Public Document No. t7 mlft QJ.nmnutltUtta1t1f of aassadlltllftts ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE J~ss:. FOXBOROUGH STATE HOSPITAL(I;,sdoe FOR THE Y E AR ENDING NOVEMBER 30 1939 D E PARTME NT OF M E NTAL HEALTH PUBLICATION OF THIS DOCUMENT APPROVED BY THE COMMISSION ON ADMTNISTllA1l0N AND FINAN( Ii: 500--7-4~Req. P - 1l4 OC:CUPAnONAL ""INTI"'" ~NT O~AfltTME.NT OF MENTAL HEALTH ClA.ltDNIER STATE HOSPrTAL ."'aT GlA .. DNIi ... MA ••. I ~ " ... '\ ~ .," • Il, . ( ~ . ." .... FEB Ll 1Q4 FOXBOROUq,-H, ST~&E WITAL (Post Office Address: Foxborough, Mass.) BOARD OF TRUSTEES DR. E. H. LEWIS HARNETT, Chairman, Dorchester MRS. HELEN J. FAY, Secretary, Westwood MRS. ETHEL W. DODD, Wrentham MR. WILLIAM H. BANNON, Foxborough MR. BENNET B. BRISTOL, Foxborough MR. WILLIAM J. BULMAL'<, Broakton MR. NOEL C. KING, Holbrook OFFICERS OF THE HOSPITAL DR. RODERICK B. DEXTER, Superintewlent DR. GROSVENOR B. PEARSON, Assistant Superintewlent DR. DAVID ROTHSCHILD, Senio.r Physician, Patho.lo.gist DR. MORRIS L. SHARP, Senio.r Physician DR. JOHN T. SHEA, Senio.r Physician DR. MARGARET R. SIMPSON, Senio.r Physician DR. ISRAEL ZELTZERMAN, Assistant Physician DR. CARL V. LENDGREN, Assistant Physician DR. ZOE ULLIAN, Assistant Physician DR. ARTHUR E. BURKE, Resident in Psychiatry DR. EDWARD L. SMALL, Dentist MR. CHESTER R. HARPER, Steward MISS HARRIETT S. BAYLEY, Treasurer CONSULTING STAFF DR. IRVING J . WALKER, Surgery DR. ARTHUR B. DONOVAN, Surgery DR. LAURENCE J. LOUIS, Surgel'y DR. E. PARKER HAYDEN, Surgery Lo.wer Abdo.men and Pro.cto.lo.gy DR. OTTO J. HERMANN, Ortho.pedic Surgery DR. RUSSELL F. SULLIVAN, Ortho.pedic Surgery DR. CHARLES B. MCCL"'N, Gyneco.lo.gy and Obstetrics DR. WILLIAM J. McDoNALD, Gyneco.lo.gy and Obstetrics DR. JOHN J. THORNTON, Gyneco.lo.gy awl Obstetrics DR. AUGUSTUS J. RILEY, Genito.-Urinary Surgery DR. CHESTER S. KEEFER, Internal Medicine DR. W. RICHARD OHLER, Internal Medicine DR. CADIS PHIPPS, I nternal Medicine DR. CALVIN B. FAUNCE, Oto.lo.gy - Larnygo.lo.gy - Rhino.lo.gy DR. WILLIAM T. HALEY, Oto.lo.gy - Larnygo.lo.gy - Rhino.lo.gy DR. JAMES J. REGAN, Ophthalmo.lo.gy DR. WALTER A. GRIFFIN, Pulmo.nary Diseases DR. ARIAL W. GEORGE, Ro.entgeno.lo.gy DR. RALPH D. LEONARD, Ro.entbeno.lo.gy DR. FRANK A. DUNBAR, Patho.lo.gy DR. HAROLD J. MORGAN, Oral SUlgery HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS MR. WILLIAM W. WHITE, Chief Engineer MR. CHARLES F. THURSTON, Head Farmer MR. GEORGE CLARK, Maintenance Fo.reman MISS ILA P. JACKSON, R.N., Supt. o.f Nurses and Principal o.f Training Schaal MISS ELIZABETH L. MOSELEY, Head Psychiatric So.cial Wo.rker MISS MILDRED J. SHANNON, Principal Clerk and Steno.grapher MISS VERONICA 1. CAVANAUGH, Head Occupatio.nal Therapist MISS CATHERINE MULLANE, Head Institutio.nal Ho.usekeeper MR. ALBERT D. KELLY, Chief Male Superviso.r . .. ' .. ... " P.D.47 3 TRUSTEES' REPORT To His ExceUency, the Governor, and the Honorable Council: The Trustees of the Foxborough State Hospital have the honor to submit herewith the forty-eighth annual report covering the fiscal year ending ovember 30, 1939. Meetings were held regularly with a majority of the members present at each meeting. Frequent visits to the wards and other parts of the institution were made and con­ ferences were held with the superintendent pertaining to maintenance and the further development of the institution. During the year particular attention has been given to having the affairs of the hospital administered as economically as pos ible and at the same time maintain the necessary tandard in the care of the patients. In the report submitted by the Superintendent and to be found el ewhere, a description in detail is given covering the work of the institution throughout the year and of the new construction considered to be necessary. In 1939 the sum of $7,500 was granted as a special appropriation for the completion of Ward Building E and it is expected that the project will be completed early next year. In 1938 the sum of $15,000 was appropriated for the purchase of property bordering along Payson Road. By the close of 1939 title had been acquired to six parcels of land, leaving one yet to be purchased. It is hoped that in the near future Payson Road will be abandoned as a public highway and thus elinlinate the menace which has existed because of the large amount of vehicular traffic. The high pei'centage of over-crowding has continued to make difficult the satisfactory care of the patients. In order to keep up with the continuous growth of the hospital, an increase is needed in the medical and other personnel, besides alterations to some buildings and construction of others. Particularly urgent is the remodelling of the E wing of Ward Building 0 and the construction of an addition thereto for the use of patients of the disturbed type. The second floor of Ward Building C is now occupied by employees with patients on the floor below and in the adjOining buildings. This building should be completely remodelled to increase the fire protection and used exclusively for patients with accommodations provided elsewhere for the employees. The kitchen, dining room, and bakery facilities are taxed beyond their capacity and to meet this need the service building should be remodelled and such additional improve­ ments as are necessary to furnish adequate dining room space. A medical and surgical building is needed to take care of the hospital and infu'm patients and of sick employees. As previously recommended, it seems necessary to purchase two additional parcels of land along the southern boundary of the hospital at an approximate cost of 6,000 to provide a site for the relocation of Chestnut Street and a suitable formal entrance to the hospital grounds. Other needs are the installation of a sprinkler system in two buildings occupied by employees, the con truction of a hospital garage, and of a hen house at the Colony Farm, the remodelling of the old assembly building for vegetable storage, and the installation of a grounds lighting system. These alterations and additions would increase the capacity of the institution and make for a more economical and atisfactory administration. Respectfully submitted, E. H . L EWIS HARNETT BENNET B . BRISTOL WILLIAM J. B ULMAN ETHEL W. DODD OEL C. KING H ELEN J. FAY WILLIAM H. BANNON Trustees. SUPERI TENDENT'S REPORT To the Trustees of the F'oxborough tatc Hospital: The forty-eighth annual report of the Superintendent of the Foxborough State Hospital for the year ending November 30, 1939, is herewith respectfully submitted. The statistical tables contained herein are for the year ending September 30, 1939. MOVEMENT OF POPULATION On September 30, 1938, the census of the hospital was as follows: On the wards, men, 649; women, 756; total, 1,405 ; on parole or otherwise absent, men, 52; women, 67; total, 119. The total number of patients in the care of the Hospital was 1,524, of whom 701 were men and 823 women. 4 P.D.4'1 On October 1, 1938, there were on the books of the hospital 701 men, 823 women, total, 1,524. First admission by regular court commitment as insane, 105 men, 76 women; for temporary care, 8 men, 4 women; for observation care 21 men, 13 women. Voluntary, 0 men, 2 women. The total of all first admissions were 134 men, 95 women. Readmissions, by regular court commitment, 40 men, 32 women; by voluntary commit­ ment, 1 man, 0 women; for temporary care, 1 man, 1 woman, for observation care, 6 men, 4 women. Total of all readmissions were 48 men, 37 women. Transfers from other hospitals for mental diseases, by regular court commitment, 2 men, 7 women. Total of all transfers were 9. There was a total of 323 patients received during the year. The average daily number of ex-service patients was 41.500. MEDICAL STENOGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT The work of the statistical and medical stenographic department has been carried on by Miss Mildred J. Shannon, Principal Clerk. In the final section of this report there is complete information concerning the move­ ment of population and statistical tables as adopted by the American Psychiatric Association, prescribed by the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. MEDICAL SERVICE Changes in Personnel.-Dr. Aznive A. Ner&essian who had been a member of the hospital staff from November 11, 1933 until May 1, 1939, resigned to enter general practice. Dr. Zoe Ullian was appointed to fill this position. Dr. Mary Hammond, Senior Physician, who had been a member of the hospital staff from September 1, 1937, resigned on September 1, 1939. Dr. Margaret R. Simpson was appointed Senior Physician on October 22, 1939 to fill this vacancy with the special assignment of Director of Traveling School Clinic. Dr. Simpson came as a transfer from the Boston State Hospital where she had been a member of the staff from 1935. Employees.-At the close of the fiscal year the personnel consisted of 323 employees. During the year a total of 112 left the service and a total of 107 were appointed. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL CARE The consulting and visiting staff continued the same as in the previous year. The service rendered has been very prompt in providing the necessary expert medical and surgical care in major cases. Many minor operations were performed by members of the resident staff. Besides these the following major work was done: Laparotomy and appendectomy; simple appendectomy; cholecystectomy; cholecystotomy and chole­ lithiosis; herniotomy, right; supra-cervical hysterectomy; radical mastoidectomy, left; simple mastoidectomy, right; radical mastectomy, left; simple mastectomy, left; repair of volvulus with ilio-colotomy, incision and drainage; blood transfusion - indirect method; tonsillectomy; closed reduction of fractures under anesthesia, applications of plaster casts.
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