for the Hermann Chapel and Parlors FAIR AND WEST FLORISSANT AVE. Col fax 881 CHAS M. HERMANN Central 6281 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Advertising Section 487 WHY "El Scratcho" St. Louis Dairy Co. Milk Needles Is Superior From Highland, Illinois, (only thirty-two miles away), wc are now ship- GUARANTEED TO BREAK ALL ping milk to this city in Pasteurized refrigerator cars. This RECORDS milk is brought to you and Bottled from the best source of supply tributary to St. in the Country Louis. In our newly-equipped plant there we pasteurize and bottle this milk—ex- clusively in the country. St. Louis Dairy Company Drive Away Your Mother-in-Law and PHONES: BOMONT 995; CENTRAL 7490 Save Expense "Best By Every Test" Holstein Commission Co. 1002 N.Broadway St. Louis, Mo. GOOD LUCK MARGARINE HOLSTEIN QUALITY EGGS PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS IS Review yy- :y. •. }^yy& 5H£ AM0U-J ^ K» J^UJ^ES > 7 A LITTLE- CHOCOLATE CA,N 5E m Page Four Hundred Eighty-eight 5S Advertisinj Section 489 A Name That Carries Prestige The prestige of The National Bank of Commerce in Saint Louis arises from past achievement and present power. This bank, founded in 1857 as The Saint Louis Building and Savings Association, became, in 1870, The Bank of Com- merce, and, in 1889, The National Bank of Commerce. Thus, for sixty-four years, it has been a bulwark of finance in Saint Louis; and, for the past thirty-two years, has borne its present corporate title. Today, with seven distinct departments and with total re- sources of more than eighty million dollars, it stands as one of the largest and most progressive institutions in the West. There is a distinct benefit to any person or concern in main- taining an account with a bank thus widely and favorably known. The name of The National Bank of Commerce on your check, wherever that check may circulate, will carry prestige. The National Bank of Commerce in Saint Louis Broadway and Olive Index to Advertisers Name Page No. Name Page No. AMUSEMENTS. CEMETERIES AND CREMATORIES. Streckfus Steamboat Line 479 Valhalla Cemetery 429 Winter Garden Ice Rink 433 American Mortuary Co 470 ARCADE BUILDING AND SHOPS. Valhalla Crematory and Mausoleum 468 CLEANERS AND DYERS; LAUNDRIES. Arcade Section 448-449-450-451 Dodson Cleaning Co 424 AUTOMOBILES. Lungstras Dyeing and Cleaning Co 480 Hudson-Frampton Motor Car Co 387 Staten Island Cleaning and Dyeing Co 483 Lewis Automobile Co 434 Westminster Lanudry Co 411 Mid-States Motors Corporation 442 COAL AND ICE.
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