Featured in Smoke & Salt 2018 Barbecue Restaurants Mission BBQ Checkered Pig Barbecue Charlottesville Danville 434-260-7740 434-793-7447 Central: Restaurants Mission-BBQ.com CheckeredPig.com Paulie’s Pig Out Moe’s Original Bar B Que The Fishin’ Pig Afton Charlottesville Farmville 434-361-2001 434-244-7427 434-223-3287 MoesOriginalBBQ.com FishinPig.com Beale’s Brewery & BBQ Bedford Red Hub Food Co. Le’Pough’s Barbecue 540-583-5113 Charlottesville Fort Lee BealesBeer.com 434-975-2271 804-454-6556 RedHubFoodCo.com LePoughsBBQVa.com In Good Taste Blackstone Brock’s Barbecue Allman’s Barbeque 434-292-2523 Chester Fredericksburg 804-796-7539 540-373-9881 BBQ Connection BrocksBBQ.com Allmans-BBQ.com Bremo Bluff 434-842-2000 Sibley and Son BBQ BC’s BBQ and Grill BBQConnectionLLC.com Colonial Heights Fredericksburg 804-835-9615 540-993-1018 Drug Store Grill BullCockSwine.com Brookneal Smoked Kitchen and Tap 434-376-2116 Crozet Dickey’s Barbecue Pit DrugStoreGrill.com 434-205-4881 Fredericksburg SmokedKT.com 540-710-0700 Ace Biscuit & Barbecue Dickeys.com Charlottesville SWAY Taphouse & Grill 434-202-1403 Crozet Dixie Bones AceBiscuitBBQ.comcastbiz.net 434-823-4328 Fredericksburg 540-479-8299 Lazy Parrot Backyard BBQ Shawn’s Smokehouse BBQ DixieBones.com Charlottesville Culpeper 434-244-0723 540-317-5692 McCoy’s BBQ LazyParrotBackyardBBQ.com ShawnsBBQ.com Fredericksburg 540-760-7078 ME2 Market and Eatery Uncle Elder’s Family McCoysBBQ.com Charlottesville Restaurant 434-297-2201 Culpeper Shane’s Rib Shack ME2Shop.net 540-317-5718 Fredericksburg UncleEldersBBQ.com 540-785-4234 ShanesRibShack.com Listings are alphabetized first by city, then by business name within each region. Enhancements to listings are paid for by individual businesses. Featured in Smoke & Salt 2018 Smokey Bones Bar & Fire Bistro Bros. BBQ Billiken’s BBQ Company Grill Lynchburg Mineral Fredericksburg 434-439-4212 540-895-5285 540-548-1201 BistroBBQ.com BillikensBBQCompany.net SmokeyBones.com Fifth & Federal Station JJ’s Meat Shak Sweet N Sassy BBQ Company Lynchburg Moneta Fredericksburg 434-386-8113 540-297-3500 540-376-7352 FifthAndFederal.com JJsMeatShak.com SweetNSassyBBQCo.com Pok-E-Joe’s Blue Ridge Pig Q Barbeque Lynchburg Nellysford Glen Allen 434-386-5637 434-361-1170 804-261-7227 PokEJoesBBQ.com QBarbeque.com Mountain View BBQ Pig N’ Steak Orange The Halligan Bar and Grill Madison 540-308-7050 Glen Allen 540-948-3130 804-364-2707 PigAndSteak.com King’s BBQ Restaurant TheHalliganBar.com Petersburg Silver Pig Barbecue 804-732-0975 CD’s Barbeque Madison Heights KingsFamousBarbecue.com Goochland 434-846-5676 804-239-3452 SilverPigBBQ.com Little Pig Barbecue Petersburg BBQ Exchange Piedmont Smokehouse 804-861-4046 Gordonsville Maidens 540-832-0227 804-972-4070 Nanny’s Restaurant and BBQEx.com PiedmontSmokehouse.com Catering Petersburg Deep Run Roadhouse Carter’s Pig Pen Bar-B-Que 804-733-6619 Henrico Mechanicsville NannysBBQ.com 804-740-6301 804-730-3616 DeepRunRoadhouse.com CartersPigPenBarbque.com Saucy’s Sit-Down BarBQ Petersburg Smoke Pit Grill Extra Billy’s Smokehouse 804-504-3075 Henrico Midlothian SaucysBBQ.com 804-977-1200 804-379-8727 SmokePitGrill.com ExtraBillys.com Wildwood Bar-B-Que Powhatan Smokin’ Eddie’s BBQ The Flyin’ Pig 804-372-9574 Louisa Midlothian WildwoodBarbque.com 540-967-1990 804-447-4592 TheFlyinPigRestaurant.com Listings are alphabetized first by city, then by business name within each region. Enhancements to listings are paid for by individual businesses. Featured in Smoke & Salt 2018 Alamo BBQ Prince George Family Central: Food Trucks Richmond Barbecue 804-592-3138 Richmond Earl’s Carolina BBQ AlamoBBQ.com 804-275-2009 Forest PGBBQ.com 434-609-2526 Alexander’s BBQ EarlsCarolinaBBQ.com Richmond Ronnie’s BBQ 804-740-3135 Richmond Pifer Bros. BBQ 804-507-1575 Fredericksburg Big Daddy’s Barbecue and RonniesBBQ.com 540-295-5646 Ribs PiferBrosBBQ.com Richmond TD’s Smokehouse BBQ 804-560-1570 Richmond TNT’Z Smoked BBQ 804-741-9804 Fredericksburg Buz and Ned’s Real Barbecue TDsSmokehouse.com 540-656-3287 Richmond 804-346-4227 Traditionz Smokehouse Butch’s Nuttin Butt BBQ BuzAndNeds.com Richmond Mineral 804-997-4986 540-872-6202 Dunn’s Drive In Barbecue EatAtTraditionz.com ButchsNuttinButtBBQ.com Richmond 804-329-4676 Virginia Barbeque Smok N Pigz BBQ DunnsBarbque.com Richmond Powhatan 804-794-2585 804-335-8633 Firehouse Bar-B-Q VirginiaBBQ.com SmokNPigzBBQ.com Richmond 804-977-1181 ZZQ Jus Cukn FH-BBQ.com Richmond Richmond 804-310-5711 804-921-7068 Hogshead Café ZZQRVA.com JusCukn.com Richmond 804-308-0281 Hillbilly Red’s Barbeque Central: Caterers TheHogsheadCafe.com Sandston 804-737-2007 The Local Inner City Blues Charlottesville Richmond Risin’ Smoke Barbecue 434-422-5140 804-649-3424 South Hill Catering.TheLocal-CVille.com 434-447-4994 Jackson’s Beer Garden & Tred Hunt Barbecue and Smokehouse Wilson Bros. Barbecue Catering Richmond South Hill Chatham 804-447-0030 434-447-7440 434-439-3621 JacksonsBeerGardenAnd TredHuntCatering.com Smokehouse.com Listings are alphabetized first by city, then by business name within each region. Enhancements to listings are paid for by individual businesses. Featured in Smoke & Salt 2018 Baker’s BBQ and Seafood Bubba-N-Frank’s K & L Barbecue Chester Smokehouse Hopewell 804-295-5301 Carrollton 804-458-4241 757-238-2148 Southern Smokin’ BBQ BubbaNFranks.com Savannah Joe’s BBQ Chesterfield Kilmarnock 804-380-9155 Johnson’s Bar-B-Que 804-435-6000 SouthernSmokinBBQ.com Chesapeake SmokinJoesBarbeque.com 757-545-6957 Blazing Saddles BBQ Smoke BBQ Restaurant and Fredericksburg Mission BBQ Bar 540-841-0462 Chesapeake Newport News 757-567-4853 757-595-4320 Mill Valley Barbeque SmokeNN.com Madison Smokey Bones Bar & Fire 540-948-3020 Grill Doumar’s Cones and MillValleyBBQ.com Chesapeake Barbecue 757-361-6843 Norfolk Captain Rob’s Pigalicious SmokeyBones.com 757-627-4163 Barbecue Doumars.com Mechanicsville The BBQ Shack 804-399-3587 Chesapeake Megallon’s Gourmet RobsBBQCatering.com 757-485-5403 Barbecue Norfolk Honey Hog Willey’s Road Stove 757-531-1131 Reva Colonial Beach 540-878-8754 Mojo Bones Prince George Family Norfolk Spider-Q Barbecue 757-480-6656 Richmond Disputanta MojoBones.com 804-418-0060 804-732-3278 PGBBQ.com Sam’s Texas Sub Shop The Cultured Swine Norfolk Richmond Larry’s BBQ 757-333-4908 804-617-9532 Dunnsville 804-514-4485 Small’s Smokehouse & Oyster Eastern: Restaurants Bar Scoot’s BBQ Norfolk Porky’s BBQ Gloucester Point 757-626-3440 Capron 804-993-7063 SmallsODU.com 434-658-3131 County Grill and Smokehouse Smoken Que’s Barbeque & Hampton Grill 757-723-0600 Portsmouth CountyGrill.com 757-484-7075 Listings are alphabetized first by city, then by business name within each region. Enhancements to listings are paid for by individual businesses. Featured in Smoke & Salt 2018 Twisted Pig Ale and Jake’s Smokehouse Bar-B- Pierce’s Pitt Bar-B-Que Smokehouse Que Williamsburg Portsmouth Virginia Beach 757-565-2955 757-399-7557 757-721-7850 Pierces.com TwistedOink.com JakesSmokehouseBBQ.com Red Hot & Blue Q Daddy’s Pitmaster BBQ Malbon Brothers BBQ Williamsburg Smithfield Virginia Beach 757-259-1670 757-542-4227 757-427-9607 RedHotAndBlue.com QDaddysBBQ.com MalbonBrothersBBQ.com Rocco’s Smokehouse Grille Rodman’s Bar-B-Que Mobile PigNic BBQ and Williamsburg Suffolk Catering 757-253-8550 757-484-1297 Virginia Beach RoccoSmokehouseGrill.com RodmansBarBQ.com 757-233-2992 MobilePigNic.com Wilkes Bar-B-Q Co. That Good BBQ Hampton Suffolk Rib City 757-722-4240 757-539-0400 Virginia Beach ThatGoodBBQ.com 757-961-3690 My Mama’s Kitchen RibCity.com Norfolk Two Drummers Smokehouse 757-233-0433 Toano Smoked From Above BBQ 757-250-3839 and Ribs Ellen’s Homestyle & BBQ TwoDrummersSmokehouse.com Virginia Beach Express, LLC 757-499-4959 Portsmouth Something Different SmokedFromAboveBBQ.com 757-606-1220 Urbanna 804-758-8000 Whitner’s Barbecue Jones’ Restaurant SomeDiff.com Virginia Beach Portsmouth 757-689-8215 757-484-1996 Beach Bully BBQ Restaurant WhitnersBBQ.com JonesBarbecue.com Virginia Beach 757-422-4222 Cowling’s Bar-Be-Que 412Q Barbeque BeachBully.com Waverly Virginia Beach 804-834-3100 757-301-8910 Bracken’s BBQ 412QBBQ.com Virginia Beach Old City Barbeque 757-963-1636 Williamsburg Aloha Hawaiian BBQ BrackensBBQ.com 757-378-5125 Virginia Beach OldCityBBQ.com 757-499-9699 Carolina Son BBQ AlohaHawaiianBBQVB.com Virginia Beach 757-416-5980 Listings are alphabetized first by city, then by business name within each region. Enhancements to listings are paid for by individual businesses. Featured in Smoke & Salt 2018 Dave’s BBQ Northern: Restaurants Backyard Barbeque and Virginia Beach Catering Company 757-434-6093 Dickey’s Barbecue Pit Arlington DavesBBQVB.com Alexandria 703-534-2510 855-490-8227 BackyardBBQCompany.com Red Rice Grill Dickeys.com Virginia Beach Epic Smokehouse 757-963-8900 Famous Dave’s Bar-B-Que Arlington Alexandria 571-319-4001 Eastern: Food Trucks 703-660-8541 EpicSmokehouse.com FamousDaves.com Another Bite BBQ Harry’s Smokehouse Hopewell Johnny Mac’s Rib Shack Arlington 804-721-6440 Alexandria 703-416-7070 703-360-2200 The Scottish Pig King Street Blues Lanexa Mission BBQ Arlington 804-363-2382 Alexandria 703-415-2583 TheScottishPig.com 571-932-3100 KingStreetBlues.com Suck on This BBQ Myron Mixon’s Pitmaster Texas Jack’s Barbecue Toano Barbecue Arlington 757-561-7438 Alexandria 703-875-0477 703-535-3340 TXJacks.com 412Q BBQ MyronMixonsPitmasterBBQ.com Virginia Beach Carolina Brothers 757-301-8910 Pork Barrel BBQ Ashburn 412QBBQ.com Alexandria 703-729-7070 703-822-5699 CarolinaBrothers.com J A’s Bangin’ Ribs BBQDelRay.com Virginia Beach Urban Bar-B-Que 757-309-8027 Rocklands Barbeque and Ashburn JABBQ.net Grilling Company 703-858-7226 Alexandria ILoveUBQ.com Red River Smokehouse 703-778-9663 Virginia Beach Rocklands.com Willard’s BBQ 757-288-0622 Chantilly Sweet Fire Donna’s 703-488-9970 Eastern: Caterers Alexandria DCBBQ.com 571-312-7960 SweetFireDonnas.com Red Hot & Blue Blazin’ Goats BBQ Fairfax Chesapeake 703-218-6989 757-821-7315 RedHotAndBlue.com BlazinGoats.com Listings are alphabetized first by city, then by business name within each region.
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